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TypeScript Bundle For Symfony

This bundle allows you to compile TypeScript and use it with Symfony's AssetMapper Component (no Node.js required!).

  • Automatically downloads the correct SWC binary
  • Adds a typescript:build command to compile your TypeScript files
  • Automatically compiles your TypeScript files when you run asset-map:compile command


Install the bundle:

$ composer require sensiolabs/typescript-bundle


Start by setting the sensiolabs_typescript.source_dir option to the list of locations where your TypeScript files are located.

For instance, if your TypeScript code lives in assets/typescript/ directory, with an assets/typescript/app.ts entrypoint file, set the option like this:

# config/packages/asset_mapper.yaml
    source_dir: ['%kernel.project_dir%/assets/typescript']

Then load your TypeScript files in your templates:

{# templates/base.html.twig #}

{% block javascripts %}
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('typescript/app.ts') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}

Finally run this command:

# to compile only the TypeScript files
$ php bin/console typescript:build --watch

# to compile ALL your assets
$ php bin/console asset-map:compile

And that's it!

Symfony CLI

If using the Symfony CLI, you can add the build command as a worker to be started whenever you run symfony server:start:

# .symfony.local.yaml
    # ...
        cmd: ['symfony', 'console', 'typescript:build', '--watch']


If running symfony server:start as a daemon, you can run symfony server:log to tail the output of the worker.

How Does it Work?

The first time you run one of the TypeScript commands, the bundle will download the correct SWC binary for your system into the var/ directory.

When you run typescript:build, that binary is used to compile TypeScript files into a var/typescript/ directory. Finally, when the contents of assets/typescript/app.ts is requested, the bundle swaps the contents of that file with the contents of the var/typescript/ directory.


To see the full config from this bundle, run:

$ php bin/console config:dump sensiolabs_typescript

The main option is source_dir, which defaults to [%kernel.project_dir%/assets]. This is an array of the directories that will be compiled.

Using a different binary

This bundle already installed for you the right SWC binary. However, if you already have a SWC binary installed on your machine you can instruct the bundle to use that binary with the binary option:

# config/packages/asset_mapper.yaml
    binary: 'node_modules/.bin/swc'

Configuring the compiler

You can configure the SWC compiler by setting the swc_config_file option to the the path to your .swcrc file:

# config/packages/asset_mapper.yaml
    swc_config_file: '%kernel.project_dir%/.swcrc'