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File metadata and controls

128 lines (91 loc) · 2.96 KB

API Overview

Rotation API

Rotation API helps you to rotate to a slice index or to a specified angle, with or without animation.

  • Rotates to the specified index. If you need to rotate with animation, change the animationDuration.
func rotate(toIndex index: Int, animationDuration: CFTimeInterval = 0.00001)
  • Rotates to the specified angle offset. If you need to rotate with animation, change the animationDuration.
func rotate(rotationOffset: CGFloat, animationDuration: CFTimeInterval = 0.00001)

  • Starts continuos rotation animation
func startContinuousRotationAnimation()
  • Stops all animations
func stopRotation()

  • Starts rotation animation and stops rotation at the specified index and rotation angle offset.
func startRotationAnimation(finishIndex: Int, rotationOffset: CGFloat, _ completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?)
  • Starts rotation animation and stops rotation at the specified index.
func startRotationAnimation(finishIndex: Int, _ completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?)
  • Starts rotation animation and stops rotation at the specified rotation offset angle.
func startRotationAnimation(rotationOffset: CGFloat, _ completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?)
  • Starts continuos rotation and stops rotation at the specified index.
func startRotationAnimation(finishIndex: Int, continuousRotationTime: Int, _ completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?)

pinImageView and spinButton API

There some variables that can be set via Interface Builder or through code. However, if you need deeper customize pinImageView or spinButton, you need also use pinPreferences or spinButtonPreferences in the configuration parameter.

  • Pin image name from assets catalog, sets image to the pinImageView.
@IBInspectable var pinImage: String?
  • is pinImageView hidden.
@IBInspectable var isPinHidden: Bool
  • Spin button image name from assets catalog, sets image to the spinButton.
@IBInspectable var spinImage: String?
  • Spin button background image from assets catalog, sets background image to the spinButton.
@IBInspectable var spinBackgroundImage: String?
  • Spin button title text, sets title text to the spinButton.
@IBInspectable var spinTitle: String?
  • Is spinButton hidden.
@IBInspectable var isSpinHidden: Bool
  • Is spinButton enabled.
@IBInspectable var isSpinEnabled: Bool

Tap Gesture API

  • Select Index via tap gesture.
@IBOutlet weak var fortuneWheel: SwiftFortuneWheel! {
	didSet {
		//turns on tap gesture recognizer
		fortuneWheel.wheelTapGestureOn = true
		//selected index by tap
		fortuneWheel.onWheelTap = { (index) in
    		print("tap to index: \(index)")