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157 lines (115 loc) · 4.97 KB

(✿◠‿◠) prettier-standard Build Status version Modern Node

prettier and standard brought together

While standard is a linter, prettier-standard is a formatter. You don't have to fix any warnings anymore 😌

Warning: Most recent version of prettier-standard is compatible with eslint >= 5 and node >= 8. If you're looking for support for older versions of eslint or node please npm install --save prettier-standard@8


yarn add --dev prettier-standard

If you're using the npm: npm install --save-dev prettier-standard.

You can also install globally with npm install -g prettier-standard


Prettier and standard brought together!

  $ prettier-standard

  --check   Do not format, just check formatting
  --parser  Force parser to use (default: babel)

  $ prettier-standard
  $ prettier-standard '**/*.{js,css}'
  $ echo 'const {foo} = "bar";' | prettier-standard
  $ echo '.foo { color: "red"; }' | prettier-standard --parser css


Typically you'll use this in your npm scripts (or package scripts):

  "scripts": {
    "format": "prettier-standard '**/*'"

We also encourage to use husky and lint-staged. You can configure it as follows:

  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    "linters": {
      "**/*": ["prettier-standard", "git add"]

NOTE: Unlike prettier this package simplifies your workflow by making --write flag a default, and allowing for passing code to stdin without additional --stdin flag.


It's probably best to use ale plugin. It supports multiple fixers, including prettier-standard:

Plug 'w0rp/ale'
let g:ale_fixers = {'javascript': ['prettier_standard']}
let g:ale_linters = {'javascript': ['']}
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1

Sublime Text 3

It's possible to use 'prettier-standard' with Sublime Text 3.

  1. Install 'prettier-standard' globally according to the installation instructions above.
  2. Find the location of your installed executable file. On a unix based system (like MacOS):
$ which prettier-standard
  1. Copy the location. (e.g. /usr/local/bin/prettier-standard)
  2. Install SublimeJsPrettier according to their installation instructions.
  3. Open SublimeJsPrettier's default settings in Sublime and copy the line: "prettier_cli_path": ""
  4. Open SublimeJsPrettier's user settings in Sublime and add the line with the correct location of the 'prettier-standard' executable.
  "prettier_cli_path": "/usr/local/bin/prettier-standard"

You can now use 'prettier-standard' in Sublime Text 3 by opening the Command Palette (super + shift + p) and typing JsPrettier: Format Code.


You can use .prettierrc for overriding some options, e.g to use semistandard:

  "semi": true

Ignoring Files

You can use .prettierignore file for ignoring any files to format, e.g:



prettier-standard exposes the same API as prettier:

It also exposes one additional method that works similarly to its CLI:

run(cwd, config)

  • cwd - path where to execute prettier-standard
  • config - object configuring execution
    • patterns - patterns to use for formatting files (array of strings)
    • check - whether to check instead of format files (boolean, default: false)
    • onProcess - callback that is called for each processed file matching pattern: { file, formatted, check, runtime }