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46 lines (45 loc) · 3.88 KB

File metadata and controls

46 lines (45 loc) · 3.88 KB

TODO Items

  • Documentation
    • Screencast of how to use tool on projects
    • Create a homepage
    • Add interactive html or svg examples to homepage
    • Add a
    • Ruby gem docs
    • Add example visualisations for "good" vs "bad" architectures
  • Progress messages
    • Progress bar?
  • Allow user to specify a single component and the tool should print only that component
  • Print out dependency graphs for all components by default if no single component is specified
  • Use a compiler to get the includes for a file rather than manually scanning the contents
    • Command to generate overall file/class dependency graph if a project doesn't have many components
    • Command to generate individual file/class dependency graph
    • Manual scanning does not work when #includes are #ifdef'ed out for example
    • include vs "project" include (how will this work for third party sources that are not part of the codebase?)
    • Work with any type of include relative includes ('blah.h') vs absolute includes ('/path/blah.h') vs relative with path includes ('blah/blah.h')
    • Look at to see if it can generate dependencies
  • Parallelise dependency scanning as much as possible to get the best possible performance
    • Use a threadpool? Look at reference implementations
  • Open up the graph automatically after generating an individual graph
  • Work with any sort of project structure
    • Header only projects
    • source and header files for component in same directory
    • source files in same directory but header files in a separate inc directory
    • source files in same directory but header files in a global inc directory (all project header files in one place)
    • source files and header files don't have matching names (i.e. there's an api.h header file and various source files implement them)
    • Try it out on various small/large C/C++ open source projects
  • Provide coupling/cohesion metrics, lookup metrics from Clean Architecture and this
  • Ignore list? Some components may not want to be seen
  • Use a yaml config file? A pain to pass a whole heap of arguments every time
  • Make the tool incremental? Only generate parts of the new graph if something has changed. Something to think about
  • Handling duplicate component names? Use a unique identifier (perhaps the path?)
  • Visualisation
    • Highlight strongly coupled components (i.e. have lots of outgoing/incoming dependencies). How to visualise strongly coupled components?
    • Interface vs implementation coupling (interface is worse!). Highlighting interface vs implementation coupling between components on graph?
    • Hierarchy diagram for components with no cycles? (
    • Pack diagram for just visualising components (
    • Look at using subgraphs of the dot/svg language to cluster component dependencies in the graph
    • Create a d3 donut graph with relative sizes of components in project? This'll probably show which components need to be further split up (something like this
    • Node size - base it on how many source files (or lines of code) or how many connections going in/out of node?
    • Provide a 'zoom' slider on the visualisation to zoom in/out of the view (high level dependencies to low-level dependencies)
    • Visualise components matching user provided regex only
    • 3D visualisation using something like