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File metadata and controls

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Advanced topics

Lets now get into more advanced use cases.

Recording rules

With recording rules, Prometheus creates new time series from existing time series, improving the response time for queries which are often executed.

Exercise: Create a recording rule that stores the percentage of CPU idle across all CPUs.

Advanced relabeling

Start the blackbox_exporter service:

blackbox_exporter --config.file=conf/advanced_topics/blackbox.yml

Check that the service is working:

curl http://localhost:9115/probe?target=

Restart the Prometheus service to scrape the blackbox_exporter:

prometheus --config.file=conf/advanced_topics/prometheus.yml --storage.tsdb.path=./data/prometheus

Exercise: write an alerting rule checking the validity of the SSL certifcate for

Pitfalls and gotchas

  • Instrumentation
    • Limit the number of values per label (a user_id label is probably a bad idea).
    • Avoid missing time series.
    • Respect the naming conventions.
  • Avoid dropping labels in alerts.
  • Use the for clause in alerts and make it neither too short (< 1m) nor too long (> 1h).
  • Don't scrape targets sparsely. The maximum recommended scrape interval is 2 minutes because otheriwse Prometheus may mark time series as stale (the default look-back interval is 5 minutes).
  • Always rate() before sum().


Federation allows a single Prometheus instance to gather metrics from multiple Promethei. It is important to remember that only a subset of the original metrics should be pulled.

Remote storage

When you want to keep metrics around for longer than a couple of months or when you want to consolidate metrics from different locations (≠ federation), you want to look at remote storage options.

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