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File metadata and controls

executable file
96 lines (80 loc) · 4.49 KB
category type title cover
Data Entry

Cascade selection box.

When To Use

  • When you need to select from a set of associated data set. Such as province/city/district, company level, things classification.
  • When selecting from a large data set, with multi-stage classification separated for easy selection.
  • Chooses cascade items in one float layer for better user experience.
import { NzCascaderModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/cascader';


<nz-cascader [nzOptions]="options" [(ngModel)]="values"></nz-cascader>


Property Description Type Default Global Config
[ngModel] selected value any[] -
[nzAllowClear] whether allow clear boolean true
[nzAutoFocus] whether auto focus the input box boolean false
[nzBackdrop] whether or not the overlay should attach a backdrop boolean false
[nzChangeOn] change value on each selection if this function return true (option: any, index: number) => boolean -
[nzChangeOnSelect] change value on each selection if set to true, see above demo for details boolean false
[nzColumnClassName] additional className of column in the popup overlay string -
[nzDisabled] whether disabled select boolean false
[nzExpandIcon] Customize the current item expand icon string|TemplateRef<void> -
[nzExpandTrigger] expand current item when click or hover, one of 'click' 'hover' 'click'|'hover' 'click'
[nzLabelProperty] the label property name of options string 'label'
[nzLabelRender] render template of displaying selected options TemplateRef<any> -
[nzLoadData] To load option lazily. If setting ngModel with an array value and nzOptions is not setting, lazy load will be call immediately (option: any, index?: index) => PromiseLike<any> -
[nzMenuClassName] additional className of popup overlay string -
[nzMenuStyle] additional css style of popup overlay object -
[nzNotFoundContent] Specify content to show when no result matches. string|TemplateRef<void> -
[nzOptionRender] render template of cascader options TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzCascaderOption, index: number }>
[nzOptions] data options of cascade object[] -
[nzPlaceHolder] input placeholder string 'Please select'
[nzShowArrow] Whether show arrow boolean true
[nzShowInput] Whether show input boolean true
[nzShowSearch] Whether support search. Cannot be used with [nzLoadData] at the same time boolean|NzShowSearchOptions false
[nzSize] input size, one of large default small 'large'|'small'|'default' 'default'
[nzStatus] Set validation status 'error' | 'warning' -
[nzSuffixIcon] The custom suffix icon string|TemplateRef<void> -
[nzValueProperty] the value property name of options string 'value'
(ngModelChange) Emit on values change EventEmitter<any[]> -
(nzClear) Emit on clear values EventEmitter<void> -
(nzVisibleChange) Emit on popup menu visible or hide EventEmitter<boolean> -
(nzSelectionChange) Emit on values change EventEmitter<NzCascaderOption[]> -

When nzShowSearch is an object it should implements NzShowSearchOptions

Params Explanation Type Default
filter Optional. Be aware that all non-leaf CascaderOptions would be filtered (inputValue: string, path: NzCascaderOption[]): boolean -
sorter Optional (a: NzCascaderOption[], b: NzCascaderOption[], inputValue: string): number -

The default filter is like:

const defaultFilter: NzCascaderFilter = (i, p) => {
  return p.some(o => {
    const label = o.label;
    return !!label && label.indexOf(i) !== -1;

For example, if you would like to ignore lower or upper case, you could use a filter function like this:

const filter: NzCascaderFilter = (i, p) => {
  return p.some(o => {
    const label = o.label;
    return !!label && label.toLowerCase().indexOf(i.toLowerCase()) !== -1;


Name Description
blur() remove focus
focus() get focus
closeMenu() hide the menu