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How do you do that thin you (sinclair) do? #833

Answered by sinclairzx81
jessekrubin asked this question in Q&A
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@jessekrubin Heya, sorry for the delay in reply.

How do you write/maintain your READMEs? I have now used typebox, smoke, hammer and (your latest) carbon; all have excellent READMEs and I was wondering how do you write/maintain your READMEs, your docs and your changelogs? You are clearly doing something correct!

I mostly just author them manually. README's usually get updated on minor revisions where I try to provide high level code examples demonstrating new features while maintaining copy written for older features to ensure consistency. I spend quite a bit of time going through each section of the README ensuring what's written is consistent across each section and as concisely writte…

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