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Latest commit

2d88872 · Mar 5, 2025


435 lines (221 loc) · 18.4 KB

File metadata and controls

435 lines (221 loc) · 18.4 KB



Minor Changes

  • Added: List.some is now available. (#1756)


Patch Changes

  • Changed: Classes that do not implement the Singleton pattern now have protected constructor and can be extended. (#1735)


Minor Changes

  • Added: List#cutOrExtend is now available. (#1711)

  • Added: List#size is now available. (#1711)





Minor Changes

  • Added: CSS property will-change is now supported. (#1707)

  • Added: CSS property perspective is now supported. (#1708)










Minor Changes

  • Added: Support for CSS properties scale and translate was added. (#1688)

  • Added: Style property contain is now supported. (#1679)

  • Added: A Keyword#is predicate is now available. (#1694)

  • Added: Transform functions scale3d() and scaleZ() have been added and the scale transformation functions now accept percentages. (#1688)


Minor Changes




Minor Changes





Patch Changes

  • Changed: Trying to fix a problem in generating provenance statements (#1674)


Patch Changes

  • Added: Trying to publish Alfa packages on the npm registry (#1673)



Minor Changes















Minor Changes

  • Breaking: TS resolution has been changed to Node16, target to es2022. (#1636)

  • Breaking: Alfa is now distributed as ESM rather than CJS modules; projects using it must be ESM or use dynamic import(). (#1636)

    ⚠️ This is the last of a series of changes on the internal structure and build process of distributed packages that was started with v0.85.0.



Minor Changes

  • Breaking: The .js files are now built in the dist folder rather than in src. (#1628)

    ⚠️ This is the first of a series of changes on the internal structure and build process of distributed packages. It is probably better to not use this version and wait until more of these internal changes have been done to jump directly to the final result. We are internally releasing these changes for validation purpose only.

    This should not impact consumers, the package.json files should be set correctly to consume these files.



Patch Changes

  • Fixed: A type declaration. (#1631)


Minor Changes

  • Added: Unit now have a Canonical unit (e.g., Length.Canonical, …) (#1625)

Patch Changes

  • Fixed: Calculations containing products and divisions of dimensions are better handled. (#1625)

    Cases like calc(100px * 180deg * 8px / 1em / 1turn) now correctly resolve to a length with the correct conversions happening upon resolution.

  • Fixed: The Integer CSS type now has a correct type of "integer". (#1625)


Minor Changes

  • Breaking: Node 18 is no longer supported. (#1618)


Patch Changes

  • Added: Each package now contains its internal dependency graph in its docs directory. (#1610)


















Minor Changes

  • Breaking: Image.partiallyResolve() and Shape.partiallyResolve() functions has been replaced by instance methods of the same name. (#1510)

  • Added: Function.parse now also accepts a Thunk as body parser. (#1508)

    This notably allows to build recursive parsers by wrapping them in continuation.

Patch Changes

  • Added: all Value subtype now correctly implement the (Partially)Resovable interfaces. (#1510)


Minor Changes

  • Added: Value now expose a partiallyResolve() instance method. (#1495)

  • Breaking: Various Value.partiallyResolve() functions have been removed. (#1495)

    Instead, use the corresponding Value#partiallyResolve() instance method.

  • Added: Percentage can now be partially resolved into fixed Percentage. (#1493)

  • Breaking: The various Value.parseBase functions are no more available. (#1487)

    These where temporary helpers during migration to calculated values.

    Use filter(Value.parse, value => !value.hasCalculation(), () => "Calculation not allowed") instead.

  • Breaking: Angle#resolve() does not require a resolver anymore, since 100% is always 1 full turn. (#1495)

  • Added: a AnglePercentage.resolve() helper is now available to handle Percentage shenanigans. (#1493)

  • Added: Percentage builders now accept an optional type hint indicating into what the percentage resolves. (#1493)

  • Breaking: CSS Value types no longer accept a CALC parameter; it is automatically inferred (#1491)


Minor Changes

  • Added: Position now accept calculations in any of their components. (#1454)

    To fully resolve a Position, the resolver needs both a length resolver, and two percentage bases, one for each dimension. To partially resolve a Position, only a length resolver is needed.

  • Breaking: Position.Component cannot be raw LengthPercentage anymore. (#1454)

    Instead, they must always be a full Position.Side (or the "center" keyword) i.e. include an explicit side to count from. This side is automatically added when parsing raw LengthPercentage.

  • Added: CSS Shape now accept calculated values (#1478)

    Shapes that accept length-percentage are only partially resolved at compute time.

  • Added: CSS Image are now calculatable. (#1477)

    The components that accept <length-percentage> (e.g. elliptical radial gradients' radii) are only partially resolved at compute time and may thus still contain calculations.

  • Breaking: Gradient.Linear.parse, Gradient.Radial.parse, and Gradient.parse now don't require an item list parser. (#1477)

  • Changed: The Position type requires more type parameters. (#1454)

    Instead of just accepting the horizontal and vertical components, the type now also requires the horizontal and vertical keywords list (as first and second parameter). The components parameter default to Position.Component<H> (reps. V) for keywords H (resp. V).

  • Removed: The unused Side.isCenter() predicate is no longer available. (#1454)

Patch Changes

  • Added: Position.Side.of now also accepts an optional offset, as well as an Option<offset>. (#1454)



Minor Changes

  • Added: Shadow are now calculatable. (#1455)

  • Added: A List.parseSpaceSeparated parser is now available. (#1457)

  • Added: CSS transfrom functions now accept calculations in any of their numerical components. (#1457)

  • Breaking: CSS rotate and skew now convert their angles into degrees at build time. (#1457)

    This means that no matter which angles are provided, only angles in degrees are stored. Serialisation will thus also return values in degrees.

  • Added: List.parseCommaSeparated and List.parseSpaceSeparated now accept optional lower and upper numbers of items to parse. (#1457)

    If unspecified, they will parse any number of items, otherwise they will parse at least lower and at most upper items. The parsers will fail if there are less; they won't fail if there are more, but these won't be consumed. The parsers will always accepts at least one item, even if lower is 0.

  • Breaking: The Transform.parse parser is now considered @internal. (#1457)

    It should not be used externally since individual transform functions are normally only used in contexts where the actual transformation is known in advance, in which case the specific parser (Matrix.parse, Rotate.parse, …) can be used instead. Transform.parseList is still available externally.



Minor Changes

  • Breaking: List and Tuple can now only contain other CSS Value. (#1446)

  • Breaking: The CALC parameter of Value now defaults to boolean instead of false. (#1443)

    We do not assume anymore that Value are not calculated (CALC=false), the default is now boolean (i.e. we don't know).

  • Removed: Many pieces of code are no longer exported. These were mostly internal exports that are no longer used in other files and should not impact intended usage of the packages. (#1437)

  • Added: An abstraction for AnglePercentage is now available. (#1443)

  • Added: Tuple and Value can now be built of calculated values. (#1446)

    Both calculated and non-calculated values can be mixed. The collection will have its hasCalculation flag set to true if at least one of the member has. The collections also come with a resolve method that take a Resolver able to resolve all members and apply it to the members.

  • Breaking: The resolvers for Length and Percentage are now wrapped in an object. (#1443)

    The resolver for Length is now a { length: Mapper<…> } instead of being just a Mapper, similarly the resolver for Percentage is now a { basePercentage: … }. This allows for more complex value types who require more than one resolver (e.g. length-percentage require both a length resolver and a percentage resolver).

  • Added: A LengthPercentage abstraction is now available. (#1443)

    It is mostly Length | Percentage, plus the mixed calculations (e.g. calc(1em + 2px)). It comes with the usual helper functions to parse and resolve it.

  • Removed: The Gradient.parseItem helper has been removed as it wasn't used. (#1447)

    If need be, use Parser.either(Gradient.parseHint, Gradient.parseStop) instead.

  • Added: Function.parse now also accepts a predicate instead of just a name to compare to. (#1448)

  • Added: CSS colors now accept calculated values. (#1448)

    CSS colors in RGB and HSL format now accept calculations as any of their components. Style properties that use colors have been updated accordingly.

  • Added: Value can now resolve to a different type than the current one. (#1443)

    For example, a Value<"length-percentage"> will fully resolve as a Value<"length">, not as a Value<"length-percentage">.

    The Value type accepts a third type parameter (defaulting to the first one), which is (the representation of) the type into which the value will resolve. The Value#resolve method now returns this type of Value.

Patch Changes

  • Fixed: HSL and RGB colors now also accept the none keyword for any component when in modern syntax. (#1448)


Minor Changes

  • Breaking: New abstractions for calculatable numeric values (numbers, percentages, dimensions) are introduced and used in style properties. Currently, style properties only accept non-calculated numeric (except for some properties that already accepted calculated lengths or length-percentages and keep doing so). (#1432)

    These abstractions are now exported from @siteimprove/alfa-css instead of the old abstractions which didn't accept calculations. In order to keep the functionalities of the old abstractions, replace Foo (Number, Length, …) with Foo.Fixed.

    The new abstractions come with a #resolve() method which resolve any remaining calculation and returns a Fixed value. These methods need various resolvers argument depending on the precise abstraction (e.g. Length#resolve needs to know how to resolve relative lengths into px).

  • Breaking: The redundant second type parameter (Unit category) of Dimensions has been removed and is now automatically inferred from the first parameter (type string representation). (#1432)

  • Breaking: The compound Length type has been removed from alfa-style. The Length type from alfa-css/src/value/numeric should be used instead. (#1424)

  • Breaking: Math.resolve now returns a Result<Numeric, string> instead of an Option. (#1416) Invalid expressions return an error message.

    Breaking: No resolver is needed for Math.resolve on Number expressions.

    Breaking: Math expression converters (.toLength, …) now return a Result<T, string> instead of an option<T>.

  • Breaking: The Position.Center, Position.Horizontal, Position.Vertical types have been grouped under the Position.Keywords namespace. (#1431)

  • Added: Most CSS value types now export a Foo.Canonical type which is the canonical representation of the type with calculations resolved, relative values absolutized, and dimensions converted to their canonical units. The Canonical type is normally the one used to represent computed values of style properties. (#1432)

  • Breaking: Value now require a resolve method. (#1416) This method resolves calculation into actual values.

    Added: Value type now accepts a second boolean type parameter indicating whether the value may or not contain unresolved calculation. This parameter defaults to false. Its value is also available via the Value#hasCalculation() type predicate.

  • Added: List and Tuple CSS values are now exported from @siteimprove/alfa-css. (#1416)

    These values were previously internal to the @siteimprove/alfa-style package and are now grouped with the other CSS values.

    Added: A List.parseCommaSeparated helper is now provided, taking a value parser as input and returning a parser for list of values separated by commas.

    Added: List now implement the Functor interface.





Minor Changes

  • Breaking: Linear.parse and Radial.parse now require an item parser. (#1412)

    Both gradient parsing functions where using Gradient.parseItemList, which created a circular dependency between the files. The circle has been broken by injecting the item list parser in the individual parser. To migrate, simply call Linear.parse(Gradient.parseItemList) instead of Linear.parse (same with Radial).

  • Breaking: Math.resolve now returns a Result<Numeric, string> instead of an Option. (#1406)

    Invalid expressions return an error message.

    Breaking: No resolver is needed for Math.resolve on Number expressions.

  • Removed: Math.parseLengthNumberPercentage is no longer available. (#1406)

    Instead, a combination of parseLengthPercentage and parseNumber should be used.

