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SmartNews Ads Management API - (apidoc v0.8 20221017)

The SmartNews Ads Advertising API allows partners integrate with the SmartNews advertising platform in their own advertising solutions.


Getting Started

SmartNews Ads Advertising API provides programmatic access to advertising accounts. Partners can integrate their solutions with the API to promote SmartNews Ads advertising accounts, schedule campaigns, manage audiences, and more.

Using the API

The Advertising API accessed on The Advertising API enforces HTTPS, Attempts to access an endpoint with HTTP will result in a redirect response.

The Advertising API outputs JSON. All identifiers are strings and all strings are UTF-8. The Advertising API is versioned and the version is specified as the first path element of any resource URL (such as /v1.0 or /v2.0).


API authentication is achieved via a bearer token which identifies a single user. You can use a generated API key. You pass the API key into the X-Auth-Api http header like this.

curl -H 'X-Auth-Api: <YOUR_API_KEY>' ''

⚠️ We have migrated our domain from to Please be aware that access to the old domain may return a 301 redirect response after Nov 15th, 2022.


DateTime values are always returned in UTC time. DateTimes may be specified in any timezone in a POST command using the ISO 8601 standard format for timezone. Time is represented using a subset of ISO-8601.


The type of a currency is identified using ISO-4217. This is a three-letter string like a JPY. Currently, it is supported JPY only.


SmartNews Ads Management API Basics provides you with some fundamental information around how todo some basic things. It has all the information you may need with regards to doing things about errors.

Error Codes & Responses

Typical Response Structure

Successful responses are indicated with a 200-series HTTP code and JSON-based payload containing the object(s) requested, created, modified, or deleted along with an expression of the server's interpretation of your request.

The data field in JSON responses will contain the specific objects associated with the leveraged resource. The format of the data node will be returned as JSON array when the response may contain one or more results.

  "data": {
    /* contents payload... */

Error Response Structure

Error Responses are served with a non-200-series HTTP code. Usually a JSON response will be attached, but some errors will respond with different kinds of body. For instance, you may occasionally see a HTTP 404 along with a HTML response. In this case, it's safe to assume that the content cannot be found.

The nature of the error will be communicated in an error node of the response. The error/message node will indicate a human-readable description of the error in English. Additional fields may be attached to indicate finer-grained detail about the error.

  "error": {
    "code": 1,
    "message": "Bid Too Low: Your bid is below the minimum for its placement.",
    "parameter": "bidAmount"

Error Codes

Work In Progress

Pagination & Sorting

Pagination & Sorting is currently not supported. It's future works.


Timezone in the Ads Management API

Timezone is currently not supported. It's future works.

Campaign Management

Programmatically schedule campaigns and manage ads on SmartNews through this suite of APIs.

API Use Case : Call Sequence from Creating a Campaign until Delivering it

  1. Retrive the account id - GET /v1.0/accounts and GET /v1.0/accounts/{accountId}/campaigns
  2. Create a campaign and associate it(account) - POST /v1.0/accounts/{accountId}/campaigns
  3. Upload image for creative and Create some creatives and associate it(campaign) - POST /v1.0/accounts/{accountId}/images/upload and POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/creatives
  4. Request review campaign and associated creatives - POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/submit_review
  5. Enable campaign and creatives after approved - POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/update_enable and POST /v1.0/creatives/{creativeId}/update_enable
  6. Update campaign's item like a budget - POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/update


Campaigns define the schedule and budget of an ad. The advertiser specifies a daily and overall budget. The campaign can be bound to a specific start and end time, and until the budget is spent. Campaign identifiers area the base-36 representation of the base-10 value we present in the SmartNews Ads Partners UI.

GET /v1.0/accounts

Retrieve all of the advertising-enabled accounts the authenticating user has access to.

Example Result
  "data": [
      "accountId": "1000000",
      "name": "SmartNews, Inc"
      "accountId": "1000001",
      "name": "Some company name"

GET /v1.0/accounts/{accountId}/campaigns

Retrieve some or all campaigns associated with the current account. Note: Campaigns that has Dynamic Creative ON can not be retrieved through this API.

Name Type Description
accountId string required The identifier for a advertiser account associated with the authenticating user.
Example Result
  "data": [
      "name": "SmartNews Installs 7/12",
      "actionType": "APP_INSTALL",
      "campaignId": "1000003",
      "accountId": "1000000",
      "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
      "enable": false,
      "startTime": "2015-07-01T13:40:00Z",
      "endTime": "2015-07-29T13:40:00Z",
      "totalBudget": 20000,
      "dailyBudget": 5000,
      "bidAmount": 30,
      "updatedAt": "2015-06-25T13:40:00Z"
      "name": "SmartNews Installs 8/12",
      "actionType": "APP_INSTALL",
      "campaignId": "1000004",
      "accountId": "1000000",
      "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
      "enable": false,
      "startTime": "2015-08-01T13:40:00Z",
      "endTime": "2015-08-29T13:40:00Z",
      "totalBudget": 20000,
      "dailyBudget": 5000,
      "bidAmount": 30,
      "updatedAt": "2015-06-25T13:40:00Z"
AMv2 support

Please be familiarized with the general information of Ads Manager V2 support first.

AMv2 Object

For users to distinguish AMv2 data from AMv1 data, the amV2 object is added to the first level of each element of the data array.

amV2 object
Name Type Format Description
campaignId string The identifier of the 3L campaign
adGroupId string The identifier of the 3L ad group
campaignName string The name of the 3L campaign
adGroupName string The name of the 3L ad group
campaignConfiguredStatus string The configured status of campaign with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
adGroupConfiguredStatus string The configured status of ad group with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
campaignSpendingLimit number long The spending limit of the campaign in unit of JPY
campaignDailyBudget number long The daily budget of the campaign in unit of JPY
isMigratedFromV1 boolean The flag to indicate if the ad object is migrated from Ads Manager V1 (AMv1)
Unsupported response fields of AMv2 Data

Because of the difference in the product specification of AMv1 and AMv2, the following response fields will not available for AMv2 Data.

Name Description
sponsoredName This field is always null for AMv2 Data
appSpec This field is always null for AMv2 Data
trackingSpec This field is always null for AMv2 Data
creativeType This field is always null for AMv2 Data
targeting This field is always null for AMv2 Data
approvalStatus This field is always null for AMv2 Data
  "data": [
    // AMv1 campaign example
      "name": "SmartNews Installs 7/12",
      "actionType": "APP_INSTALL",
      "campaignId": "1000003",
      "accountId": "1000000",
      "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
      "enable": false,
      "startTime": "2015-07-01T13:40:00Z",
      "endTime": "2015-07-29T13:40:00Z",
      "totalBudget": 20000,
      "dailyBudget": 5000,
      "bidAmount": 30,
      "updatedAt": "2015-06-25T13:40:00Z"
    // AMv2 Ad Group example
      "name": "AMv2 Ad Group",
      "sponsoredName": null,
      "actionType": "WEBSITE_CONVERSION",
      "creativeType": null,
      "campaignId": "10000002",
      "accountId": "1000000",
      "status": "NORMAL",
      "approvalStatus": null, //Always Null for AMv2 data
      "enable": false,
      "startTime": "2015-08-01T13:40:00Z",
      "endTime": "2099-12-31T23:59:59Z",
      "totalBudget": 0,
      "dailyBudget": 0,
      "bidAmount": 1000,
      "targetCpa": 1000,
      "billingEvent": "CLICK",
      "appSpec": null,
      "trackingSpec": null,
      "targeting": null,
      "isAutoBid": false,
      "updatedAt": "2015-06-25T13:40:00Z",
      "amV2": {
        "campaignId": "10000001",
        "adGroupId": "10000002",
        "campaignName": "AMv2 Campaign",
        "adGroupName": "AMv2 Ad Group",
        "campaignConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "adGroupConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "campaignSpendingLimit": 100000,
        "campaignDailyBudget": 1000,
        "isMigratedFromV1": true

GET /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}

Retrieve details for a specific campaign. Note: Campaigns that has Dynamic Creative ON can not be retrieved through this API.

Name Type Description
campaignId string required The identifier for a campaign.
Example Result
  "data": {
    "actionType": "APP_INSTALL",
    "name": "SmartNews Installs 7/12",
    "campaignId": "1000005",
    "accountId": "1000000",
    "enable": false,
    "startTime": "2015-07-01T13:40:00Z",
    "endTime": "2015-07-29T13:40:00Z",
    "totalBudget": 20000,
    "dailyBudget": 5000,
    "bidAmount": 30,
    "sponsoredName": "SmartAds",
    "targetCpa": 750,
    "adCategoryId": 3,
    "appSpec": {
      "application": "579581125",
      "urlscheme": "jp.gocro.smartnews://"
    "trackingSpec": {
      "trackingType": "SAT"
    "targeting": {
      "publishers": ["120", "121", "99810"],
      "devices": ["IPHONE", "IPOD", "IPAD"],
      "genders": ["FEMALE"],
      "cities": [
          "key": "13000"
      "schedules": [
          "startSecond": 0,
          "endSecond": 14400
    "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
    "updatedAt": "2015-07-01T13:40:00Z"
AMv2 support

Please be familiarized with the general information of Ads Manager V2 support first.

Supported request parameters of AMv2
  • campaignId in the API is the identifier of 3L ad group
AMv2 Object

For users to distinguish AMv2 data from AMv1 data, the amV2 object is added to the first level of each element of the data array.

amV2 object
Name Type Format Description
campaignId string The identifier of the 3L campaign
adGroupId string The identifier of the 3L ad group
campaignName string The name of the 3L campaign
adGroupName string The name of the 3L ad group
campaignConfiguredStatus string The configured status of campaign with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
adGroupConfiguredStatus string The configured status of ad group with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
campaignSpendingLimit number long The spending limit of the campaign in unit of JPY
campaignDailyBudget number long The daily budget of the campaign in unit of JPY
isMigratedFromV1 boolean The flag to indicate if the ad object is migrated from Ads Manager V1 (AMv1)
Unsupported response fields of AMv2 Data

Because of the difference in the product specification of AMv1 and AMv2, the following response fields will not available for AMv2 Data.

Name Description
sponsoredName This field is always null for AMv2 Data
appSpec This field is always null for AMv2 Data
trackingSpec This field is always null for AMv2 Data
creativeType This field is always null for AMv2 Data
targeting This field is always null for AMv2 Data
approvalStatus This field is always null for AMv2 Data
  "data": {
    "name": "AMv2 Ad Group",
    "sponsoredName": null,
    "actionType": "WEBSITE_CONVERSION",
    "creativeType": null,
    "campaignId": "10000002",  // The identifier of 3L ad group
    "accountId": "1000000",
    "status": "NORMAL",
    "approvalStatus": null,
    "enable": true,
    "startTime": "2024-02-19T13:40:00Z",
    "endTime": "2024-10-19T13:40:00Z",
    "totalBudget": 0,
    "dailyBudget": 0,
    "bidAmount": 1000,
    "targetCpa": 1000,
    "billingEvent": "CLICK",
    "appSpec": null,
    "trackingSpec": null,
    "targeting": null,
    "isAutoBid": false,
    "updatedAt": "2024-02-15T13:40:00Z",
    "amV2": {
      "campaignId": "10000001",
      "adGroupId": "10000002",
      "campaignName": "AMv2 Campaign",
      "adGroupName": "AMv2 Ad Group",
      "campaignConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
      "adGroupConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
      "campaignSpendingLimit": 100000,
      "campaignDailyBudget": 1000,
      "isMigratedFromV1": true

POST /v1.0/accounts/{accountId}/campaigns

Create a new campaign associated with the current account.

Parameters [in request path]
Name Type Format Description
accountId string required The identifier for a advertiser account associated with the authenticating user.
Parameters [in request payload]
Name Type Format Description
actionType string ActionType required The objective type for campaign.
name string required The name for campaign.
sponsoredName string required The sponsor name for this campaign. It is used by advertising display.
bidAmount number long required in future The bid amount for this campaign.
targetCpa number long optional The target CPA(Cost Per Acquisition) amount for this campaign.
totalBudget number long required in future The total budget amount to be allocated to the campaign.
dailyBudget number long required in future The daily budget amount to be allocated to the campaign.
startTime string ISO 8601 required The UTC time that campaign will begin.
endTime string ISO 8601 required The UTC time that campaign will end.
adCategoryId string int required The ad_category for campaign. You get available ad_categories from GET /adcategories
appSpec object AppSpec optional The application information. (it is available if actionType is APP_INSTALL)
trackingSpec object TrackingSpec optional The tracking tool spec if you need. (it is available if actionType is APP_INSTALL)
targeting object Targeting optional The targeting for campaign.
Parameters [AppSpec]
Name Type Format Description
application string required The identifier for AppStore or PlayStore.
urlscheme string optional
Parameters [TrackingSpec]
Name Type Format Description
trackingType string TrackingType required The tracking tool type if you need.
Parameters [Targeting]
Name Type Format Description
publishers array of string string optional media targeting.
media array of string string optional media targeting. this parameter is deprecated and delete near future release. please use publishers
devices array of string DeviceType optional device targeting.
genders array of string GenderType optional gender targeting.
gender string GenderType optional gender targeting. this parameter is deprecated and delete near future release. please use publishers
cities array of object CityTargeting optional area targeting.
schedules array of object TimeSchedule optional schedule targeting.
Parameters [CityTargeting]
Name Type Format Description
key string int optional media targeting.
Request Example
  "actionType": "APP_INSTALL",
  "name": "SmartNews Installs 7/12",
  "sponsoredName": "SmartAds",
  "bidAmount": 30,
  "targetCpa": 300,
  "totalBudget": 20000,
  "dailyBudget": 5000,
  "startTime": "2015-07-01T13:40:00Z",
  "endTime": "2015-07-29T13:40:00Z",
  "adCategoryId": "3",
  "appSpec": {
    "application": "579581125",
    "urlscheme": "jp.gocro.smartnews://"
  "trackingSpec": {
    "trackingType": "SAT"
  "targeting": {
    "publishers": ["120", "121", "99810"],
    "devices": ["IPHONE", "IPOD", "IPAD"],
    "genders": ["MALE"],
    "cities": [
        "key": "13000"
    "schedules": [
        "startSecond": 0,
        "endSecond": 14400
Example Response
  "data": {
    "campaignId": "1000006"

POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/update

Update an existing campaign.

Parameters [in request path]
Name Type Format Description
campaignId string long required The identifier for a campaign.
Parameters [in request payload]
Name Type Format Description
name string optional
sponsoredName string optional
bidAmount number long optional
targetCpa number long optional
totalBudget number long optional
dailyBudget number long optional
startTime string ISO 8601 optional
endTime string ISO 8601 optional
adCategoryId string int optional
appSpec object AppSpec optional
trackingSpec object TrackingSpec optional
targeting object Targeting optional
Example Request
  "name": "SmartNews Installs 7/12",
  "sponsoredName": "SmartAds",
  "bidAmount": 30,
  "targetCpa": 3000,
  "totalBudget": 20000,
  "dailyBudget": 5000,
  "startTime": "2015-07-01T13:40:00Z",
  "endTime": "2015-07-29T13:40:00Z",
  "adCategoryId": "3",
  "appSpec": {
    "application": "579581125",
    "urlscheme": "jp.gocro.smartnews://"
  "trackingSpec": {
    "trackingType": "SAT"
  "targeting": {
    "publishers": ["250", "251", "252"],
    "devices": ["IPHONE", "IPOD", "IPAD"],
    "genders": ["MALE"],
    "cities": [
        "key": "13000"
    "schedules": [
        "startSecond": 0,
        "endSecond": 14400
Example Response
  "data": {
    "campaignId": "1000007"

POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/submit_review

Request to review all of pending creatives associated with the given campaign.

Example Request

Request with no content body.

Example Response
  "data": [
    { "creativeId": "1000007", "approvalStatus": "PENDING_REVIEW" },
    { "creativeId": "1000008", "approvalStatus": "PENDING_REVIEW" },
    { "creativeId": "1000009", "approvalStatus": "PENDING_REVIEW" }

POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/pullback_pending_review

Pull back all of creatives in status of pending_review.

Example Request

Request with no content body.

Example Response
  "data": [
    { "creativeId": "1000010", "approvalStatus": "PENDING" },
    { "creativeId": "1000011", "approvalStatus": "PENDING" },
    { "creativeId": "1000012", "approvalStatus": "PENDING" }

POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/update_enable

Change campaign enable field to true or false. (true means deliverable state, and false means NOT deliverable state)

Example Request
Example Response
  "data": {
    "campaignId": "1000007"


GET /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/creatives

Retrieve the list of creatives for the specified campaignId.

Example Response

For general image or video creative

  "data": [
      "name": "label for creative management",
      "creativeId": "1000013",
      "enable": false,
      "title": "Trending News & Stories",
      "text": "Your news in one minute. Get the award-winning, addictively simple news app downloaded by over 12 million readers in 150 countries!",
      "imageset": {
        "a": {
          "imageId": "1000015",
          "imageUrl": ""
        "b": {
          "imageId": "1000016",
          "imageUrl": ""
        "c": {
          "imageId": "1000017",
          "imageUrl": ""
      "trackingUrl": "",
      "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
      "merchandiseCatalogId": "1000024",
      "urlTags": "utm_source=smartnews&key=val"

If it is carousel type creative, creative object does not have title and imageset property under the object root. Instead, it has an assetGroups property. You can determine if the carousel feature is enabled by the isStoryCreative flag.

  "data": [
      "name": "label for creative management",
      "creativeId": "1000013",
      "enable": false,
      "text": "Your news in one minute. Get the award-winning, addictively simple news app downloaded by over 12 million readers in 150 countries!",
      "assetGroups": {
        "a": {
          "title": "First Carousel Item Title",
          "image": {
            "imageId": "1000015",
            "imageUrl": ""
        "b": {
          "title": "Second Carousel Item Title",
          "image": {
            "imageId": "1000016",
            "imageUrl": ""
        "c": {
          "title": "Third Carousel Item Title",
          "image": {
            "imageId": "1000017",
            "imageUrl": ""
      "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
      "isStoryCreative": true,
      "merchandiseCatalogId": "1000024",
      "urlTags": "utm_source=smartnews&key=val"

AMv2 support

Please be familiarized with the general information of Ads Manager V2 support first.

AMv2 Object

For users to distinguish AMv2 data from AMv1 data, the amV2 object is added to the first level of each element of the data array.

amV2 object
Name Type Format Description
campaignId string The identifier of the 3L campaign
adGroupId string The identifier of the 3L ad group
adId string The identifier of the 3L ad
campaignName string The name of the 3L campaign
adGroupName string The name of the 3L ad group
adName string The name of the 3L ad
campaignConfiguredStatus string The configured status of campaign with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
adGroupConfiguredStatus string The configured status of ad group with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
adConfiguredStatus string The configured status of ad with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
adCreativeFormatType string The format of the Creative that defines the view attribution of the 3L ad
isMigratedFromV1 boolean The flag to indicate if the ad object is migrated from Ads Manager V1 (AMv1)
Unsupported response fields of AMv2 Data

Because of the difference in the product specification of AMv1 and AMv2, the following response fields will not available for AMv2 Data.

Name Description
urlTags This field is always null for AMv2 Data
skanMeasurement This field is always null for AMv2 Data
merchandiseCatalogId This field is always null for AMv2 Data
measurements This field is always null for AMv2 Data
trackingUrl This field is always null for AMv2 Data
  "data": [
      "name": "label for creative management",
      "creativeId": "10000003",
      "enable": false,
      "title": "Trending News & Stories",
      "text": "Your news in one minute. Get the award-winning, addictively simple news app downloaded by over 12 million readers in 150 countries!",
      "imageset": {
        "a": {
          "imageId": "1000015",
          "imageUrl": "",
          "thumbnailUrl": "",
          "width": 300,
          "height": 300,
          "filename": "aaa.jpg"
      "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
      "urlTags": null,
      "skanMeasurement": null,
      "merchandiseCatalogId": null,
      "measurements": null,
      "trackingUrl": null,
      "amV2": {
        "campaignId": "10000001",
        "adGroupId": "10000002",
        "adId": "10000003",
        "campaignName": "AMv2 Campaign",
        "adGroupName": "AMv2 Ad Group",
        "adName": "AMv2 Ad",
        "campaignConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "adGroupConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "adConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "adCreativeFormatType": "IMAGE",
        "isMigratedFromV1": true

GET /v1.0/creatives/{creativeId}

Retrieve the detail of a creative for the specified creativeId.

Example Response
  "data": {
    "name": "label for creative management",
    "creativeId": "1000020",
    "enable": false,
    "title": "Trending News & Stories",
    "text": "Your news in one minute. Get the award-winning, addictively simple news app downloaded by over 12 million readers in 150 countries!",
    "imageset": {
      "a": {
        "imageId": "1000022",
        "imageUrl": ""
      "b": {
        "imageId": "1000023",
        "imageUrl": ""
      "c": {
        "imageId": "1000024",
        "imageUrl": ""
    "trackingUrl": "",
    "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
    "merchandiseCatalogId": "1000024",
    "urlTags": "utm_source=smartnews&key=val"
AMv2 support

Please be familiarized with the general information of Ads Manager V2 support first.

AMv2 Object

For users to distinguish AMv2 data from AMv1 data, the amV2 object is added to the first level of each element of the data array.

amV2 object
Name Type Format Description
campaignId string The identifier of the 3L campaign
adGroupId string The identifier of the 3L ad group
adId string The identifier of the 3L ad
campaignName string The name of the 3L campaign
adGroupName string The name of the 3L ad group
adName string The name of the 3L ad
campaignConfiguredStatus string The configured status of campaign with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
adGroupConfiguredStatus string The configured status of ad group with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
adConfiguredStatus string The configured status of ad with possible values as ACTIVE, PAUSED, or DELETED
adCreativeFormatType string The format of the Creative that defines the view attribution of the 3L ad
isMigratedFromV1 boolean The flag to indicate if the ad object is migrated from Ads Manager V1 (AMv1)
Unsupported response fields of AMv2 Data

Because of the difference in the product specification of AMv1 and AMv2, the following response fields will not available for AMv2 Data.

Name Description
urlTags This field is always null for AMv2 Data
skanMeasurement This field is always null for AMv2 Data
merchandiseCatalogId This field is always null for AMv2 Data
measurements This field is always null for AMv2 Data
trackingUrl This field is always null for AMv2 Data
  "data": {
    "name": "label for creative management",
    "creativeId": "10000003",
    "enable": false,
    "title": "Trending News & Stories",
    "text": "Your news in one minute. Get the award-winning, addictively simple news app downloaded by over 12 million readers in 150 countries!",
    "imageset": {
      "a": {
        "imageId": "1000015",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "thumbnailUrl": "",
        "width": 300,
        "height": 300,
        "filename": "aaa.jpg"
    "approvalStatus": "PENDING",
    "urlTags": null,
    "skanMeasurement": null,
    "merchandiseCatalogId": null,
    "measurements": null,
    "trackingUrl": null,
    "amV2": {
      "campaignId": "10000001",
      "adGroupId": "10000002",
      "adId": "10000003",
      "campaignName": "AMv2 Campaign",
      "adGroupName": "AMv2 Ad Group",
      "adName": "AMv2 Ad",
      "campaignConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
      "adGroupConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
      "adConfiguredStatus": "ACTIVE",
      "adCreativeFormatType": "IMAGE",
      "isMigratedFromV1": true

POST /v1.0/campaigns/{campaignId}/creatives

Creates a new creative associated to a given campaign.

Parameters [in request path]
Name Type Format Description
campaignId string required The identifier for a campaign.
Parameters [in request payload]
Name Type Format Description
name string required The name for creative.
title string required The title for creative. It is used as creative short text.
text string required The text for creative. It is used as creative long text.
imageset object ImageSetC required The image set for creative.
linkUrl string url required if actionType is APP_INSTALL The link destination on click ad.
trackingUrl string url optional The url for tracking tool.
targeting object CreativeTargeting optional The targeting for creative.
Parameters [ImageSetC]
Name Type Format Description
a object Image required The image type for A (size of 300x300).
b object Image required The image type for B (size of 600x500).
c object Image required The image type for C (size of 1280x720).
Parameters [Image]
Name Type Format Description
imageId string required The identifier for a image.
Parameters [CreativeTargeting]
Name Type Format Description
genres array number optional Genre targeting.
Example Request
  "name": "label for creative management",
  "title": "Trending News & Stories",
  "text": "Your news in one minute. Get the award-winning, addictively simple news app downloaded by over 12 million readers in 150 countries!",
  "imageset": {
    "a": { "imageId": "1000041" },
    "b": { "imageId": "1000042" },
    "c": { "imageId": "1000043" }
  "trackingUrl": "",
  "targeting": {
    "genres": ["1", "2"]
Example Response
  "data": {
    "creativeId": "1000025"

POST /v1.0/creatives/{creativeId}/update

Updates an existing creative.

Parameters [in request path]
Name Type Format Description
creativeId string required The identifier for a creative.
Parameters [in request payload]
Name Type Format Description
name string optional The name for creative.
title string optional The title for creative. It is used as creative short text.
text string optional The text for creative. It is used as creative long text.
imageset object ImageSetU optional The image set for creative.
linkUrl string url optional The link destination on click ad.
trackingUrl string url optional The url for tracking tool.
targeting object CreativeTargeting optional The taregeting for creative.
Parameters [ImageSetU]
Name Type Format Description
a object Image optional The image type for A (size of 300x300).
b object Image optional The image type for B (size of 600x500).
c object Image optional The image type for C (size of 1280x720).
Example Request
  "name": "label for creative management",
  "creativeId": "10000030",
  "title": "Trending News & Stories",
  "text": "Your news in one minute. Get the award-winning, addictively simple news app downloaded by over 12 million readers in 150 countries!",
  "imageset": {
    "a": { "imageId": "10000031" },
    "b": { "imageId": "10000032" },
    "c": { "imageId": "10000033" }
  "trackingUrl": "",
  "targeting": {
    "genres": ["1", "2"]
Example Response
  "data": {
    "creativeId": "10000030"

POST /v1.0/creatives/{creativeId}/update_enable

Change creative enable to true or false. (true means deliverable state, and false means NOT deliverable state)

Example Request
Example Response
  "data": {
    "creativeId": "1000037"

POST /v1.0/accounts/{accountId}/images/upload

Upload an image for creative. This api needs request's content body as multipart/form-data with file form parameter, and image upload size is up to 500KB.

Example Request
curl -v --header "X-Auth-Api: {api_key}" -F file=@1035456.png {endpoint}/accounts/1000648/images/upload
Example Response
  "data": {
    "imageId": "1000884",
    "imageUrl": "",
    "filename": "1035456.png",
    "width": 1280,
    "height": 720,
    "imageType": "C"

Other Related Objects

GET /v1.0/publishers

Retrieve available media for targeting.

Response Example
  "data": [
      "publisherId": "120",
      "name": "SmartNews"
      "publisherId": "121",
      "name": "mixi"
      "publisherId": "99810",
      "name": "cookpad"

GET /v1.0/adcategories

Retrieve available categories for targeting.

Response Example
  "data": [
      "name": "エンタテイメント",
      "categoryId": "3",
      "parentId": null,
      "level": 1
      "name": "ショー/演劇",
      "categoryId": "23",
      "parentId": "3",
      "level": 2
      "name": "コンピューター/電子機器",
      "categoryId": "5",
      "parentId" : null,
      "level": 1

GET /v1.0/genres

Retrieve available genres for targeting.

Response Example
  "data": [
      "genreId": "1",
      "name": "エンタメ"
      "genreId": "2",
      "name": "グルメ"

GET /v1.0/cities

Retrieve available cities for targeting.

Response Example
  "data": [
      "name": "東京都",
      "cityId": "13000",
      "parentId": null,
      "level": 1
      "name": "渋谷区",
      "cityId": "13113",
      "parentId": "13000",
      "level": 2
      "name": "神奈川県",
      "categoryId": "14000",
      "parentId" : null,
      "level": 1


Object Reference

General Types

Name Type Spec
boolean boolean (or true false)
looseUrl string /^https?://.+/
looseUrlScheme string /^[^:]+:.*/


Name Type Format Required Spec
actionType string ActionType Y
name string Y (and nonEmpty (maxLength 128))
sponsoredName string Y (and nonEmpty (maxLength 128))
bidAmount long Y (min floorPrice)
targetCpa long N (min (multiple 100 1_000_000))
totalBudget long Y (min 1_000_000)
dailyBudget long Y (min 1_000_000)
startTime string ISO 8601 Y (and (format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") (min currentTime))
endTime string ISO 8601 Y (and (format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") (min startTime))
adCategoryId int Y (existIn /adcategories)
appSpec object AppSpec Y if APP_INSTALL (and nonEmpty (maxLength 256) (or androidAppId iosAppId))
trackingSpec object TrackingType N it is available if actionType is APP_INSTALL


Name Type Format Required Spec
application string Y (and nonEmpty (maxLength 256) (or androidAppId iosAppId))
urlscheme string N (and (maxLength 1024) looseUrlScheme)


Name Type Format Required Spec
trackingType string TrackingType N


Name Type Format Required Spec
publishers array of string N (existIn (GET /publishers))
devices array of string DeviceType N
genders array of string GenderType N
cities array of object CityTargeting N (existIn (GET /cities))
schedules array of object ScheduleTargeting N


Name Type Format Required Spec
key string Y (existIn /cities)


Name Type Format Required Spec
startSecond number int Y (and (min 0) (max 86400) (max endSecond))
endSecond number int Y (and (min 0) (max 86400) (min startSecond))


Name Type Format Required Spec
name string Y (and nonEmpty (maxLength 128))
title string Y (and (minLength 10) (maxLength 25))
text string Y (and (minLength 10) (maxLength 90))
imageset object CreativeImageSet N
video object N
assetGroups object N Exist only when is_story_creative = ture for 2L creatives or creative.format_type == CAROUSEL for 3L creatives
linkUrl string Y (and nonEmpty (maxLength 1024) looseUrl)
trackingUrl string N (and nonEmpty (maxLength 1024) looseUrl)


Name Type Format Required Spec
imageId string Y


Name Type Format Required Spec
a object CreativeImage Y
b object CreativeImage Y
c object CreativeImage Y
e object CreativeImage Y


Name Type Format Required Spec
genres array of string N (existIn (GET /genres))

Ads Enumerations References




TrackingType Vendor Description
NONE no tracking used
ADX AD-X Tracking
MAT Mobile App Tracking
SAT SmartNews Ads Tracking









Custom Audience

The SmartNews Ads Custom Audience API allows partners to manipulate custom audiences without accessing the SmartNews advertising web console.


  1. Upload CSV formatted audience file to SmartNews Ads server
  2. Register the uploaded file as a Custom Audience data in SmartNews Ads platform
  3. You can get your audience file status. Once you can confirm the custom audience data is ready to use, you can use it
  4. If you don’t need the audience data anymore, you can delete the data file physically from SmartNews Ads server

Uploading ID list file

POST /v2.0/audiences/idlist

Upload CSV formatted audience file to SmartNews Ads server. The file should contain 1 ID per line, and the first line of the file should contain a string with the ID type (currently the only accepted type is madid).

Parameters [in request payload]
Name Type Format Description
file (string, object) (string, file data)
accountId string accountId you allow to access
Example Result
  "data": {
    "idlistId": "L2N1c3RvbWF1ZGllbmNlL2lkbGC8yMaU1BvT0xLQS5neg=="

Register Audience

POST /v2.0/audiences

Register the uploaded file as a Custom Audience data in SmartNews Ads platform

Parameters [in request payload]
Name Type Format Description
name string required The name of the custom audience
idlistId string required idlistId that you got by idlist request
description string optional description for this custom audience
accountId string required accountId to create audience under
type string required must be "idlist"
Example Result
      "name":"Audience API test",
      "description":"This is a test ",

Get an idlist status

GET /v2.0/audiences/idlist/{idlistId}

Retrieve an idlist status using idlistId

Example Result

Get all custom audience info

GET /v2.0/audiences?accountId={accountId}

Get all audience info of an accountId. By adding &audienceIds={audienceId1},…,{audienceIdk} to the url paramenter, you can get the audienceIds specific information.

Example Result
         "name":"Audience API test",
         "description":"this is a test",
         "name":"Audience API test2",
         "description":"this is a test2",

Get an audience info

GET /v2.0/audiences/{audienceId}

Retrieve an audience info by audienceId

Example Result
      "name":"Audience API test2",
      "description":"this is a test2",
            "idlistId":" F1ZGllbmNlL2lkbGC8yMaU1BvkbGC8yMaU1BvT0xLQS5neg=="

Delete an idlist

DELETE /v2.0/audiences/idlist/{idlistId}

Delete an idlistId file from SmartNews Ads server physically

Example Result

Update status of an Audience

PUT /v2.0/audiences/{audienceId}/status

Update status of specified audience. There are following rules

  1. To switch status to "archive", the current status must be "disabled"
  2. In case the current status is "archived", you cannot switch to "enable" or "disable"
Parameters [in request payload]
Name Type Format Description
status string must be one of "enable", "disable", "archive"
Example Result

Update Audience name and description

PUT /v2.0/audiences/{audienceId}

Update name and description of an existing audience. Note: at least one parameter must be set to receive a successful response.

Parameters [in request payload]
Name Type Format Description
name string optional The name of the custom audience
description string optional The description of the custom audience
Example Result