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Module starknet-jvm

Starknet-jvm is a library allowing for easy interaction with the Starknet JSON-RPC nodes, including querying starknet state, executing transactions and deploying contracts.

Although written in Kotlin, Starknet-jvm has been created with compatibility with Java in mind.

Making synchronous requests

In Java

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
        Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");

        // Create an account interface
        Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x13241455");
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x425125");
        Account account = new StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey);

        // Make a request
        Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x42362362436");
        Felt storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x13241253414");
        Request<Felt> request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST);
        Felt response = request.send();


In Kotlin

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider

fun main() {
    // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")

    // Create an account interface
    val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1052524524")
    val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x4232362662")
    val account = StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey)

    // Make a request
    val contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x423623626")
    val storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x132412414")
    val request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST)
    val response = request.send()


Making asynchronous requests

It is also possible to make asynchronous requests. Request.sendAsync() returns a CompletableFuture that can be than handled in preferred way.

In Java

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
        Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");

        // Create an account interface
        Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x13241455");
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x425125");
        Account account = new StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey);

        // Make a request
        Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x42362362436");
        Felt storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x13241253414");
        Request<Felt> request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST);
        CompletableFuture<Felt> response = request.sendAsync();


In Kotlin

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider

fun main() {
    // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")
    // Create an account interface
    val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1052524524")
    val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x4232362662")
    val account = StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey)

    // Make an asynchronous request
    val contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x423623626")
    val storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x132412414")
    val request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST)
    val future = request.sendAsync()

    future.thenAccept { println(it) }

Deploying account

In Java

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.crypto.StarknetCurve;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
        Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");

        // Create an account interface
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123");
        Felt publicKey = StarknetCurve.getPublicKey(privateKey);

        // Use the class hash of the desired account contract (i.e. the class hash of OpenZeppelin account contract)
        Felt classHash = Felt.fromHex("0x058d97f7d76e78f44905cc30cb65b91ea49a4b908a76703c54197bca90f81773");
        Felt salt = new Felt(789);
        List<Felt> calldata = List.of(publicKey);
        Felt address = ContractAddressCalculator.calculateAddressFromHash(

        Account account = new StandardAccount(address, privateKey, provider, Felt.ZERO);
        Felt maxFee = Felt.fromHex("0x11fcc58c7f7000");  // should be 10*fee from estimate deploy account fee

        // Make sure to prefund the address with at least maxFee
        // Create and sign deploy account transaction
        DeployAccountTransactionPayload payload = account.signDeployAccount(

        DeployAccountResponse response = provider.deployAccount(payload).send();

In Kotlin

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")

    // Create an account interface
    val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123")
    val publicKey = StarknetCurve.getPublicKey(privateKey)

    // Use the class hash of desired account contract (i.e. the class hash of OpenZeppelin account contract)
    val classHash = Felt.fromHex("0x058d97f7d76e78f44905cc30cb65b91ea49a4b908a76703c54197bca90f81773")
    val salt = Felt(789)
    val calldata = listOf(publicKey)
    val address = ContractAddressCalculator.calculateAddressFromHash(
        classHash = classHash,
        calldata = calldata,
        salt = salt,

    val account = StandardAccount(

    val payload = account.signDeployAccount(
        classHash = classHash,
        salt = salt,
        calldata = calldata,
        maxFee = Felt.fromHex("0x11fcc58c7f7000"),  // should be 10*fee from estimate deploy account fee
    // Create and sign deploy account transaction
    val response = provider.deployAccount(payload).send()

Invoking contract: Transferring ETH

In Java

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
        Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");

        // Set up an account
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123");
        Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789");
        // ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key have examples values for demonstration purposes only.
        Account account = new StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, Felt.ZERO);

        Felt recipientAccountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x987654321");
        Uint256 amount = new Uint256(new Felt(451));

        // Specify the contract address, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
        Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7");

        // Create a call
        List<Felt> calldata = List.of(recipientAccountAddress, amount.getLow(), amount.getHigh()); // amount is Uint256 and is represented by two Felt values
        Call call = new Call(contractAddress, "transfer", calldata);

        // Estimate fee for the invoke transaction
        Felt estimateFee = account.estimateFee(List.of(call)).send().get(0).getOverallFee();
        // Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the transaction fee and the amount to be transferred
        // Create and sign invoke transaction
        Request<InvokeFunctionResponse> request = account.execute(call);

        // Send the transaction
        InvokeFunctionResponse response = request.send();

In Kotlin

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")

    // Set up an account
    val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123")
    val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789")
    // ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key have examples values for demonstration purposes only.
    val account = StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider)

    val recipientAccountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x987654321")
    // Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the transaction fee and the amount to be transferred
    // account.execute(Call) estimates the fee automatically
    // If you want to estimate the fee manually, please refer to the "Estimate Fee" example
    val amount = Uint256(Felt(451))

    // Specify the contract address, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
    val contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7")

    // Create a call
    val calldata = listOf(recipientAccountAddress, amount.low, amount.high) // amount is Uint256 and is represented by two Felt values
    val call = Call(
        contractAddress = contractAddress,
        entrypoint = "transfer",
        calldata = calldata,
    // Estimate fee for the invoke transaction
    val estimateFee = account.estimateFee(listOf(call)).send().first().overallFee
    // Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the transaction fee and the amount to be transferred
    // Create and sign invoke transaction
    val request = account.execute(call)
    // Send the transaction
    val response = request.send()

Calling contract: Fetching ETH balance

In Java

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
        Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");

        // Set up an account
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123");
        Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789");
        // ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and key are for demonstration purposes only.
        Account account = new StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, Felt.ZERO);

        // Specify the contract address, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
        Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7");

        // Create a call
        List<Felt> calldata = List.of(account.getAddress());
        Call call = new Call(contractAddress, "balanceOf", calldata);
        Request<List<Felt>> request = provider.callContract(call);
        // Send the call request
        List<Felt> response = request.send();
        // Output value's type is Uint256 and is represented by two Felt values
        Uint256 balance = new Uint256(response.get(0), response.get(1));

In Kotlin

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")

    // Set up an account
    val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123")
    val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789")
    // ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key have examples values for demonstration purposes only.
    val account = StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider)

    // Specify the contract address, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
    val contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7")

    // Create a call
    val calldata = listOf(account.address)
    val call = Call(
        contractAddress = contractAddress,
        entrypoint = "balanceOf",
        calldata = calldata,
    val request = provider.callContract(call)
    // Send the call request
    val response: List<Felt> = request.send()

    //Output value's type is Uint256 and is represented by two Felt values
    val balance = Uint256(
        low = response[0],
        high = response[1],

Calling multiple contracts: Fetching ETH balance

In Java

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
        JsonRpcProvider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");

        // Get the chain ID
        StarknetChainId chainId = provider.getChainId().send();

        // Set up an account
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123");
        Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789");
        // ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and key are for demonstration purposes only.
        Account account = new StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, chainId, Felt.ZERO);

        // Specify the contract addresses, in this example ETH ERC20 contracts are used
        Felt contractAddress1 = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7");
        Felt contractAddress2 = Felt.fromHex("0x05dcf20d87407f0f7a6bd081a2cee990b19c77ebf31c8b0ddd5a6f931af21e0c");

        // Create multiple calls
        List<Felt> calldata = List.of(account.getAddress());

        Call call1 = new Call(contractAddress1, "balanceOf", calldata);
        Call call2 = new Call(contractAddress2, "balanceOf", calldata);

        // Create a batch request and send it
        List<List<Felt>> response = provider.batchRequests(

        // Access output values from the batch response
        Uint256 balance1 = new Uint256(response.get(0).get(0), response.get(0).get(1));
        Uint256 balance2 = new Uint256(response.get(1).get(0), response.get(1).get(1));

In Kotlin

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")

    val chainId = provider.getChainId().send()

    // Set up an account
    val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x123")
    val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789")
    // ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key have examples values for demonstration purposes only.
    val account = StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, chainId)

    // Specify the contract addresses, in this example ETH ERC20 contract is used
    val contractAddress1 = Felt.fromHex("0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7")
    val contractAddress2 = Felt.fromHex("0x05dcf20d87407f0f7a6bd081a2cee990b19c77ebf31c8b0ddd5a6f931af21e0c")

    // Create multiple calls
    val calldata = listOf(account.address)
    val call1 = Call(
        contractAddress = contractAddress1,
        entrypoint = "balanceOf",
        calldata = calldata,
    val call2 = Call(
        contractAddress = contractAddress2,
        entrypoint = "balanceOf",
        calldata = calldata,

    // Create a batch request
    val batchRequest = provider.batchRequests(

    // Send the batch call request
    val batchResponse = batchRequest.send()

    // Access output values from batch the response
    val balance1 = Uint256(
        low = batchResponse[0].getOrThrow()[0],
        high = batchResponse[0].getOrThrow()[1],
    val balance2 = Uint256(
        low = batchResponse[1].getOrThrow()[0],
        high = batchResponse[1].getOrThrow()[1],

Making multiple calls of different types in one request

In Java

import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
        JsonRpcProvider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");

        // Create requests
        Request<Transaction> txRequest1 = provider.getTransaction(Felt.fromHex("0x0123"));
        Request<Transaction> txRequest2 = provider.getTransaction(Felt.fromHex("0x0456"));
        Request<GetTransactionStatusResponse> txStatusRequest = provider.getTransactionStatus(Felt.fromHex("0x0789"));
        Request<BlockWithTransactionHashes> blockWithTxHashesRequest = provider.getBlockWithTxHashes(Felt.fromHex("0x0abc"));

        // Create a batch request of different types and send it
        List<Object> response = provider.batchRequestsAny(

        // Access output values from the response
        Transaction tx1 = (Transaction) response.get(0);
        Transaction tx2 = (Transaction) response.get(1);
        GetTransactionStatusResponse txStatus = (GetTransactionStatusResponse) response.get(2);
        BlockWithTransactionHashes blockWithTxHashes = (BlockWithTransactionHashes) response.get(3);

In Kotlin

import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")

    // Create requests
    val txRequest1 = provider.getTransaction(Felt.fromHex("0x0123"))
    val txRequest2 = provider.getTransaction(Felt.fromHex("0x0456"))
    val txStatusRequest = provider.getTransactionStatus(Felt.fromHex("0x0789"))
    val blockWithTxHashesRequest = provider.getBlockWithTxHashes(Felt.fromHex("0x0abc"))

    val batchRequest = provider.batchRequestsAny(

    // Send the batch request
    val response = batchRequest.send()

    // Access output values from the response
    val tx1 = response[0].getOrThrow() as Transaction
    val tx2 = response[1].getOrThrow() as Transaction
    val txStatus = response[2].getOrThrow() as GetTransactionStatusResponse
    val blockWithTxHashes = response[3].getOrThrow() as BlockWithTransactionHashes

Declaring Cairo 1/2 contract

In Java

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
        Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");

        // Set up an account
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x1234");
        Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789");
        // ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key are for demonstration purposes only.
        Account account = new StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider, Felt.ZERO);

        // Import a compiled contract
        Path contractPath = Paths.get("contract.json");
        Path casmPath = Paths.get("contract.casm");
        String contractCode = String.join("", Files.readAllLines(contractPath));
        String casmCode = String.join("", Files.readAllLines(casmPath));
        Cairo1ContractDefinition contractDefinition = new Cairo1ContractDefinition(contractCode);
        CasmContractDefinition casmContractDefinition = new CasmContractDefinition(casmCode);
        Felt nonce = account.getNonce().send();

        // Estimate fee for declaring a contract
        DeclareTransactionV2Payload declareTransactionPayloadForFeeEstimate = account.signDeclare(contractDefinition, casmContractDefinition, new ExecutionParams(nonce, new Felt(1000000000000000L)), false);
        Request<List<EstimateFeeResponse>> feeEstimateRequest = provider.getEstimateFee(List.of(declareTransactionPayloadForFeeEstimate));
        Felt feeEstimate = feeEstimateRequest.send().get(0).getOverallFee();
        // Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the fee for declare transaction

        // Declare a contract
        Felt maxFee = new Felt(feeEstimate.getValue().multiply(BigInteger.TWO)); // Sometimes the actual fee may be higher than value from estimateFee
        ExecutionParams params = new ExecutionParams(nonce, maxFee);
        DeclareTransactionV2Payload declareTransactionPayload = account.signDeclare(contractDefinition, casmContractDefinition, params, false);

        Request<DeclareResponse> request = provider.declareContract(declareTransactionPayload);
        DeclareResponse response = request.send();
        Felt hash = response.getTransactionHash(); // Hash of the transaction that declares a contract

In Kotlin

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Create a provider for interacting with Starknet
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("")

    // Set up an account
    val privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x1234")
    val accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x1236789")
    // ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Both the account address and private key are for demonstration purposes only.
    val account = StandardAccount(accountAddress, privateKey, provider)

    // Import a compiled contract
    val contractCode = Path.of("contract.json").readText()
    val casmCode = Path.of("contract.casm").readText()
    val contractDefinition = Cairo1ContractDefinition(contractCode)
    val casmContractDefinition = CasmContractDefinition(casmCode)
    val nonce = account.getNonce().send()

    // Estimate fee for declaring a contract
    val declareTransactionPayloadForFeeEstimate = account.signDeclare(
        sierraContractDefinition = contractDefinition,
        casmContractDefinition = casmContractDefinition,
        params = ExecutionParams(nonce, Felt(1000000000000000L)),
    val feeEstimateRequest = provider.getEstimateFee(listOf(declareTransactionPayloadForFeeEstimate))
    val feeEstimate = feeEstimateRequest.send().first().overallFee
    // Make sure to prefund the account with enough funds to cover the fee for declare transaction

    // Declare a contract
    val maxFee = Felt(feeEstimate.value.multiply(BigInteger.TWO)) // Sometimes the actual fee may be higher than value from estimateFee
    val params = ExecutionParams(
            nonce = nonce,
            maxFee = maxFee,
    val declareTransactionPayload = account.signDeclare(
        sierraContractDefinition = contractDefinition,
        casmContractDefinition = casmContractDefinition,
        params = params,

    val request = provider.declareContract(declareTransactionPayload)
    val response = request.send()

Package com.swmansion.starknet.account

Account interface used to simplify preparing, signing Starknet transactions and automatic fee estimation.

Example usages of StandardAccount

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
        Felt address = new Felt(0x1234);
        Felt privateKey = new Felt(0x1);
        Account account = new StandardAccount(address, privateKey, provider);

        // Execute a single call
        Felt maxFee = new Felt(10000000L);
        Felt contractAddress = new Felt(0x1111);
        Call call = new Call(contractAddress, "increase_balance", List.of(new Felt(100)));
        Request<InvokeFunctionResponse> request = account.execute(call, maxFee);
        InvokeFunctionResponse response = request.send();

        // Execute multiple calls
        Call call1 = new Call(contractAddress, "increase_balance", List.of(new Felt(100)));
        Call call2 = new Call(contractAddress, "increase_balance", List.of(new Felt(200)));
        account.execute(List.of(call1, call2), maxFee).send();

        // Use automatic maxFee estimation
        // or 
        account.execute(List.of(call1, call2)).send();

        // Construct transaction step by step
        Call otherCall = new Call(contractAddress, "increase_balance", List.of(new Felt(100)));
        EstimateFeeResponse feeEstimate = account.estimateFee(otherCall).send();
        Felt nonce = account.getNonce().send();
        InvokeTransactionPayload signedTransaction = account.sign(otherCall, new ExecutionParams(nonce, maxFee));
        InvokeFunctionResponse signedInvokeResponse = provider.invokeFunction(signedTransaction).send();

        // Sign transaction for fee estimation only
        InvokeTransactionPayload transactionForFeeEstimation = account.sign(call, new ExecutionParams(nonce, Felt.ZERO), true);

        // Sign and verify TypedData signature
        TypedData typedData = TypedData.fromJsonString("...");
        List<Felt> typedDataSignature = account.signTypedData(typedData);
        Request<Boolean> isValidSignatureRequest = account.verifyTypedDataSignature(typedData, typedDataSignature);
        boolean isValidSignature = isValidSignatureRequest.send();

or in Kotlin

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val provider: Provider = makeTestnetProvider()
    val address = Felt(0x1234)
    val privateKey = Felt(0x1)
    val account: Account = StandardAccount(address, privateKey, provider)

    // Execute a single call
    val maxFee = Felt(10000000L)
    val contractAddress = Felt(0x1111)
    val call = Call(contractAddress, "increase_balance", listOf(Felt(100)))
    val request = account.execute(call, maxFee)
    val response = request.send()

    // Execute multiple calls
    val call1 = Call(contractAddress, "increase_balance", listOf(Felt(100)))
    val call2 = Call(contractAddress, "increase_balance", listOf(Felt(200)))
    account.execute(listOf(call1, call2), maxFee).send()

    // Use automatic maxFee estimation
    // or
    account.execute(listOf(call1, call2)).send()

    // Construct transaction step by step
    val otherCall = Call(contractAddress, "increase_balance", listOf(Felt(100)))
    val (gasConsumed, gasPrice, overallFee) = account.estimateFee(otherCall).send()
    val nonce = account.getNonce().send()
    val signedTransaction = account.sign(otherCall, ExecutionParams(nonce, maxFee))
    val signedInvokeResponse = provider.invokeFunction(signedTransaction).send()
    // Sign transaction for fee estimation only
    val transactionForFeeEstimation = account.sign(call, ExecutionParams(nonce, Felt.ZERO), true)

    // Sign and verify TypedData signature
    val typedData = TypedData.fromJsonString("...");
    val typedDataSignature = account.signTypedData(typedData)
    val isValidSignatureRequest = account.verifyTypedDataSignature(typedData, typedDataSignature)
    val isValidSignature = isValidSignatureRequest.send()

Package com.swmansion.starknet.crypto

Cryptography and signature related classes. This is a low level module. Recommended way of using is through Signer and Account implementations.


Data classes representing Starknet objects and utilities for handling them.


Data classes representing Starknet objects.


Data classes representing Starknet transactions.

Package com.swmansion.starknet.deployercontract

Classes for interacting with Universal Deployer Contract (UDC).

// Create a deployer instance
Deployer deployer = new StandardDeployer(address, provider, account);

// Create a deploment request and send it
Request<ContractDeployment> request = deployer.deployContract(
        List.of(constructorCalldata1, constructorCalldata2, ...));
ContractDeployment result = request.send();

// Get an address of the deployed contract
Request<Felt> addressRequest = deployer.findContractAddress(result);
Felt address = addressRequest.send();

or in Kotlin

// Create a deployer instance
val deployer: Deployer = StandardDeployer(address, provider, account)

// Create a deploment request and send it
val request = deployer.deployContract(
    listOf(constructorCalldata1, constructorCalldata2),
val result = request.send()

// Get an address of the deployed contract
val addressRequest = deployer.findContractAddress(result)
val (value) = addressRequest.send()

Package com.swmansion.starknet.provider

Provider interface and its implementations.

// Create a provider instance
Provider provider = ...

// Get a storage value request
Request<Felt> request = provider.getStorageAt(address, key);
// Send a request
Felt response = request.send();

// For most methods block hash, number or tag can be specified
Request<Felt> request = provider.getStorageAt(address, key, Felt.fromHex("0x123..."));
Request<Felt> request = provider.getStorageAt(address, key, 1234);
Request<Felt> request = provider.getStorageAt(address, key, BlockTag.LATEST);

Package com.swmansion.starknet.provider.exceptions

Exceptions thrown by the Starknet providers.

Request.send() throws RequestFailedException unchecked exception. It can optionally be handled.

Request<Felt> request = ...
// Send a request
try {
    Felt response = request.send();
} catch (RequestFailedException e) {
    // Handle an exception

In the case of Request.sendAsync(), an exception would have to be handled in the returned CompletableFuture.

Package com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc

Provider implementing the JSON RPC interface to communicate with the network.

// JsonRpcProvider can only be created using constructor
new JsonRpcProvider("");
// or with a custom HttpService
new JsonRpcProvider("", myHttpService);

Package com.swmansion.starknet.service.http

Http service used to communicate with Starknet.

You can create a OkHttpService yourself and pass it whenever creating a provider. This way your whole application can use a single OkHttpClient. Read more here.

import com.swmansion.starknet.service.http.OkHttpService;

// (...)

OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient();
OkHttpService httpService = new OkHttpService(httpClient);

Package com.swmansion.starknet.signer

Signer interface and its implementations. Recommended way of using Signer is through an Account.

// Create a signer
Signer signer = ...
// Sign a transaction
List<Felt> signature = signer.signTransaction(tx);

// Get a public key
Felt publicKey = signer.getPublicKey();