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MAMP Setup on OSX

Setting up Apache, MySQL and PHP on Mac OSX.

The guide uses the default Mac OSX Apache and PHP along with Homebrew for installing MySQL.

Apache Setup

Configure Apache

Open the Apache server configuration file httpd.conf for editing.


httpd.conf settings

Set the server name to localhost

ServerName localhost:80

Enable the PHP module

LoadModule php5_module

Add index.htm to the directory index list (check if needed, php5_module may enable)

DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php

Enable the virtual hosts configuration file

Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Configure virtual hosts

Location of Apache vhosts configuration file


Open httpd-vhosts.conf and add your vhost entries after the line

NameVirtualHost *:80

Apache Commands

sudo apachectl start|stop|restart

Setup PHP

Create a php.ini file

sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini

Paste in the contents of php.ini-development from the distribution download

Add your timezone to date.timezone to stop PHP date warning

date.timezone = "Australia/Brisbane"

Configure MySQL socket setting, find and set the following

pdo_mysql.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
mysql.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
mysqli.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock

Command line information

Show version number of installed PHP

php -v

To see what compiled php modules are active

php -m

To show more complete php configuration and environment information

php -i


Install and configure MySQL

Install MySQL with Homebrew

brew install mysql --with-utf8-default  

Follow the homebrew instructions after installation

unset TMPDIR
mysql.server start

Step through MySQL secure installation procedure

  • Set a root password
  • Remove anonymous user
  • Disallow root login remotely
  • Remove test databases
  • Reload privileges

MySQL Commands

Manage MySQL server

mysql.server start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|stats

mysql.server is a script located in: /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/<version>/support-files Run with ./mysql.server <command> or make executable

MySQL Databases

Location of MySQL database files


Hosts File

Open the etc hosts file


Add entries for each virtual host (one per line) <your domain>

General Information

Useful Files and Directories

Default user sites location


Base Apache files location


Default Apache page (contains default index page)


Useful URLs

Open Apache manual


Open user default sites folder /User/<username>/Sites/
