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Releases: spdx/license-list-XML

Version 3.14 of the SPDX License List

08 Aug 21:09
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New licenses/exceptions added: 13

  1. CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0-FR
  2. CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0-UK
  3. CC-BY-2.5-AU
  4. CC-BY-3.0-NL
  5. CC-BY-3.0-DE
  6. CC-BY-NC-3.0-DE
  7. CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-DE
  8. CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0-DE
  9. CC-BY-ND-3.0-DE
  10. CC-BY-SA-3.0-DE
  11. CDLA-Permissive-2.0
  12. NLOD-2.0
  13. OPUBL-1.0

Updates to various documentation, adjustments to markup for various licenses and other minor changes.

See all PRs for 3.14 here:

See comparison of changes from 3.13 to 3.14: v3.13...v3.14

Version 3.13 of the SPDX License List

16 May 00:22
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New licenses/exceptions added: 2

  1. BSD-3-Clause-No-Military-License
  2. CDL-1.0

Updates to various documentation, adjustments to markup for various licenses and other minor changes.

See all PRs for 3.13 here:

See comparision of changes from 3.12 to 3.13: v3.12...v3.13

Version 3.12

07 Mar 22:22
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New licenses/exceptions added: 10

  1. BSD-3-Clause-Modification
  2. BSD-4-Clause-Shortened
  3. CC-BY-SA-2.1-JP
  4. C-UDA-1.0
  5. DRL-1.0
  6. FreeBSD-DOC
  7. GD
  8. MIT-Modern-Variant
  9. NAIST-2003
  10. OGDL-Taiwan-1.0

The test / build / deploy CI system has been migrated from Travis to GitHub Actions.

Updates to various documentation, cleanup of markup for various licenses and other minor changes.

See all PRs for 3.12 here:

See comparison of changes from 3.11 to 3.12: v3.11...v3.12

Version 3.11

28 Nov 17:09
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New licenses/exceptions added: 6

  1. ANTLR-PD-fallback
  2. BUSL-1.1
  3. CC-BY-3.0-US
  4. CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
  6. MIT-open-group

Update several licenses to note where they have become OSI-approved.

Updates and cleanup of markup for various licenses and other minor changes.

See all PRs for 3.11 here:

See comparision of changes from 3.10 to 3.11: v3.10...v3.11

Version 3.10

03 Aug 21:58
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New licenses/exceptions added: 20

  1. BSD-2-Clause-Views
  2. CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-IGO
  3. CC-BY-SA-3.0-AT
  4. CC-BY-3.0-AT
  5. EPICS
  6. GFDL-1.1-invariants-only
  7. GFDL-1.1-invariants-or-later
  8. GFDL-1.1-no-invariants-only
  9. GFDL-1.1-no-invariants-or-later
  10. GFDL-1.2-invariants-only
  11. GFDL-1.2-invariants-or-later
  12. GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-only
  13. GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later
  14. GFDL-1.3-invariants-only
  15. GFDL-1.3-invariants-or-later
  16. GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
  17. GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later
  18. GLWTPL
  19. NIST-PD
  20. NIST-PD-fallback

Extensive updates to documentation for workflow to add new licenses.

Deprecate BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD as substantively identical to BSD-2-Clause-Views.

Updates and cleanup of markup for various licenses and other minor changes.

See all PRs for 3.10 here:

See comparision of changes from 3.9 to 3.10: v3.9...v3.10

Version 3.9

15 May 18:01
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New licenses/exceptions added: 16

  1. CAL-1.0
  2. CAL-1.0-Combined-Work-Exception
  3. CERN-OHL-P-2.0
  4. CERN-OHL-S-2.0
  5. CERN-OHL-W-2.0
  6. Hippocratic-2.1
  7. LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
  8. MulanPSL-2.0
  9. NCGL-UK-2.0
  10. O-UDA-1.0
  11. OGC-1.0
  12. Parity-7.0.0
  13. PolyForm-Noncommercial-1.0.0
  14. PolyForm-Small-Business-1.0.0
  15. SHL-2.0
  16. SHL-2.1

Deprecate BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD as substantively identical to BSD-2-Clause.

Update and expand license inclusion principles.

Update matching guidelines to v2.1.

Add and update various documentation and legal team meeting details.

Add helper script to enable renaming licenses for use in preparing XML and test

Updates and cleanup of markup for various licenses and other minor changes.

See all PRs for 3.9 here:

See comparison of changes from 3.8 to 3.9: v3.8...v3.9

Version 3.8

09 Feb 18:47
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New licenses/exceptions added: 9

  1. GPL-3.0-linking-exception
  2. GPL-3.0-linking-source-exception
  3. libselinux-1.0
  4. NTP-0
  5. OFL-1.0-RFN
  6. OFL-1.0-no-RFN
  7. OFL-1.1-RFN
  8. OFL-1.1-no-RFN
  9. PSF-2.0

Updates and cleanup of markup for various licenses and other minor changes.

Add machine-readable copy of "equivalent words" from matching guidelines.

See all PRs for 3.8 here:

See comparision of changes from 3.7 to 3.8: v3.7...v3.8

Version 3.7

22 Oct 14:54
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New licenses/exceptions added: 6

  1. etalab-2.0
  2. MulanPSL-1.0
  3. OGL-Canada-2.0
  4. SSH-OpenSSH
  5. SSH-short
  6. UCL-1.0

Updates and cleanup of markup for various licenses and other minor changes.

Add and update documentation regarding the history of the SPDX License List and
development of license inclusion guidelines.

Technical fixes to license list publisher to handle appropriate display of
optional text fields.

Add helper script to enable testing a single license XML file rather than
requiring re-test of entire repo.

See all PRs for 3.7 here:

See comparision of changes from 3.6 to 3.7: v3.6...v3.7

Version 3.6

10 Jul 20:55
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New licenses/exceptions added: 10

  1. blessing
  2. BlueOak-1.0.0
  3. BSD-3-Clause-Open-MPI
  4. CC-PDDC
  5. Parity-6.0.0
  6. SHL-0.5
  7. SHL-0.51
  8. SSPL-1.0
  9. Swift-exception
  10. Universal-FOSS-exception-1.0

Addition of markup to various licenses and other minor updates.

Add and update documentation originating from SPDX website, including:

  • About the SPDX License List
  • Explanation of SPDX License List Fields
  • License Inclusion Principles

Technical fixes to schema and license markup for handling of spacing and other updates.

Cleanup of stray whitespace across the repository.

See all PRs for 3.6 here:

See comparision of changes from 3.5 to 3.6: v3.5...v3.6

Version 3.5

02 Apr 16:11
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New licenses/exceptions added: 7

  1. JPNIC
  2. libpng-2.0
  3. HPND-sell-variant
  4. GPL-CC-1.0
  5. TAPR-OHL-1.0
  6. CERN-OHL-1.1
  7. CERN-OHL-1.2

Addition of markup to various licenses and other minor updates.

Add page describing internal workflow for adding a new license in /DOCS directory.

See all PRs for 3.5 here:

See comparison of changes from 3.4 to 3.5: v3.4...v3.5