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Become a sponsor to Travis Arnold

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Travis Arnold, a designer and engineer dedicated to crafting exceptional web experiences.

My extensive background in the creative industry includes graphic design, print, videography, motion graphics, product design, frontend development, and design systems. This diverse skill set has enabled me to art direct and engineer high-performance websites, applications, and systems.

I'm an indie developer focusing on a broader mission: Democratize the creation of great web experiences catering to individuals and teams beyond large organizations.

My primary projects to achieve these goals are:

๐Ÿ”น Enhancing Figma and codebase synchronization with Figma Tools.
๐Ÿ”น Automating content and documentation using MDX and TypeScript at MDXTS
๐Ÿ”น Advancing codemod tooling and visualization with TSXMOD.
๐Ÿ”น Building a full-featured design tool powered by React source code at JSXUI.

Your sponsorship supports my commitment to these innovative projects, fostering growth and accessibility in the frontend and React ecosystems. It also helps me share insights and resources on building high-performance web interfaces and more through my blog.

Join me in this endeavor to empower creators at all levels ๐ŸŒŸ

1 sponsor has funded souporseriousโ€™s work.


Featured work

  1. figma-tools/figma-tools

    Tools to help you programmatically interact with your Figma files.

    TypeScript 95
  2. souporserious/mdxts

    The Content and Documentation SDK for React

    TypeScript 251
  3. souporserious/tsxmod

    Refactor code, migrate to new APIs, and better understand your codebase.

    TypeScript 101

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$ a month

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$25 a month


๐Ÿ™ Supporter

  • Sponsor badge on your GitHub profile.

$100 a month


๐Ÿฅ‰ Bronze

  • Name across websites.
  • Sponsor badge on your GitHub profile.

$250 a month


๐Ÿฅˆ Silver

  • Prioritized issues
  • Medium size name/logo across websites.
  • Sponsor badge on your GitHub profile.

$500 a month


๐Ÿฅ‡ Gold

  • One hour session for help and support.
  • Prioritized issues
  • Large size name/logo across websites.
  • Sponsor badge on your GitHub profile.

$1,000 a month


๐Ÿ’Ž Diamond

  • I'll join your chat app for support.
  • Prioritized issues
  • Prioritized feature requests
  • Largest size name/logo across websites.
  • Sponsor badge on your GitHub profile.