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Releases: sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy


13 Mar 17:34
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Released: March 13, 2023


  • [orm] [bug] Fixed bug where the "active history" feature was not fully
    implemented for composite attributes, making it impossible to receive
    events that included the "old" value. This seems to have been the case
    with older SQLAlchemy versions as well, where "active_history" would
    be propagated to the underlying column-based attributes, but an event
    handler listening to the composite attribute itself would not be given
    the "old" value being replaced, even if the composite() were set up
    with active_history=True.

    Additionally, fixed a regression that's local to 2.0 which disallowed
    active_history on composite from being assigned to the impl with

    References: #9460

  • [orm] [bug] Fixed regression involving pickling of Python rows between the cython and
    pure Python implementations of Row, which occurred as part of
    refactoring code for version 2.0 with typing. A particular constant were
    turned into a string based Enum for the pure Python version of
    Row whereas the cython version continued to use an integer
    constant, leading to deserialization failures.

    References: #9418


  • [sql] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression where the fix for #8098, which was released in
    the 1.4 series and provided a layer of concurrency-safe checks for the
    lambda SQL API, included additional fixes in the patch that failed to be
    applied to the main branch. These additional fixes have been applied.

    References: #9461

  • [sql] [bug] Fixed regression where the construct would not be able
    to render if it were given no columns and then used in the context of an
    EXISTS, raising an internal exception instead. While an empty "SELECT" is
    not typically valid SQL, in the context of EXISTS databases such as
    PostgreSQL allow it, and in any case the condition now no longer raises
    an internal exception.

    References: #9440


  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing issue where ColumnElement.cast() did not allow a
    TypeEngine argument independent of the type of the
    ColumnElement itself, which is the purpose of

    References: #9451

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed issues to allow typing tests to pass under Mypy 1.1.1.


  • [oracle] [bug] Fixed reflection bug where Oracle "name normalize" would not work correctly
    for reflection of symbols that are in the "PUBLIC" schema, such as
    synonyms, meaning the PUBLIC name could not be indicated as lower case on
    the Python side for the _schema.Table.schema argument. Using
    uppercase "PUBLIC" would work, but would then lead to awkward SQL queries
    including a quoted "PUBLIC" name as well as indexing the table under
    uppercase "PUBLIC", which was inconsistent.

    References: #9459


06 Mar 03:49
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Released: March 5, 2023


  • [orm] [bug] Added constructor arguments to the built-in mapping collection types
    including KeyFuncDict, _orm.attribute_keyed_dict(),
    _orm.column_keyed_dict() so that these dictionary types may be
    constructed in place given the data up front; this provides further
    compatibility with tools such as Python dataclasses .asdict() which
    relies upon invoking these classes directly as ordinary dictionary classes.

    References: #9418

  • [orm] [bug] [regression] Fixed multiple regressions due to #8372, involving
    _orm.attribute_mapped_collection() (now called

    First, the collection was no longer usable with "key" attributes that were
    not themselves ordinary mapped attributes; attributes linked to descriptors
    and/or association proxy attributes have been fixed.

    Second, if an event or other operation needed access to the "key" in order
    to populate the dictionary from an mapped attribute that was not
    loaded, this also would raise an error inappropriately, rather than
    trying to load the attribute as was the behavior in 1.4. This is also

    For both cases, the behavior of #8372 has been expanded.
    #8372 introduced an error that raises when the derived key that
    would be used as a mapped dictionary key is effectively unassigned. In this
    change, a warning only is emitted if the effective value of the ".key"
    attribute is None, where it cannot be unambiguously determined if this
    None was intentional or not. None will be not supported as mapped
    collection dictionary keys going forward (as it typically refers to NULL
    which means "unknown"). Setting
    _orm.attribute_keyed_dict.ignore_unpopulated_attribute will now
    cause such None keys to be ignored as well.

    References: #9424

  • [orm] [bug] Identified that the sqlite and mssql+pyodbc dialects are now
    compatible with the SQLAlchemy ORM's "versioned rows" feature, since
    SQLAlchemy now computes rowcount for a RETURNING statement in this specific
    case by counting the rows returned, rather than relying upon
    cursor.rowcount. In particular, the ORM versioned rows use case
    (documented at mapper_version_counter) should now be fully
    supported with the SQL Server pyodbc dialect.

  • [orm] [bug] Added support for the _orm.Mapper.polymorphic_load parameter to
    be applied to each mapper in an inheritance hierarchy more than one level
    deep, allowing columns to load for all classes in the hierarchy that
    indicate "selectin" using a single statement, rather than ignoring
    elements on those intermediary classes that nonetheless indicate they also
    would participate in "selectin" loading and were not part of the
    base-most SELECT statement.

    References: #9373

  • [orm] [bug] Continued the fix for #8853, allowing the _orm.Mapped
    name to be fully qualified regardless of whether or not
    from __annotations__ import future were present. This issue first fixed
    in 2.0.0b3 confirmed that this case worked via the test suite, however the
    test suite apparently was not testing the behavior for the name
    _orm.Mapped not being locally present at all; string resolution
    has been updated to ensure the _orm.Mapped symbol is locatable as
    applies to how the ORM uses these functions.

    References: #8853, #9335

orm declarative

  • [bug] [orm declarative] Fixed issue where new _orm.mapped_column.use_existing_column
    feature would not work if the two same-named columns were mapped under
    attribute names that were differently-named from an explicit name given to
    the column itself. The attribute names can now be differently named when
    using this parameter.

    References: #9332


  • [engine] [performance] A small optimization to the Cython implementation of Result
    using a cdef for a particular int value to avoid Python overhead. Pull
    request courtesy Matus Valo.

    References: #9343

  • [engine] [bug] Fixed bug where _engine.Row objects could not be reliably unpickled
    across processes due to an accidental reliance on an unstable hash value.

    References: #9423


  • [sql] [bug] [regression] Restore the nullslast() and nullsfirst() legacy functions
    into the sqlalchemy import namespace. Previously, the newer
    nulls_last() and nulls_first() functions were available, but
    the legacy ones were inadvertently removed.

    References: #9390


  • [schema] Validate that when provided the _schema.MetaData.schema
    argument of _schema.MetaData is a string.


  • [typing] [usecase] Exported the type returned by
    _orm.scoped_session.query_property() using a new public type

    References: #9338

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed bug where the _engine.Connection.scalars() method was not typed
    as allowing a multiple-parameters list, which is now supported using
    insertmanyvalues operations.

  • [typing] [bug] Improved typing for the mapping passed to Insert.values() and
    Update.values() to be more open-ended about collection type, by
    indicating read-only Mapping instead of writeable Dict which would
    error out on too limited of a key type.

    References: #9376

  • [typing] [bug] Added missing init overload to the _types.Numeric type object so
    that pep-484 type checkers may properly resolve the complete type, deriving
    from the _types.Numeric.asdecimal parameter whether Decimal
    or float objects will be represented.

    References: #9391

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing bug where _sql.Select.from_statement() would not accept
    _sql.text() or TextualSelect objects as a valid type.
    Additionally repaired the TextClause.columns method to have a
    return type, which was missing.

    References: #9398

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing issue where _orm.with_polymorphic() would not
    record the class type correctly.

    References: #9340


  • [postgresql] [bug] Fixed issue in PostgreSQL _postgresql.ExcludeConstraint where
    literal values were being compiled as bound parameters and not direct
    inline values as is required for DDL.

    References: #9349

  • [postgresql] [bug] Fixed issue where the PostgreSQL _postgresql.ExcludeConstraint
    construct would not be copyable within operations such as
    _schema.Table.to_metadata() as well as within some Alembic scenarios,
    if the constraint contained textual expression elements.

    References: #9401


  • [mysql] [bug] [postgresql] The support for pool ping listeners to receive exception events via the
    DialectEvents.handle_error() event added in 2.0.0b1 for
    #5648 failed to take into account dialect-specific ping routines
    such as that of MySQL and PostgreSQL. The dialect feature has been reworked
    so that all dialects participate within event handling. Additionally,
    a new boolean element ExceptionContext.is_pre_ping is added
    which identifies if this operation is occurring within the pre-ping

    For this release, third party dialects which implement a custom
    _engine.Dialect.do_ping() method can opt in to the newly improved
    behavior by having their method no longer catch exceptions or check
    exceptions for "is_disconnect", instead just propagating all exceptions
    outwards. Checking the exception for "is_disconnect" is now done by an
    enclosing method on the default dialect, which ensures that the event hook
    is invoked for all exception scenarios before testing the exception as a
    "disconnect" exception. If an existing do_ping() method continues to
    catch exceptions and check "is_disconnect", it will continue to work as it
    did previously, but handle_error hooks will not have access to the
    exception if it isn't propagated outwards.

    References: #5648


  • [sqlite] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression for SQLite connections where use of the deterministic
    parameter when establishing database functions would fail for older SQLite
    versions, those prior to version 3.8.3. The version checking logic has been
    improved to accommodate for this case.

    References: #9379


  • [mssql] [bug] Fixed issue in the new Uuid datatype which prevented it from
    working with the pymssql driver. As...
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17 Feb 16:01
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Released: February 17, 2023


  • [orm] [usecase] The _orm.Session.refresh() method will now immediately load a
    relationship-bound attribute that is explicitly named within the
    _orm.Session.refresh.attribute_names collection even if it is
    currently linked to the "select" loader, which normally is a "lazy" loader
    that does not fire off during a refresh. The "lazy loader" strategy will
    now detect that the operation is specifically a user-initiated
    _orm.Session.refresh() operation which named this attribute
    explicitly, and will then call upon the "immediateload" strategy to
    actually emit SQL to load the attribute. This should be helpful in
    particular for some asyncio situations where the loading of an unloaded
    lazy-loaded attribute must be forced, without using the actual lazy-loading
    attribute pattern not supported in asyncio.

    References: #9298

  • [orm] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression introduced in version 2.0.2 due to #9217 where
    using DML RETURNING statements, as well as
    _sql.Select.from_statement() constructs as was "fixed" in
    #9217, in conjunction with ORM mapped classes that used
    expressions such as with _orm.column_property(), would lead to an
    internal error within Core where it would attempt to match the expression
    by name. The fix repairs the Core issue, and also adjusts the fix in
    #9217 to not take effect for the DML RETURNING use case, where it
    adds unnecessary overhead.

    References: #9273

  • [orm] [bug] Marked the internal EvaluatorCompiler module as private to the ORM, and
    renamed it to _EvaluatorCompiler. For users that may have been relying
    upon this, the name EvaluatorCompiler is still present, however this
    use is not supported and will be removed in a future release.

  • [orm] [use_case] To accommodate a change in column ordering used by ORM Declarative in
    SQLAlchemy 2.0, a new parameter _orm.mapped_column.sort_order
    has been added that can be used to control the order of the columns defined
    in the table by the ORM, for common use cases such as mixins with primary
    key columns that should appear first in tables. The change notes at
    change_9297 illustrate the default change in ordering behavior
    (which is part of all SQLAlchemy 2.0 releases) as well as use of the
    _orm.mapped_column.sort_order to control column ordering when
    using mixins and multiple classes (new in 2.0.4).

    References: #9297

orm declarative

  • [usecase] [orm declarative] Added new parameter dataclasses_callable to both the
    _orm.MappedAsDataclass class as well as the
    _orm.registry.mapped_as_dataclass() method which allows an
    alternative callable to Python dataclasses.dataclass to be used in
    order to produce dataclasses. The use case here is to drop in Pydantic's
    dataclass function instead. Adjustments have been made to the mixin support
    added for #9179 in version 2.0.1 so that the __annotations__
    collection of the mixin is rewritten to not include the
    _orm.Mapped container, in the same way as occurs with mapped
    classes, so that the Pydantic dataclasses constructor is not exposed to
    unknown types.

    References: #9266


  • [sql] [bug] Fixed issue where element types of a tuple value would be hardcoded to take
    on the types from a compared-to tuple, when the comparison were using the
    ColumnOperators.in_() operator. This was inconsistent with the usual
    way that types are determined for a binary expression, which is that the
    actual element type on the right side is considered first before applying
    the left-hand-side type.

    References: #9313

  • [sql] Added public property _schema.Table.autoincrement_column that
    returns the column identified as autoincrementing in the column.

    References: #9277


  • [typing] [usecase] Improved the typing support for the hybrids_toplevel
    extension, updated all documentation to use ORM Annotated Declarative
    mappings, and added a new modifier called hybrid_property.inplace.
    This modifier provides a way to alter the state of a hybrid_property
    in place, which is essentially what very early versions of hybrids
    did, before SQLAlchemy version 1.2.0 #3912 changed this to
    remove in-place mutation. This in-place mutation is now restored on an
    opt-in basis to allow a single hybrid to have multiple methods
    set up, without the need to name all the methods the same and without the
    need to carefully "chain" differently-named methods in order to maintain
    the composition. Typing tools such as Mypy and Pyright do not allow
    same-named methods on a class, so with this change a succinct method
    of setting up hybrids with typing support is restored.

    References: #9321


  • [oracle] [bug] Adjusted the behavior of the thick_mode parameter for the
    oracledb dialect to correctly accept False as a value.
    Previously, only None would indicate that thick mode should be

    References: #9295


10 Feb 00:15
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Released: February 9, 2023


  • [sql] [bug] [regression] Fixed critical regression in SQL expression formulation in the 2.0 series
    due to #7744 which improved support for SQL expressions that
    contained many elements against the same operator repeatedly; parenthesis
    grouping would be lost with expression elements beyond the first two

    References: #9271


  • [typing] [bug] Remove typing.Self workaround, now using PEP 673 for most methods
    that return Self. Pull request courtesy Yurii Karabas.

    References: #9254


07 Feb 00:02
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Released: February 6, 2023


  • [orm] [usecase] Added new event hook _orm.MapperEvents.after_mapper_constructed(),
    which supplies an event hook to take place right as the
    _orm.Mapper object has been fully constructed, but before the
    _orm.registry.configure() call has been called. This allows code that
    can create additional mappings and table structures based on the initial
    configuration of a _orm.Mapper, which also integrates within
    Declarative configuration. Previously, when using Declarative, where the
    _orm.Mapper object is created within the class creation process,
    there was no documented means of running code at this point. The change
    is to immediately benefit custom mapping schemes such as that
    of the examples_versioned_history example, which generate additional
    mappers and tables in response to the creation of mapped classes.

    References: #9220

  • [orm] [usecase] The infrequently used _orm.Mapper.iterate_properties attribute and
    _orm.Mapper.get_property() method, which are primarily used
    internally, no longer implicitly invoke the _orm.registry.configure()
    process. Public access to these methods is extremely rare and the only
    benefit to having _orm.registry.configure() would have been allowing
    "backref" properties be present in these collections. In order to support
    the new _orm.MapperEvents.after_mapper_constructed() event, iteration
    and access to the internal _orm.MapperProperty objects is now
    possible without triggering an implicit configure of the mapper itself.

    The more-public facing route to iteration of all mapper attributes, the
    _orm.Mapper.attrs collection and similar, will still implicitly
    invoke the _orm.registry.configure() step thus making backref
    attributes available.

    In all cases, the _orm.registry.configure() is always available to
    be called directly.

    References: #9220

  • [orm] [bug] [regression] Fixed obscure ORM inheritance issue caused by #8705 where some
    scenarios of inheriting mappers that indicated groups of columns from the
    local table and the inheriting table together under a
    _orm.column_property() would nonetheless warn that properties of the
    same name were being combined implicitly.

    References: #9232

  • [orm] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression where using the _orm.Mapper.version_id_col
    feature with a regular Python-side incrementing column would fail to work
    for SQLite and other databases that don't support "rowcount" with
    "RETURNING", as "RETURNING" would be assumed for such columns even though
    that's not what actually takes place.

    References: #9228

  • [orm] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression when using _sql.Select.from_statement() in an ORM
    context, where matching of columns to SQL labels based on name alone was
    disabled for ORM-statements that weren't fully textual. This would prevent
    arbitrary SQL expressions with column-name labels from matching up to the
    entity to be loaded, which previously would work within the 1.4
    and previous series, so the previous behavior has been restored.

    References: #9217

orm declarative

  • [bug] [orm declarative] Fixed regression caused by the fix for #9171, which itself was
    fixing a regression, involving the mechanics of __init__() on classes
    that extend from _orm.DeclarativeBase. The change made it such
    that __init__() was applied to the user-defined base if there were no
    __init__() method directly on the class. This has been adjusted so that
    __init__() is applied only if no other class in the hierarchy of the
    user-defined base has an __init__() method. This again allows
    user-defined base classes based on _orm.DeclarativeBase to include
    mixins that themselves include a custom __init__() method.

    References: #9249

  • [bug] [orm declarative] Fixed issue in ORM Declarative Dataclass mappings related to newly added
    support for mixins added in 2.0.1 via #9179, where a combination
    of using mixins plus ORM inheritance would mis-classify fields in some
    cases leading to field-level dataclass arguments such as init=False being

    References: #9226

  • [bug] [orm declarative] Repaired ORM Declarative mappings to allow for the
    _orm.Mapper.primary_key parameter to be specified within
    __mapper_args__ when using _orm.mapped_column(). Despite this
    usage being directly in the 2.0 documentation, the _orm.Mapper was
    not accepting the _orm.mapped_column() construct in this context. Ths
    feature was already working for the _orm.Mapper.version_id_col
    and _orm.Mapper.polymorphic_on parameters.

    As part of this change, the __mapper_args__ attribute may be specified
    without using _orm.declared_attr() on a non-mapped mixin class,
    including a "primary_key" entry that refers to _schema.Column
    or _orm.mapped_column() objects locally present on the mixin;
    Declarative will also translate these columns into the correct ones for a
    particular mapped class. This again was working already for the
    _orm.Mapper.version_id_col and
    _orm.Mapper.polymorphic_on parameters. Additionally,
    elements within "primary_key" may be indicated as string names of
    existing mapped properties.

    References: #9240

  • [bug] [orm declarative] An explicit error is raised if a mapping attempts to mix the use of
    _orm.MappedAsDataclass with
    _orm.registry.mapped_as_dataclass() within the same class hierarchy,
    as this produces issues with the dataclass function being applied at the
    wrong time to the mapped class, leading to errors during the mapping

    References: #9211


  • [examples] [bug] Reworked the examples_versioned_history to work with
    version 2.0, while at the same time improving the overall working of
    this example to use newer APIs, including a newly added hook

    References: #9220


  • [sql] [usecase] Added a full suite of new SQL bitwise operators, for performing
    database-side bitwise expressions on appropriate data values such as
    integers, bit-strings, and similar. Pull request courtesy Yegor Statkevich.

    References: #8780


  • [asyncio] [bug] Repaired a regression caused by the fix for #8419 which caused
    asyncpg connections to be reset (i.e. transaction rollback() called)
    and returned to the pool normally in the case that the connection were not
    explicitly returned to the connection pool and was instead being
    intercepted by Python garbage collection, which would fail if the garbage
    collection operation were being called outside of the asyncio event loop,
    leading to a large amount of stack trace activity dumped into logging
    and standard output.

    The correct behavior is restored, which is that all asyncio connections
    that are garbage collected due to not being explicitly returned to the
    connection pool are detached from the pool and discarded, along with a
    warning, rather than being returned the pool, as they cannot be reliably
    reset. In the case of asyncpg connections, the asyncpg-specific
    terminate() method will be used to end the connection more gracefully
    within this process as opposed to just dropping it.

    This change includes a small behavioral change that is hoped to be useful
    for debugging asyncio applications, where the warning that's emitted in the
    case of asyncio connections being unexpectedly garbage collected has been
    made slightly more aggressive by moving it outside of a try/except
    block and into a finally: block, where it will emit unconditionally
    regardless of whether the detach/termination operation succeeded or not. It
    will also have the effect that applications or test suites which promote
    Python warnings to exceptions will see this as a full exception raise,
    whereas previously it was not possible for this warning to actually
    propagate as an exception. Applications and test suites which need to
    tolerate this warning in the interim should adjust the Python warnings
    filter to allow these warnings to not raise.

    The behavior for traditional sync connections remains unchanged, that
    garbage collected connections continue to be returned to the pool normally
    without emitting a warning. This will likely be changed in a future major
    release to at least emit a similar warning as is emitted for asyncio
    drivers, as it is a usage error for pooled connections to be intercepted by
    garbage collection without being properly returned to the pool.

    References: #9237


  • [mysql] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression caused by issue #9058 which adjusted the MySQL
    dialect's has_table() to again use "DESCRIBE", where the specific error
    code raised by MySQL version 8 whe...
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01 Feb 17:27
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Released: February 1, 2023


  • [orm] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression where ORM models that used joined table inheritance with a
    composite foreign key would encounter an internal error in the mapper

    References: #9164

  • [orm] [bug] Added support for PEP 484 NewType to be used in the
    _orm.registry.type_annotation_map as well as within
    Mapped constructs. These types will behave in the same way as
    custom subclasses of types right now; they must appear explicitly within
    the _orm.registry.type_annotation_map to be mapped.

    References: #9175

  • [orm] [bug] When using the MappedAsDataclass superclass, all classes within
    the hierarchy that are subclasses of this class will now be run through the
    @dataclasses.dataclass function whether or not they are actually
    mapped, so that non-ORM fields declared on non-mapped classes within the
    hierarchy will be used when mapped subclasses are turned into dataclasses.
    This behavior applies both to intermediary classes mapped with
    __abstract__ = True as well as to the user-defined declarative base
    itself, assuming MappedAsDataclass is present as a superclass for
    these classes.

    This allows non-mapped attributes such as InitVar declarations on
    superclasses to be used, without the need to run the
    @dataclasses.dataclass decorator explicitly on each non-mapped class.
    The new behavior is considered as correct as this is what the PEP 681
    implementation expects when using a superclass to indicate dataclass

    References: #9179

  • [orm] [bug] Added support for PEP 586 Literal[] to be used in the
    _orm.registry.type_annotation_map as well as within
    Mapped constructs. To use custom types such as these, they must
    appear explicitly within the _orm.registry.type_annotation_map
    to be mapped. Pull request courtesy Frederik Aalund.

    As part of this change, the support for sqltypes.Enum in the
    _orm.registry.type_annotation_map has been expanded to include
    support for Literal[] types consisting of string values to be used,
    in addition to enum.Enum datatypes. If a Literal[] datatype
    is used within Mapped[] that is not linked in
    _orm.registry.type_annotation_map to a specific datatype,
    a sqltypes.Enum will be used by default.

    References: #9187

  • [orm] [bug] Fixed issue involving the use of sqltypes.Enum within the
    _orm.registry.type_annotation_map where the
    _sqltypes.Enum.native_enum parameter would not be correctly
    copied to the mapped column datatype, if it were overridden
    as stated in the documentation to set this parameter to False.

    References: #9200

  • [orm] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression in DeclarativeBase class where the registry's
    default constructor would not be applied to the base itself, which is
    different from how the previous _orm.declarative_base() construct
    works. This would prevent a mapped class with its own __init__() method
    from calling super().__init__() in order to access the registry's
    default constructor and automatically populate attributes, instead hitting
    object.__init__() which would raise a TypeError on any arguments.

    References: #9171

  • [orm] [bug] Improved the ruleset used to interpret PEP 593 Annotated types when
    used with Annotated Declarative mapping, the inner type will be checked for
    "Optional" in all cases which will be added to the criteria by which the
    column is set as "nullable" or not; if the type within the Annotated
    container is optional (or unioned with None), the column will be
    considered nullable if there are no explicit
    _orm.mapped_column.nullable parameters overriding it.

    References: #9177

  • [orm] [bug] Improved the error reporting when linking strategy options from a base
    class to another attribute that's off a subclass, where of_type()
    should be used. Previously, when Load.options() is used, the message
    would lack informative detail that of_type() should be used, which was
    not the case when linking the options directly. The informative detail now
    emits even if Load.options() is used.

    References: #9182


  • [sql] [bug] Corrected the fix for #7664, released in version 2.0.0, to also
    include DropSchema which was inadvertently missed in this fix,
    allowing stringification without a dialect. The fixes for both constructs
    is backported to the 1.4 series as of 1.4.47.

    References: #7664

  • [sql] [bug] [regression] Fixed regression related to the implementation for the new
    "insertmanyvalues" feature where an internal TypeError would occur in
    arrangements where a _sql.insert() would be referred towards inside
    of another _sql.insert() via a CTE; made additional repairs for this
    use case for positional dialects such as asyncpg when using

    References: #9173


  • [typing] [bug] Opened up typing on Select.with_for_update.of to also accept
    table and mapped class arguments, as seems to be available for the MySQL

    References: #9174

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing for limit/offset methods including Select.limit(),
    Select.offset(), _orm.Query.limit(), _orm.Query.offset()
    to allow None, which is the documented API to "cancel" the current

    References: #9183

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing issue where _orm.mapped_column() objects typed as
    _orm.Mapped wouldn't be accepted in schema constraints such as
    _schema.ForeignKey, _schema.UniqueConstraint or

    References: #9170

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing for _expression.ColumnElement.cast() to accept
    both Type[TypeEngine[T]] and TypeEngine[T]; previously
    only TypeEngine[T] was accepted. Pull request courtesy Yurii Karabas.

    References: #9156


26 Jan 22:58
Choose a tag to compare


Released: January 26, 2023


  • [orm] [bug] Improved the notification of warnings that are emitted within the configure
    mappers or flush process, which are often invoked as part of a different
    operation, to add additional context to the message that indicates one of
    these operations as the source of the warning within operations that may
    not be obviously related.

    References: #7305

orm extensions

  • [feature] [orm extensions] Added new option to horizontal sharding API
    _horizontal.set_shard_id which sets the effective shard identifier
    to query against, for both the primary query as well as for all secondary
    loaders including relationship eager loaders as well as relationship and
    column lazy loaders.

    References: #7226

  • [usecase] [orm extensions] Added new feature to AutomapBase for autoload of classes across
    multiple schemas which may have overlapping names, by providing a
    AutomapBase.prepare.modulename_for_table parameter which
    allows customization of the __module__ attribute of newly generated
    classes, as well as a new collection AutomapBase.by_module, which
    stores a dot-separated namespace of module names linked to classes based on
    the __module__ attribute.

    Additionally, the AutomapBase.prepare() method may now be invoked
    any number of times, with or without reflection enabled; only newly
    added tables that were not previously mapped will be processed on each
    call. Previously, the MetaData.reflect() method would need to be
    called explicitly each time.

    References: #5145


  • [sql] [bug] Fixed stringify for a the CreateSchema DDL construct, which would
    fail with an AttributeError when stringified without a dialect.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #7664


  • [typing] [bug] Added typing for the built-in generic functions that are available from the
    :data:_sql.func namespace, which accept a particular set of arguments and
    return a particular type, such as for _sql.count,
    _sql.current_timestamp, etc.

    Unknown interpreted text role "data".

    References: #9129

  • [typing] [bug] Corrected the type passed for "lambda statements" so that a plain lambda is
    accepted by mypy, pyright, others without any errors about argument types.
    Additionally implemented typing for more of the public API for lambda
    statements and ensured StatementLambdaElement is part of the
    Executable hierarchy so it's typed as accepted by

    References: #9120

  • [typing] [bug] The _sql.ColumnOperators.in_() and
    _sql.ColumnOperators.not_in() methods are typed to include
    Iterable[Any] rather than Sequence[Any] for more flexibility in
    argument type.

    References: #9122

  • [typing] [bug] The _sql.or_() and _sql.and_() from a typing perspective
    require the first argument to be present, however these functions still
    accept zero arguments which will emit a deprecation warning at runtime.
    Typing is also added to support sending the fixed literal False for
    _sql.or_() and True for _sql.and_() as the first argument
    only, however the documentation now indicates sending the
    _sql.false() and _sql.true() constructs in these cases as a
    more explicit approach.

    References: #9123

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing issue where iterating over a _orm.Query object
    was not correctly typed.

    References: #9125

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing issue where the object type when using _engine.Result
    as a context manager were not preserved, indicating _engine.Result
    in all cases rather than the specific _engine.Result sub-type.
    Pull request courtesy Martin BalΓ‘ΕΎ.

    References: #9136

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed issue where using the _orm.relationship.remote_side
    and similar parameters, passing an annotated declarative object typed as
    _orm.Mapped, would not be accepted by the type checker.

    References: #9150

  • [typing] [bug] Added typing to legacy operators such as isnot(), notin_(), etc.
    which previously were referencing the newer operators but were not
    themselves typed.

    References: #9148


  • [mssql] [bug] Fixed bug where a schema name given with brackets, but no dots inside the
    name, for parameters such as _schema.Table.schema would not be
    interpreted within the context of the SQL Server dialect's documented
    behavior of interpreting explicit brackets as token delimiters, first added
    in 1.2 for #2626, when referring to the schema name in reflection
    operations. The original assumption for #2626's behavior was that the
    special interpretation of brackets was only significant if dots were
    present, however in practice, the brackets are not included as part of the
    identifier name for all SQL rendering operations since these are not valid
    characters within regular or delimited identifiers. Pull request courtesy

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #9133

  • [mssql] [bug] Fixed bug where a schema name given with brackets, but no dots inside the
    name, for parameters such as _schema.Table.schema would not be
    interpreted within the context of the SQL Server dialect's documented
    behavior of interpreting explicit brackets as token delimiters, first added
    in 1.2 for #2626, when referring to the schema name in reflection
    operations. The original assumption for #2626's behavior was that the
    special interpretation of brackets was only significant if dots were
    present, however in practice, the brackets are not included as part of the
    identifier name for all SQL rendering operations since these are not valid
    characters within regular or delimited identifiers. Pull request courtesy

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #9133

  • [mssql] [bug] [regression] The newly added comment reflection and rendering capability of the MSSQL
    dialect, added in #7844, will now be disabled by default if it
    cannot be determined that an unsupported backend such as Azure Synapse may
    be in use; this backend does not support table and column comments and does
    not support the SQL Server routines in use to generate them as well as to
    reflect them. A new parameter supports_comments is added to the dialect
    which defaults to None, indicating that comment support should be
    auto-detected. When set to True or False, the comment support is
    either enabled or disabled unconditionally.

    References: #9142


  • [oracle] [bug] Added _oracle.ROWID to reflected types as this type may be used in
    a "CREATE TABLE" statement.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #5047


19 Jan 00:29
Choose a tag to compare
2.0.0rc3 Pre-release


Released: January 18, 2023


  • [orm] [feature] Added a new parameter to _orm.Mapper called
    _orm.Mapper.polymorphic_abstract. The purpose of this directive
    is so that the ORM will not consider the class to be instantiated or loaded
    directly, only subclasses. The actual effect is that the
    _orm.Mapper will prevent direct instantiation of instances
    of the class and will expect that the class does not have a distinct
    polymorphic identity configured.

    In practice, the class that is mapped with
    _orm.Mapper.polymorphic_abstract can be used as the target of a
    _orm.relationship() as well as be used in queries; subclasses must of
    course include polymorphic identities in their mappings.

    The new parameter is automatically applied to classes that subclass
    the AbstractConcreteBase class, as this class is not intended
    to be instantiated.

    References: #9060

  • [orm] [bug] Fixed issue where using a pep-593 Annotated type in the
    _orm.registry.type_annotation_map which itself contained a
    generic plain container or type (e.g. list,
    dict,, etc. ) as the target type would
    produce an internal error when the ORM were trying to interpret the
    Annotated instance.

    References: #9099

  • [orm] [bug] Added an error message when a _orm.relationship() is mapped against
    an abstract container type, such as Mapped[Sequence[B]], without
    providing the _orm.relationship.container_class parameter which
    is necessary when the type is abstract. Previously the the abstract
    container would attempt to be instantiated at a later step and fail.

    References: #9100


  • [sql] [bug] Fixed bug / regression where using bindparam() with the same name
    as a column in the Update.values() method of Update, as
    well as the _sql.Insert.values() method of _sql.Insert in
    2.0 only, would in some cases silently fail to honor the SQL expression in
    which the parameter were presented, replacing the expression with a new
    parameter of the same name and discarding any other elements of the SQL
    expression, such as SQL functions, etc. The specific case would be
    statements that were constructed against ORM entities rather than plain
    Table instances, but would occur if the statement were invoked
    with a Session or a Connection.

    Update part of the issue was present in both 2.0 and 1.4 and is
    backported to 1.4.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #9075

  • [sql] [bug] Fixed bug / regression where using bindparam() with the same name
    as a column in the Update.values() method of Update, as
    well as the _sql.Insert.values() method of _sql.Insert in
    2.0 only, would in some cases silently fail to honor the SQL expression in
    which the parameter were presented, replacing the expression with a new
    parameter of the same name and discarding any other elements of the SQL
    expression, such as SQL functions, etc. The specific case would be
    statements that were constructed against ORM entities rather than plain
    Table instances, but would occur if the statement were invoked
    with a Session or a Connection.

    Update part of the issue was present in both 2.0 and 1.4 and is
    backported to 1.4.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #9075


  • [typing] [bug] Fixes to the annotations within the sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid extension for
    more effective typing of user-defined methods. The typing now uses
    PEP 612 features, now supported by recent versions of Mypy, to maintain
    argument signatures for hybrid_method. Return values for hybrid
    methods are accepted as SQL expressions in contexts such as
    _sql.Select.where() while still supporting SQL methods.

    References: #9096


  • [mypy] [bug] Adjustments made to the mypy plugin to accommodate for some potential
    changes being made for issue #236 sqlalchemy2-stubs when using SQLAlchemy
    1.4. These changes are being kept in sync within SQLAlchemy 2.0.
    The changes are also backwards compatible with older versions of

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

  • [mypy] [bug] Fixed crash in mypy plugin which could occur on both 1.4 and 2.0 versions
    if a decorator for the _orm.registry.mapped() decorator were used
    that was referenced in an expression with more than two components (e.g.
    @Backend.mapper_registry.mapped). This scenario is now ignored; when
    using the plugin, the decorator expression needs to be two components (i.e.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #9102


  • [postgresql] [bug] Fixed regression where psycopg3 changed an API call as of version 3.1.8 to
    expect a specific object type that was previously not enforced, breaking
    connectivity for the psycopg3 dialect.

    References: #9106


  • [oracle] [usecase] Added support for the Oracle SQL type TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE,
    using a newly added Oracle-specific _oracle.TIMESTAMP datatype.

    References: #9086


09 Jan 20:28
Choose a tag to compare
2.0.0rc2 Pre-release


Released: January 9, 2023


  • [orm] [bug] Fixed issue where an overly restrictive ORM mapping rule were added in 2.0
    which prevented mappings against TableClause objects, such as
    those used in the view recipe on the wiki.

    References: #9071


  • [typing] [bug] The Data Class Transforms argument field_descriptors was renamed
    to field_specifiers in the accepted version of PEP 681.

    References: #9067


  • [postgresql] [bug] Added support to the asyncpg dialect to return the cursor.rowcount
    value for SELECT statements when available. While this is not a typical use
    for cursor.rowcount, the other PostgreSQL dialects generally provide
    this value. Pull request courtesy Michael Gorven.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #9048

  • [postgresql] [json] Implemented missing JSONB operations:

    -   `@@` using `_postgresql.JSONB.Comparator.path_match()`
    -   `@?` using `_postgresql.JSONB.Comparator.path_exists()`
    -   `#-` using `_postgresql.JSONB.Comparator.delete_path()`

    Pull request curtesy of Guilherme Martins Crocetti.

    References: #7147


  • [mysql] [usecase] Added support to MySQL index reflection to correctly reflect the
    mysql_length dictionary, which previously was being ignored.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.47

    References: #9047

  • [mysql] [bug] Restored the behavior of Inspector.has_table() to report on
    temporary tables for MySQL / MariaDB. This is currently the behavior for
    all other included dialects, but was removed for MySQL in 1.4 due to no
    longer using the DESCRIBE command; there was no documented support for temp
    tables being reported by the Inspector.has_table() method in this
    version or on any previous version, so the previous behavior was undefined.

    As SQLAlchemy 2.0 has added formal support for temp table status via
    Inspector.has_table(), the MySQL /MariaDB dialect has been reverted
    to use the "DESCRIBE" statement as it did in the SQLAlchemy 1.3 series and
    previously, and test support is added to include MySQL / MariaDB for
    this behavior. The previous issues with ROLLBACK being emitted which
    1.4 sought to improve upon don't apply in SQLAlchemy 2.0 due to
    simplifications in how Connection handles transactions.

    DESCRIBE is necessary as MariaDB in particular has no consistently
    available public information schema of any kind in order to report on temp
    tables other than DESCRIBE/SHOW COLUMNS, which rely on throwing an error
    in order to report no results.

    References: #9058


  • [oracle] [bug] Supported use case for foreign key constraints where the local column is
    marked as "invisible". The errors normally generated when a
    ForeignKeyConstraint is created that check for the target column
    are disabled when reflecting, and the constraint is skipped with a warning
    in the same way which already occurs for an Index with a similar

    References: #9059


03 Jan 20:17
Choose a tag to compare


Released: January 3, 2023


  • [general] [change] A new deprecation "uber warning" is now emitted at runtime the
    first time any SQLAlchemy 2.0 deprecation warning would normally be
    emitted, but the SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20 environment variable is not set.
    The warning emits only once at most, before setting a boolean to prevent
    it from emitting a second time.

    This deprecation warning intends to notify users who may not have set an
    appropriate constraint in their requirements files to block against a
    surprise SQLAlchemy 2.0 upgrade and also alert that the SQLAlchemy 2.0
    upgrade process is available, as the first full 2.0 release is expected
    very soon. The deprecation warning can be silenced by setting the
    environment variable SQLALCHEMY_SILENCE_UBER_WARNING to "1".

    References: #8983

  • [general] [bug] Fixed regression where the base compat module was calling upon
    platform.architecture() in order to detect some system properties,
    which results in an over-broad system call against the system-level
    file call that is unavailable under some circumstances, including
    within some secure environment configurations.

    References: #8995


  • [orm] [bug] Fixed issue in the internal SQL traversal for DML statements like
    _dml.Update and _dml.Delete which would cause among other
    potential issues, a specific issue using lambda statements with the ORM
    update/delete feature.

    References: #9033


  • [engine] [bug] Fixed a long-standing race condition in the connection pool which could
    occur under eventlet/gevent monkeypatching schemes in conjunction with the
    use of eventlet/gevent Timeout conditions, where a connection pool
    checkout that's interrupted due to the timeout would fail to clean up the
    failed state, causing the underlying connection record and sometimes the
    database connection itself to "leak", leaving the pool in an invalid state
    with unreachable entries. This issue was first identified and fixed in
    SQLAlchemy 1.2 for #4225, however the failure modes detected in
    that fix failed to accommodate for BaseException, rather than
    Exception, which prevented eventlet/gevent Timeout from being
    caught. In addition, a block within initial pool connect has also been
    identified and hardened with a BaseException -> "clean failed connect"
    block to accommodate for the same condition in this location.
    Big thanks to Github user @niklaus for their tenacious efforts in
    identifying and describing this intricate issue.

    References: #8974


  • [sql] [bug] Added parameter
    FunctionElement.column_valued.joins_implicitly, which is
    useful in preventing the "cartesian product" warning when making use of
    table-valued or column-valued functions. This parameter was already
    introduced for FunctionElement.table_valued() in #7845,
    however it failed to be added for FunctionElement.column_valued()
    as well.

    References: #9009

  • [sql] [bug] Fixed bug where SQL compilation would fail (assertion fail in 2.0, NoneType
    error in 1.4) when using an expression whose type included
    _types.TypeEngine.bind_expression(), in the context of an "expanding"
    (i.e. "IN") parameter in conjunction with the literal_binds compiler

    References: #8989

  • [sql] [bug] Fixed issue in lambda SQL feature where the calculated type of a literal
    value would not take into account the type coercion rules of the "compared
    to type", leading to a lack of typing information for SQL expressions, such
    as comparisons to _types.JSON elements and similar.

    References: #9029


  • [postgresql] [usecase] Added the PostgreSQL type MACADDR8.
    Pull request courtesy of Asim Farooq.

    References: #8393

  • [postgresql] [bug] Fixed bug where the PostgreSQL
    _postgresql.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.constraint parameter
    would accept an Index object, however would not expand this index
    out into its individual index expressions, instead rendering its name in an
    ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT clause, which is not accepted by PostgreSQL; the
    "constraint name" form only accepts unique or exclude constraint names. The
    parameter continues to accept the index but now expands it out into its
    component expressions for the render.

    References: #9023


  • [sqlite] [bug] Fixed regression caused by new support for reflection of partial indexes on
    SQLite added in 1.4.45 for #8804, where the index_list pragma
    command in very old versions of SQLite (possibly prior to 3.8.9) does not
    return the current expected number of columns, leading to exceptions raised
    when reflecting tables and indexes.

    References: #8969


  • [tests] [bug] Fixed issue in tox.ini file where changes in the tox 4.0 series to the
    format of "passenv" caused tox to not function correctly, in particular
    raising an error as of tox 4.0.6.

  • [tests] [bug] Added new exclusion rule for third party dialects called
    unusual_column_name_characters, which can be "closed" for third party
    dialects that don't support column names with unusual characters such as
    dots, slashes, or percent signs in them, even if the name is properly

    References: #9002