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startupjs react-sharedb-hooks

Run ShareDB in React using Hooks syntax.

What it does

  1. Brings real-time collaboration to React using ShareDB;
  2. Uses Racer to add a model to your app to do any data manipulations;
  3. The model acts as a global singleton state, so you can use it as a replacement for other state-management systems like Redux or MobX;
  4. Makes the render reactive similar to how it's done in MobX -- rerendering happens whenever any model data you used in render changes.


You don't need to install anything if you are in a StartupJS project.

For instructions on standalone usage in a pure React project refer to react-sharedb readme


react: 16.9 - 17

Usage with Hooks

observer(FunctionalComponent, options) HOF

Higher Order Function which makes your functional component rendering reactive. You have to wrap your functional components in it to be able to use react-sharedb hooks.

options object have the following properties:

  • forwardRef - pass true to use React.forwardRef over the inner component
  • suspenseProps
    • fallback - A React element (ie. <MyComponent />)
import {observer, useDoc} from 'startupjs'

export default observer(function User ({userId}) {
  let [user, $user] = useDoc('users', userId)
  return (
    <input value={} onChange={e => $user.set('name',} />

useDoc(collection, docId)

Subscribe to the particular Mongo document by id.

collection [String] -- collection name. Required

docId [String] -- document id. Required

Returns: [doc, $doc], where:

doc [Object] -- value of document

$doc [Model] -- scoped model targeting path collection.docId


import React from 'react'
import { observer, useDoc } from 'startupjs'

export default observer(function Room ({
  roomId = 'DUMMY_ID'
}) {
  let [room, $room] = useDoc('rooms', roomId)

  // If the document with an `_id` of `roomId` doesn't exist yet, we create it.
  // We have to wait for the document to be created by throwing the promise.
  if (!room) throw $room.createAsync({ title: 'New Room' })

  function onChange (e) {

  return <input onChange={onChange} value={room.title} />

IMPORTANT: The id of the document is stored internally in Mongo inside the _id field. But when it gets into the model, it gets replaced with the id field instead, and vice versa.

useQuery(collection, query)

Subscribe to the Mongo query.

collection [String] -- collection name. Required

query [Object] -- query (regular, $count, $aggregate queries are supported). Required

Returns: [docs, $docs], where:

docs [Array] -- array of documents

$docs [Model] -- scoped model targeting the whole collection


let [users, $users] = useQuery('users', { roomId: props.roomId, anonymous: false })

IMPORTANT: The scoped model $docs, which you receive from the hook, targets the global collection path. You can use it to easily reach a document with a particular id using scoped models:

let [users, $users] = useQuery('users', { roomId, anonymous: false })
for (let user of users) {
    joinedRoom: true,

useQueryIds(collection, ids, options)

Subscribe to documents in collection by their ids

collection [String] -- collection name. Required

ids [Array] -- array of strings which should be document ids.

options [Object] --

  reverse: false // reverse the order of resulting array


export default observer(function Players ({ gameId }) {
  let [game] = useDoc('games', gameId)
  let [players, $players] = useQueryIds('players', game.playerIds)

  return (
    <div>{ =>' ,')}</div>

useQueryDoc(collection, query)

Subscribe to a document using a query. It's the same as useDoc(), but with query parameter instead of the particular docId. $limit: 1 and $sort: { createdAt: -1 } are added to the query automatically (if they don't already exist).

collection [String] -- collection name. Required

query [Object] -- query object, same as in useQuery().


export default observer(function NewPlayer ({ gameId }) {
  // { $sort: { createdAt: -1 }, $limit: 1 }
  // is added automatically to the query, so the newest player will be returned.
  // It's also reactive, so whenever a new player joins, you'll receive the new data and model.
  let [newPlayer, $newPlayer] = useQueryDoc('players', { gameId })
  if (!newPlayer) return null // <Loading />

  return (
    <div>New player joined: {}</div>


Subscribe to the data you already have in your local model by path.

You will usually use it to subscribe to private collections like _page or _session. This is very useful when you want to share the state between multiple components.

It's also possible to subscribe to the path from a public collection, for example when you want to work with some nested value of a particular document you have already subscribed to.

Returns: [value, $value], where:

value [any] -- data, located on that path

$value [Model] -- model, targeting that path


const SIDEBAR_OPENED = '_page.Sidebar.opened'

const Topbar = observer(() => {
  let [sidebarOpened, $sidebarOpened] = useLocal(SIDEBAR_OPENED)
  return <>
      onClick={() => $sidebarOpened.set(!sidebarOpened)}
    >Toggle Sidebar</button>

const Sidebar = observer(() => {
  let [sidebarOpened] = useLocal(SIDEBAR_OPENED)
  return sidebarOpened ? <p>Sidebar</p> : null

const App = observer(() => {
  return <>
    <Topbar />
    <Sidebar />


A convenience method to access the _session local collection.

let [userId, $userId] = useSession('userId')
// It's the same as doing:
let [userId, $userId] = useLocal('_session.userId')


A convenience method to access the _page local collection.


let [game, $game] = usePage('game')
// It's the same as doing:
let [game, $game] = useLocal('')


An observable alternative to useState.


const DEFAULT_USER = {
  first: 'John',
  last: 'Smith',
  address: 'Washington St.'

const Field = observer(({ label, $value }) => {
  return <div>
    <span>{label}: </span>
    <input value={$value.get()} onChange={e => $value.set(} />

const User = observer(() => {
  let [user, $user] = useValue(DEFAULT_USER)

  return <>
    <Field label='First' $value={$'first')} />
    <Field label='Last' $value={$'last')} />
    <Field label='Address' $value={$'address')} />


Return a model scoped to path (memoized by the path argument). If path is not provided, returns the model scoped to the root path.


import React from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import {observer, useModel, useLocal} from 'startupjs'

const Main = observer(() => {
  return (
    <div style={{display: 'flex'}}>
      <Content />
      <Sidebar />

const Content = observer(() => {
  let $showSidebar = useModel('')

  // sidebar will be opened without triggering rerendering of the <Content /> component (this component)
  return (
      <p>I am Content</p>
      <button onClick={() => $showSidebar.setDiff(true)}>Open Sidebar</button>

const Sidebar = observer(() => {
  let [show, $show] = useLocal('')
  if (!show) return null
  return (
      <p>I am Sidebar</p>
      <button onClick={() => $show.del()}>Close</button>

render(<Main />, document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')))

Batching queries

Some hooks are returning data synchronously (like useLocal, useValue), others will asynchronously query your DB to fetch data (useDoc, useQuery, useApi, etc.).

Sometimes, when the second query depends on the results of the first one, there is no other option but to query them in a chain.

Let's imagine you have a Game which stores playerIds with an array of Players playing it:

// Lets imagine each query takes 1 seconds to execute.
observer(function PlayersInGame (gameId) {
  const [game] = useDoc('games', gameId)
  // waits until game is fetched from DB (1 second)
  const [players] = useQueryIds('players', game.playerIds)
  // waits until players are fetched from DB (1 second)
  return + ' players: ' + =>', ')

In the example above we had to:

  1. Query the game by id
  2. Wait for it to be fetched from DB and all the way to client - 1 second.
  3. Get playerIds from the game and query players
  4. Wait for players to be fetched from DB and all the way to client - 1 second.
  5. Render

Because we did it in a chain we had to wait for 2 seconds total.

Now lets say we change our DB relationship structure between Game and Players from has-many to belongs-to.

Player documents will now have the gameId they belong to which we can use to optimize our querying logic and execute both queries in parallel:

observer(function PlayersInGame (gameId) {
  const [game] = useBatchDoc('games', gameId) // remember query but don't execute it yet
  const [players] = useBatchQuery('players', { gameId }) // remember query but don't execute it yet
  useBatch() // execute all *Batch queries in parallel
  // waits until all batched queries fetch their data from DB (1 second)
  return + ' players: ' + =>', ')

Hooray! We cut the time to fetch data and render it twice, from 2 seconds to 1 second!

Batching queries can sometimes save time dramatically, especially when you serve users from all around the world and data roundtrip (ping time) from them to your server can be hundreds of milliseconds. Without batching queries wherever possible you might end up with your application taking several seconds until it finally fetches all data in a chain and can render the page.

So please batch queries wherever possible.

Optimizing rerenders with $-hooks

When using 2-way bindings (@startupjs/ui provides a lot of such components) you frequently face situations when you need to put something in the model but you don't need to get the data itself. Sometimes you are only interested in passing the model further down to some other component.

Lets say you want to render a simple Modal dialog from @startupjs/ui. It provides a 2-way binding API for this -- you just need to pass $visible to it:

import { Modal, Button } from '@startupjs/ui'
import { observer, useValue } from 'startupjs'
observer(function SaveChanges () {
  const [, $visible] = useValue(false) // this leads to re-renders
  return (
      <Button onPress={() => $visible.set(true)}>Open</Button>
      <Modal $visible={$visible} title='Confirm'>
        Are you sure you want to save?

In example above we need to make a temporary value and pass it as a 2-way binding to Modal. We don't have use for the actual value itself, we only need a scoped model which targets it.

But, even though we just skipped getting the value in the array destructuring, under the hood react-sharedb Observable engine still tracks it as being accessed. And whenever the value changes it will trigger rerendering of the whole component.

To optimize such usecases and prevent extra rerenders from happening you should use the same hook with the $ at the end of its name. It will do exactly the same thing, but will only return the model as a result and it won't trigger access to data through observables.

So to optimize the example above we just need to replace useValue with useValue$ and don't do array destructuring anymore:

import { Modal, Button } from '@startupjs/ui'
import { observer, useValue$ } from 'startupjs'
observer(function SaveChanges () {
  const $visible = useValue$(false) // NO re-renders anymore
  return (
      <Button onPress={() => $visible.set(true)}>Open</Button>
      <Modal $visible={$visible} title='Confirm'>
        Are you sure you want to save?

$-variants of hooks are available for all hooks where they make sense (useDoc$, useBatchDoc$, useAsyncDoc$, useSession$, etc.).

Please use $-hooks wherever you don't need the actual data but only interested in getting the scoped model. Which happens frequently when you only want to execute some ORM methods or pass this scoped model on to a child component.

Batching rerenders

By default, React batches updates made in a known method like the lifecycle methods or event handlers, but doesn’t do the same when the updates are within callbacks like in SetTimeout, Promises, etc. This means that if you have multiple calls to update the state, React re-renders the component each time the call is made.

For model methods you can use batch and for React useState methods you can use ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates.

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { observer, batch, useDoc } from 'startupjs'

export default observer(function Game ({ gameId }) {
  const [isStarted, setIsStarted] = useState(false)
  const [startAt, setStartAt] = useState()

  function startGame () {
    const startAt = +new Date()

    Promise.resolve().then(() => {
      ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {

    // then all mutation will be batched
    // until setTimeout, Promise, etc comes up

    const $$players = $root.query('players', { gameId })
    // waiting for promise
    // it is the same as Promise.resolve().then(...)
    // it means all next mutation will be not batched
    await $root.subscribe($$players)
    const playerIds = $$players.getIds()
    const promises = []

    // batch all next mutation
    // it will increase performance in places
    // where player.startAt is used in markup
    batch(() => {
      playerIds.forEach(playerId => {
        const $player = $root.scope(`players.${playerId}`)
        promises.push($player.setAsync('startAt', startAt))

    await Promise.all(promises)

  return (
    <button onClick={startGame}>Start game</button>

Hooks Example

import React from 'react'
import {observer, useDoc, useQuery, useLocal, useValue} from 'startupjs'

export default observer(function Game ({gameId}) {
  let [secret, $secret] = useValue('Game Secret Password')
  let [userId, $userId] = useLocal('_session.userId')
  let [user, $user] = useDoc('users', userId)
  let [game, $game] = useDoc('games', gameId)
  let [players, $players] = useQuery('players', {_id: {$in: game.playerIds}})
  let [users, $users] = useQuery('users', {_id: {$in: => i.userId)}})

  function updateSecret (event) {

  function updateName (event) {

  return (
        <input type='text' value={secret} onChange={updateSecret} />

        My User Name:
        <input type='text' value={} onChange={updateName} />

      <h1>Game {game.title}</h1>

      <h2>Users in game:</h2>
      <p>{ =>', ')}</p>



(c) Decision Mapper -