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Hugo Quick Reference (Cheat Sheet)

Hugo Commands

$ hugo help

hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site.

Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator
built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.

Complete documentation is available at

  hugo [flags]
  hugo [command]

Available Commands:
  server      A high performance webserver
  version     Print the version number of Hugo
  config      Print the site configuration
  check       Check content in the source directory
  benchmark   Benchmark hugo by building a site a number of times.
  convert     Convert your content to different formats
  new         Create new content for your site
  list        Listing out various types of content
  undraft     Undraft changes the content's draft status from 'True' to 'False'
  import      Import your site from others.
  gen         A collection of several useful generators.

  -b, --baseURL="": hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
      --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
      --canonifyURLs[=false]: if true, all relative URLs will be canonicalized using baseURL
      --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
  -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
      --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
      --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
      --noTimes[=false]: Don't sync modification time of files
      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
  -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
  -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
      --uglyURLs[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
  -w, --watch[=false]: watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed

new Command

$ hugo new --help

Create a new content file and automatically set the date and title.
It will guess which kind of file to create based on the path provided.

You can also specify the kind with `-k KIND`.

If archetypes are provided in your theme or site, they will be used.

  hugo new [path] [flags]
  hugo new [command]

Available Commands:
  site        Create a new site (skeleton)
  theme       Create a new theme

  -f, --format="toml": frontmatter format
  -k, --kind="": Content type to create

Global Flags:
  -b, --baseURL="": hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
      --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
      --canonifyURLs[=false]: if true, all relative URLs will be canonicalized using baseURL
      --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
  -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
      --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
      --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
  -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
  -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
      --uglyURLs[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging

config Command

$ hugo config --help

Print the site configuration, both default and custom settings.

  hugo config [flags]

Global Flags:
  -b, --baseURL="": hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
      --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
      --canonifyURLs[=false]: if true, all relative URLs will be canonicalized using baseURL
      --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
  -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
      --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
      --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
  -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
  -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
      --uglyURLs[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging

list Command

$ hugo list --help

Listing out various types of content.

List requires a subcommand, e.g. `hugo list drafts`.

  hugo list [command]

Available Commands:
  drafts      List all drafts
  future      List all posts dated in the future

Global Flags:
  -b, --baseURL="": hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
      --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
      --canonifyURLs[=false]: if true, all relative URLs will be canonicalized using baseURL
      --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
  -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
      --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
      --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
  -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
  -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
      --uglyURLs[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging

gen Command

$ hugo gen --help

A collection of several useful generators.

  hugo gen [command]

Available Commands:
  autocomplete Generate shell autocompletion script for Hugo
  doc          Generate Markdown documentation for the Hugo CLI.
  man          Generate man pages for the Hugo CLI

Global Flags:
  -b, --baseURL="": hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
      --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
      --canonifyURLs[=false]: if true, all relative URLs will be canonicalized using baseURL
      --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
  -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
      --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
      --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
  -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
  -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
      --uglyURLs[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging

server Command

$ hugo server --help

Hugo provides its own webserver which builds and serves the site.
While hugo server is high performance, it is a webserver with limited options.
Many run it in production, but the standard behavior is for people to use it
in development and use a more full featured server such as Nginx or Caddy.

'hugo server' will avoid writing the rendered and served content to disk,
preferring to store it in memory.

By default hugo will also watch your files for any changes you make and
automatically rebuild the site. It will then live reload any open browser pages
and push the latest content to them. As most Hugo sites are built in a fraction
of a second, you will be able to save and see your changes nearly instantly.

  hugo server [flags]

  server, serve

      --appendPort[=true]: append port to baseurl
      --bind="": interface to which the server will bind
      --disableLiveReload[=false]: watch without enabling live browser reload on rebuild
      --meminterval=100: interval to poll memory usage (requires --memstats)
      --memstats="": log memory usage to this file
      --noTimes[=false]: Don't sync modification time of files
  -p, --port=1313: port on which the server will listen
      --renderToDisk[=false]: render to Destination path (default is render to memory & serve from there)
  -w, --watch[=true]: watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed

Global Flags:
  -b, --baseURL="": hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
      --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
      --canonifyURLs[=false]: if true, all relative URLs will be canonicalized using baseURL
      --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
  -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
      --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
      --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
  -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
  -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
      --uglyURLs[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging



The Hugo Quick Reference (Cheat Sheet) is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!