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This example demonstrates how to use subscriptions and the Graphcool event system.


The services contains is based on the data model (defined in types.graphql) for a simple blogging application:

type User @model {
  id: ID! @isUnique
  name: String!
  articles: [Article!]! @relation(name: "UserArticles")

type Article @model {
  id: ID! @isUnique

  title: String!
  author: User! @relation(name: "UserArticles")

Whenever a new User is created in the database, a subscription is triggered that will automatically create an initial Article for the new User.

Read the last section of this README to learn how the different components fit together.

├── graphcool.yml
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── createFirstArticle.graphql
│   └── createFirstArticle.js
└── types.graphql

Read more about service configuration in the docs.

Get started

1. Download the example

Clone the full framework repository and navigate to this directory or download only this example with the following command:

curl | tar -xz --strip=2 framework-master/examples/subscriptions
cd subscriptions

Next, you need to create your GraphQL server using the Graphcool CLI.

2. Install the Graphcool CLI

If you haven't already, go ahead and install the CLI first:

npm install -g graphcool-framework

3. Create the GraphQL server

You can now deploy the Graphcool service that's defined in this directory. Before that, you need to install the node dependencies for the subscription function:

yarn install      # install dependencies
graphcool-framework deploy  # deploy service

Note: Whenever you make changes to files in this directory, you need to invoke graphcool-framework deploy again to make sure your changes get applied to the "remote" service.

That's it, you're now ready to send queries and mutations against your GraphQL API! 🎉

Testing the service

The easiest way to test the deployed service is by using a GraphQL Playground.

Open a Playground

You can open a Playground with the following command:

graphcool-framework playground

Retrieve User nodes from the database with the allUsers-query

In the Playground, you can now send a query to retrieve all the User nodes, including the related Article nodes:

  allUsers {
    articles {

As expected, the server only responds with an empty list of User nodes:

  "data": {
    "allUsers": []

Create a new User node with the createUser-mutation

Now, you're going to create a new User node in the database. Since you also have a subscription configured (in graphcool.yml) which fires upon User.create-events, this operation will invoke the corresponding function (implemented in createFirstArticle.js):

mutation {
  createUser(name: "Sarah") {

After you've sent this mutation, you can go back and send the previous allUsers-query again. This time, the response will look like this:

  "data": {
    "allUsers": [{
      "name": "Sarah",
      "articles": [{
        "title": "My name is Sarah, and this is my first article!"  

What's in this example?

This example demonstrates how to use Graphcool's subscription functions. There's a single subscription configured inside the service definition file graphcool.yml.

The subscription query defined in createFirstArticle.graphql determines:

  • when the corresponding handler function will be invoked (i.e. what kind of event you're actually subscribing to).
  • the input type for the handler function. All fields that are specified in the selection set of the subscription query will be carried by the event that's passed into the handler function.

Here's what the subscription query looks like:

subscription {
  User(filter: {
    mutation_in: [CREATED]  
  }) {
  node {

When the subscription gets deployed, it will wait for CREATED-events of the User type. Whenever that event occurs (triggered through a createUser-mutation), the corresponding handler function is invoked.

This is the implementation of the handler:

const { fromEvent } = require('graphcool-lib')

module.exports = event => {

  // Retrieve payload from event
  const { id, name } =

  // Create Graphcool API (based on
  const graphcool = fromEvent(event)
  const api = graphcool.api('simple/v1') // `api` has a connection to your service's API 

  // Create variables for mutation
  const title = `My name is ${name}, and this is my first article!`
  const variables = { authorId: id title }

  // Create mutation
  const createArticleMutation = `
    mutation ($title: String!, $authorId: ID!) {
      createArticle(title: $title, authorId: $authorId) {

  // Send mutation with variables
  return api.request(createArticleMutation, variables)