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Strapi Upgrade Tool


The Strapi Upgrade Tool is the CLI for facilitating upgrades between Strapi versions.

The exact details of what level of upgrade will be run (patch, minor, major) based on the current version and what cli options will be available are still in discussion and this document will be updated once they are finalized.

From now on, all breaking changes, and ideally also deprecations, must have an accompanying code transform written to be accepted.

Types of Transforms

The upgrade tool provides two types of transforms:

  • json: for updating a project's .json files, primarily intended for the package.json
  • code: codemods; for updating a project's .js and .ts files

What's a codemod?

Codemods are a scripted way to refactor code. Here we are providing and running these scripts for users for any changes necessary in user code between Strapi versions.

For example, if we need to rename a package used by Strapi projects, instead of instructing users to change the import, we provide a script that searches through the user's project and does the replacement for them.

Data Migrations

Data migrations are not handled by the upgrade tool.

For Strapi v4, no data migrations will be allowed and no support is planned (except in extenuating circumstances eg, a critical security issue somehow relating to the database shape)

For Strapi v5, automated data migrations can be added in the packages/core/database package of the v5/main branch of this repo.


This package is not yet released, so currently it can be run on a project in the monorepo /examples directory with the following command:


Run the command with the --help option to see all the available options.

[Coming Soon] The Strapi Upgrade tool will be available using npx @strapi/upgrade and an alias for that within a project using strapi upgrade

Writing a code transforms

To begin your code transform script, create a file upgrade/resources/transforms/{X.X.X}/{short-description-of-action}.{code|json}.ts where X.X.X is the target version of Strapi the codemod will be run for.

For example, all breaking changes for the initial release of Strapi v5 will go in upgrade/resources/transforms/5.0.0

Note that "short-description-of-action" will be converted to text displayed to the user with hyphens converted to spaces, for example: "short description of action"

'json' transforms

Your transform will be called for every json file in a user's project, and you must return the json object (modified or not) at the end to be passed to the next transform.

Here is an example JSON Transform script:

import path from 'node:path';

import type { JSONTransform } from '../../..';

const transform: JSONTransform = (file, params) => {
  // Extract the json api and the cwd so we can target specific files
  const { cwd, json } = params;

  // To target only a root level package.json file:
  const rootPackageJsonPath = path.join(cwd, 'package.json');
  if (file.path !== rootPackageJsonPath) {
    // Return the json object unmodified to pass it to the next transform
    return file.json;

  // Use json() to get useful helpers for performing your transform
  const j = json(file.json);

  const strapiDepAddress = 'dependencies.@strapi/strapi';

  // if this file contains a value at dependencies.@strapi/strapi
  if (j.has(strapiDepAddress)) {
    // we set the value to 5.0.0
    j.set(strapiDepAddress, '5.0.0');

  // at the end we must return the modified json object
  return j.root();

export default transform;

For reference, these are the types for the relevant objects, which can be found in packages/utils/upgrade/src/core/runner/json.ts:

export interface JSONTransformParams {
  cwd: string;
  json: (object: Utils.JSONObject) => JSONTransformAPI;

export interface JSONTransformAPI {
  get<T extends Utils.JSONValue>(path?: string, defaultValue?: T): T | undefined;
  has(path: string): boolean;
  set(path: string, value: Utils.JSONValue): this;
  merge(other: Utils.JSONObject): this;
  root(): Utils.JSONObject;

export type JSONTransform = (file: JSONSourceFile, params: JSONTransformParams) => Utils.JSONObject;

The methods available from json() are wrappers for the lodash methods of the same name:

  • get(path, default): get path or default if not found
  • set(path, value): set path (such as 'engines.node', 'dependencies', '') to value
  • has(path): checks if path exists
  • merge(obj): merges two json objects
  • root(): returns the whole json object

'code' codemod transforms

Codemod transforms use the jscodeshift library to modify code passed in. Please see their documentation for advanced details.

The file and api parameters come directly from the jsoncodeshift arguments of the same name.

import type { Transform } from 'jscodeshift';

const transform: Transform = (file, api) => {
  // Extract the jscodeshift API
  const { j } = api;
  // Parse the file content
  const root = j(file.source);

    // Find console.log calls expressions
    .find(j.CallExpression, {
      callee: { object: { name: 'console' }, property: { name: 'log' } },
    // For each call expression
    .forEach((path) => {
      const { callee } = path.node;

      if (
        // Make sure the callee is a member expression (object/property)
        j.MemberExpression.check(callee) &&
        // Make sure the property is an actual identifier (contains a name property)
      ) {
        // Update the property's identifier name = 'info';

  // Return the updated file content
  return root.toSource();

export default transform;