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Elixir Umbrella Publish

Publish an Elixir package to from an Umbrella app setup.


Ref Name Configuration

ref-name configuration is used to identify which package you suppose to release. When the ref-name matches the following regex ^(.+)\@v([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9])$ which is [package-name]@v[version], the package will be published to if the package exists under the umbrella setup, and the version matches the existing package version in the mix.exs file.

For conveniently, the ref-name value could be read from ${{ github.ref_name }} context when reacting to a release event.

How-to Guides

Add a HEX API Key to GitHub Secrets

  1. Create a Hex API Key following Publishing from CI .
  2. Add the Hex API Key to GitHub Encrypted Secret named HEX_API_KEY (or whichever name you prefer, but stick to the convention if possible).

Get Started

  1. Complete Add a HEX API Key to GitHub Secrets if required.

  2. Make sure actions/checkout action is used before this action.

  3. Add this action to your job in your workflow, here is an example:

        name: Publish to
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # checkout the repository first
          - uses: straw-hat-team/github-actions-workflows/elixir/umbrella-publish@master
              elixir-version: '1.11' # optional, fallback to use .tool-versions
              otp-version: '22.3' # optional, fallback to use .tool-versions
              version-type: 'loose' # optional, fallback to strict
              hex-api-key: ${{ secrets.HEX_API_KEY }} # (see step 2)
              ref-name: ${{ github.ref_name }} # the GitHub Release Tag Name with the format of "[package name]@v[version]"

Fix ExDoc GitHub Linking

  1. Open the mix.exs file of the package you want to publish.

  2. Setup source_url_pattern of docs as follows:

    defmodule MyPkgName.MixProject do
      use Mix.Project
      @app :my_pkg_name
      @version "0.7.3"
      @source_url "{owner}/{repo}"
      def project do
          # ...
          docs: [
           source_url_pattern: "#{@source_url}/blob/#{@app}@v#{@version}/apps/#{@app}/%{path}#L%{line}"