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373 lines (236 loc) · 10.9 KB

Updating from v13 to v14

Before you start

v14 requires Node 16.9 or higher to use, so make sure you're up to date. To check your Node version, use node -v in your terminal or command prompt, and if it's not high enough, update it! There are many resources online to help you with this step based on your host system.

Breaking Changes

Common Breakages

Enum Values

Any areas that used to accept a string or number type for an enum parameter will now only accept exclusively numbers.

In addition, the old enums exported by discord.js v13 and lower are replaced with new enums from discord-api-types (link here).

New enum differences Most of the difference between enums from discord.js and discord-api-types can be summarized as so:
  1. Enums are singular, i.e., ApplicationCommandOptionTypes -> ApplicationCommandOptionType
  2. Enums that are prefixed with Message no longer have the Message prefix, i.e., MessageButtonStyles -> ButtonStyle
  3. Enum values are PascalCase rather than SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, i.e., .CHAT_INPUT -> .ChatInput

There are two recommended ways of representing enum values:

  1. Use the actual enum type: ButtonStyle.Primary
  2. Continue using a string representation but instead use the new EnumResolvers:
const { EnumResolvers } = require('discord.js');
const enumValue = EnumResolvers.resolveButtonStyle('PRIMARY');

::: warning You might be inclined to use raw numbers (most commonly referred to as magic numbers) instead of enum values. This is highly discouraged. Enums provide more readability and are more resistant to changes in the API. Magic numbers can obscure the meaning of your code in many ways, check out this blog post if you want more context on as to why they shouldn't be used. :::

Common enum breakages

Areas like Client initialization, JSON slash commands and JSON message components will likely need to be modified to accommodate these changes:

Common Client Initialization Changes
- const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js');
+ const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } = require('discord.js');

- const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS], partials: ['CHANNEL'] });
+ const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds], partials: [Partials.Channel] });
Common Application Command Data changes
+ const { ApplicationCommandType, ApplicationCommandOptionType } = require('discord.js');

const command = {
  name: 'ping',
- type: 'CHAT_INPUT',
+ type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput,
  options: [
    name: 'option',
    description: 'A sample option',
-   type: 'STRING',
+   type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String
Common Button Data changes
+ const { ButtonStyle } = require('discord.js');

const button = {
  label: 'test',
- style: 'PRIMARY',
+ style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
  customId: '1234'


#fetchAssets has been removed as it is no longer supported by the API.


  • BitField constituents now have a BitField suffix to avoid naming conflicts with the enum names:
- new Permissions()
+ new PermissionsBitField()

- new MessageFlags()
+ new MessageFlagsBitField()

- new ThreadMemberFlags()
+ new ThreadMemberFlagsBitField()

- new UserFlags()
+ new UserFlagsBitField()

- new SystemChannelFlags()
+ new SystemChannelFlagsBitField()

- new ApplicationFlags()
+ new ApplicationFlagsBitField()

- new Intents()
+ new IntentsBitField()

- new ActivityFlags()
+ new ActivityFlagsBitField()
  • #FLAGS has been renamed to #Flags


Methods that return CDN URLs will now return a dynamic image URL (if available). This behavior can be overridden by setting forceStatic to true in the ImageURLOptions parameters.


CategoryChannel#children is no longer a Collection of channels the category contains. It is now a manager (CategoryChannelChildManager). This also means CategoryChannel#createChannel has been moved to the CategoryChannelChildManager.


  • #isText has been renamed to #isTextBased
  • #isVoice has been renamed to #isVoiceBased

::: tip TypeScript users should narrow Channel types via type guards in order to get more specific typings. :::


#getMember no longer has a parameter for required, check out this pull request for details.


  • Many constant objects and key arrays are now top-level exports for example:
- const { Constants } = require('discord.js');
- const { Colors } = Constants;
+ const { Colors } = require('discord.js');
  • The refactored constants structures have PascalCase member names as opposed to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE member names.

  • Many of the exported constants structures have been replaced and renamed:

- Opcodes
+ GatewayOpcodes

- WSEvents
+ GatewayDispatchEvents

- WSCodes
+ GatewayCloseCodes

- InviteScopes
+ OAuth2Scopes


The message and interaction events are now removed. Use messageCreate and interactionCreate instead.

applicationCommandCreate, applicationCommandDelete and applicationCommandUpdate have all been removed. Refer to this pull request for context.

The ThreadMembersUpdate event now only emits the thread, the users who were added & and users who were removed respectively.


The days option when banning a user has been renamed to deleteMessageDays to be more aligned to the API name.


#setRolePositions and #setChannelPositions have been removed. Use RoleManager#setPositions and GuildChannelManager#setPositions instead respectively.

Guild#maximumPresences no longer has a default value of 25,000.


GuildMember#pending is now nullable to account for partial guild members. See this issue for a more in-depth reason.


The following typeguards on Interaction have been renamed:

- interaction.isCommand()
+ interaction.isChatInputCommand()

- interaction.isContextMenu()
+ interaction.isContextMenuCommand()

In addition, #isCommand, now indicates whether the command is an application command or not. This differs from the previous implementation where #isCommand indicated if the interaction was a chat input command or not.


#channel and #inviter are now getters and resolve structures from the cache.


MessageComponents have been renamed as well. They no longer have the Message prefix:

- const button = new MessageButton();
+ const button = new ButtonComponent();

- const selectMenu = new MessageSelectMenu();
+ const selectMenu = new SelectMenuComponent();

- const actionRow = new MessageActionRow();
+ const actionRow = new ActionRow();


  • MessageSelectMenu has been renamed to SelectMenuComponent

  • #addOption has been removed use #addOptions instead.


  • MessageEmbed has now been renamed to Embed.

  • #setAuthor now accepts a sole AuthorOptions object. (add link to dapi site)

  • #setFooter now accepts a sole FooterOptions object. (add link to dapi site)

  • #addField has been removed, use #addFields instead.

  • #addFields accepts an object or a rest array of APIEmbedField(s): (add link to dapi site)

- new MessageEmbed().addFields([
-  { name: 'one', value: 'one' },
-  { name: 'two', value: 'two' },
- ]);

+ new Embed().addFields(
+  { name: 'one', value: 'one' },
+  { name: 'two', value: 'two' },


The PartialTypes string array has been removed, instead use the Partials enum.

In addition to this, there is now a new partial: Partials.ThreadMember.


Thread permissions USE_PUBLIC_THREADS and USE_PRIVATE_THREADS have been removed as they are now deprecated in the API. Instead use the newer *Threads permission flags.


Overwrites are now keyed by the PascalCase permission key rather than the SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE permission key.

REST Events

The following discord.js events have been removed from the Client:

  • apiRequest
  • apiResponse
  • invalidRequestWarning
  • rateLimit

Instead you should access these events from Client#rest. In addition, the apiRequest, apiResponse and rateLimit events have been renamed:

- client.on('apiRequest', ...);
+'request', ...);

- client.on('apiResponse', ...);
+'response', ...);

- client.on('rateLimit', ...);
+'rateLimited', ...);


Role.comparePositions has been removed. Use RoleManager#comparePositions instead.


#fetch now only takes a single object of type ThreadMemberFetchOptions.


#removeMentions has been removed, to control mentions you should use allowedMentions on MessageOptions instead.

.deleted Field(s) have been removed

You can no longer use #deleted to check if a structure was deleted or not.

Check out the issue ticket for more context.


#editable has been removed, instead you should use GuildChannel#manageable for checking this permission.

Many of the analogous enums can be found in the discord-api-types docs. (link website here)


#vip has been removed as the field is no longer part of the API.


#fetchMessage now only takes one sole object of type WebhookFetchMessageOptions.



#url has been added which is a link to a channel, just like in the client.

Additionally, new typeguards have been added:

  • #isCategory
  • #isDM
  • #isDMBased
  • #isGroupDM
  • #isNews
  • #isStage
  • #isStore
  • #isText*
  • #isTextBased
  • #isVoice*
  • #isVoiceBased

*These methods existed previously but behaved differently. Refer to the docs for their specific changes.


  • Added #merge and #combineEntries methods.
  • New type: ReadonlyCollection which indicates an immutable Collection.

Enum Resolvers

The new EnumResolvers class allows you to transform SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE enum keys to an enum value.

const { EnumResolvers } = require('discord.js');

// Returns `ButtonStyle.Primary`
const buttonStyle = EnumResolvers.resolveButtonStyle('PRIMARY');


Added #delete and #edit methods for managing existing guild emojis.


Added #isRepliable to check whether a given interaction can be replied to.

Unsafe Builders

Unsafe builders operate exactly like regular builders except they perform no validation on input. Unsafe builders are named by adding an Unsafe prefix to a regular builder.


Added applicationId property.