From 005803ae3807fbf50a10bbd2ec99fb8912d37b8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 05:01:04 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] fix: revert funky newlines --- src/SupabaseClient.ts | 372 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 371 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/SupabaseClient.ts b/src/SupabaseClient.ts index e7fd42d1..5e12c835 100644 --- a/src/SupabaseClient.ts +++ b/src/SupabaseClient.ts @@ -1 +1,371 @@ -import { DEFAULT_HEADERS, STORAGE_KEY } from './lib/constants' import { stripTrailingSlash, isBrowser } from './lib/helpers' import { Fetch, GenericObject, SupabaseClientOptions } from './lib/types' import { SupabaseAuthClient } from './lib/SupabaseAuthClient' import { SupabaseQueryBuilder } from './lib/SupabaseQueryBuilder' import { SupabaseStorageClient } from '@supabase/storage-js' import { FunctionsClient } from '@supabase/functions-js' import { PostgrestClient } from '@supabase/postgrest-js' import { AuthChangeEvent } from '@supabase/gotrue-js' import { RealtimeClient, RealtimeSubscription, RealtimeClientOptions, RealtimeChannel, } from '@supabase/realtime-js' const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { schema: 'public', autoRefreshToken: true, persistSession: true, detectSessionInUrl: true, multiTab: true, headers: DEFAULT_HEADERS, } /** * Supabase Client. * * An isomorphic Javascript client for interacting with Postgres. */ export default class SupabaseClient { /** * Supabase Auth allows you to create and manage user sessions for access to data that is secured by access policies. */ auth: SupabaseAuthClient protected schema: string protected restUrl: string protected realtimeUrl: string protected authUrl: string protected storageUrl: string protected functionsUrl: string protected realtime: RealtimeClient protected multiTab: boolean protected fetch?: Fetch protected changedAccessToken: string | undefined protected shouldThrowOnError: boolean protected headers: { [key: string]: string } /** * Create a new client for use in the browser. * @param supabaseUrl The unique Supabase URL which is supplied when you create a new project in your project dashboard. * @param supabaseKey The unique Supabase Key which is supplied when you create a new project in your project dashboard. * @param options.schema You can switch in between schemas. The schema needs to be on the list of exposed schemas inside Supabase. * @param options.autoRefreshToken Set to "true" if you want to automatically refresh the token before expiring. * @param options.persistSession Set to "true" if you want to automatically save the user session into local storage. * @param options.detectSessionInUrl Set to "true" if you want to automatically detects OAuth grants in the URL and signs in the user. * @param options.headers Any additional headers to send with each network request. * @param options.realtime Options passed along to realtime-js constructor. * @param options.multiTab Set to "false" if you want to disable multi-tab/window events. * @param options.fetch A custom fetch implementation. */ constructor( protected supabaseUrl: string, protected supabaseKey: string, options?: SupabaseClientOptions ) { if (!supabaseUrl) throw new Error('supabaseUrl is required.') if (!supabaseKey) throw new Error('supabaseKey is required.') const _supabaseUrl = stripTrailingSlash(supabaseUrl) const settings = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options } this.restUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/rest/v1` this.realtimeUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/realtime/v1`.replace('http', 'ws') this.authUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/auth/v1` this.storageUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/storage/v1` const isPlatform = _supabaseUrl.match(/(supabase\.co)|(supabase\.in)/) if (isPlatform) { const urlParts = _supabaseUrl.split('.') this.functionsUrl = `${urlParts[0]}.functions.${urlParts[1]}.${urlParts[2]}` } else { this.functionsUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/functions/v1` } this.schema = this.multiTab = settings.auth.multiTab this.fetch = settings.fetch this.headers = { ...DEFAULT_HEADERS, ...options?.headers } this.shouldThrowOnError = settings.shouldThrowOnError || false this.auth = this._initSupabaseAuthClient(settings) this.realtime = this._initRealtimeClient({ headers: this.headers, ...settings.realtime }) this._listenForAuthEvents() this._listenForMultiTabEvents() // In the future we might allow the user to pass in a logger to receive these events. // this.realtime.onOpen(() => console.log('OPEN')) // this.realtime.onClose(() => console.log('CLOSED')) // this.realtime.onError((e: Error) => console.log('Socket error', e)) } /** * Supabase Functions allows you to deploy and invoke edge functions. */ get functions() { return new FunctionsClient(this.functionsUrl, { headers: this._getAuthHeaders(), customFetch: this.fetch, }) } /** * Supabase Storage allows you to manage user-generated content, such as photos or videos. */ get storage() { return new SupabaseStorageClient(this.storageUrl, this._getAuthHeaders(), this.fetch) } /** * Perform a table operation. * * @param table The table name to operate on. */ from(table: string): SupabaseQueryBuilder { const url = `${this.restUrl}/${table}` return new SupabaseQueryBuilder(url, { headers: this._getAuthHeaders(), schema: this.schema, realtime: this.realtime, table, fetch: this.fetch, shouldThrowOnError: this.shouldThrowOnError, }) } /** * Perform a function call. * * @param fn The function name to call. * @param params The parameters to pass to the function call. * @param head When set to true, no data will be returned. * @param count Count algorithm to use to count rows in a table. * */ rpc( fn: string, params?: object, { head = false, count = null, }: { head?: boolean; count?: null | 'exact' | 'planned' | 'estimated' } = {} ) { const rest = this._initPostgRESTClient() return rest.rpc(fn, params, { head, count }) } /** * Creates a channel with Broadcast and Presence. * Activated when vsndate query param is present in the WebSocket URL. */ channel(name: string, opts: { selfBroadcast: boolean; [key: string]: any }): RealtimeChannel { const userToken = this.auth.session()?.access_token ?? this.supabaseKey if (!this.realtime.isConnected()) { this.realtime.connect() } return, { ...opts, user_token: userToken }) as RealtimeChannel } /** * Closes and removes all subscriptions and returns a list of removed * subscriptions and their errors. */ async removeAllSubscriptions(): Promise< { data: { subscription: RealtimeSubscription }; error: Error | null }[] > { const allSubs: RealtimeSubscription[] = this.getSubscriptions().slice() const allSubPromises = => this.removeSubscription(sub)) const allRemovedSubs = await Promise.all(allSubPromises) return{ error }, i) => { return { data: { subscription: allSubs[i] }, error, } }) } /** * Closes and removes a channel and returns the number of open channels. * * @param channel The channel you want to close and remove. */ async removeChannel( channel: RealtimeChannel ): Promise<{ data: { openChannels: number }; error: Error | null }> { const { error } = await this._closeSubscription(channel) const allChans: RealtimeSubscription[] = this.getSubscriptions() const openChanCount = allChans.filter((chan) => chan.isJoined()).length if (allChans.length === 0) await this.realtime.disconnect() return { data: { openChannels: openChanCount }, error } } /** * Closes and removes a subscription and returns the number of open subscriptions. * * @param subscription The subscription you want to close and remove. */ async removeSubscription( subscription: RealtimeSubscription ): Promise<{ data: { openSubscriptions: number }; error: Error | null }> { const { error } = await this._closeSubscription(subscription) const allSubs: RealtimeSubscription[] = this.getSubscriptions() const openSubCount = allSubs.filter((chan) => chan.isJoined()).length if (allSubs.length === 0) await this.realtime.disconnect() return { data: { openSubscriptions: openSubCount }, error } } private async _closeSubscription( subscription: RealtimeSubscription | RealtimeChannel ): Promise<{ error: Error | null }> { let error = null if (!subscription.isClosed()) { const { error: unsubError } = await this._unsubscribeSubscription(subscription) error = unsubError } this.realtime.remove(subscription) return { error } } private _unsubscribeSubscription( subscription: RealtimeSubscription | RealtimeChannel ): Promise<{ error: Error | null }> { return new Promise((resolve) => { subscription .unsubscribe() .receive('ok', () => resolve({ error: null })) .receive('error', (error: Error) => resolve({ error })) .receive('timeout', () => resolve({ error: new Error('timed out') })) }) } /** * Returns an array of all your subscriptions. */ getSubscriptions(): RealtimeSubscription[] { return this.realtime.channels as RealtimeSubscription[] } private _initSupabaseAuthClient({ autoRefreshToken, persistSession, detectSessionInUrl, localStorage, headers, fetch, cookieOptions, multiTab, }: SupabaseClientOptions) { const authHeaders = { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.supabaseKey}`, apikey: `${this.supabaseKey}`, } return new SupabaseAuthClient({ url: this.authUrl, headers: { ...headers, ...authHeaders }, autoRefreshToken, persistSession, detectSessionInUrl, localStorage, fetch, cookieOptions, multiTab, }) } private _initRealtimeClient(options?: RealtimeClientOptions) { return new RealtimeClient(this.realtimeUrl, { ...options, params: { ...options?.params, apikey: this.supabaseKey }, }) } private _initPostgRESTClient() { return new PostgrestClient(this.restUrl, { headers: this._getAuthHeaders(), schema: this.schema, fetch: this.fetch, throwOnError: this.shouldThrowOnError, }) } private _getAuthHeaders(): GenericObject { const headers: GenericObject = { ...this.headers } const authBearer = this.auth.session()?.access_token ?? this.supabaseKey headers['apikey'] = this.supabaseKey headers['Authorization'] = headers['Authorization'] || `Bearer ${authBearer}` return headers } private _listenForMultiTabEvents() { if (!this.multiTab || !isBrowser() || !window?.addEventListener) { return null } try { return window?.addEventListener('storage', (e: StorageEvent) => { if (e.key === STORAGE_KEY) { const newSession = JSON.parse(String(e.newValue)) const accessToken: string | undefined = newSession?.currentSession?.access_token ?? undefined const previousAccessToken = this.auth.session()?.access_token if (!accessToken) { this._handleTokenChanged('SIGNED_OUT', accessToken, 'STORAGE') } else if (!previousAccessToken && accessToken) { this._handleTokenChanged('SIGNED_IN', accessToken, 'STORAGE') } else if (previousAccessToken !== accessToken) { this._handleTokenChanged('TOKEN_REFRESHED', accessToken, 'STORAGE') } } }) } catch (error) { console.error('_listenForMultiTabEvents', error) return null } } private _listenForAuthEvents() { let { data } = this.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => { this._handleTokenChanged(event, session?.access_token, 'CLIENT') }) return data } private _handleTokenChanged( event: AuthChangeEvent, token: string | undefined, source: 'CLIENT' | 'STORAGE' ) { if ( (event === 'TOKEN_REFRESHED' || event === 'SIGNED_IN') && this.changedAccessToken !== token ) { // Token has changed this.realtime.setAuth(token!) // Ideally we should call this.auth.recoverSession() - need to make public // to trigger a "SIGNED_IN" event on this client. if (source == 'STORAGE') this.auth.setAuth(token!) this.changedAccessToken = token } else if (event === 'SIGNED_OUT' || event === 'USER_DELETED') { // Token is removed this.realtime.setAuth(this.supabaseKey) if (source == 'STORAGE') this.auth.signOut() } } } \ No newline at end of file +import { DEFAULT_HEADERS, STORAGE_KEY } from './lib/constants' +import { stripTrailingSlash, isBrowser } from './lib/helpers' +import { Fetch, GenericObject, SupabaseClientOptions } from './lib/types' +import { SupabaseAuthClient } from './lib/SupabaseAuthClient' +import { SupabaseQueryBuilder } from './lib/SupabaseQueryBuilder' +import { SupabaseStorageClient } from '@supabase/storage-js' +import { FunctionsClient } from '@supabase/functions-js' +import { PostgrestClient } from '@supabase/postgrest-js' +import { AuthChangeEvent } from '@supabase/gotrue-js' +import { + RealtimeClient, + RealtimeSubscription, + RealtimeClientOptions, + RealtimeChannel, +} from '@supabase/realtime-js' + +const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { + schema: 'public', + autoRefreshToken: true, + persistSession: true, + detectSessionInUrl: true, + multiTab: true, + headers: DEFAULT_HEADERS, +} + +/** + * Supabase Client. + * + * An isomorphic Javascript client for interacting with Postgres. + */ +export default class SupabaseClient { + /** + * Supabase Auth allows you to create and manage user sessions for access to data that is secured by access policies. + */ + auth: SupabaseAuthClient + + protected schema: string + protected restUrl: string + protected realtimeUrl: string + protected authUrl: string + protected storageUrl: string + protected functionsUrl: string + protected realtime: RealtimeClient + protected multiTab: boolean + protected fetch?: Fetch + protected changedAccessToken: string | undefined + protected shouldThrowOnError: boolean + + protected headers: { + [key: string]: string + } + + /** + * Create a new client for use in the browser. + * @param supabaseUrl The unique Supabase URL which is supplied when you create a new project in your project dashboard. + * @param supabaseKey The unique Supabase Key which is supplied when you create a new project in your project dashboard. + * @param options.schema You can switch in between schemas. The schema needs to be on the list of exposed schemas inside Supabase. + * @param options.autoRefreshToken Set to "true" if you want to automatically refresh the token before expiring. + * @param options.persistSession Set to "true" if you want to automatically save the user session into local storage. + * @param options.detectSessionInUrl Set to "true" if you want to automatically detects OAuth grants in the URL and signs in the user. + * @param options.headers Any additional headers to send with each network request. + * @param options.realtime Options passed along to realtime-js constructor. + * @param options.multiTab Set to "false" if you want to disable multi-tab/window events. + * @param options.fetch A custom fetch implementation. + */ + constructor( + protected supabaseUrl: string, + protected supabaseKey: string, + options?: SupabaseClientOptions + ) { + if (!supabaseUrl) throw new Error('supabaseUrl is required.') + if (!supabaseKey) throw new Error('supabaseKey is required.') + + const _supabaseUrl = stripTrailingSlash(supabaseUrl) + const settings = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options } + + this.restUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/rest/v1` + this.realtimeUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/realtime/v1`.replace('http', 'ws') + this.authUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/auth/v1` + this.storageUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/storage/v1` + + const isPlatform = _supabaseUrl.match(/(supabase\.co)|(supabase\.in)/) + if (isPlatform) { + const urlParts = _supabaseUrl.split('.') + this.functionsUrl = `${urlParts[0]}.functions.${urlParts[1]}.${urlParts[2]}` + } else { + this.functionsUrl = `${_supabaseUrl}/functions/v1` + } + + this.schema = settings.schema + this.multiTab = settings.multiTab + this.fetch = settings.fetch + this.headers = { ...DEFAULT_HEADERS, ...options?.headers } + this.shouldThrowOnError = settings.shouldThrowOnError || false + + this.auth = this._initSupabaseAuthClient(settings) + this.realtime = this._initRealtimeClient({ headers: this.headers, ...settings.realtime }) + + this._listenForAuthEvents() + this._listenForMultiTabEvents() + + // In the future we might allow the user to pass in a logger to receive these events. + // this.realtime.onOpen(() => console.log('OPEN')) + // this.realtime.onClose(() => console.log('CLOSED')) + // this.realtime.onError((e: Error) => console.log('Socket error', e)) + } + + /** + * Supabase Functions allows you to deploy and invoke edge functions. + */ + get functions() { + return new FunctionsClient(this.functionsUrl, { + headers: this._getAuthHeaders(), + customFetch: this.fetch, + }) + } + + /** + * Supabase Storage allows you to manage user-generated content, such as photos or videos. + */ + get storage() { + return new SupabaseStorageClient(this.storageUrl, this._getAuthHeaders(), this.fetch) + } + + /** + * Perform a table operation. + * + * @param table The table name to operate on. + */ + from(table: string): SupabaseQueryBuilder { + const url = `${this.restUrl}/${table}` + return new SupabaseQueryBuilder(url, { + headers: this._getAuthHeaders(), + schema: this.schema, + realtime: this.realtime, + table, + fetch: this.fetch, + shouldThrowOnError: this.shouldThrowOnError, + }) + } + + /** + * Perform a function call. + * + * @param fn The function name to call. + * @param params The parameters to pass to the function call. + * @param head When set to true, no data will be returned. + * @param count Count algorithm to use to count rows in a table. + * + */ + rpc( + fn: string, + params?: object, + { + head = false, + count = null, + }: { head?: boolean; count?: null | 'exact' | 'planned' | 'estimated' } = {} + ) { + const rest = this._initPostgRESTClient() + return rest.rpc(fn, params, { head, count }) + } + + /** + * Creates a channel with Broadcast and Presence. + * Activated when vsndate query param is present in the WebSocket URL. + */ + channel(name: string, opts: { selfBroadcast: boolean; [key: string]: any }): RealtimeChannel { + const userToken = this.auth.session()?.access_token ?? this.supabaseKey + + if (!this.realtime.isConnected()) { + this.realtime.connect() + } + + return, { ...opts, user_token: userToken }) as RealtimeChannel + } + + /** + * Closes and removes all subscriptions and returns a list of removed + * subscriptions and their errors. + */ + async removeAllSubscriptions(): Promise< + { data: { subscription: RealtimeSubscription }; error: Error | null }[] + > { + const allSubs: RealtimeSubscription[] = this.getSubscriptions().slice() + const allSubPromises = => this.removeSubscription(sub)) + const allRemovedSubs = await Promise.all(allSubPromises) + + return{ error }, i) => { + return { + data: { subscription: allSubs[i] }, + error, + } + }) + } + + /** + * Closes and removes a channel and returns the number of open channels. + * + * @param channel The channel you want to close and remove. + */ + async removeChannel( + channel: RealtimeChannel + ): Promise<{ data: { openChannels: number }; error: Error | null }> { + const { error } = await this._closeSubscription(channel) + const allChans: RealtimeSubscription[] = this.getSubscriptions() + const openChanCount = allChans.filter((chan) => chan.isJoined()).length + + if (allChans.length === 0) await this.realtime.disconnect() + + return { data: { openChannels: openChanCount }, error } + } + + /** + * Closes and removes a subscription and returns the number of open subscriptions. + * + * @param subscription The subscription you want to close and remove. + */ + async removeSubscription( + subscription: RealtimeSubscription + ): Promise<{ data: { openSubscriptions: number }; error: Error | null }> { + const { error } = await this._closeSubscription(subscription) + const allSubs: RealtimeSubscription[] = this.getSubscriptions() + const openSubCount = allSubs.filter((chan) => chan.isJoined()).length + + if (allSubs.length === 0) await this.realtime.disconnect() + + return { data: { openSubscriptions: openSubCount }, error } + } + + private async _closeSubscription( + subscription: RealtimeSubscription | RealtimeChannel + ): Promise<{ error: Error | null }> { + let error = null + + if (!subscription.isClosed()) { + const { error: unsubError } = await this._unsubscribeSubscription(subscription) + error = unsubError + } + + this.realtime.remove(subscription) + + return { error } + } + + private _unsubscribeSubscription( + subscription: RealtimeSubscription | RealtimeChannel + ): Promise<{ error: Error | null }> { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + subscription + .unsubscribe() + .receive('ok', () => resolve({ error: null })) + .receive('error', (error: Error) => resolve({ error })) + .receive('timeout', () => resolve({ error: new Error('timed out') })) + }) + } + + /** + * Returns an array of all your subscriptions. + */ + getSubscriptions(): RealtimeSubscription[] { + return this.realtime.channels as RealtimeSubscription[] + } + + private _initSupabaseAuthClient({ + autoRefreshToken, + persistSession, + detectSessionInUrl, + localStorage, + headers, + fetch, + cookieOptions, + multiTab, + }: SupabaseClientOptions) { + const authHeaders = { + Authorization: `Bearer ${this.supabaseKey}`, + apikey: `${this.supabaseKey}`, + } + return new SupabaseAuthClient({ + url: this.authUrl, + headers: { ...headers, ...authHeaders }, + autoRefreshToken, + persistSession, + detectSessionInUrl, + localStorage, + fetch, + cookieOptions, + multiTab, + }) + } + + private _initRealtimeClient(options?: RealtimeClientOptions) { + return new RealtimeClient(this.realtimeUrl, { + ...options, + params: { ...options?.params, apikey: this.supabaseKey }, + }) + } + + private _initPostgRESTClient() { + return new PostgrestClient(this.restUrl, { + headers: this._getAuthHeaders(), + schema: this.schema, + fetch: this.fetch, + throwOnError: this.shouldThrowOnError, + }) + } + + private _getAuthHeaders(): GenericObject { + const headers: GenericObject = { ...this.headers } + const authBearer = this.auth.session()?.access_token ?? this.supabaseKey + headers['apikey'] = this.supabaseKey + headers['Authorization'] = headers['Authorization'] || `Bearer ${authBearer}` + return headers + } + + private _listenForMultiTabEvents() { + if (!this.multiTab || !isBrowser() || !window?.addEventListener) { + return null + } + + try { + return window?.addEventListener('storage', (e: StorageEvent) => { + if (e.key === STORAGE_KEY) { + const newSession = JSON.parse(String(e.newValue)) + const accessToken: string | undefined = + newSession?.currentSession?.access_token ?? undefined + const previousAccessToken = this.auth.session()?.access_token + if (!accessToken) { + this._handleTokenChanged('SIGNED_OUT', accessToken, 'STORAGE') + } else if (!previousAccessToken && accessToken) { + this._handleTokenChanged('SIGNED_IN', accessToken, 'STORAGE') + } else if (previousAccessToken !== accessToken) { + this._handleTokenChanged('TOKEN_REFRESHED', accessToken, 'STORAGE') + } + } + }) + } catch (error) { + console.error('_listenForMultiTabEvents', error) + return null + } + } + + private _listenForAuthEvents() { + let { data } = this.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => { + this._handleTokenChanged(event, session?.access_token, 'CLIENT') + }) + return data + } + + private _handleTokenChanged( + event: AuthChangeEvent, + token: string | undefined, + source: 'CLIENT' | 'STORAGE' + ) { + if ( + (event === 'TOKEN_REFRESHED' || event === 'SIGNED_IN') && + this.changedAccessToken !== token + ) { + // Token has changed + this.realtime.setAuth(token!) + // Ideally we should call this.auth.recoverSession() - need to make public + // to trigger a "SIGNED_IN" event on this client. + if (source == 'STORAGE') this.auth.setAuth(token!) + + this.changedAccessToken = token + } else if (event === 'SIGNED_OUT' || event === 'USER_DELETED') { + // Token is removed + this.realtime.setAuth(this.supabaseKey) + if (source == 'STORAGE') this.auth.signOut() + } + } +}