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Releases: symfony/maker-bundle

Make a Controller with a JsonResponse & improved enum support

17 May 15:47
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Howdy Makers!

A small release that improves enum support, adds the ability to generate a controller that returns a JsonResponse, and we've up'd the ante on make:crud generated tests.


May 17th, 2022


  • #1120 - [make:controller] Return a JsonResponse instead of a Response with --no-template - @l-vo
  • #1117 - [make:crud] adding repository counts for crud testRemove - @dr-matt-smith


  • #1118 - Fix errors when enable_authenticator_manager is not set - @l-vo
  • #1042 - [CSM] fix: Handle enum as values - @Geekimo

Diff: v1.42.0...v1.43.0


A fix, a feature, and a test... Thats created with make:crud

09 May 19:50
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Howdy Makers!

We've enhanced our support for Doctrine ORM v3.0, added support for "issers" when creating entities with bool type fields, and last but not least... πŸ₯ Whether your entity has a custom repository or leans on a stock EntityManagerInterface - we hope to improve your testing experience by generating functional tests alongside controllers generated with make:crud.

The ability to generate tests with make:crud is experimental in it's current form. We plan on adding better integration with Symfony's testing tools in the near future. If you have an idea or suggestion on how this could work better in your workflow, feel free to let us know or contribute with a PR.


May 9th, 2022


  • #1114 - [make:entity] _em will be private in ORM 3.0, use getEntityManager() - @jrushlow
  • #456 - Use prefix "is" for getters on boolean fields - @MaximePinot
  • #307 - [make:crud][experimental] Add generated tests to make:crud - @ckrack


  • #1115 - [make:crud] fix broken controller with custom repository - @jrushlow

Diff: v1.41.0...v1.42.0


A plethora of features and bug fixes...

04 May 16:34
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Howdy Makers!

You can use MakerBundle to get you started with Stimulus thanks to the make:stimulus-controller command! Legacy support for the Guard Security System & doctrine/orm < 2.10 has been dropped. But we've added stronger typing to many templates, made it a bit easier to contribute to MakerBundle by removing tons of legacy code, and finally we've squashed a handful of bugs that have been crawling around...

Thank you to everyone in our community who continue to help improve MakerBundle!


May 4th, 2022


  • #1110 - [make:user] Don't add to passwork_hashers if default recipe is in use - @nicolas-grekas
  • #1109 - Add missing types in code templates - @nicolas-grekas
  • #1107 - [make:user] Legacy <= 5.3 & Doctrine Cleanup - @jrushlow
  • #1104 - [make:auth] drop guard support and legacy code cleanup - @jrushlow
  • #1075 - [make:stimulus-controller] New Stimulus controller Maker command - @JabriAbdelilah
  • #1028 - Add typed properties for make:reset-password and make:registration - @seb-jean
  • #872 - Use object typehint when generating entities - @HypeMC
  • #858 - [make:controller] avoid require doctrine/annotation when can use attributes - @Jibbarth


Diff: v1.40.1...v1.41.0


Fix Uninstallable Dependencies in 5.4

23 Apr 19:45
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Howdy Makers!

Fixes the minimum version constraint for symfony/finder && symfony/yaml that prevented updating MakerBundle to the latest version.


April 23rd, 2022


Diff: v1.40.0...v1.40.1


Minimum Symfony 5.4.7 LTS, Doctrine Fixes, & just a little housekeeping!

22 Apr 18:53
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Howdy Makers!

We are dropping new feature support for Symfony v4.4 - Symfony 5.4.7 is the minimum version supported going forward. We will still apply bug fixes to MakerBundle 1.39.x as issues arise until November 2022.

This release also fixes a few issues with MakerBundle and Doctrine, bumps the minimum PHP version to 7.2.5 & cleans up a few internals to help us improve MakerBundle going forward...


April 22nd, 2022


  • #1098 - drop symfony 4.4 support bump minimum Symfony version to 5.4.7 - @jrushlow

Diff: v1.39.0...v1.40.0


Small fix and features for Repositories, Twig, & Docker templates!

21 Apr 18:23
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Howdy Makers!

This small release is mainly about cleaning up some outdated links in Twig & Docker templates. But it does help static analysis tools better understand Entity Repositories by adding the @extends tag!

Please note this will be the last feature release with support for Symfony 4.4.


April 21st, 2022


  • #1088 - Add @extends tag to Doctrine repository template. - @hhamon
  • #1080 - [make:twig-extension] reference twig 3.x docs in generated extension - @BahmanMD


Diff: v1.38.0...v1.39.0


Generated Controller Improvements, Translations, API Platform 3.0 Tests, & Some Bug Squashing

24 Feb 21:09
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Hi Makers!

We've squashed a few bugs and have added a few improvements including support for translating exception reasons in VerifyEmailBundle, API Platform 3.0 compliant test cases, improved route names in generated CRUD / Controllers, and finally the ability to use generated repositories instead of the EntityManagerInterface in a few cases!


February 24th, 2022


  • #1076 - [make:registration-form] Translate reasons for VerifyEmailBundle if translator available - @bocharsky-bw
  • #1015 - Update ApiTestCase to be compliant with ApiPlatform v3.0 - @laryjulien
  • #1007 - [make:controller][make:crud] Make route names start with 'app_' - @robmeijer
  • #939 - [make:crud] Improve controller generation - @bdaler

Bug Fix

  • #1046 - [make:entity] Exclude inherited embedded class properties - @Vincz
  • #910 - [YamlSourceManipulator] Tweak regex pattern for regex key - @lubo13
  • #830 - [make:validator] Fix @var typehint comments - @mmarton

Diff: v1.37.0...v1.38.0

Happy making!

An eclectic variety of features and bug fixes

16 Feb 15:32
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Hi Makers!

This release handles several bug fixes within MakerBundle and adds support for translating ResetPasswordBundle Exception messages, using constants instead of strings with make:voter, improved types for Collection getter methods in Entities, and support for attributes in make:registration!

Diff: v1.36.4...v1.37.0

Happy making!



February 16th, 2022


Bug Fix

More Symfony 6 compat: allow deprecations-contract 3

01 Dec 00:29
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Hi Makers!

This release contains two more fixes to smooth usage on Symfony 6. However, there may still be some dependency issues that cause problems when installing Maker on Symfony 6. We're checking into that.


November 30th, 2021

Bug Fix

Diff: v1.36.3...v1.36.4

Happy making!

Fix for make:reset-password generated controller code

22 Nov 18:47
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Hi Makers!

This release contains one fix for a recent regression in the controller code generated for make:reset-password.


November 22nd, 2021

Bug Fix

Diff: v1.36.2...v1.36.3

Happy making!