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base repository: symfony/phpunit-bridge
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base: v5.3.4
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head repository: symfony/phpunit-bridge
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compare: v5.3.7
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  • 2 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Aug 26, 2021

  1. Copy the full SHA
    49230ea View commit details
  2. minor #42073 Add no-interaction for SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE on prophe…

    …cy (alexander-schranz)
    This PR was merged into the 5.3 branch.
    Add no-interaction for SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE on prophecy
    | Q             | A
    | ------------- | ---
    | Branch?       | 5.3
    | Bug fix?      | no
    | New feature?  | no <!-- please update src/**/ files -->
    | Deprecations? | no <!-- please update UPGRADE-*.md and src/**/ files -->
    | Tickets       | Fix #... <!-- prefix each issue number with "Fix #", no need to create an issue if none exist, explain below instead -->
    | License       | MIT
    | Doc PR        | symfony/symfony-docs#... <!-- required for new features -->
    Add no-interaction for SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE on prophecy
    Currently if you have for example the following configuration phpunit.xml.dist:
    <server name="SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION" value="9.5" />
    <server name="SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE" value="phpspec/prophecy-phpunit"/>
    It will ask if you really wanted to add `phpspec/prophecy-phpunit` as requirement, or if you want to keep it as dev dependency. To avoid this question and just install the dependency as defined I would add here the no-interaction flag.
    <img width="1113" alt="Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-12 um 20 27 26" src="">
    2 questions are currently asked when adding `phpspec/prophecy-phpunit`.
    3f1982dab9 Add no-interaction for SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE on prophecy
    nicolas-grekas committed Aug 26, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    2a1ff6e View commit details
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
  1. +2 −2 bin/simple-phpunit.php
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions bin/simple-phpunit.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@
@copy("$PHPUNIT_VERSION_DIR/phpunit.xsd", 'phpunit.xsd');
$passthruOrFail("$COMPOSER remove --no-update ".$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE);
$passthruOrFail("$COMPOSER remove --no-update --no-interaction ".$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE);
$passthruOrFail("$COMPOSER require --no-update ".$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE);
$passthruOrFail("$COMPOSER require --no-update --no-interaction ".$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE);
if (5.1 <= $PHPUNIT_VERSION && $PHPUNIT_VERSION < 5.4) {
$passthruOrFail("$COMPOSER require --no-update phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects \"~3.1.0\"");