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106 lines (86 loc) · 3.79 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (86 loc) · 3.79 KB


Finito. This site was an interesting challenge for me. The old backend was written by someone else in PHP and when I took the old webshop over I didn't wanted to maintain that code base. So I re-wrote it from scratch using NestJS.

The front-end code can be seen in the myna-nextjs repository, for that I've continued with the React based NextJS framework, after doing a through re-work on it.

The third challange in this whole story for me was Cypress. This was the first project, where I've used it. I must admit that tool is awesome!

All these three frameworks / tools were new to me at the time I started it, tried my best to learn them as much as I could.

Now I'm sharing this codebase as a reference, maybe it can help the lone traveller on their journey through development.

P.S. there are lots of out-of-the-box solutions for webshops, don't hand-roll your own. I've only continued to develop this as it was stared by someone else before me. While I enjoyed to learn all this, I could have saved a lot of work and nerves if I would push for a ready solution and "just" apply the style of this page over there.

Install heroku-cli

cd ~
tar zxvf heroku-linux-x64.tar.gz
alias heroku=~/heroku/bin/heroku

Cert upload

To upload certificate to AWS one need to prepare the "fullchain": for AWS it should not contain the immediate cert, just the intermediate and root cert!


  1. get new cert:
    asp user-aws-profile && \
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=`aws configure get aws_access_key_id` \
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=`aws configure get aws_secret_access_key` \ --issue -d '*' -d --dns dns_aws
    2022-08-03 - had to add the --force flag
  2. install new cert on heroku
    # staging
    heroku certs:add ~/\* ~/\*\* --app myna-nextjs-staging
    heroku certs:add ~/\* ~/\*\* --app mynalabel-staging
    # production
    heroku certs:add ~/\* ~/\*\* --app mynalabel-production
    heroku certs:add ~/\* ~/\*\* --app myna-nextjs-production
  3. install cert on cloudfront
    aws iam upload-server-certificate \
      --server-certificate-name mynalabel_com_`date +%Y-%m-%d`  \
      --certificate-body file:///home/szabi/\*\* \
      --private-key file:///home/szabi/\*\* \
      --certificate-chain file:///home/szabi/\* \
      --path /cloudfront/myna/
  4. change CloudFront to use the new cert via the web ui -

TypeORM migrations

Create a new migration plan run:

npm run typeorm:create <name_of_migration>

Run migration on the development env just issue:

npm run typeorm:run

Rollback the last migration will be:

npm run typeorm:revert

For running the migrations on other env. than development you will have to prepend NODE_ENV=<env_name> to the command. E.g. run migration on staging:

NODE_ENV=staging npm run typeorm:run

To simply query the migrations that are registered in the database (meaning they already ran) you can run direct queries via the TypeORM cli:

npm run typeorm query 'select * from migrations'

Alternatively TypeORM is able to list migration that were ran:

npm run typeorm:show