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Releases: tailwindlabs/tailwindcss


23 Jan 12:59
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  • Update our PostCSS related dependencies (#618)
  • Fix bug where class names containing a . character had the responsive prefix added in the wrong place (#613)


13 Dec 19:25
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  • Update Normalize to v8.0.1 (#588)


05 Nov 13:55
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  • Add --no-autoprefixer option to CLI build command (#584)


05 Nov 13:37
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  • Update autoprefixer dependency (fixes #583)


31 Oct 19:56
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New Features

Registering new variants from plugins (#505)

(Introduced as an experiment in v0.6.2, now promoted to an official feature)

Plugins can now add their own variants (like hover, focus, group-hover, etc.) to Tailwind.

To get started, destructure the new addVariant function from the object passed to your plugin, and call it with the name of the variant you'd like to add and a callback that can be used to manipulate the PostCSS nodes where the variant is being applied:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    function({ addVariant }) {
      addVariant('important', ({ container }) => {
        container.walkRules(rule => {
          rule.selector = `.\\!${rule.selector.slice(1)}`
          rule.walkDecls(decl => {
            decl.important = true

Documentation is coming soon, but for now learn more in the pull request.

Variant order can be customized per module (#505)

(Introduced as an experiment in v0.6.2, now promoted to an official feature)

Variants are now generated in the order that they are specified in the modules section of your config file, rather than in a hard-coded static order like in previous versions of Tailwind.

That means that if you want focus variants to defeat hover variants for background colors, but you want the opposite behavior for border colors, you can actually do that now by specifying the order in your config:

modules.exports = {
  // ...
  modules: {
    // ...
    backgroundColors: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
    // ...
    borderColors: ['responsive', 'focus', 'hover'],
    // ...

Note that this doesn't affect responsive variants — those are a special case since responsive versions are also generated for other variants, and we group responsive declarations to optimize the resulting CSS.

Added focus-within variant (#463)

Tailwind now includes a focus-within variant that you can use to change how an element is styled if an element inside of it has focus.

<div class="focus-within:shadow-lg">
    <input type="email">

Learn about the :focus-within pseudo-class on MDN

By default we don't generate focus-within variants for any utilities, but you can change this in the modules section your Tailwind configuration file:

  modules.exports = {
    // ...
    modules: {
      // ...
-     backgroundColors: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
+     backgroundColors: ['responsive', 'focus-within', 'hover', focus'],
      // ...

Fancy CLI updates (#554)

Tailwind 0.7.0 includes a completely rewritten CLI tool with nicer output and a better user experience.

All of the existing functionality is still there with the same API, it just looks better.

Option to generate config without comments (#558)

You can now use the --no-comments option when running tailwind init to generate a config file that excludes all of the inline documentation comments.

This is a great way to make your config file easier to skim if you're an experienced Tailwind user who doesn't need the comments.

Make configured prefix optional when using @apply (#553)

If you're prefixing your generated utilities, including that prefix when using @apply is now optional.

/* Before */
.my-component {
  @apply tw-bg-blue tw-text-white tw-font-bold;

/* Now */
.my-component {
  @apply bg-blue text-white font-bold;

You can continue to use the prefix if you like, or drop it if you prefer a terser syntax.

Improve Flexbox behavior in IE 10/11 (#550)

IE 10 and 11 interpret the shorthand flex property differently than other browsers.

Tailwind now specifies explicit grow, shrink, and basis values for the flex-1, flex-auto, and flex-initial utilities for a more consistent cross-browser experience.

Learn more at the flexbugs repo (bugs #4 and #6 specifically)


Variant order in modules config is now significant (#505)

Impact: Low, Effort: Low

Prior to 0.7.0, variants were always generated in the same order, regardless of the order specified in the modules section of your config file.

Now, variants are generated in the they are specified. That means that if your config file currently lists variants in a different order than the <=0.6.6 default variant order, those variants will appear in a different order in your CSS.

To preserve the <=0.6.6 behavior, simply edit the modules section of your config file to make sure your variants are listed in the following order:

modules.exports = {
  // ...
  modules: {
    // ...
    [anyModule]: ['group-hover', 'hover', 'focus-within', 'focus', 'active']
    // ...

Normalize.css updated to v8.0.0 (#537)

Impact: Low, Effort: Low

We've updated our dependency on Normalize.css from 7.0.0 to 8.0.0.

This drops support for very old browsers like IE9, Android 4.3, Safari 8, and iOS Safari 7-8.

If you still need to support those browsers, remove @tailwind preflight from your CSS, add Normalize.css 7.0.0 to your project, and manually add our additional preflight base styles.

Removed CSS fix for Chrome 62 button border radius change (#579)

Impact: Low, Effort: Low

When Chrome 62 was released, it introduced a user agent stylesheet change that added a default border radius to all buttons.

This messed up styles for like half of the internet (including sites like GitHub itself), so Chrome reverted the change in Chrome 63.

We included a fix for this in Tailwind with the intention to remove it when Chrome 62 was no longer in common use. Now that usage has dropped to 0.09%, we've removed our fix.

If this is a problem for you (it isn't), you can add the removed styles back to your project right after @tailwind preflight.


21 Sep 18:55
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18 Aug 11:07
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  • Fixes an issue where units were stripped from zero value properties (#533)


16 Jul 12:52
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  • Fixes an issue where changes to your configuration file were ignored when using webpack --watch (#520)


11 Jul 19:57
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  • Fixes an issue where @tailwind utilities generated no output (#518)


11 Jul 17:28
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New Features

Added table layout utilities for styling tables (#504)

Tailwind now includes .table-auto and .table-fixed utilities for controlling the table-layout property.

By default we only generate responsive variants for these utilities but you can change this through the tableLayout module your Tailwind configuration file.

We've also updated Preflight to set border-collapse: collapse by default on all tables.

Configuration can now be passed as an object (#508)

Normally you pass your configuration to Tailwind by giving it a path:

// .postcssrc.js or similar
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...

Now you can also pass an object directly:

// .postcssrc.js or similar
const tailwindConfig = {
  // ...

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...

Note that we still recommend passing a path instead of an object, because Tailwind can't rebuild when the config changes if it doesn't have a config file to watch.


Default config file changes

Impact: Low, Effort: Low

The default config file now includes a new tableLayout entry in the modules section.

Simply add this to your config file to sync it with this change, or leave it out if you just want to inherit the default configuration for the new module:

  module.exports = {
    // ...
    modules: {
      // ...
      svgStroke: [],
+     tableLayout: ['responsive'],
      textAlign: ['responsive'],
      // ...


Tailwind 0.6.2 includes two new major features that are disabled by default behind flags.

These features may be changed or removed at any time without any regard for semantic versioning, so please do not depend on them in production just yet.

Registering new variants from plugins (#505)

Plugins can now add their own variants (like hover, focus, group-hover, etc.) to Tailwind.

To get started, destructure the new addVariant function from the object passed to your plugin, and call it with the name of the variant you'd like to add and a callback that can be used to manipulate the PostCSS nodes where the variant is being applied:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    function({ addVariant }) {
      addVariant('important', ({ container }) => {
        container.walkRules(rule => {
          rule.selector = `.\\!${rule.selector.slice(1)}`
          rule.walkDecls(decl => {
            decl.important = true

Proper documentation will be provided when this feature is stable and official, but in the mean time you can learn more by reading this comment from the pull request.

To enable this experiment, add pluginVariants: true under an experiments key in your Tailwind config:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  experiments: {
    pluginVariants: true

Allow @apply-ing classes that aren't defined but would be generated (#516)

You can now use @apply to apply classes that aren't defined but would exist if @tailwind utilities was included in the same CSS file. This is mostly useful on projects that are setup to process multiple styles independently, for example a Vue.js project where you are using the <style> block of your single file components.

To enable this experiment, add shadowLookup: true under an experiments key in your Tailwind config:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  experiments: {
    shadowLookup: true