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base repository: tapjs/tapjs
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base: tap@20.0.0
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head repository: tapjs/tapjs
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compare: tap@20.0.1
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  • 3 commits
  • 58 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jun 25, 2024

  1. bootstrap: remove override-thwarting shrinkwrap

    Temporarily remove all npm-shrinkwrap.json files, and re-run `npm
    install`. (It's fast the second time, because it doesn't have to do
    Re: netlify/cli#6731
    isaacs committed Jun 25, 2024


    This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
    dtolnay David Tolnay
    Copy the full SHA
    7235286 View commit details
  2. fixes for typescript 5.5

    Also, simplify generated types a bit in test-built by importing some
    types we use.
    isaacs committed Jun 25, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    90d373e View commit details
  3. update versions

    isaacs committed Jun 25, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    a6f7df4 View commit details
Showing with 406 additions and 333 deletions.
  1. +120 −120 package-lock.json
  2. +1 −1 package.json
  3. +4 −0 scripts/
  4. +2 −2 src/after-each/package.json
  5. +2 −2 src/after/package.json
  6. +2 −2 src/asserts/package.json
  7. +39 −34 src/asserts/src/index.ts
  8. +2 −2 src/before-each/package.json
  9. +2 −2 src/before/package.json
  10. +2 −2 src/chdir/package.json
  11. +3 −3 src/clock/package.json
  12. +5 −5 src/config/package.json
  13. +2 −2 src/core/dist/commonjs/parse-test-args.d.ts
  14. +1 −1 src/core/dist/commonjs/
  15. +1 −1 src/core/dist/commonjs/
  16. +2 −2 src/core/dist/esm/parse-test-args.d.ts
  17. +1 −1 src/core/dist/esm/
  18. +1 −1 src/core/dist/esm/
  19. +2 −2 src/core/package.json
  20. +5 −2 src/core/src/parse-test-args.ts
  21. +2 −2 src/create-plugin/package.json
  22. +3 −3 src/dummy-plugin/package.json
  23. +2 −2 src/esbuild-kit/package.json
  24. +2 −2 src/filter/package.json
  25. +2 −2 src/fixture/package.json
  26. +3 −3 src/intercept/package.json
  27. +7 −2 src/intercept/src/index.ts
  28. +6 −6 src/mocha-globals/package.json
  29. +3 −3 src/mock/package.json
  30. +15 −6 src/mock/src/index.ts
  31. +3 −3 src/nock/package.json
  32. +2 −2 src/node-serialize/package.json
  33. +3 −3 src/reporter/package.json
  34. +9 −9 src/run/package.json
  35. +3 −3 src/sinon/package.json
  36. +2 −2 src/snapshot/package.json
  37. +8 −2 src/snapshot/src/index.ts
  38. +2 −2 src/spawn/package.json
  39. +8 −1 src/spawn/src/index.ts
  40. +2 −2 src/stdin/package.json
  41. +8 −1 src/stdin/src/index.ts
  42. +3 −3 src/synonyms/package.json
  43. +20 −20 src/tap/package.json
  44. +19 −19 src/test/package.json
  45. +9 −1 src/test/scripts/test-template.ts
  46. +15 −15 src/test/test-built/dist/commonjs/index.d.ts
  47. +1 −1 src/test/test-built/dist/commonjs/
  48. +3 −0 src/test/test-built/dist/commonjs/index.js
  49. +1 −1 src/test/test-built/dist/commonjs/
  50. +15 −15 src/test/test-built/dist/esm/index.d.ts
  51. +1 −1 src/test/test-built/dist/esm/
  52. +3 −0 src/test/test-built/dist/esm/index.js
  53. +1 −1 src/test/test-built/dist/esm/
  54. +9 −1 src/test/test-built/src/index.ts
  55. +2 −2 src/tsx/package.json
  56. +2 −2 src/typescript/package.json
  57. +2 −2 src/worker/package.json
  58. +6 −1 src/worker/src/index.ts