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243 lines (178 loc) · 9.07 KB

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243 lines (178 loc) · 9.07 KB




To set up commit hooks run npm run prepare.

Message Standard

Commit lint is used to enforce the standard. The repositories commit message standard is defined in commit-lint.config.json.

Commit hooks

  • commit-msg - executes commitlint
  • pre-commit - executes lint-staged

Task Hierarchy

graph TD;

App Hierarchy

The repository maintains the following projects:

  • angular-movies - a Angular application served in a web browser
  • ng-universal-express - a node express server using @nguniversal for SSR and SSG of the angular-movies
  • firebase-function - a firebase function used to execute SSR of the ng-universal-express in firebase functions
  • cloudflare-worker - a cloudflare worker used to execute SSR of the angular-movies app in a worker
graph TD;

Project Types

We consider the following types a archetypal project:

  • Browser Application - maintaining an application served in the web e.g. Angular
  • Angular Universal Express Application - maintaining a node express server for Angular and the related projects
  • Firebase Function Application - maintaining a node function hosted on firebase cloud functions


  • docs - ["scope:shared", "type:util"]
  • movies-user-flow - ["scope:shared", "type:util"]
  • angular-movies - ["scope:client", "type:app"]
  • ng-universal-express - ["scope:server", "type:app"]
  • firebase-function - ["scope:server", "type:app"]
  • cloudflare-worker - ["scope:server", "type:app"]

Global Project Targets (nx.json)

In this mono repository we agree on a set of tasks that need to be consistent across the platforms:

Tasks (nx.json#targetDefaults)

  • format - defined in prettierrc.json
  • lint - global linting
  • build - build project for different reason
    • development - environments fast to build and easy to debug. No bundle budgets.
    • production - final build and. Bundle budgets used.
  • prerender - prerender static pages of movies project for deploy-hodting-* tasks
  • serve - serves for development and production build in a self hosted (emulated) environment
  • test - project related tests (unit, integration) with optional postfix (if postfix is needed use test-*)
  • e2e - e2e tests with optional postfix (if postfix is needed use e2e-*)
  • emulate - emulated environments with optional postfix (if postfix is needed use emulate-*)
  • deploy - deployment targets with optional postfix (if postfix is needed use deploy-*)
  • user-flow - e2e tests inc lighthouse measures
    • development - environments fast to start and easy to debug. No perf measures.
    • production - environments close to the released version

Caching Strategies (nx.json#"tasksRunnerOptions#default#options#cacheableOperations)

nx is used for local caching, nx-cloud for distributed caching.

The cacheableOperations are:

  • lint
  • build
  • test
  • prerender - only static pages are pre-rendered therefor we can cache it

Projects (nx.json#layout)



  • format - Markdown specific formatting
  • lint - adds plugin:markdownlint/recommended
  • build-report - state.json and bundle analyzer generation
  • update-readme - update the main readme (./ with data from our builds and reports

Browser Application

The browser application is needed to run host a CRS version of the application as well as all static files e.g. pre-rendered pages or routes.txt


  • format - base formatting
  • lint - adds @angular-eslint, @rx-angular/eslint-plugin
  • build - the executor browser from the package @angular-devkit/build-angular is used
    • production
    • development
  • serve - the executor dev-server from the package @angular-devkit/build-angular is used
    • production - TODO
    • development - TODO
  • ngsw-config - TODO
  • serve:ngsw - TODO
  • emulate-firebase - firebase hosting emulation over firebase CLI
  • deploy-firebase - We deploy over a GH action. This is be used optionally.
    It deploys the CSR version of the application excluding the pre-generated sites.
  • user-flow - co-located e2e tests
    • development - build for development. serve it with the development option.
      XY tests are executed with --dryRun.
    • production - build for pruduction. serve it with the pruduction option.
      XY tests are executed.
    • emulated - build for pruduction. serve it with the emulate-firebase task.
      XY tests are executed.
  • build-report - state.json and bundle analyzer generation
  • update-readme - update the main readme (./ with data from our builds and reports

Express Server

The ng-universal application is needed to run SSR in different environments e.g. function or edge.


  • format - base formatting
  • lint - adds plugin:unicorn/recommended
  • build - the executor server from the package @angular-devkit/build-angular is used
    • development - TODO
    • production - TODO
    • serve-production - includes the automatic startup logic needed for @nguniversal/builders:ssr-dev-server
    • serve-development - includes the automatic startup logic needed for @nguniversal/builders:ssr-dev-server
  • serve - the executor ssr-dev-server from the package @nguniversal/builders is used
    • development - TODO
    • production - TODO
  • pre-prerender - precondition logic prerender e.g. preparation of routs.txt
  • prerender - the executor prerender from the package @nguniversal/builders is used
  • emulate-firebase - firebase hosting emulation over firebase CLI
  • user-flow - co-located e2e tests
    • development - build for development. serve it with the serve-development options
      XY tests are executed with --dryRun.
    • production - build for pruduction. serve it with the serve-pruduction options.
      XY tests are executed.
    • emulated - build for pruduction and run prerender. serve it with the emulate-firebase task.
      XY tests are executed.

Cloud Function

The firebase-function application is needed to execute the ng-universal express server in a cloud function.


  • format - base formatting
  • lint - adds plugin:unicorn/recommended
  • build - tsc is used directly
  • emulate-firebase - firebase function emulation over firebase CLI
  • deploy-firebase - We deploy over a GH action. This can be used optionally It deploys the firebase function as well as the CSR version including all pre-rendered pages of the application. The firebase CLI deploys hosting and functions.
  • user-flow - co-located e2e tests
    • emulated - build for pruduction and run prerender. serve it with the emulate-firebase task.
      XY tests are executed.

Cloudflare Worker

The cloudflare-worker application is needed to execute the ng-universal express server in a edge worker.


  • format - esm specific formatting
  • lint - adds plugin:unicorn/recommended
  • build - tsc is used directly
  • emulate - cloudflare emulation over wrangler CLI
  • cloudflare-deploy - We deploy over a GH action. This can be used optionally It deploys the worker as well as the CSR version including all pre-rendered pages of the application. The wrangler CLI deploys pages and worker.
  • user-flow - co-located e2e tests
    • emulated - build for pruduction. serve it with the emulate-firebase task.
      XY tests are executed.

Movies User Flow

  • {centralized}-user-flows - globally shared user-flow logic or tests
    • test-data/index.ts - global fixtures, data, budgets
    • /src/index.ts - configurable UFO objects entry point

The user-flows application is needed to execute e2e tests against the different deployments.


  • format - exception rules for the different code parts
  • lint - adds plugin:unicorn/recommended
  • build - tsc is used directly


The CI has different actions:

  • pr - pull_request on main
  • m - merge on main


  • docs-hosting-m.yml - runs on m

Test and Build

  • ci.yml - runs on pr and m --affected build,test,lint,prerender

Firebase Hosting

  • firebase-hosting-m.yml - runs on m firebase-function:deploy + movies:user-flow:production,
  • firebase-hosting-pr.yml - runs on pr ng-universal-express:deploy + ng-universal-express:user-flow:preview

Firebase Function

As the build will not break because of require usage we need to test against function emulator

  • firebase-function-pr.yml - runs on pr firebase-function:build + firebase-function:user-flow:emulate,

Cloudflare Hosting

  • cloudflare-hosting-pr.yml - runs on pr cloudflare-worker:deploy + cloudflare-worker:user-flow:emulate,