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Bind-this operator for JavaScript

ECMAScript Stage-0 Proposal. J. S. Choi, 2021.


(A formal specification is available.)

Method binding -> is a left-associative infix operator. Its right-hand side is an identifier (like f) or a parenthesized expression (like (hof())), either of which must evaluate to a function. Its left-hand side is some expression that evaluates to an object. The -> operator binds its left-hand side to its right-hand side’s this value, creating a bound function in the same manner as Function.prototype.bind.

For example, arr->fn would be roughly equivalent to fn.bind(arr), except that its behavior does not change if code elsewhere reassigns the global method Function.prototype.bind.

Likewise, obj->(createMethod()) would be roughly equivalent to createMethod().bind(obj).

If the operator’s right-hand side does not evaluate to a function during runtime, then the program throws a TypeError.

The bound functions created by the bind-this operator are indistinguishable from the bound functions that are already created by Function.prototype.bind. Both are exotic objects that do not have a prototype property, and which may be called like any typical function.

From this definition, o->f(...args) is indistinguishable from, ...args), except that its behavior does not change if code elsewhere reassigns the global method

The this-bind operator has equal precedence with member expressions, call expressions, new expressions with arguments, and optional chains. Like those operators, the this-bind operator also may be short-circuited by optional chains in its left-hand side.

Left-hand side Example Grouping
Member expressions a.b->fn.c ((a.b)->fn).c
Call expressions a()->fn() ((a())->fn)()
Optional chains a?.b->fn (a?.b)->fn
new expressions with arguments new C(a)->fn (new C(a))->fn
new expressions without arguments* new a->fn new (a->fn)

* Like . and ?., the this-bind operator also have tighter precedence than new expressions without arguments. Of course, new a->fn is not a very useful expression, just like how new (fn.bind(a)) is not a very useful expression.

Similarly to the . and ?. operators, the -> operator may be padded by whitespace.
For example, a -> m
is equivalent to a->fn,
and a -> (createFn())
is equivalent to a->(createFn()).

There are no other special rules.

Why a bind-this operator

Function.prototype.bind and are very common in object-oriented JavaScript code. They are useful methods that allows us to apply functions to any object, binding their first arguments to the this bindings within those functions, no matter the current object environment. bind and call allow us to extend an object with a function as if that function were its own method. They serve as an important link between the object-oriented and functional styles in JavaScript.

Why then would we need an operator that does the same thing? Because bind and call are vulnerable to global mutation.

For example, when we run our code in an untrusted environment, an adversary may mutate global prototype objects such as Array.prototype, reassigning or deleting their methods.

// The adversary’s code.
delete Array.prototype.slice;

// Our own trusted code, running later.
// Due to the adversary, this unexpectedly throws an error.
[0, 1, 2].slice(1, 2);

In order to harden JavaScript applications against this attack, we can extract critical global prototype methods into variables before any untrusted code may run. We would then use our critical methods with their call methods.

// Our own trusted code, running before any adversary.
const { slice } = Array.prototype;

// The adversary’s code.
delete Array.prototype.slice;

// Our own trusted code, running later.
// In spite of the adversary, this no longer throws an error.[0, 1, 2], 1, 2);

But this approach is still vulnerable to mutation of Function.prototype:

// Our own trusted code, running before any adversary.
const { slice } = Array.prototype;

// The adversary’s code.
delete Array.prototype.slice;

// Our own trusted code, running later.
// Due to the adversary, this throws an error again.[0, 1, 2], 1, 2);

There is currently no way to harden code against mutation of Function.prototype. A new operator, however, would not be vulnerable to mutation:

// Our own trusted code, running before any adversary.
const { slice } = Array.prototype;

// The adversary’s code.
delete Array.prototype.slice;

// Our own trusted code, running later.
// In spite of the adversary, this no longer throws an error.
// It also is considerably more readable.
[0, 1, 2]->slice(1, 2);

As a bonus, the syntax is also considerably more readable than code that uses bind or call. A bound function could be called inline as if it were actually a method in the object whose property key is the function itself:

function extensionMethod () {
  return this;

// Compare with

Real-world examples

Only minor formatting changes have been made to the status-quo examples.


Node.js’s runtime depends on many built-in JavaScript global intrinsic objects that are vulnerable to mutation or prototype pollution by third-party libraries. When initializing a JavaScript runtime, Node.js therefore caches wrapped versions of every global intrinsic object (and its methods) in a large primordials object.

Many of the global intrinsic methods inside of the primordials object rely on the this binding. primordials therefore contains numerous entries that look like this:

ArrayPrototypeConcat: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.concat),
ArrayPrototypeCopyWithin: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.copyWithin),
ArrayPrototypeFill: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.fill),
ArrayPrototypeFind: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.find),
ArrayPrototypeFindIndex: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.findIndex),
ArrayPrototypeLastIndexOf: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.lastIndexOf),
ArrayPrototypePop: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.pop),
ArrayPrototypePush: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.push),
ArrayPrototypePushApply: applyBind(Array.prototype.push),
ArrayPrototypeReverse: uncurryThis(Array.prototype.reverse),

…and so on, where uncurryThis is (also called “call-binding”), and applyBind is the similar Function.prototype.apply.bind.

In other words, Node.js must wrap every this-sensitive global intrinsic method in a this-uncurried wrapper function, whose first argument is the method’s this value, using the uncurryThis helper function.

The result is that code that uses these global intrinsic methods, like this code adapted from node/lib/internal/v8_prof_processor.js:

  // `specifier` is a string.
  const file = specifier.slice(2, -4);

  // Later…
  if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
  } else if (process.platform === 'win32') {

…must instead look like this:

// Note: This module assumes that it runs before any third-party code.
const {
} = primordials;

  // Later…
  const file = StringPrototypeSlice(specifier, 2, -4);

  // Later…
  if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
    ArrayPrototypePush(tickArguments, '--mac');
  } else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
    ArrayPrototypePush(tickArguments, '--windows');
  ArrayPrototypePushApply(tickArguments, ArrayPrototypeSlice(process.argv, 1));

This code is now protected against prototype pollution by accident and by adversaries (e.g., delete Array.prototype.push or delete Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]). However, this protection comes at two costs:

  1. These uncurried wrapper functions sometimes dramatically reduce performance. This would not be a problem if Node.js could cache and use the intrinsic methods directly. But the only current way to use intrinsic methods would be with, which is also vulnerable to mutation.

  2. The Node.js community has had much concern about barriers to contribution by ordinary JavaScript developers, due to the unidiomatic code encouraged by these uncurried wrapper functions.

Both of these problems are much improved by the bind-this operator. Instead of wrapping every global method with uncurryThis, Node.js could cached and used directly without worrying about mutation:

// Note: This module assumes that it runs before any third-party code.
const $apply = Function.prototype.apply;
const $push = Array.prototype.push;
const $arraySlice = Array.prototype.slice;
const $stringSlice = String.prototype.slice;

  // Later…
  const file = specifier->$stringSlice(2, -4);

  // Later…
  if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
  } else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
  $push->$apply(tickArguments, process.argv->$arraySlice(1));

Performance has improved, and readability has improved. There are no more uncurried wrapper functions; instead, the code uses the intrinsic methods in a notation similar to normal method calling with ..


A goal of this proposal is simplicity. Therefore, this proposal purposefully does not address the following use cases.

Tacit method extraction with another operator (like arr&.slice for arr.slice.bind(arr.slice) hypothetically) would be nice to have, but method extraction is already possible with this proposal.
const slice = arr->(arr.slice); slice(1, 3);
is not much wordier than
const slice = arr&.slice; slice(1, 3);

Extracting property accessors (i.e., getters and setters) is not a goal of this proposal. Get/set accessors are not like methods. Methods are values. Accessors themselves are not values; they are functions that activate when getting or setting properties. Getters/setters have to be extracted using Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; they are not handled in a special way. This verbosity may be considered to be desirable syntactic salt: it makes the developer’s intention (to extract getters/setters – and not methods) more explicit.

const { get: $getSize } =
    Set.prototype, 'size');

// The adversary’s code.
delete Set; delete Function;

// Our own trusted code, running later.
new Set([0, 1, 2])->$getSize();

Function/expression application, in which deeply nested function calls and other expressions are untangled into linear pipelines, is important but not addressed by this proposal. Instead, it is addressed by the pipe operator, with which this proposal’s syntax works well.
For example, we could untangle h(await g(o->f(0, v)), 1)
into v |> o->f(0, %) |> await g(%) |> h(%, 1).