diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html index 42001c5..738324d 100644 --- a/spec.html +++ b/spec.html @@ -113,13 +113,12 @@

Operations on Iterator Objects

GetIteratorDirect ( - _obj_: an ECMAScript language value, + _obj_: an Object, ): either a normal completion containing an Iterator Record or a throw completion

- 1. If _obj_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. Let _nextMethod_ be ? Get(_obj_, `"next"`). 1. If IsCallable(_nextMethod_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. Let _iteratorRecord_ be Record { [[Iterator]]: _obj_, [[NextMethod]]: _nextMethod_, [[Done]]: *false* }. @@ -303,8 +302,10 @@


Iterator.prototype.map ( _mapper_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. If IsCallable(_mapper_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _mapper_ and performs the following steps when called: 1. Let _counter_ be 0. 1. Repeat, @@ -324,8 +325,10 @@

Iterator.prototype.map ( _mapper_ )

Iterator.prototype.filter ( _predicate_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. If IsCallable(_predicate_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _predicate_ and performs the following steps when called: 1. Let _counter_ be 0. 1. Repeat, @@ -346,11 +349,13 @@

Iterator.prototype.filter ( _predicate_ )

Iterator.prototype.take ( _limit_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. Let _numLimit_ be ? ToNumber(_limit_). 1. If _numLimit_ is *NaN*, throw a *RangeError* exception. 1. Let _integerLimit_ be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(_numLimit_). 1. If _integerLimit_ < 0, throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _integerLimit_ and performs the following steps when called: 1. Let _remaining_ be _integerLimit_. 1. Repeat, @@ -370,11 +375,13 @@

Iterator.prototype.take ( _limit_ )

Iterator.prototype.drop ( _limit_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. Let _numLimit_ be ? ToNumber(_limit_). 1. If _numLimit_ is *NaN*, throw a *RangeError* exception. 1. Let _integerLimit_ be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(_numLimit_). 1. If _integerLimit_ < 0, throw a *RangeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _integerLimit_ and performs the following steps when called: 1. Let _remaining_ be _integerLimit_. 1. Repeat, while _remaining_ > 0, @@ -395,8 +402,10 @@

Iterator.prototype.drop ( _limit_ )

Iterator.prototype.flatMap ( _mapper_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. If IsCallable(_mapper_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _mapper_ and performs the following steps when called: 1. Let _counter_ be 0. 1. Repeat, @@ -430,8 +439,10 @@

Iterator.prototype.flatMap ( _mapper_ )

Iterator.prototype.reduce ( _reducer_ [ , _initialValue_ ] )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. If IsCallable(_reducer_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. If _initialValue_ is not present, then 1. Let _next_ be ? IteratorStep(_iterated_). 1. If _next_ is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. @@ -455,7 +466,9 @@

Iterator.prototype.reduce ( _reducer_ [ , _initialValue_ ] )

Iterator.prototype.toArray ( )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _items_ be a new empty List. 1. Repeat, 1. Let _next_ be ? IteratorStep(_iterated_). @@ -469,8 +482,10 @@

Iterator.prototype.toArray ( )

Iterator.prototype.forEach ( _fn_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. If IsCallable(_fn_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _counter_ be 0. 1. Repeat, 1. Let _next_ be ? IteratorStep(_iterated_). @@ -486,8 +501,10 @@

Iterator.prototype.forEach ( _fn_ )

Iterator.prototype.some ( _predicate_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. If IsCallable(_predicate_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _counter_ be 0. 1. Repeat, 1. Let _next_ be ? IteratorStep(_iterated_). @@ -504,8 +521,10 @@

Iterator.prototype.some ( _predicate_ )

Iterator.prototype.every ( _predicate_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. If IsCallable(_predicate_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _counter_ be 0. 1. Repeat, 1. Let _next_ be ? IteratorStep(_iterated_). @@ -522,8 +541,10 @@

Iterator.prototype.every ( _predicate_ )

Iterator.prototype.find ( _predicate_ )

This method performs the following steps when called:

- 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(*this* value). + 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value. + 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception. 1. If IsCallable(_predicate_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception. + 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_). 1. Let _counter_ be 0. 1. Repeat, 1. Let _next_ be ? IteratorStep(_iterated_).