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terraform-google-sql for a safer MySQL

The module sets up a MySQL installation that relies on Cloud IAM for authenticating its users. The use of Cloud IAM centralizes identity management, access control, and permits to strengthen the credentials being used for authentication.

The module uses the terraform-google-sql module for MySQL, but controls more strictly the type of network connections that are allowed: in all cases, network connections need to be mediated via the Cloud SQL Proxy and, hence, be authorized via Cloud IAM.

The most secure setup doesn't assign a public IP to the instance (assign_public_ip = false), and permits connections only from within the given VPC. In such a setup, sharing the instance between projects requires setting up Shared VPCs, and direct mysql access from engineering workstations is not possible: any debugging needs to be performed via bastion hosts or custom tooling running on VMs connected to the VPC.

If assign_public_ip = true, the instance will be assigned a public IP. However, the module ensures that no authorized networks can be configured on the instance, so all accesses are need to be mediated via the Cloud SQL proxy and authenticated via Cloud IAM. Such a setup still provide strong identity guarantees that go beyond the use of only username/password or long-lived certificates.

Cloud IAM Policy Recommendation

We have two levels of access to Cloud SQL: access to the data, and administrative access to the server's configurations. The two level of access correspond to the roles/cloudsql.admin and roles/cloudsql.client.


  • Modifications to the instance configurations should be very rare, we suggest to assign such permissions only to automation users (e.g., Terraform run as part of a CI/CD pipeline), or as part of breakglass access to the project's resources.


  • Service accounts of applications can be bound directly to the role (e.g.,

  • Humans that need to access the data for debugging purposes should get the access via membership group. Make sure that the group allows only members from within the organization, and that only invited members can join.

You can add the following Cloud IAM snippet to the project policy:

    - auditLogConfigs:
    - logType: DATA_READ
    - logType: DATA_WRITE

    - members:
    role: roles/cloudsql.admin

    - members:
    role: roles/cloudsql.client

Define MySQL users and passwords on your instance

Because Cloud IAM acts as a primary authentication and authorization mechanism, we can consider MySQL usernames and passwords are a secondary access controls that can be used to further restrict access for reliability or safety purposes. For example, removing the ability of modifying tables from production users that don't need such a capability.

The module, by default, creates users that:

  • only allow connections from host ~cloudsqlproxy to ensure that nobody can access data without connecting via the Cloud SQL Proxy.
  • have randomly generated passwords, which can be stored in configuration files. Such passwords can be considered as secure as API Keys rather than strong credentials for access.

To maintain the user list manageable, we suggest to consider MySQL users in a way similar to roles rather than individual human users. For example, a simple application could define the following roles:

  • admin: root-like users with full permissions on all tables and data. This can be used in breakglass emergencies, or as part of the release cycle to perform structural modifications of the DB (e.g., add tables and columns)

  • app: permissions required for running the application. Generally, it will have read/write permissions on data, but no ability of performing structural modifications to the DB.

    • Multiple roles for different apps can be defined if more protection against accidental errors is desired.
  • readonly: permissions required for reading data in the database for debugging or customer support.

  • Once users are created, you need to assign them permissions by executing the following commands on a MySQL client.
    • The permissions can be customized further is more fine-grained access is appropriate.
  TO 'app'@'cloudproxy~%';

GRANT SELECT ON your_app_db.* TO 'readonly'@'cloudproxy~%';


SWE / SRE Workflows

The rest of the workflow is implemented by SREs and SWEs using the instance.

Access the Cloud SQL instance from production

  • Create a service account and assign to it the roles/cloudsql.client permissions as described above.

  • Use the service account in your VMs or GKE node pools, so that it can be used by application as the default service account of the machine.

  • For GKE and VM, setup CloudSQL proxy as described in the public documentation.

  • User and password of the MySQL user can be set as configurations of the application, or GKE secrets.

  • All applications should construct SQL queries following principles and libraries that protect against SQL Injection Attacks.

Human Access to the Cloud SQL instance data.

  • Download and install Cloud SQL proxy on their workstation as described in the public documentation.
wget -O cloud_sql_proxy
chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy

Connections from engineers' workstations is directly possible only if the instance has been assiged a public ip (assign_public_ip = "true"). If only Private IPs are used, then access needs to be mediated by bastion hosts connected to the same VPC, or through custom UI or other tools.

If public IP is available, engineers can use the following process to connect:

mkdir $HOME/mysql_sockets
./cloud_sql_proxy --dir=$HOME/mysql_sockets --instances=myproject:region:instance

mysql -S $HOME/mysql_sockets/myproject:region:instance -u user -p


Name Description Type Default Required
activation_policy The activation policy for the master instance. Can be either ALWAYS, NEVER or ON_DEMAND. string "ALWAYS" no
additional_databases A list of databases to be created in your cluster
name = string
charset = string
collation = string
[] no
additional_users A list of users to be created in your cluster. A random password would be set for the user if the random_password variable is set.
name = string
password = string
host = string
type = string
random_password = bool
[] no
allocated_ip_range Existing allocated IP range name for the Private IP CloudSQL instance. The networks needs to be configured with string null no
assign_public_ip Set to true if the master instance should also have a public IP (less secure). bool false no
availability_type The availability type for the master instance. Can be either REGIONAL or null. string "REGIONAL" no
backup_configuration The backup_configuration settings subblock for the database setings
binary_log_enabled = bool
enabled = bool
start_time = string
location = string
transaction_log_retention_days = string
retained_backups = number
retention_unit = string
"binary_log_enabled": false,
"enabled": false,
"location": null,
"retained_backups": null,
"retention_unit": null,
"start_time": null,
"transaction_log_retention_days": null
create_timeout The optional timout that is applied to limit long database creates. string "30m" no
data_cache_enabled Whether data cache is enabled for the instance. Defaults to false. Feature is only available for ENTERPRISE_PLUS tier and supported database_versions bool false no
database_flags The database flags for the master instance. See more details
name = string
value = string
[] no
database_version The database version to use string n/a yes
db_charset The charset for the default database string "" no
db_collation The collation for the default database. Example: 'utf8_general_ci' string "" no
db_name The name of the default database to create string "default" no
delete_timeout The optional timout that is applied to limit long database deletes. string "30m" no
deletion_protection Used to block Terraform from deleting a SQL Instance. bool true no
deletion_protection_enabled Enables protection of an instance from accidental deletion across all surfaces (API, gcloud, Cloud Console and Terraform). bool false no
deny_maintenance_period The Deny Maintenance Period fields to prevent automatic maintenance from occurring during a 90-day time period. See more details
end_date = string
start_date = string
time = string
[] no
disk_autoresize Configuration to increase storage size bool true no
disk_autoresize_limit The maximum size to which storage can be auto increased. number 0 no
disk_size The disk size for the master instance number 10 no
disk_type The disk type for the master instance. string "PD_SSD" no
edition The edition of the instance, can be ENTERPRISE or ENTERPRISE_PLUS. string null no
encryption_key_name The full path to the encryption key used for the CMEK disk encryption string null no
follow_gae_application A Google App Engine application whose zone to remain in. Must be in the same region as this instance. string null no
iam_users A list of IAM users to be created in your CloudSQL instance
id = string,
email = string
[] no
insights_config The insights_config settings for the database.
query_plans_per_minute = number
query_string_length = number
record_application_tags = bool
record_client_address = bool
null no
maintenance_window_day The day of week (1-7) for the master instance maintenance. number 1 no
maintenance_window_hour The hour of day (0-23) maintenance window for the master instance maintenance. number 23 no
maintenance_window_update_track The update track of maintenance window for the master instance maintenance. Can be either canary or stable. string "stable" no
module_depends_on List of modules or resources this module depends on. list(any) [] no
name The name of the Cloud SQL resources string n/a yes
pricing_plan The pricing plan for the master instance. string "PER_USE" no
project_id The project ID to manage the Cloud SQL resources string n/a yes
random_instance_name Sets random suffix at the end of the Cloud SQL resource name bool false no
read_replica_deletion_protection Used to block Terraform from deleting replica SQL Instances. bool false no
read_replica_deletion_protection_enabled Enables protection of a read replica from accidental deletion across all surfaces (API, gcloud, Cloud Console and Terraform). bool false no
read_replica_name_suffix The optional suffix to add to the read instance name string "" no
read_replicas List of read replicas to create. Encryption key is required for replica in different region. For replica in same region as master set encryption_key_name = null
name = string
name_override = optional(string)
tier = string
edition = string
availability_type = string
zone = string
disk_type = string
disk_autoresize = bool
disk_autoresize_limit = number
disk_size = string
user_labels = map(string)
database_flags = list(object({
name = string
value = string
insights_config = optional(object({
query_plans_per_minute = number
query_string_length = number
record_application_tags = bool
record_client_address = bool
ip_configuration = object({
authorized_networks = list(map(string))
ipv4_enabled = bool
private_network = string
require_ssl = bool
allocated_ip_range = string
encryption_key_name = string
[] no
region The region of the Cloud SQL resources string n/a yes
secondary_zone The preferred zone for the secondary/failover instance, it should be something like: us-central1-a, us-east1-c. string null no
tier The tier for the master instance. string "db-n1-standard-1" no
update_timeout The optional timout that is applied to limit long database updates. string "30m" no
user_labels The key/value labels for the master instances. map(string) {} no
user_name The name of the default user string "default" no
user_password The password for the default user. If not set, a random one will be generated and available in the generated_user_password output variable. string "" no
vpc_network Existing VPC network to which instances are connected. The networks needs to be configured with string n/a yes
zone The zone for the master instance, it should be something like: a, c. string n/a yes


Name Description
generated_user_password The auto generated default user password if not input password was provided
instance_connection_name The connection name of the master instance to be used in connection strings
instance_ip_address The IPv4 address assigned for the master instance
instance_name The instance name for the master instance
instance_self_link The URI of the master instance
instance_service_account_email_address The service account email address assigned to the master instance
instances A list of all google_sql_database_instance resources we've created
primary The google_sql_database_instance resource representing the primary instance
private_ip_address The first private (PRIVATE) IPv4 address assigned for the master instance
public_ip_address The first public (PRIMARY) IPv4 address assigned for the master instance
read_replica_instance_names The instance names for the read replica instances
replicas A list of google_sql_database_instance resources representing the replicas
replicas_instance_connection_names The connection names of the replica instances to be used in connection strings
replicas_instance_self_links The URIs of the replica instances
replicas_instance_service_account_email_addresses The service account email addresses assigned to the replica instances