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101 lines (65 loc) · 3.56 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (65 loc) · 3.56 KB


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Building this project

Building and testing this project requires node, npm, protoc, make, git, and go.

  • go is required for the Twirp transport client compatibility test suite
  • protoc is required for compiling .proto files.

The entire project can be built by running make, but if you do not have all required tooling installed, you can still build all of the TypeScript packages.

Not all packages are public, or even JavaScript projects. There are also examples, benchmarks and Protobuf files in the packages/ directory. They can be built with their respective Makefiles.


Testing the runtime

The runtime is tested without generating any code. For example, to test the ReflectionJsonReader, we simply pass reflection field information to the constructor of a ReflectionJsonReader, and can test whether it reads and writes JSON as expected.

This even works with the MessageType, which implements the public API of each protobuf message in TypeScript. We just don't have a TypeScript interface for the message in question.

To test only the runtime, run:

cd packages/runtime
npm install

The make compiles TypeScript to Javascript and runs all test cases (in spec/) in nodejs (using jasmine) and in a headless browser (using karma and jasmine).


packages/proto contains a large number of .proto files. These files are used to test code generation and functionality of the generated code.

Testing the plugin

All protobuf plugins work with CodeGeneratorRequest and CodeGeneratorResponse messages (defined in google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto).

A protocol buffer compiler parses .proto files and creates a CodeGeneratorRequest, then passes it to a plugin. Because invoking a compiler during testing is difficult, we generate a FileDescriptorSet ahead of time. The FileDescriptorSet contains all information necessary to create the CodeGeneratorRequests we need for testing the plugin.

packages/plugin and packages/plugin-framework are both tested using the FileDescriptorSet. In spec/helpers.ts, the function getCodeGeneratorRequest can be used to create a CodeGeneratorRequest from the file descriptors.

The plugin itself has only very basic test coverage. We generate TypeScript (in memory) for all .proto files in packages/proto and compile the generated code using the TypeScript Compiler API, checking for static errors.

Adding a feature or fixing a bug in the plugin can be cumbersome. Instead of building the plugin and running it with protoc, you can let a test case spit out the generated code for you. spec/protobufts-plugin.spec.ts contains the necessary code to do this (commented out). If you enable the code, you can simply run make test after your change to see the generated code. There should probably be a separate script for this, but at the moment, we do not have one. Please remember not to commit unintentional changes to the spec file.

Testing generated code

The plugin generates speed optimized methods as well as custom method for well-known types. This code is not part of the runtime and can only be tested by testing the actual generated code.

packages/test-generated/ is responsible to test the generated code.
See the for details.