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Releases: tokio-rs/tracing

tracing-subscriber 0.3.5

30 Dec 00:22
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This release re-enables RUST_LOG filtering in tracing_subscriber::fmt's
default initialization methods, and adds an OffsetLocalTime formatter for
using local timestamps with the time crate.


  • fmt: Added OffsetLocalTime formatter to fmt::time for formatting local
    timestamps with a fixed offset (#1772)


  • fmt: Added a Targets filter to fmt::init() and fmt::try_init() when
    the "env-filter" feature is disabled, so that RUST_LOG is still honored

Thanks to @marienz and @ishitatsuyuki for contributing to this release!

tracing-journald 0.2.1

30 Dec 00:27
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This release improves how tracing-journald communicates with journald,
including the handling of large payloads.


  • Use an unconnected socket, so that logging can resume after a journald
    restart (#1758)


  • Fixed string values being written using fmt::Debug (#1714)
  • Fixed EMSGSIZE when log entries exceed a certain size (#1744)

A huge thank-you to new contributor @lunaryorn, for contributing all of the
changes in this release!

tracing-subscriber 0.3.4

25 Dec 18:24
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This release contains bugfixes for the fmt module, as well as documentation


  • fmt: Fixed fmt not emitting log lines when timestamp formatting fails
  • fmt: Fixed double space before thread IDs with Pretty formatter
  • Several documentation improvements (#1608, #1699, #1701)

Thanks to new contributors @Swatinem and @rukai for contributing to this

tracing-subscriber 0.3.3

29 Nov 22:51
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This release fixes a pair of regressions in tracing-subscriber's fmt


  • fmt: Fixed missing event fields with Compact formatter (#1755)
  • fmt: Fixed PrettyFields formatter (and thus format::Pretty
    event formatter) ignoring the fmt::Layer's ANSI color code
    configuration (#1747)

tracing-subscriber 0.3.2

20 Nov 01:15
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  • fmt: Fixed MakeWriter filtering not working with BoxMakeWriter


  • fmt: Writer::has_ansi_escapes method to check if an output
    supports ANSI terminal formatting escape codes (#1696)
  • fmt: Added additional ANSI terminal formatting to field formatters
    when supported (#1702)
  • fmt: Added FmtContext::span_scope, FmtContext::event_scope,
    and FmtContext::parent_span methods for accessing the current span
    and its scope when formatting an event (#1728)
  • fmt: Improved documentation on implementing event formatters (#1727)

tracing-error v0.2.0

23 Oct 23:23
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This is a breaking change release in order to update the
tracing-subscriber dependency version to the v0.3.x release


  • Updated tracing-subscriber dependency to v0.3.0 (#1677)


  • Disabled default features of the tracing dependency so that
    proc-macro dependencies are not enabled (#1144)
  • Documentation fixes and improvements (#635, #695)


  • SpanTrace: Added SpanTrace::new constructor for constructing a
    SpanTrace from a Span passed as an argument (rather than capturing
    the current span) (#1492)

Thanks to @CAD97 for contributing to this release!

tracing-subscriber v0.3.0

22 Oct 23:06
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This is a breaking release of tracing-subscriber. The primary breaking
change in this release is the removal of the dependency on the chrono
, due to RUSTSEC-2020-0159. To replace chrono, support is
added for formatting timestamps using the time crate instead.

In addition, this release includes a number of other breaking API
changes, such as adding (limited) support for #![no_std] targets,
removing previously deprecated APIs, and more.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed APIs deprecated in the v0.2.x release series.
  • Renamed Layer::new_span to Layer::on_new_span (#1674)
  • Removed Layer impl for Arc<L: Layer<S>> and Arc<dyn Layer<S> + ...>
  • Replaced the chrono crate with the time crate for timestamp
    formatting, to resolve RUSTSEC-2020-0159 (#1646)
  • Removed json and env-filter from default features. They must now
    be enabled explicitly (#1647). This means that RUST_LOG-based filters will not
    work unless the env-filter feature is enabled.
  • Changed FormatEvent::format_event and FormatFields::format_fields
    trait methods to take a Writer type, rather than a &mut dyn fmt::Write trait object (#1661)
  • Changed the signature of the MakeWriter trait by adding a lifetime
    parameter (#781)


  • layer: Renamed Layer::new_span to Layer::on_new_span (#1674)
  • fmt: Changed FormatEvent::format_event and
    FormatFields::format_fields trait methods to take a Writer type,
    rather than a &mut dyn fmt::Write trait object (#1661)
  • json, env-filter: json and env-filter feature flags are no
    longer enabled by default (#1647)


  • Removed deprecated CurrentSpan type (#1320)

  • registry: Removed deprecated SpanRef::parents iterator, replaced
    by SpanRef::scope in [#1431] ([#1648)])

  • layer: Removed deprecated Context::scope iterator, replaced by
    Context::span_scope and Context::event_scope in #1431 and
    #1434 (#1648)

  • layer: Removed Layer impl for Arc<L: Layer<S>> and Arc<dyn Layer<S> + ...>. These interfere with per-layer filtering. (#1649)

  • fmt: Removed deprecated LayerBuilder type (#1673)

  • fmt: Removed fmt::Layer::on_event (renamed to
    fmt::Layer::fmt_event) (#1673)

  • fmt, chrono: Removed the chrono feature flag and APIs for
    using the chrono crate for timestamp formatting (#1646)


  • fmt, time: LocalTime and UtcTime types for formatting
    timestamps using the time crate (#1646)

  • fmt: Added a lifetime parameter to the MakeWriter trait,
    allowing it to return a borrowed writer. This enables implementations
    of MakeWriter for types such as Mutex<T: io::Write> and
    std::fs::File. (#781)

  • env-filter: Documentation improvements (#1637)

  • Support for some APIs on #![no_std] targets, by disabling the std
    feature flag (#1660)

Thanks to @Folyd and @nmathewson for contributing to this release!

tracing 0.1.29

06 Oct 18:28
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This release adds support for recording Option<T> where T: Value as
typed tracing field values. It also includes significant performance
improvements for functions annotated with the #[instrument] attribute
when the generated span is disabled.


  • tracing-core: updated to v0.1.21
  • tracing-attributes: updated to v0.1.19


  • field: Value impl for Option<T> where T: Value (#1585)
  • attributes: - improved performance when skipping
    #[instrument]-generated spans below the max level (#1600, #1605,
    #1614, #1616, #1617)


  • instrument: added missing Future implementation for
    WithSubscriber, making the WithDispatch extension trait actually
    useable (#1602)
  • Documentation fixes and improvements (#1595, #1601, #1597)

Thanks to @BrianBurgers, @mattiast, @DCjanus, @oli-obk, and @matklad for
contributing to this release!

tracing-subscriber 0.2.25

06 Oct 18:26
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0.2.25 (October 5, 2021)

This release fixes an issue where a Layer implementation's custom
downcast_raw implementation was lost when wrapping that layer with a
per-layer filter.


  • registry: Forward Filtered::downcast_raw to wrapped Layer


Thanks to @bryanburgers for contributing to this release!

tracing-attributes 0.1.18

06 Oct 18:25
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0.1.18 (October 5, 2021)

This release fixes issues introduced in v0.1.17.


  • fixed mismatched types compiler error that may occur when using
    #[instrument] on an async fn that returns an impl Trait value
    that includes a closure (#1616)
  • fixed false positives for clippy::suspicious_else_formatting
    warnings due to rust-lang/rust-clippy#7760 and
    rust-lang/rust-clippy#6249 (#1617)
  • fixed clippy::let_unit_value lints when using #[instrument]