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The Module derive allows you to create your own neural network modules, similar to PyTorch. The derive function only generates the necessary methods to essentially act as a parameter container for your type, it makes no assumptions about how the forward pass is declared.

use burn::module::Module;
use burn::tensor::backend::Backend;

#[derive(Module, Debug)]
pub struct PositionWiseFeedForward<B: Backend> {
    linear_inner: Linear<B>,
    linear_outer: Linear<B>,
    dropout: Dropout,
    gelu: Gelu,

impl<B: Backend> PositionWiseFeedForward<B> {
    /// Normal method added to a struct.
    pub fn forward<const D: usize>(&self, input: Tensor<B, D>) -> Tensor<B, D> {
        let x = self.linear_inner.forward(input);
        let x = self.gelu.forward(x);
        let x = self.dropout.forward(x);


Note that all fields declared in the struct must also implement the Module trait.


If you want to create your own module that contains tensors, and not just other modules defined with the Module derive, you need to be careful to achieve the behavior you want.

  • Param<Tensor<B, D>>: If you want the tensor to be included as a parameter of your modules, you need to wrap the tensor in a Param struct. This will create an ID that will be used to identify this parameter. This is essential when performing module optimization and when saving states such as optimizer and module checkpoints. Note that a module's record only contains parameters.

  • Param<Tensor<B, D>>.set_require_grad(false): If you want the tensor to be included as a parameter of your modules, and therefore saved with the module's weights, but you don't want it to be updated by the optimizer.

  • Tensor<B, D>: If you want the tensor to act as a constant that can be recreated when instantiating a module. This can be useful when generating sinusoidal embeddings, for example.


These methods are available for all modules.

Burn API PyTorch Equivalent
module.devices() N/A
module.fork(device) Similar to
module.no_grad() module.require_grad_(False)
module.num_params() N/A
module.visit(visitor) N/A N/A
module.into_record() Similar to state_dict
module.load_record(record) Similar to load_state_dict(state_dict)
module.save_file(file_path, recorder) N/A
module.load_file(file_path, recorder) N/A

Similar to the backend trait, there is also the AutodiffModule trait to signify a module with autodiff support.

Burn API PyTorch Equivalent
module.valid() module.eval()

Visitor & Mapper

As mentioned earlier, modules primarily function as parameter containers. Therefore, we naturally offer several ways to perform functions on each parameter. This is distinct from PyTorch, where extending module functionalities is not as straightforward.

The map and visitor methods are quite similar but serve different purposes. Mapping is used for potentially mutable operations where each parameter of a module can be updated to a new value. In Burn, optimizers are essentially just sophisticated module mappers. Visitors, on the other hand, are used when you don't intend to modify the module but need to retrieve specific information from it, such as the number of parameters or a list of devices in use.

You can implement your own mapper or visitor by implementing these simple traits:

/// Module visitor trait.
pub trait ModuleVisitor<B: Backend> {
    /// Visit a tensor in the module.
    fn visit<const D: usize>(&mut self, id: &ParamId, tensor: &Tensor<B, D>);

/// Module mapper trait.
pub trait ModuleMapper<B: Backend> {
    /// Map a tensor in the module.
    fn map<const D: usize>(&mut self, id: &ParamId, tensor: Tensor<B, D>) -> Tensor<B, D>;

Built-in Modules

Burn comes with built-in modules that you can use to build your own modules.


Burn API PyTorch Equivalent
BatchNorm nn.BatchNorm1d, nn.BatchNorm2d etc.
LayerNorm nn.LayerNorm
GroupNorm nn.GroupNorm
InstanceNorm nn.InstanceNorm1d, nn.InstanceNorm2d etc.
Dropout nn.Dropout
Gelu nn.Gelu
Prelu nn.PReLu
Linear nn.Linear
Embedding nn.Embedding
Relu nn.ReLU


Burn API PyTorch Equivalent
Conv1d nn.Conv1d
Conv2d nn.Conv2d
ConvTranspose1d nn.ConvTranspose1d
ConvTranspose2d nn.ConvTranspose2d


Burn API PyTorch Equivalent
AdaptiveAvgPool1d nn.AdaptiveAvgPool1d
AdaptiveAvgPool2d nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d
AvgPool1d nn.AvgPool1d
AvgPool2d nn.AvgPool2d
MaxPool1d nn.MaxPool1d
MaxPool2d nn.MaxPool2d


Burn API PyTorch Equivalent
Gru nn.GRU
Lstm nn.LSTM
GateController No direct equivalent


Burn API PyTorch Equivalent
MultiHeadAttention nn.MultiheadAttention
TransformerDecoder nn.TransformerDecoder
TransformerEncoder nn.TransformerEncoder
PositionalEncoding No direct equivalent


Burn API PyTorch Equivalent
CrossEntropyLoss nn.CrossEntropyLoss
MseLoss nn.MSELoss
HuberLoss nn.HuberLoss