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Releases: track/plugin

Redis Username & Password Support

09 Apr 19:02
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This release adds Redis username and password support.

  enabled: false
    host: ''
    port: 6379
    username: ''
    password: ''

Completely Custom Player Statistics

09 Apr 16:25
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This release is mainly API focused but allows developers to integrate custom analytics that do not require PlaceholderAPI to work. This is useful for custom servers.

Such as the following:

    public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
        AnalyseSDK sdk = AnalyseCore.getSDK();

        // This means that the server hasn't been set-up yet.
        if(sdk == null) return;

        // Get the stats.
        List<PlayerStatistic> playerStatistics = sdk.getPlayerStatistics(event.getPlayer().getUniqueId());

        // Add the stats..
        playerStatistics.add(new PlayerStatistic("test", 100));

Single Repo, Fix Timestamps & Upgrade Libs

28 Mar 15:27
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This release has allowed us to combine our plugins into a single repo, which makes it easier to get started with the SDK without the need to manually install it.

For non developers, this release provides the following:

  • Fix timestamp issue that meant the dashboard wouldn't show the correct date (depending on timezone).
  • Added a logging lib to allow any Redis-related errors to be shown correctly.

I'd recommend upgrading to this release.

1.0.12 - Redis + Full Permissions

26 Mar 12:52
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Patch Notes:

  • Implements Redis support for usage with our Velocity plugin.
  • Requires analyse.admin permission to access the base command.
  • Reduced the total plugin file size.

Relocate Shaded Libraries

01 Mar 12:04
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This release just moves any shaded dependencies, this helps prevent any plugin clashes that also use the same libraries.

Utilises new SDK, Reload Command & Server Insights

25 Feb 16:40
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This release is massive for us, as now any Analyse related code has been moved to our brand new SDK, which will allow us (or anyone) to write plugins across BungeeCord, Velocity, Forge etc. Our SDK isn't spigot specific, and allows enterprise networks to build their own integrations if they desire.

More documentation will arrive shortly for that goes into more detail about usage, exceptions etc.

In addition, we've added a /analyse reload command, and provided extra information within our /analyse base command:
CleanShot 2022-02-25 at 4 30 07@2x

Moved GeoIP to API Call & Minified Jar

23 Feb 22:02
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This release removes GeoIP from the plugin and instead utilises an API by us, which allows for automatic updating, and in turn - a much smaller jar file in comparison.


21 Feb 13:40
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What's Changed

  • Automatically closes the request off once its finalised.

It is recommended to upgrade.

Java 8+ Support

17 Feb 13:44
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This release means we are able to support Java 8 and above, and should allow support for any version.*

  • I have only tested 1.8 myself, but no reason otherwise.

General Code Refactor

17 Feb 11:19
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2