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File metadata and controls

142 lines (97 loc) · 5.32 KB
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uploads using the <a href=''>tus</a> resumable upload protocol

The @uppy/tus plugin brings resumable file uploading by to Uppy by wrapping the tus-js-client.

import Tus from '@uppy/tus'

uppy.use(Tus, {
  endpoint: '', // use your tus endpoint here
  retryDelays: [0, 1000, 3000, 5000],


This plugin is published as the @uppy/tus package.

Install from NPM:

npm install @uppy/tus

In the CDN package, the plugin class is available on the Uppy global object:

const { Tus } = Uppy


Note: all options are passed to tus-js-client and we document the ones here that we added or changed. This means you can also pass functions like onAfterResponse.

We recommended taking a look at the API reference from tus-js-client to know what is supported.

id: 'Tus'

A unique identifier for this plugin. It defaults to 'Tus'.

endpoint: ''

Destination URL for your uploads. This should be where your server is running.

headers: {}

An object containing additional HTTP headers to send to the Tus endpoint when making requests. Keys are header names, values are header values.

const headers = {
  authorization: `Bearer ${window.getCurrentUserToken()}`,

Header values can also be derived from file data by providing a function. The function receives a File Object and must return an object where the keys are header names, and values are header values.

const headers = (file) => {
  return {
    authorization: `Bearer ${window.getCurrentUserToken()}`,
    expires: file.meta.expires,

chunkSize: Infinity

A number indicating the maximum size of a chunk in bytes which will be uploaded in a single request. This can be used when a server or proxy has a limit on how big request bodies may be. Note that if the server has hard limits (such as the minimum 5MB chunk size imposed by S3), specifying a chunk size which falls outside those hard limits will cause chunked uploads to fail.

withCredentials: false

Configure XMLHttpRequests to send Cookies in requests using the xhr.withCredentials property. The remote server must accept CORS and credentials.

overridePatchMethod: false

Whether the POST method should be used instead of PATCH for transfering file chunks. This may be necessary if a browser or the server does not support latter one. In this case, a POST request will be made with the X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH header. The server must be able to detect it, and then handle the request as if PATCH would have been the method.

retryDelays: [0, 1000, 3000, 5000]

When uploading a chunk fails, automatically try again after the millisecond intervals specified in this array. By default, we first retry instantly; if that fails, we retry after 1 second; if that fails, we retry after 3 seconds, etc.

Set to null to disable automatic retries, and fail instantly if any chunk fails to upload.

onBeforeRequest(req, file)

Behaves like the onBeforeRequest function from tus-js-client but with the added file argument.

onShouldRetry: (err, retryAttempt, options, next) => next(err)

When an upload fails onShouldRetry is called with the error and the default retry logic as the second argument. The default retry logic is an exponential backoff algorithm triggered on HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) errors. Meaning if your server (or proxy) returns HTTP 429 because it’s being overloaded, @uppy/tus will find the ideal sweet spot to keep uploading without overloading.

If you want to extend this functionality, for instance to retry on unauthorized requests (to retrieve a new authentication token):

import Uppy from '@uppy/core'
import Tus from '@uppy/tus'

new Uppy().use(Tus, {
  endpoint: '',
  async onBeforeRequest (req) {
    const token = await getAuthToken()
    req.setHeader('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`)
  onShouldRetry (err, retryAttempt, options, next) {
    if (err?.originalResponse?.getStatus() === 401) {
      return true
    return next(err)
  async onAfterResponse (req, res) {
    if (res.getStatus() === 401) {
      await refreshAuthToken()

metaFields: null

Pass an array of field names to limit the metadata fields that will be added to uploads as Tus Metadata.

  • Set this to ['name'] to only send the name field.
  • Set this to null (the default) to send all metadata fields.
  • Set this to an empty array [] to not send any fields.

limit: 5

Limit the amount of uploads going on at the same time. Setting this to 0 means no limit on concurrent uploads.