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AWS S3 Multipart
uploader for AWS S3 using its resumable Multipart protocol

The @uppy/aws-s3-multipart plugin can be used to upload files directly to an S3 bucket using S3’s Multipart upload strategy. With this strategy, files are chopped up in parts of 5MB+ each, so they can be uploaded concurrently. It’s also quite reliable: if a single part fails to upload, only that 5MB chunk has to be retried.

import AwsS3Multipart from '@uppy/aws-s3-multipart'

uppy.use(AwsS3Multipart, {
  limit: 4,
  companionUrl: '',


This plugin is published as the @uppy/aws-s3-multipart package.

Install from NPM:

npm install @uppy/aws-s3-multipart

In the CDN package, the plugin class is available on the Uppy global object:

const { AwsS3Multipart } = Uppy


The @uppy/aws-s3-multipart plugin has the following configurable options:

limit: 5

The maximum amount of chunks to upload simultaneously. This affects prepareUploadParts() as well; after the initial batch of limit parts is presigned, a minimum of limit / 2 rounded up will be presigned at a time. You should set the limit carefully. Setting it to a value too high could cause issues where the presigned URLs begin to expire before the chunks they are for start uploading. Too low and you will end up with a lot of extra round trips to your server (or Companion) than necessary to presign URLs. If the default chunk size of 5MB is used, a limit between 5 and 15 is recommended.

For example, with a 50MB file and a limit of 5 we end up with 10 chunks. 5 of these are presigned in one batch, then 3, then 2, for a total of 3 round trips to the server via prepareUploadParts() and 10 requests sent to AWS via the presigned URLs generated.

retryDelays: [0, 1000, 3000, 5000]

retryDelays are the intervals in milliseconds used to retry a failed chunk as well as prepareUploadParts.

By default, we first retry instantly; if that fails, we retry after 1 second; if that fails, we retry after 3 seconds, etc.

Set to null to disable automatic retries, and fail instantly if any chunk fails to upload.

companionUrl: null

URL of the Companion instance to use for proxying calls to the S3 Multipart API.

This will be used by the default implementations of the upload-related functions below. If you provide your own implementations, a companionUrl is unnecessary.

companionHeaders: {}

Custom headers that should be sent along to Companion on every request.

This will be used by the default implementations of the upload-related functions below. If you provide your own implementations, these headers are not sent automatically.

companionCookiesRule: 'same-origin'

This option correlates to the RequestCredentials value, which tells the plugin whether to send cookies to Companion.


A function that returns the minimum chunk size to use when uploading the given file.

The S3 Multipart plugin uploads files in chunks. Chunks are sent in batches to have presigned URLs generated via (prepareUploadParts()). To reduce the amount of requests for large files, you can choose a larger chunk size, at the cost of having to re-upload more data if one chunk fails to upload.

S3 requires a minimum chunk size of 5MB, and supports at most 10,000 chunks per multipart upload. If getChunkSize() returns a size that’s too small, Uppy will increase it to S3’s minimum requirements.


A function that calls the S3 Multipart API to create a new upload. file is the file object from Uppy’s state. The most relevant keys are and file.type.

Return a Promise for an object with keys:

  • uploadId - The UploadID returned by S3.
  • key - The object key for the file. This needs to be returned to allow it to be different from the

The default implementation calls out to Companion’s S3 signing endpoints.

listParts(file, { uploadId, key })

A function that calls the S3 Multipart API to list the parts of a file that have already been uploaded. Receives the file object from Uppy’s state, and an object with keys:

  • uploadId - The UploadID of this Multipart upload.
  • key - The object key of this Multipart upload.

Return a Promise for an array of S3 Part objects, as returned by the S3 Multipart API. Each object has keys:

  • PartNumber - The index in the file of the uploaded part.
  • Size - The size of the part in bytes.
  • ETag - The ETag of the part, used to identify it when completing the multipart upload and combining all parts into a single file.

The default implementation calls out to Companion’s S3 signing endpoints.

prepareUploadParts(file, partData)

A function that generates a batch of signed URLs for the specified part numbers. Receives the file object from Uppy’s state. The partData argument is an object with keys:

  • uploadId - The UploadID of this Multipart upload.
  • key - The object key in the S3 bucket.
  • parts - An array of objects with the part number and chunk (Array<{ number: number, chunk: blob }>). number can’t be zero.

prepareUploadParts should return a Promise with an Object with keys:

  • presignedUrls - A JavaScript object with the part numbers as keys and the presigned URL for each part as the value.
  • headers - (Optional) Custom headers to send along with every request per part ({ 1: { 'Content-MD5': 'hash' }}). These are (1-based) indexed by part number too so you can for instance send the MD5 hash validation for each part to S3.

An example of what the return value should look like:

  "presignedUrls": {
    "1": "",
    "2": "",
    "3": ""
  "headers": { 
    "1": { "Content-MD5": "foo" },
    "2": { "Content-MD5": "bar" },
    "3": { "Content-MD5": "baz" }

If an error occured, reject the Promise with an Object with the following keys:

{ "source": { "status": 500 } }

status is the HTTP code and is required for determining whether to retry the request. prepareUploadParts will be retried if the code is 0, 409, 423, or between 500 and 600.

abortMultipartUpload(file, { uploadId, key })

A function that calls the S3 Multipart API to abort a Multipart upload, and removes all parts that have been uploaded so far. Receives the file object from Uppy’s state, and an object with keys:

  • uploadId - The UploadID of this Multipart upload.
  • key - The object key of this Multipart upload.

This is typically called when the user cancels an upload. Cancellation cannot fail in Uppy, so the result of this function is ignored.

The default implementation calls out to Companion’s S3 signing endpoints.

completeMultipartUpload(file, { uploadId, key, parts })

A function that calls the S3 Multipart API to complete a Multipart upload, combining all parts into a single object in the S3 bucket. Receives the file object from Uppy’s state, and an object with keys:

  • uploadId - The UploadID of this Multipart upload.
  • key - The object key of this Multipart upload.
  • parts - S3-style list of parts, an array of objects with ETag and PartNumber properties. This can be passed straight to S3’s Multipart API.

Return a Promise for an object with properties:

  • location - (Optional) A publically accessible URL to the object in the S3 bucket.

The default implementation calls out to Companion’s S3 signing endpoints.

S3 Bucket Configuration

This process is the same as the one described in the AWS S3 plugin’s documentation, except for a few differences.

While the AWS S3 plugin uses POST requests when uploading files to an S3 bucket, the AWS S3 Multipart plugin uses PUT requests when uploading file parts. Additionally, the ETag header must also be exposed (in the response). So the CORS policy needs to look like this:

    "AllowedOrigins": [""],
    "AllowedMethods": ["GET", "PUT"],
    "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000,
    "AllowedHeaders": [
    "ExposeHeaders": ["ETag"]
    "AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
    "AllowedMethods": ["GET"],
    "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000