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29 lines (15 loc) · 2.11 KB

File metadata and controls

29 lines (15 loc) · 2.11 KB


👍🏼🎉 Thanks for considering contributing to this project!

If you are not sure where to start, take a look at the Issues page to see if there is something that interests you.

Remember to always create a new branch when making changes to avoid any conflicts with the main branch. And don't forget to write meaningful commit messages to make it easier for reviewers to understand your changes.

We appreciate all contributions, big or small. Let's make this project even better together!

Sure, I can add some detailed steps for each of the contribution process. Here they are:

Fork the repository: Click on the "Fork" button in the top right corner of the repository page to create a copy of the project to your own GitHub account.

Clone your forked repository: Copy the URL of your forked repository and run git clone command in your terminal to clone it to your local machine.

Create a new branch: Run git checkout -b command to create a new branch where you will make your changes.

Make your changes: Now that you have a new branch, you can start making your changes. Remember to follow any guidelines or coding standards specified in the project's documentation.

Commit your changes: Once you have made your changes, stage them with git add . command and commit them using git commit -m "Your commit message" command.

Push your changes to your forked repository: Push your changes to your forked repository using git push origin command.

Create a pull request: Go to your forked repository's page on GitHub, switch to the new branch, and click on the "Compare & pull request" button. Write a description for your pull request and click on the "Create pull request" button.

Wait for the review and merge: After creating your pull request, the maintainers of the project will review your changes and provide feedback if necessary. Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged into the main branch of the project.

That's it! You have successfully contributed to the project. Don't forget to delete your branch once your changes have been merged.