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Node.js CI

ExpressJS middleware for sending turbo-stream HTML fragments to a hotwire Turbo client. It aims to perform a subset of functionality that turbo-rails provides with ERB templates, but with EJS templates.

Example App Screen Recording


  • Node 14.x or newer


npm i hotwire-turbo-express


Per the Turbo Streams docs, When Turbo encounters a <turbo-stream> element in an HTML fragment delivered by a server over a "WebSocket, SSE or other transport", the DOM element with an id that matches the target attribute will be modified with the updates inside the <turbo-stream>.

Here are a few response transport scenarios:

HTTP Response Stream

In this scenario, a client submits a form.

  1. Turbo includes text/vnd.turbo-stream.html in the HTTP Accept header.
  2. The server detects the above header and responds with Content-Type: text/vnd.turbo-stream.html, and includes a HTML fragment with one or more <turbo-stream> elements.
  3. On the client, Turbo detects the Content-Type header, which signals to it to process the above response and update the matching DOM elements.

WebSocket & SSE

Here, a stimulus controller connected to an HTML element will open a Websocket or SSE connection to a server. Whenever a message comes in which has <turbo-stream> tags, Turbo will process its contents in the same fashion as in the HTTP Response Stream scenario.


  • turboStream - Middleware function for express.


    • mimeType - The Turbo stream MIME type. Defaults to text/vnd.turbo-stream.html.
    import turboStream from 'hotwire-turbo-express';
    const app = express();

The middleware will add a res.turboStream property with some functions:

  • append, prepend, replace, and update - These functions are the equivalent of the turbo-rails turbo_stream.append, turbo_stream.prepend, etc, methods, with a slightly different arguments to more closely match how EJS works in express:

    • turboStream.append(view, locals, stream, onlyFormat)


      • view and locals are the same arguments that would be passed to res.render.
      • stream is an object of which attributes will be added to the turbo-stream HTML element, with the exception of action, which will be set to the value matching the append/prepend/replace/update function.
      • onlyFormat - see sendStream

    Given the MessagesController rails example in the turbo docs, this would be the equivalent here:

    const upload = multer();'/messages/create', upload.none(), async (req, res, next) => {
      const message = createMessage(...);
      const locals = { message };
      const view = 'messages/partials/message';
      const stream = { target: 'list' }
      return res.turboStream.append(view, locals, stream);
  • renderViews - The append/prepend/replace/update functions send a single <turbo-stream> element in the response. However, you can "render any number of stream elements in a single stream message". renderViews providers this ability by accepting an array of objects, each which will result in a <turbo-stream> element with its own properties. Each entry is tied to a given EJS view to be rendered.

    • turboStream.renderViews(<array of stream spec objects>, <onlyFormat>)

    Stream spec array attributes:

    • view and locals accept the same arguments that would be passed to res.render.
    • stream is an object of which attributes will be added to the turbo-stream HTML element'/page', upload.none(), async (req, res) => {
        const { hasMore, items } = await getItems();
        return res.turboStream.renderViews([
            stream: {
              action: 'append',
              target: 'item-list',
            locals: { items },
            view: 'item-list/partials/item-list',
            stream: {
              action: 'replace',
              target: 'item-list-more-button',
            locals: { hasMore },
            view: 'item-list/partials/item-list-more-button',
        ], true);
    • onlyFormat - see sendStream
  • TurboStream - A simple class for creating <turbo-stream> HTML fragments.

    • constructor: new TurboStream(attributes, content)
      • attributes - An object of attributes to set in the <turbo-stream> tag.
      • content - A string with the content to place as the child element of the tag.
    • Instance methods:
      • toHtml() - Returns an HTML fragment string.
        > tag = new turboStream.TurboStream({ action: 'append' }, "hi there")
        > console.log(tag.toHtml())
          <turbo-stream action="append">
              hi there
      • toSseMessage() - Returns an HTML fragment string suitable for sending in a server sent event message. The Turbo client looks for the <turbo-stream> in the data attribute. The message will include two newline characters at the end, to signal a flush of the SSE response.
        > tag = new turboStream.TurboStream({ action: 'append' }, "hi there")
        > console.log(tag.toSseMessage())
        data: <turbo-stream action="append">    <template>      hi there    </template>  </turbo-stream>
      • toWebSocketMessage() - Returns an HTML fragment string suitable for sending in a WebSocket message.
        > tag = new turboStream.TurboStream({ action: 'append' }, "hi there")
        > console.log(tag.toWebSocketMessage())
        > <turbo-stream action="append">    <template>      hi there    </template>  </turbo-stream>
      While this will work, consider expanding the scope of these messages, e.g. to include signing messages to ensure they are not tampered with, as is done in turbo-rails.
  • compileViews - Same as renderView but returns the compiled HTML fragment instead of sending it to the client.

  • compileView - Same as compileViews but accepts a single stream spec object instead of an array of them.

  • sendStream - Convenience function that sends an HTML snippet string with the turbo-stream MIME type. args:

    • res - The express response object.
    • html - The rendered html.
    • onlyFormat (boolean, defaults to false) - If true, the response will be configured to only respond to requests which have the correct Turbo MIME type, otherwise, a HTTP 406 (Not Acceptable) response will be sent. If false, the stream response will be sent regardless of what is specified in the request's Accept HTTP header.


TurboStream is also a named export, so it can be used outside of the middleware. Here is an example of sending a turbo stream message over a WebSocket:

import { TurboStream } from 'hotwire-turbo-express';
import WebSocket from 'ws';

* Send a message to the WS server
* with a turbo stream of the given html.
const sendItemWsMessage = (url, stream, html) => {
  const tag = new TurboStream(stream, html);
  const ws = new WebSocket(url);
  ws.on('open', async () => {
    return ws.close();



The example app has complete implementations showing how to use this library to work with <turbo-stream>s. Explanation of the use cases are shown in the app itself.

  • Action initiated in one browser is reflected in other browsers connected via SSE/WebSocket:

    Example App Screen Recording

  • Action initiated from an external source, in this case a CLI tool that sends a message via WebSocket, is reflected in browsers connected to the same WebSocket endpoint:

    Example App Screen Recording 2

Setup and Run

# builds the NPM, installs it in the app
npm run example:setup

# calls npm start in the app
npm run example:start

Browse to http://localhost:3000

Turbo Stream Protocol Notes

Turbo is integrated with SSE or WebSockets by way of the connectStreamSource and disconnectStreamSource functions.

  • Make Turbo a client listening to WebSocket messages at a given endpoint:
connectStreamSource(new WebSocket('ws://foo/bar');
  • Make turbo a client listening to SSE messages at a given endpoint:
connectStreamSource(new EventSource('http://foo/bar');

Once connected, messages with <turbo-stream> HTML snippets will be processed by Turbo.

There is an example using stimulus in the example app, in src/controllers/stream-controller.

Server Sent Events (SSE) Payload Format

Payload format is: data: {html with turbo stream HTML in one line}:

data: <turbo-stream action='append' target='item-list'>  <template>    <p>My new Message</p>  </template>  </turbo-stream>

Express response:

# must be in one line, to conform to EventSource message format.
res.write("data: <turbo-stream action='append'...>")

See example in the /items/actions/stream route in example-app/app.mjs.

WebSocket Payload Format

Payload format is just the HTML in one line.

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000');
ws.on('open', async () => {
  ws.send("<turbo-stream><template>My new message</template></turbo-stream>");
  return ws.close();

See example server at the bottom of example-app/bin/www.mjs and client in example-app/lib/send-item-ws-message.mjs.



npm run release

Seems that np's contents flag does not work how I expected, and packito seems to not have publishing working yet, so the relase will run both packito and np without publishing, then delegate to npm publish ./dist.

🎩 Tip To