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Tutorial: Understanding Typedefs

This tutorial is aimed at developpers unfamiliar the concepts that drive Typedefs and attempts to teach them from the bottom up. It is not strictly necessary in order to start using Typedefs but is very useful in order to learn how to understand how to achieve certain goals intuitively. If you are familiar with functional programming or curious about how Typedefs works, this tutorial is for you. Beyond that, it assumes very little knowledge from the reader.


Typedefs is commonly called, in the mathematics jargon, an Algebra. More specifically an F-Algebra. Algebras allow us to describe objects with some structure using pre-defined terms. In our case the terms represent our types and the operation represent the shape of the type. Before we dive into types as an algebra let us first define and understand what an algebra is in the general sense.

Terms and operations

You might be familiar with algebra in high school where you are taught to solve equations like:

3x + 5 = 17

Where solving means "reduce the equation such that we end up with an expression of the shape x = _". In high school, x meant "here is a number, we don't know anything about it but we know there is one" and = meant "what is on the left is equal to what is on the right".

You might notice that we've used quite a lot of words without defining them, let's take a minute to make sure we're on the same page:


A term is a textual symbol that represents a value or an object in a mathematical context.

Terms can be combined together using other terms or symbols, combined terms are sometimes referred to as expressions.

Example 1: 3 is a term

Example 2: 3 + 4 is two terms combined with the symbol +. Note that we haven't said what + means yet, we will see this in the evaluation step. We might also refer to this as an expression.

Example 3: 3 + 5 = 2 is an equation involving the terms 2 and 3 + 5. Note that evaluating this expression with natural numbers will lead to a contradiction.


An equation is a term which has the = symbol relating two other terms on each side of it. Typically it means that the two terms on each side are equal or they evaluate to the same value.

Example 1: 3 = 3 says that 3 is equal to itself.

Example 2: 1 = x says that x is equal to the term 1

Example 3: 1 + 3 = x says that x is equal to 1 + 3 which, after evaluation, is 4


Evaluating an expression allows us to convert terms into other terms. Evaluation rules depend on the context in which we are working. Usually, evaluation will give some kind of meaning to our terms, and this meaning given to expressions is referred to as the semantics of the language.

Example 1: 3 + 1 evaluates to 4 when we are using natural numbers

Example 2: x + 0 evaluates to x thanks to the fact that 0 is the identity for addition. Note that this evaluation doesn't say anything about x.

Example 3: x + 0 = 1 evalutates to x = 1 which tells us that x multiplicative identity.

In those examples we're using our intuition that terms represent numbers. But it turns out they can represent many different things. For example in

x + 1 = 0

1 could be the identity matrix and 0 could be the zero matrix. Which means x is the matrix with only -1 on the diagonal:

     ⎛-1  0  0  0  0⎞
     ⎜ 0 -1  0  0  0⎟
 x = ⎜ 0  0 -1  0  0⎟
     ⎜ 0  0  0 -1  0⎟
     ⎝ 0  0  0  0 -1⎠

note: this example use 5 dimensions for the matrix but it could be of arbitrary size

Typedefs as an algebra

With those definitions clarified we can finally come to "what is an algebra?". An algebra is a mathematical object that features symbols and relations between those symbols. Notice that this definition says nothing about numbers, equations and evaluation.

This is why in Typedefs, every symbol relates to a type, and the relations between them are combinations of types. This allow us to write something like maybe(x) = 1 + x and make sense of it as an expression that defines a type. Moreover we will see other surprising properties such as why x + x = 2 * x is not really an equality in typedefs.

Sets and cardinality as an intuition

In order to understand how types can be valid elements of an algebra we are going to ask "how many elements inhabit this type?" and use this information to link it back to our algebra. We are going to use the syntax size(x) = n to indicate that the type x has n elements.


The boolean type is ubiquitous in programming. It encapsulates the binary nature of computers by taking one of two values, either false or true. This is typically encoded in low level machine code by 0 and 1, or if you look at electronic circuits, it is encoded by the presence of a current or the absence of it.

So how many elements does boolean have? since there are so few we can enumerate them:

  • False
  • True

That's 2.

As a matter of fact we can even implement them as an enumeration:

enum Bool {
    case true
    case false

How is this useful for our algebra? Well maybe we can try to decompose this type into different algebraic formulas, there is 2 + 0, 1 + 1, 0 + 2, 3 - 1, 2 * 1 and more… For our purposes we are going to keep this equation in mind: size(Bool) = 2 = 1 + 1

32bits integers

Integers are also extremely common in programming, they are usually encoded as strings of bits of varying lengths. For this example we are going to look in to 32-bits encoded integers, since they have a finite number of bits they can draw from, there is a finite amount of integers. Using 32 bits we can represent all numbers from 0 up to 2^32 - 1 (which is 4'294'967'295), adding 1 to this number will either return 0 or throw a runtime error.

So, how many elements does 32-bits integers have?

  • we start at 0
  • then we have 1
  • then we have 2
  • and finally we have 4'294'967'295

so that's size(Int) = 4'294'967'296 elements in total. That's quite a bit more than our boolean type!

Pairs of Int and Bool

Unlike Int and Bool, pairs aren't necessarily common in popular programming languages. Most of them have some sort of encoding for them. Java and C++ a Pair class, but do not support destructuring the pair into its components. Go does not have pairs at all except for return values. And the best C can do is rely on structs with void pointers.

Despite this lack of first-class support for pair in popular programming languages, pairs are extremely useful to bundle related data together. For example we can encode negative 32-bit integers by combining our previous two types with a pair

(False, 34) // 34 is positive
(True, 34) // 34 is negative

So how many elements does a pair of a boolean and a 32-bits integer have?

For this one we could again enumerate all possiblities but there is a clever way to go about it:

  • Integers have 2^32 = 4'294'967'296 values.
  • Numbers are either positive or negative
  • We therefore have 4'294'967'296 positive numbers and 4'294'967'296 negative numbers

So using simple arithmetic we have that our negative numebrs has 4'294'967'296 + 4'294'967'296 = 2 * 4'294'967'296 = 8'589'934'592 elements.

Note that we have two representation for 0 we have (False, 0) and (True, 0), those are distinct values even if we give them the same meaning.

The one thing I want to draw attention to is this equation here 2 * 4'294'967'296 = 8'589'934'592. Just like we said 1 + 1 = 2 for boolean, let's keep this equation in mind size(neg) = size((Bool, Int)) = size(Bool) * size(Int) = 2 * 4'294'967'296 = 8'589'934'592

Optional values

A very useful pattern in modern programming language is the use of an optional type (sometimes called Maybe) that indicate that a value might be missing. Just like pairs, a lot of programming languages do not feature a "true" optional type (since they require Algebraic Data Types) but they still have some sort of encoding. Typically, Java features an Optional type aimed at avoiding null pointer exceptions, however, since Optional is a reference, it can itself be null.

Let's use the Swift definition of optional since it's close to a C-like syntax and captures all the necessary information we need to understand the Optional type.

enum Optional<T> {
    case none
    case some(T)

Which means that an Optional type can be one of two values, either none, or some(T). The T in the second one refers to a type parameter, which means that a type fits there. We don't know which one yet, but any type could work. For example some(3) is a valid value with T = Int, likewise some(True) is also a valid value with T = Bool.

So how many elements does Optional have?

This one is tricky because there are two answers. Looking at the definition we can reasonably come to the conclusion that there is only two values in the enum and therefore only two values for the Optional type: some and none.

Another answer is that it depends on the parameter type. Indeed we already mentioned that some(3) and some(True) are valid values. If we were to enumerate other values we would have:

  • 1 value for none
  • since some(True) is a value, then some(False) also is one
  • since some(3) is a value, so are some(0), some(1), and so on

For the first case, the type parameter could by anything, the only valid value for none is none.

For the second case, if the type parameter is Bool then we have two values for some, some(True) and some(False). That's the same amount of values that Bool has (2), if we add the none value that's 2 + 1 = 3 values in total

For the last case, if the type parameter is Int then we have as many value for the some case as there are Integer values. So that's 2^32 = 8'589'934'592, adding the none value that's 8'589'934'592 + 1 = 8'589'934'593 values.

As we see, the pattern is that the number of elements of Optional is the number of element of the parameter type plus one. So if we use T as the type parameter in our size syntax we have size(optional<T>) = size(T) + 1

Either/Result values

Finally we are going to look at a type that represents two possible alternatives when computing a value. In Haskell and Scala this is the Either type, in Rust and Swift it is called Result. For example the type Either<String, Int> has value that can either be String or Int but we do not know which on it is. The construction of such a type is very similar to Maybe:

enum Either<L, R> {
    case left(L)
    case right(R)

as we can see the main difference with Optional is that we take two type parameters and our none case is now a left(L) which hosts a value of type L.

So how many elements does Either have?

For this case we are going to use what we learned from the Optional type and make a guess.

The size of Optional was defined as size(Optional<T>) = size(T) + 1, but since we have two type parameters it must make sense that they are both used in the expression.

As it turns out, all our previous definitions using enum have the form size(T) = A + B. So it makes sense that, since Either is defined as an enum it must be something like that

size(Either<L, R>) = ? + ?

Since both L and R must be used it makes sense to assume that it's size(Either<L,R>) = size(L) + size(R)

Putting it together

We've seen that pairing up a boolean with Int allows to represent negative numbers. But it also double the number of possible values. If represent this as an equation we have that size(Neg) = size(Bool) * size(Int)

Similarly, the size of types like Either or Optional is measure with an addition: size(Optional<V>) = 1 + size(V)

As you can see, the operations + and * follow a pattern: when we are given the choice between values, we use +, and when we are given multiple things together, we use *.

That is why in Typedefs we call the operation that allows to package multiple types together TProd (for Typedefs Product) and the operation that picks a type from a list of candidates TSum (for Typedefs Sum).