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feat(eslint-plugin): adding consistent-type-exports rule (#3936)
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dzearing committed Oct 23, 2021
1 parent fe53d22 commit 1971a3f
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Showing 9 changed files with 634 additions and 5 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/eslint-plugin/
Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ Pro Tip: For larger codebases you may want to consider splitting our linting int
| [`@typescript-eslint/consistent-indexed-object-style`](./docs/rules/ | Enforce or disallow the use of the record type | | :wrench: | |
| [`@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions`](./docs/rules/ | Enforces consistent usage of type assertions | | | |
| [`@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions`](./docs/rules/ | Consistent with type definition either `interface` or `type` | | :wrench: | |
| [`@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-exports`](./docs/rules/ | Enforces consistent usage of type exports | | :wrench: | :thought_balloon: |
| [`@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports`](./docs/rules/ | Enforces consistent usage of type imports | | :wrench: | |
| [`@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type`](./docs/rules/ | Require explicit return types on functions and class methods | | | |
| [`@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility`](./docs/rules/ | Require explicit accessibility modifiers on class properties and methods | | :wrench: | |
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34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions packages/eslint-plugin/docs/rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Enforces consistent usage of type exports (`consistent-type-exports`)

TypeScript 3.8 added support for type-only exports.

Type-only exports allow you to specify that 1 or more named exports are exported as type-only. This allows
transpilers to drop exports without knowing the types of the dependencies.

## Rule Details

This rule aims to standardize the use of type exports style across a codebase.

Given a class `Button`, and an interface `ButtonProps`, examples of **correct** code:

export { Button } from 'some-library';
export type { ButtonProps } from 'some-library';

Examples of **incorrect** code:

export { Button, ButtonProps } from 'some-library';

## When Not To Use It

- If you are using a TypeScript version less than 3.8, then you will not be able to use this rule as type exports are not supported.
- If you specifically want to use both export kinds for stylistic reasons, you can disable this rule.

## Attributes

- [ ] ✅ Recommended
- [x] 🔧 Fixable
- [x] 💭 Requires type information
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/all.ts
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ export = {
'@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions': 'error',
'@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions': 'error',
'@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports': 'error',
'@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-exports': 'error',
'default-param-last': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/default-param-last': 'error',
'dot-notation': 'off',
Expand Down
287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions packages/eslint-plugin/src/rules/consistent-type-exports.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
import {
} from '@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils';
import { SymbolFlags } from 'typescript';
import * as util from '../util';

type Options = [];

interface SourceExports {
source: string;
reportValueExports: ReportValueExport[];
typeOnlyNamedExport: TSESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration | null;
valueOnlyNamedExport: TSESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration | null;

interface ReportValueExport {
node: TSESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration;
typeSpecifiers: TSESTree.ExportSpecifier[];
valueSpecifiers: TSESTree.ExportSpecifier[];

type MessageIds =
| 'typeOverValue'
| 'singleExportIsType'
| 'multipleExportsAreTypes';

export default util.createRule<Options, MessageIds>({
name: 'consistent-type-exports',
defaultOptions: [],
meta: {
type: 'suggestion',
docs: {
description: 'Enforces consistent usage of type exports',
recommended: false,
requiresTypeChecking: true,
messages: {
'All exports in the declaration are only used as types. Use `export type`.',

'Type export {{exportNames}} is not a value and should be exported using `export type`.',
'Type exports {{exportNames}} are not values and should be exported using `export type`.',
schema: [],
fixable: 'code',

create(context) {
const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
const sourceExportsMap: { [key: string]: SourceExports } = {};
const parserServices = util.getParserServices(context);

return {
ExportNamedDeclaration(node: TSESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration): void {
// Coerce the source into a string for use as a lookup entry.
const source = getSourceFromExport(node) ?? 'undefined';
const sourceExports = (sourceExportsMap[source] ||= {
reportValueExports: [],
typeOnlyNamedExport: null,
valueOnlyNamedExport: null,

// Cache the first encountered exports for the package. We will need to come
// back to these later when fixing the problems.
if (node.exportKind === 'type') {
if (!sourceExports.typeOnlyNamedExport) {
// The export is a type export
sourceExports.typeOnlyNamedExport = node;
} else if (!sourceExports.valueOnlyNamedExport) {
// The export is a value export
sourceExports.valueOnlyNamedExport = node;

// Next for the current export, we will separate type/value specifiers.
const typeSpecifiers: TSESTree.ExportSpecifier[] = [];
const valueSpecifiers: TSESTree.ExportSpecifier[] = [];

// Note: it is valid to export values as types. We will avoid reporting errors
// when this is encountered.
if (node.exportKind !== 'type') {
for (const specifier of node.specifiers) {
const isTypeBased = isSpecifierTypeBased(parserServices, specifier);

if (isTypeBased === true) {
} else if (isTypeBased === false) {
// When isTypeBased is undefined, we should avoid reporting them.

if (
(node.exportKind === 'value' && typeSpecifiers.length) ||
(node.exportKind === 'type' && valueSpecifiers.length)
) {

'Program:exit'(): void {
for (const sourceExports of Object.values(sourceExportsMap)) {
// If this export has no issues, move on.
if (sourceExports.reportValueExports.length === 0) {

for (const report of sourceExports.reportValueExports) {
if (!report.valueSpecifiers.length) {
// Export is all type-only; convert the entire export to `export type`.{
node: report.node,
messageId: 'typeOverValue',
*fix(fixer) {
yield* fixExportInsertType(fixer, sourceCode, report.node);
} else {
// We have both type and value violations.
const allExportNames =
specifier => `${}`,

if (allExportNames.length === 1) {
const exportNames = allExportNames[0];{
node: report.node,
messageId: 'singleExportIsType',
data: { exportNames },
*fix(fixer) {
yield* fixSeparateNamedExports(fixer, sourceCode, report);
} else {
const exportNames = util.formatWordList(allExportNames);{
node: report.node,
messageId: 'multipleExportsAreTypes',
data: { exportNames },
*fix(fixer) {
yield* fixSeparateNamedExports(fixer, sourceCode, report);

* Helper for identifying if an export specifier resolves to a
* JavaScript value or a TypeScript type.
* @returns True/false if is a type or not, or undefined if the specifier
* can't be resolved.
function isSpecifierTypeBased(
parserServices: ParserServices,
specifier: TSESTree.ExportSpecifier,
): boolean | undefined {
const checker = parserServices.program.getTypeChecker();
const node = parserServices.esTreeNodeToTSNodeMap.get(specifier.exported);
const symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node);
const aliasedSymbol = checker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol!);

if (!aliasedSymbol || aliasedSymbol.escapedName === 'unknown') {
return undefined;

return !(aliasedSymbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Value);

* Inserts "type" into an export.
* Example:
* export type { Foo } from 'foo';
* ^^^^
function* fixExportInsertType(
fixer: TSESLint.RuleFixer,
sourceCode: Readonly<TSESLint.SourceCode>,
node: TSESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration,
): IterableIterator<TSESLint.RuleFix> {
const exportToken = util.nullThrows(
util.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('export', node.type),

yield fixer.insertTextAfter(exportToken, ' type');

* Separates the exports which mismatch the kind of export the given
* node represents. For example, a type export's named specifiers which
* represent values will be inserted in a separate `export` statement.
function* fixSeparateNamedExports(
fixer: TSESLint.RuleFixer,
sourceCode: Readonly<TSESLint.SourceCode>,
report: ReportValueExport,
): IterableIterator<TSESLint.RuleFix> {
const { node, typeSpecifiers, valueSpecifiers } = report;
const source = getSourceFromExport(node);
const separateTypes = node.exportKind !== 'type';
const specifiersToSeparate = separateTypes ? typeSpecifiers : valueSpecifiers;
const specifierNames =', ');

const exportToken = util.nullThrows(
util.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('export', node.type),

// Filter the bad exports from the current line.
const filteredSpecifierNames = (
separateTypes ? valueSpecifiers : typeSpecifiers
.join(', ');
const openToken = util.nullThrows(
sourceCode.getFirstToken(node, util.isOpeningBraceToken),
util.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('{', node.type),
const closeToken = util.nullThrows(
sourceCode.getLastToken(node, util.isClosingBraceToken),
util.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('}', node.type),

// Remove exports from the current line which we're going to re-insert.
yield fixer.replaceTextRange(
[openToken.range[1], closeToken.range[0]],
` ${filteredSpecifierNames} `,

// Insert the bad exports into a new export line above.
yield fixer.insertTextBefore(
`export ${separateTypes ? 'type ' : ''}{ ${specifierNames} }${
source ? ` from '${source}'` : ''

* Returns the source of the export, or undefined if the named export has no source.
function getSourceFromExport(
node: TSESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration,
): string | undefined {
if (
node.source?.type === AST_NODE_TYPES.Literal &&
typeof node.source.value === 'string'
) {
return node.source.value;

return undefined;

* Returns the specifier text for the export. If it is aliased, we take care to return
* the proper formatting.
function getSpecifierText(specifier: TSESTree.ExportSpecifier): string {
return `${}${ !==
? ` as ${}`
: ''
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions packages/eslint-plugin/src/rules/consistent-type-imports.ts
Expand Up @@ -264,8 +264,9 @@ export default util.createRule<Options, MessageIds>({
messageId: MessageIds;
data: Record<string, unknown>;
} => {
const typeImports = util.formatWordList(importNames);

if (importNames.length === 1) {
const typeImports = importNames[0];
if (isTypeImport) {
return {
messageId: 'aImportInDecoMeta',
Expand All @@ -278,10 +279,6 @@ export default util.createRule<Options, MessageIds>({
} else {
const typeImports = [
importNames.slice(0, -1).join(', '),
].join(' and ');
if (isTypeImport) {
return {
messageId: 'someImportsInDecoMeta',
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions packages/eslint-plugin/src/rules/index.ts
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import commaSpacing from './comma-spacing';
import consistentIndexedObjectStyle from './consistent-indexed-object-style';
import consistentTypeAssertions from './consistent-type-assertions';
import consistentTypeDefinitions from './consistent-type-definitions';
import consistentTypeExports from './consistent-type-exports';
import consistentTypeImports from './consistent-type-imports';
import defaultParamLast from './default-param-last';
import dotNotation from './dot-notation';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,6 +134,7 @@ export default {
'consistent-indexed-object-style': consistentIndexedObjectStyle,
'consistent-type-assertions': consistentTypeAssertions,
'consistent-type-definitions': consistentTypeDefinitions,
'consistent-type-exports': consistentTypeExports,
'consistent-type-imports': consistentTypeImports,
'default-param-last': defaultParamLast,
'dot-notation': dotNotation,
Expand Down

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