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882 lines (611 loc) · 46.1 KB

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882 lines (611 loc) · 46.1 KB


Version 2.2.1


  • Fix: Don't hold a reference to the view if detach happens before DetachEventCompletable is disposed.

Version 2.2.0


  • Fix: Dispose the handle returned by Job.invokeOnCompletion when Rx subscription is disposed.
  • Fix: The withScope() lint now correctly handles different named arguments order.
  • Fix: Support kotlin if/when/lambda expressions in lint lenient mode.
  • Update AndroidX Lifecycle to 2.6.1.
  • Update Kotlin to 1.9.0.
  • Update RxJava to 3.1.6.
  • Update RxAndroid to 3.0.2.
  • Update lint to 8.0.2/31.0.2.
  • Update error-prone to 2.20.0.
  • Update dokka + fresh coat of paint on API docs on the project site:

Special thanks to @alexfu, @sanggggg, and @psteiger for contributing to this release!

Version 2.1.1


  • Fix: SingleSubscribeProxy#subscribe(BiConsumer) now propagates the correct nullability. Previously, both parameters were implicitly @NonNull. Now they are correctly annotated as @Nullable.
  • Update Kotlin to 1.5.30.
  • Update Error Prone Annotations to 2.9.0.
  • Switch to Error Prone's @DoNotMock annotation.

Version 2.1.0


  • Add @NonNull or : Any to type arguments where appropriate for better nullability contracts in generics.
  • Fix lint using "mainProject" instead of "project", meaning this now supports AGP 7.0.0.
  • Add lint support for RxKotlin extensions or your own extensions
    • See the docs for configuration details!
  • Lint is now published as a dedicated artifact for use in pure JVM projects.
    plugins {
      id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm"
      id ""
    dependencies {
      lintChecks "com.uber.autodispose2:autodispose-lint:<version>"
  • Deprecate TestLifecycleOwner artifact + its extensions in favor of the first party androidx.lifecycle.testing.TestLifecycleOwner option.
    • See an example migration in this PR.
  • Update to RxJava 3.1.0
  • Update to Kotlin 1.5.21
  • Update to androidx.lifecycle 2.3.1
  • Update to Error-Prone 2.8.1
  • Update to kotlinx.coroutines 1.5.1
  • Update to lint 30.0.0

Note that we are no longer releasing AutoDispose 1.x versions as RxJava 2 reached End of Life in February 2021.

Thanks to @Rajin9601, @ianhanniballake, @rafaeltoledo, and @msridhar for contributing to this release!

Version 2.0.0


AutoDispose 2 is built against RxJava 3 and is binary-compatible with AutoDispose 1.x and RxJava 2.x. As such - it has a different package name and maven group ID.


Maven Group ID Package Name
1.x com.uber.autodispose com.uber.autodispose
2.x com.uber.autodispose2 autodispose2

For any sub-packages, the above mapping should be used for those package prefix replacements as well.


  • All deprecated APIs in 1.x have been removed. This consisted exclusively of deprecated Kotlin autoDisposable extension functions that were deprecated in 1.4.0.
  • The autodispose-android-archcomponents* artifacts have been renamed to to autodispose-androidx-lifecycle* to match the androidx-lifecycle library they correspond to.
  • The lint and error prone checks have also been updated.
  • At the time of writing, there is no RxLifecycle with RxJava 3 support yet, and as such there is no AutoDispose 2.x interop artifact for RxLifecycle. We can add this back if there's a new RxLifecycle release with RxJava 3.x support.

You can find migration steps on the project site at

Version 2.0.0-RC2


RC2 has no additional changes from RC1 but does not upload RCs for Android artifacts since RxAndroid does not have a RC yet.

Version 2.0.0-RC1


This is the first release candidate for AutoDispose 2.0

AutoDispose 2 is built against RxJava 3 and is binary-compatible with AutoDispose 1.x and RxJava 2.x. As such - it has a different package name and maven group ID.

Android not supported yet

Due to there being no RxAndroid 3.x release candidate, we cannot release RCs of the Android artifacts yet. They are available as snapshots though.


Maven Group ID Package Name
1.x com.uber.autodispose com.uber.autodispose
2.x com.uber.autodispose2 autodispose2

For any sub-packages, the above mapping should be used for those package prefix replacements as well.


  • All deprecated APIs in 1.x have been removed. This consisted exclusively of deprecated Kotlin autoDisposable extension functions that were deprecated in 1.4.0.
  • The autodispose-android-archcomponents* artifacts have been renamed to to autodispose-androidx-lifecycle* to match the androidx-lifecycle library they correspond to.
  • The lint and error prone checks have also been updated. We may look at consolidating these before 2.0 final is released if the community wants.
  • At the time of writing, there is no RxLifecycle with RxJava 3 support yet, and as such there is no AutoDispose 2.x interop artifact for RxLifecycle. We can add this back if there's a new RxLifecycle release with RxJava 3.x support.

We'll be maintaining a running document of migration steps on the project site at

Version 1.4.0


Kotlin CoroutineScope interop #374

Interop functions for CoroutineScope to ScopeProvider/Completable (and vice versa) are now available in a new autodispose-coroutines-interop artifact. This is not intended to allow AutoDispose's scoping machinery be a competitor for it, but rather just a tool for interop-ing codebases that use both or aid in migrations.

Kotlin API naming improvements #372 #377

To better differentiate between the AutoDispose classes's autoDisposable() methods (which return Rx converter types), the Kotlin autoDisposable() extensions have been deprecated in favor of a more idiomatic autoDispose() verb form name. The old extensions have been annotated with @Deprecated and replacements, so this should be an easy one time migration.


Fused proxy types #376

AutoDispose's analogous Rx types (AutoDisposeObservable, etc) have been updated to implement their *SubscribeProxy interfaces directly. The current behavior of subscribe proxies is best thought of as similar to hide(). Subscribe proxies have always wrapped the AutoDispose's analogous Rx types to prevent upcasting. If your team are good citizens though, you can now disable proxy hiding via AutoDisposePlugins to save that extra allocation.

New withScope() API #375 #378

There is a new Kotlin withScope() API that accepts a scope and a body to execute in. This body is a function-with-receiver tied to a new AutoDisposeContext interface, which has no-arg autoDispose() functions in it. This allows for calling autoDispose() within the context of the body and allow the enclosing context manage wiring the applied scope to it.

fun example() = withScope(scope) {
  Observable.just("Hello withScope()!")

Dependency updates

Kotlin: 1.3.50
Lint tools: 26.5.0

Version 1.3.0


Unified Kotlin extensions

Starting with 1.3.0, all the -ktx artifacts and their kotlin extensions have been merged into the main artifacts they extended. This means that extensions in an artifact like autodispose-android-ktx are now available directly in the corresponding autodispose-android.

This is a binary-compatible change because the extensions file name has changed while the extensions themselves have remained in the same package. So in essence, import com.uber.autodispose.autoDisposable still works as-is. Just remove the ktx artifact dependencies and everything will still link as-is!

The Kotlin standard library has been added as an compileOnly dependency of artifacts containing Kotlin bindings. This is to avoid imposing the dependency for non-Kotlin users, but the expectation is for Kotlin users to bring their own standard library dependency to fulfill this if used. Considering the standard library is an ubiquitous dependency for Kotlin projects, we don't expect this to be an issue and drew inspiration for this design from Retrofit.

Proguard/R8 .pro files in the unified artifacts have been updated to not warn on these KotlinExtensions files as they can be safely stripped in builds if unused.

NOTE: One important thing this revealed was that the ktx artifacts were built with jdk target 1.6, while depending on Java artifacts that were built against JDK 8. Now that they are unified, this means that the Kotlin extensions require targeting JDK 1.8 as well (configurable via compiler arg -jvm-target=1.8).

PRs: #339 #341 #346

More Kotlin extensions!

Initially, we only provided minimal Kotlin extensions to support scopes on extra types like Android's LifecycleOwner, View, etc. This resulted in a bit of ceremony for these APIs to be used though, such as:


To simplify this, we've added the following top-level extension functions for the following:

  • autodispose-android - View
  • autodispose-archcomponents - LifecycleOwner
  • autodispose-rxlifecycle - LifecycleProvider
  • autodispose-rxlifecycle3 - LifecycleProvider

So now, the above snippet could just be:


PRs: #348 #353

Removed deprecated lifecycle artifacts

Following their deprecating in 1.1.0, the autodispose-lifecycle-jdk8 and autodispose-lifecycle-ktx artifacts are no longer published. Please move to just using LifecycleScopeProvider directly.


Dependency updates

Kotlin: 1.3.31
AndroidX Annotations: 1.0.2
RxJava: 2.2.8
RxAndroid: 2.1.1

Artifact changes

Original Merged into (if applicable)
autodispose-ktx autodispose
autodispose-android-ktx autodispose-android
autodispose-android-archcomponents-ktx autodispose-android-archcomponents
autodispose-android-archcomponents-test-ktx autodispose-android-archcomponents-test
autodispose-lifecycle-ktx N/A
autodispose-lifecycle-jdk8 N/A

Note: This does not mean the existing versions were deleted or removed in any way, just that we will not publish 1.3.0 or later versions of them.

Version 1.2.0


  • Fixes a bug which allows Lint to refer to the app level file for configuration support. #335
  • New autodispose-rxlifeycle3 artifact for interop with RxLifecycle3. #319
  • Various dependency updates
Lint: 26.3.2
Kotlin 1.3.21

All PRs: #319, #320, #322, #326, #327 #328, #329, #330, #334, #335, #336

Version 1.1.0


Static Analysis

This is a big static analysis release. AutoDispose now ships with two static analysis artifacts: autodispose-lint for Android Lint and autodispose-error-prone for Error-Prone.

Both of these checks operate by detecting uses of standard RxJava subscribe/subscribeWith calls in the context of something that has scope (such as a ScopeProvider). If they’re detected, the lint/checker will mark them as missing Disposable handling and suggest either using AutoDispose or (if lenient mode enabled) manually handle the returned Disposable.

Both checks have configuration support:

  • TypesWithScope - a comma-separated list of custom types with scope. By default, this is additive to default scopes.
  • OverrideScopes - a boolean flag indicating if TypesWithScope should override the built-in scopes. false by default.
  • Lenient - a boolean flag to enable a lenient mode that tells the linter to ignore cases where the returned Disposable is captured (aka “I know what I’m doing” mode). false by default.

Both checkers should have feature parity. They have different advantages: the Error-Prone check runs at compile-time, and lint will show up in the IDE and run on Kotlin code. You should use whichever one fits your stack best.

Full integration instructions can be found on their respective wikis:

Prior to this release, the Error Prone checker was missing a required service file to run, so the new artifact is different than the previous one (but not conflicting since the old one never worked!).

This was a major project and contribution from a new maintainer to the project! @shaishavgandhi05

All PRs: #316, #315, #313, #312, #310, #307, #308, #306, #299, #303, #301, #300, #282, #291, #292

DefaultLifecycleScopeProvider and KotlinLifecycleScopeProvider Deprecation (#275)

DefaultLifecycleScopeProvider and KotlinLifecycleScopeProvider are now deprecated, and their default requestScope() behavior now elevated into the based LifecycleScopeProvider class. This is implemented as a Java 8 default interface method.


  • Non-android -ktx artifacts now use implementation/api dependencies (#277)
  • automatic-module-name is added to relevant JDK modules (#281)
  • Updated doc on RxLifecycleInterop (#280)
  • Kotlin is updated to 1.3.11 #274, #309

Thanks to the following external contributors for this release: @MarkyC

Version 1.0.0


  • Stable release!
  • This is identical in functionality to 1.0.0-RC3 but completely migrated to the new AndroidX artifacts. From this point forward for Android projects, you must be on AndroidX artifacts. You can use 1.0.0-RC3 to ease migration if need be.

Version 1.0.0-RC3


  • The project now targets Java 8 bytecode, with the expectation that projects are either on Java 8 or (if on Android) use D8 via Android Gradle Plugin 3.2.0. (#257)
  • More sample recipes for Android ViewModels and Fragments (#254) (#260)
  • Various dependency updates
Support library 28.0.0
Architecture Components (runtime) 1.1.1
Kotlin 1.2.71
RxJava 2.2.2
RxAndroid 2.1.0

Thanks to the following contributors for this release: @shaishavgandhi05

Version 1.0.0-RC2


Small followup update to RC1

  • subscribe(Observer) methods in SubscribeProxy interfaces now accept wildcards for the observer type, matching their RxJava counterparts (#244)
    • Example: subscribe(Observer<T> observer) -> subscribe(Observer<? super T> observer)
  • Kotlin artifacts now include files in dokka documentation (#238)
  • Android lifecycle Kotlin scope() extensions now return ScopeProvider instead of LifecycleScopeProvider (#239)

Thanks to the following contributors for this release: @shaishavgandhi05

Version 1.0.0-RC1


This is the first release candidate of AutoDispose 1.0!

Completable replaces Maybe as the source of truth for scoping (#234)

Note: we say Completable for semantic convenience, but in code it's almost always referred to via CompletableSource for flexibility

This is a significant API change, but a good one we want to clean up before releasing 1.0. Since its inception, AutoDispose has always coerced scopes into a Maybe representation. Now, scopes are coerced to a CompletableSource.

Maybe seemed like the right idea for something that "may or may not emit", but in our case we actually don't care about the difference between onSuccess or onComplete. We did have a notion of "UNBOUND", but that doesn't offer anything other than a severed lifecycle scope disposal in an atomic reference (no other cleanups would happen for gc, etc). This brings us to a Single. The thing is though, we don't care about the object/element type. A Single where the type doesn't matter is semantically a Completable, and thus this change.

Note that semantics are slightly different for anyone that sourced scope via emissions from an Observable, Maybe, Completable, or Flowable, where before a completion event would not trigger disposal. Now it would. In the lifecycle artifact, completion of the lifecycle or emission of the target event (via takeUntil()) will signal disposal.

If there's a strong desire for it, we could look at adding top-level autoDisposable overrides that accept other RxJava types (and coerce them to Completable).

Lifecycle components are now a separate artifact (#228)

LifecycleScopeProvider is now in a separate artifact under autodispose-lifecycle, and now just extends ScopeProvider. This is sort of something we always wanted to do, as the recommended solution for AutoDispose is namely to use ScopeProvider and standard RxJava types. LifecycleScopeProvider supports corresponding-events-type lifecycles for use with lifecycle components like Android, but we mostly see this as a mechanism for boundary checks. Dan Lew excellently discusses this subject in his "Why Not RxLifecycle?" blog post.

This does come with the caveat that one must implement requestScope() in implementations now. To smoothen this usage, a autodispose-lifecycle-jdk8 artifact exists with a DefaultLifecycleScopeProvider that has a default implementation of this on Java 8+ that matches the existing behavior. A similar default behavior was added for the autodispose-lifecycle-ktx artifact. These behaviors can be further tuned via factory helpers in LifecycleScopes.

Other notable changes in this:

  • OutsideLifecycleException has been renamed to OutsideScopeException and kept in the core artifact. Boundary checks can be done and respected in ScopeProvider implementations, and corresponding AutoDisposePlugins for this have been renamed accordingly.
  • correspondingEvents() now returns a CorrespondingEventsFunction, which is a narrower subtype of Function that only needs one generic and only allows for throwing `OutsideScopeException.


  • All deprecated APIs have been removed.
  • Kotlin Artifacts have been renamed to be {name}-ktx instead of {name}-kotlin to match other library conventions.
  • Kotlin artifacts with .ktx or .kotlin package name entries have had them removed to match convention with other ktx-style artifacts.
    • i.e. Instead of com.uber.autodispose.kotlin, it would just be com.uber.autodispose.
  • ViewScopeProvider now uses a custom MainThreadDisposable that respects any main thread checks set via AutoDisposeAndroidPlugins. (#232)
  • Jetbrains annotations have been removed in favor of just using RxJava's @Nullable annotation directly. Saves some proguard rules and dependencies, and also makes annotation usage consistent.
  • The following dependencies have been updated:
    • RxJava 2.2.0 (as() and ParallelFlowable are now stable APIs)
    • Kotlin 1.2.60
    • Build against Android SDK 28
    • Support library 27.1.1
    • RxLifecycle 2.2.2
    • RxAndroid 2.0.2
  • The sample app has had some wonderful community contributions

This is an RC1. We won't release 1.0 final until the AndroidX artifacts are stable to save ourselves from having to release a 2.0 immediately after this. These are a lot of breaking changes, so please let us know if you see any issues.

Thanks to the following contributors for this release: @shaishavgandhi05 and @remcomokveld

Version 0.8.0


Deprecated Scoper APIs now use the converter API under the hood (#188)

Up to this point, the new as()-based converter APIs just delegated to the existing deprecated to() APIs. In this release, they have been flipped, such that the to() APIs now just point to the as()-based APIs. This should be no visible user change, but please let us know if you see any issues.

ViewScopeProvider now implements ScopeProvider instead of LifecycleScopeProvider (#196)

We believe this makes more sense, as there's no beginning boundary check for Views that we can check and the general attach state is quite simple. This also avoids leaking an unnecessary internal API.

Defer to Comparable checks if LifecycleScopeProvider types implement it (#196)

For better flexibility, if a type for LifecycleScopeProvider implements Comparable, we will defer to it rather than equals(). This allows for consumers to better convey event ordering to the scope provider, and allow AutoDispose to catch events after a target event as a fallback. This covers cases where the targeted "end" event is missed but a later event comes through, allowing AutoDispose to dispose anyway. Note that this may result in a behavior change if your lifecycle types implemented Comparable before.

Removed Error-Prone annotations (#208)

As of Error-Prone 2.3.1, @DoNotMock was removed. We've switched to an internal copy of this annotation for documentation purposes and for any external checkers to still check this usage on their own (by name).

Switch from JSR305 to Jetbrains annotations for nullability (#208)

To be compatible with the Java 9 module system, we've switched away from the JSR 305 annotations/javax-extras on packages and now use the Jetbrains annotations for nullability instead. We still abide by a nonnull-by-default implementation, and only annotate nullable elements with @Nullable. This dependency, like JSR305/javax-extras, is compileOnly.

Misc changes

  • A few miscellaneous IDE warnings (#208)
  • We are now building against Android Gradle Plugin 3.1.x (latest stable) (#190)
    • Due to ongoing Dokka issues and update latency, we've had to disable it on Kotlin artifacts for now. We plan to re-enable on the next release, which should add compatibility for AGP 3.x+.

Call for input on next steps

We have two major design proposals that we want community feedback on that would take shape in the next couple of releases. Please let us know if you have any thoughts!

  • Kotlin rewrite: #198
  • Extract LifecycleScopeProvider to separate artifact, make it extend ScopeProvider: #197

Thanks to the following contributors for this release: @tbsandee, @atexannamedbob

Version 0.7.0


AutoDisposeAndroidPlugins (#183)

New API! AutoDisposeAndroidPlugins API for plugin hooks to AutoDispose's android behavior at runtime. The first plugin supported here is MainThreadChecker.

This plugin allows for supplying a custom BooleanSupplier that can customize how main thread checks work. The conventional use case of this is Android JUnit tests, where the Looper class is not stubbed in the mock android.jar and fails explosively when touched.

Another potential use of this at runtime to customize checks for more fine-grained main thread checks behavior.


AutoDisposeAndroidPlugins.setOnCheckMainThread(() -> {
    return true; // Use whatever heuristics you prefer.

This is available in the autodispose-android artifact, and all mainthread-checking APIs in android artifacts will delegate to this plugin hook.


  • Fixed a few nullability and other minor warnings (#187)

Version 0.6.1


This is patch release with a couple of QoL improvements:

  • Android artifacts' consumer proguard rules have been updated to not warn on the compiled error-prone annotations, like @DoNotMock (#178)
  • Android artifacts no longer bundle a useless file (#177)

Version 0.6.0


Error-Prone Checker artifact (#156)

There is a new Error-Prone checker artifact that you can optionally apply to have error-prone enforced checks that rx chains are autodisposed when executing in a class that has scope. This is experimental in the public, but has been used extensively internally at Uber for nearly a year. Please let us know if you run into any issues!

Wiki page with setup and configuration instructions:

We plan to add a UAST lint artifact in the future as well.

ParallelFlowable support (#155)

AutoDispose now supports RxJava's ParallelFlowable type. Note that this only works through the new as() API, and there is no ParallelScoper API (since those are being removed in 1.0).

ScopeProvider and LifecycleScopeProvider are now annotated with @DoNotMock (#153)

These types have specific test helpers that will be more robust for long term test usage, and thus should not be mocked.

Convenience test() methods added to all SubscribeProxy interfaces (#160)

These are to match the convenience test() methods in regular RxJava types.


  • Archcomponents updated to 1.1.0 for compatibility with new artifacts (#128)
  • autodispose-android-archcomponents-test and autodispose-android-archcomponents-test-kotlin now only depend on the common arch components artifact rather than extensions, which removes the unused livedata and viewmodel transitive dependencies.
  • RxViewHolder examples now implement LifecycleScopeProvider instead of ScopeProvider (#157)
  • Deprecated Kotlin APIs are now ERROR level instead of WARNING (#151)
  • Various doc fixes (#158)
  • RxLifecycle updated to 2.2.1 (#161)
  • ErrorProne annotations updated to 2.2.0 (#161)
  • Android artifacts now compiled against SDK 27
  • Android support annotations updated to 27.0.2

Thanks to the following contributors! @VisheshVadhera @bangarharshit @mmallozzi @0legg @shaunkawano

Version 0.5.1


Fix: A bug where unbound scopes would mark the observer as disposed, subsequently preventing future events from emitting. (#149)

Fix: Kotlin docs accidentally pointing to to() operators instead of as(). (#145)

Snapshots should be fully working now as well.

Version 0.5.0


New converter-based API for use with as() (#141)

AutoDispose's primary API is now via static autoDisposable() methods on the AutoDispose class. The previous to() based APIs are now completely deprecated, and will be removed in AutoDispose 1.0.

This has been sort of the long-standing ideal API for AutoDispose for awhile, but wasn't possible until the introduction of the new as() operator in RxJava. As this operator is still not marked as stable (and won't until RxJava 2.2.0), AutoDispose will not be updated to 1.0 until then.

The main difference is that you no longer have to specify the type indirection, and the returned converter is applicable for all 5 RxJava types. In use, it looks like this:






There are three overloads for autoDisposable(), for each of the three scope types (Maybe, ScopeProvider, and LifecycleScopeProvider).

The Kotlin bindings have also been updated to match semantics, with the autoDisposeWith extension functions being deprecated in favor of analogous autoDisposable. These are WARNING level in this release, and will become ERROR in AutoDispose 0.6.0, before finally being removed in 1.0. They also provide replaceWith options (compatible with Kotlin's deprecation quickfixes).

autoDisposable reads best when statically imported (so you can do .as(autoDisposable(...)), which you can safely do if you're using Java 8.

For structural replace templates, see here).

Fixed a lot of concurrency edge cases and performance improvements after review from David Karnok (#138 and #130)

David Karnok (@akarnokd, RxJava project lead) did an audit of the current codebase and gave extensive feedback in #130. #138 implements that feedback. This handled a lot of concurrency gotchas and edge cases we were missing before. See the issue and PR for full details.

Plugin for controlling whether or not to fill in stacktraces (#124)

AutoDisposePlugins has a new API to control whether or not lifecycle exception stacktraces are filled in. What this means is that if you opt out, the exceptions thrown in LifecycleScopeProvider boundary issues will no longer have a stacktrace (getStacktrace() will return an empty array) and only carry the type name and message. This can be useful to gain some performance if you track stacktracing via other means.

UNBOUND shorthand (#125)

ScopeProvider has a static instance of an "unbound" provider directly in the interface now for reuse. This obviates the need for TestScopeProvider#unbound(), which has been removed. Usage is simple:



  • Archcomponents updated to 1.0.0 final (#128)
  • RxJava dependency is now 2.1.7 (to leverage as()) (#141)
  • Kotlin is now updated to 1.2.0 (#141)
  • Dokka is wired up, meaning that kotlin artifacts now also have exported javadocs. (#126)
  • subscribeBy example extension in the sample app displaying how you can add extension functions to the *SubscribeProxy classes. (#127)
  • delegateObserver() APIs on AutoDisposing observers have been promoted to stable. Considering they are useful for subscribeWith(), we can just keep it observer-based and keep the library more flexible long-term (#144)

Thanks to the following contributors! @charlesdurham @ajalt @tbsandee @akarnokd

Version 0.4.0


Structured Android Components #111

Android components have been split up into several artifacts under :android:

  • autodispose-android: Core android utilities, previously :autodispose-android
  • autodispose-android-archcomponents: Utilities for lifecycles in android archcomponents, previously :autodispose-android-archcomponents but does not have the test helper
  • New: autodispose-android-archcomponents-test: Test utilities for working with arch components, namely TestLifecycleOwner, formerly TestAndroidLifecycleScopeProvider.
    • This allows us to remove the extensions dependency from the main arch components artifact and keep this optional. This API can also be used for general use testing for arch components, as it's not actually specific to AutoDispose.
  • New: autodispose-android-kotlin: kotlin bindings for autodispose-android
  • New: autodispose-android-archcomponents-kotlin: kotlin bindings for autodispose-android-archcomponents
  • New: autodispose-android-archcomponents-test-kotlin: kotlin bindings for autodispose-android-test-archcomponents
  • New: Android artifacts include consumer proguard rules (relates to (#112))

Related changes:

  • Fix: Arch components updated to 1.0.0-rc1, which should fix compatibility issues noted in (#113)
  • Enhancement: untilEvent overload for AndroidLifecycleScopeProvider (#107)
    • Now you can bind until a specific target event, or provide your own boundary provider function
  • Behavior change: previously, anything occurring after ON_STOP would resolve to ON_DESTROY. Now, they resolve to stop on the next destruction event. This brings it inline with the modern behavior of arch components version -rc1.
  • Enhancement: AndroidLifecycleScopeProviders are now reusable. This is somewhat experimental, as it works by dynamically resolving the last event based on the state. Please report any issues! #121

RxLifecycle Interop

A new autodispose-rxlifecycle interop module was added, adding support for scoping to RxLifecycle's LifecycleProvider API. (#118)


  • Reduced object allocations (#108)
  • Convenience unbound() factory on TestScopeProvider (#108)
  • Removed synthetic accessors (#103)
  • Updated to Kotlin 1.1.51 (#116)

Thanks to the following contributors! @rubengees @bangarharshit

Updated dependencies:

Android Arch Components: 1.0.0-rc1
Android Arch Components (common): 1.0.3
Kotlin: 1.1.51

New artifacts coordinates:

Maven Central

compile 'com.uber.autodispose:autodispose-android-archcomponents-test:x.y.z'

Maven Central

compile 'com.uber.autodispose:autodispose-rxlifecycle:x.y.z'

Maven Central

compile 'com.uber.autodispose:autodispose-android-kotlin:x.y.z'

Maven Central

compile 'com.uber.autodispose:autodispose-android-archcomponents-kotlin:x.y.z'

Maven Central

compile 'com.uber.autodispose:autodispose-android-archcomponents-test-kotlin:x.y.z'

Version 0.3.0


  • New: Static factory API (#88)

After a long time trying to figure out how to finagle this in a way that played nice with IDE autocomplete, the main API for AutoDispose is now via the AutoDispose class and its static factories.


// Note: on Java 7, you must specify the generic. The IDE should autocomplete this for you.

with() has three overloads for Maybe, ScopeProvider, and LifecycleScopeProvider. They return an intermediary ScopeHandler, which in turn has 5 generic for___() methods that correspond to the 5 RxJava types (Observable, Flowable, Single, Maybe, and Completable).

The old Scoper class are now deprecated, and will be removed in AutoDispose 1.0. Fortunately, this is easy to migrate via IntelliJ's structural replace. Information can be found here.

  • New: Support for Android Architecture Components! (#71)

With the beta release of architecture components, they are now supported in the autodispose-android-archcomponents artifact.


Where this could be anything that implements LifecycleOwner or extends Lifecycle.

Maven Central

compile 'com.uber.autodispose:autodispose-android-archcomponents:x.y.z'

Thanks to @yigit, @jaychang0917, and @lsvijay for their help and contributions on this!

  • New: Delegate Observer retrieval (#89)

Every automatically disposing observer implements one of the corresponding AutoDisposing____Observer interfaces in the com.uber.autodispose.observers package. They are considered read-only public API, with the intention that you can look for them in the RxJava plugin system (such as an onSubscribe hook). This extends their functionality to expose a new experimental API called delegateObserver(). This allows you to access the underlying observer that this is automatically disposing.

The reason for this is that there may be conditions where you want to handle functionality depending on information from that Observer. As of RxJava 2.1.4, one such case could be to read information from a LambdaConsumerIntrospection (relevant PR).

In the future, this will likely be narrowed to return a @Nullable lambdaConsumerIntrospection(), but we're open to feedback if others think this should remain the high level Observer type.

Thanks to @mswysocki for his contribution on this!

  • New: JSR 305 Nullability Annotations (#79)

AutoDispose packages now leverage JSR 305 annotations to indicate nullability. By default, all methods and parameters are non-null by default. This uses the spin-off javax-extras artifact for method nullability support, and is only a compileOnly dependency (so it should show up) for tooling but is not packaged as a compile dependency.

Further reading:

  • New: Sample android app! (#97)

For a long time, AutoDispose relied on tests and the README to be demonstrations of API use. It's become clear that this is not enough information though, so we've added a full sample app (borrowing heavily from RxLifecycle/Conductor's) to better illustrate API usage and runtime behavior. We'll continue to iterate on this over time.

  • Improved: EndConsumerHelper (#77)

AutoDispose uses the same disposal-helper utilities as RxJava. This updates to RxJava's new EndConsumerHelper, which should hopefully help produce more helpful error messages in disposal error conditions.

  • Other

Updated various dependencies:

Android Arch Components: 1.0.0-beta1
Android Support Library: 26.1.0 (to match arch components)
Kotlin: 1.1.50

As always, we welcome any and all discussions/feedback/PRs! We're marching toward a 1.0 release Real Soon Now, so now is the time. There are a few outstanding discussion issues in the issue tracker about 1.0 final design decisions.

Version 0.2.0


  • New: Kotlin artifact! (#47)

This adds autoDisposeWith() extensions to RxJava types.

  • New: Plugin system! (#57)

Modeled after RxJava's plugins, this allows you to customize the behavior of AutoDispose with lifecycle boundary checks.

AutoDisposePlugins.setOutsideLifecycleHandler(t -> {
    // Swallow the exception, or rethrow it, or throw your own!

A good use case of this is, say, just silently disposing/logging observers outside of lifecycle exceptions in production but crashing on debug.

  • New: Test helpers! (#48 #49)

Two helpers were added to simulate conditions in testing.

  • TestLifecycleScopeProvider
    • This has two corresponding lifecycle methods: start() and stop()
  • TestScopeProvider
    • Has just one method - emit().

For testing with just the Maybe<?> scope, we recommend using RxJava's built-in MaybeSubject.

  • Fix: Fixed a race condition where upstream wouldn't be disposed if the lifecycle emitted or error'd synchronously (i.e. was already terminated). (#57)
  • Fix: Add missing @CheckReturnValue annotations to subscribeWith methods. (#53)

Other tidbits:

  • Removed @NonNull annotations. Everything is @NonNull by default, and only elements annotated with @Nullable are not.
  • Use of the new java-library plugin for gradle (#64). The RxJava dependencies are marked as api.
  • Error prone has been integrated. Currently the annotations are just marked as compileOnly, but if a need arises/community wants them - we can compile them in a future version.

Version 0.1.0


  • Initial release