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fix(deps): update dependency react-markdown to v5
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jaywcjlove committed Dec 8, 2020
1 parent ceb7297 commit 2a402c4
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Showing 4 changed files with 119 additions and 137 deletions.
100 changes: 56 additions & 44 deletions
Expand Up @@ -39,56 +39,68 @@ function Demo() {
import { ReactMarkdownProps } from 'react-markdown';

interface IMarkdownPreviewProps extends Omit<ReactMarkdownProps, 'className'> {
prefixCls?: string;
type MarkdownPreviewProps = {
className?: string;
source?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
onScroll?: (e: React.UIEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
onMouseOver?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
} & ReactMarkdownProps;

This [`ReactMarkdownProps`]( details.

- `source` or `children` - _string_ The Markdown source to parse (**required**)
- `className` - _string_ Class name of the container element. If none is passed, a container will not be rendered.
- `escapeHtml` - _boolean_ Setting to `false` will cause HTML to be rendered (see notes below about proper HTML support). Be aware that setting this to `false` might cause security issues if the
input is user-generated. Use at your own risk. (default: `true`).
- `skipHtml` - _boolean_ Setting to `true` will skip inlined and blocks of HTML (default: `false`).
- `sourcePos` - _boolean_ Setting to `true` will add `data-sourcepos` attributes to all elements,
indicating where in the markdown source they were rendered from (default: `false`).
- `rawSourcePos` - _boolean_ Setting to `true` will pass a `sourcePosition` property to all renderers with structured source position information (default: `false`).
- `includeNodeIndex` - _boolean_ Setting to `true` will pass `index` and `parentChildCount` props to all renderers (default: `false`).
- `allowedTypes` - _array_ Defines which types of nodes should be allowed (rendered). (default: all
- `disallowedTypes` - _array_ Defines which types of nodes should be disallowed (not rendered).
(default: none).
- `unwrapDisallowed` - _boolean_ Setting to `true` will try to extract/unwrap the children of
disallowed nodes. For instance, if disallowing `Strong`, the default behaviour is to simply skip
the text within the strong altogether, while the behaviour some might want is to simply have the
text returned without the strong wrapping it. (default: `false`)
- `allowNode` - _function_ Function execute if in order to determine if the node should be allowed.
Ran prior to checking `allowedTypes`/`disallowedTypes`. Returning a truthy value will allow the
node to be included. Note that if this function returns `true` and the type is not in
`allowedTypes` (or specified as a `disallowedType`), it won't be included. The function will
receive three arguments argument (`node`, `index`, `parent`), where `node` contains different
properties depending on the node type.
- `linkTarget` - _function|string_ Sets the default target attribute for links. If a function is
provided, it will be called with `url`, `text`, and `title` and should return a string
(e.g. `_blank` for a new tab). Default is `undefined` (no target attribute).
- `transformLinkUri` - _function|null_ Function that gets called for each encountered link with a
single argument - `uri`. The returned value is used in place of the original. The default link URI
transformer acts as an XSS-filter, neutralizing things like `javascript:`, `vbscript:` and `file:`
protocols. If you specify a custom function, this default filter won't be called, but you can
access it as `require('react-markdown').uriTransformer`. If you want to disable the default
transformer, pass `null` to this option.
- `transformImageUri` - _function|null_ Function that gets called for each encountered image with a
single argument - `uri`. The returned value is used in place of the original.
- `renderers` - _object_ An object where the keys represent the node type and the value is a React
component. The object is merged with the default renderers. The props passed to the component
varies based on the type of node.

See [Options Props]( for more details.
This [`ReactMarkdownProps`]( details.

- `source` (`string`, default: `''`)\
Markdown to parse
- `className` (`string?`)\
Wrap the markdown in a `div` with this class name
- `allowDangerousHtml` (`boolean`, default: `false`)\
This project is safe by default and escapes HTML.
Use `allowDangerousHtml: true` to allow dangerous html instead.
See [security](
- `skipHtml` (`boolean`, default: `false`)\
Ignore HTML in Markdown
- `sourcePos` (`boolean`, default: `false`)\
Pass a prop to all renderers with a serialized position
- `rawSourcePos` (`boolean`, default: `false`)\
Pass a prop to all renderers with their [position](
(`sourcePosition: {start: {line: 3, column: 1}, end:…}`)
- `includeNodeIndex` (`boolean`, default: `false`)\
Pass [`index`]( and `parentChildCount` in props to all renderers
- `allowedTypes` (`Array.<string>`, default: list of all types)\
Node types to allow (can’t combine w/ `disallowedTypes`).
All types are available at `ReactMarkdown.types`
- `disallowedTypes` (`Array.<string>`, default: `[]`)\
Node types to disallow (can’t combine w/ `allowedTypes`)
- `allowNode` (`(node, index, parent) => boolean?`, optional)\
Function called to check if a node is allowed (when truthy) or not.
`allowedTypes` / `disallowedTypes` is used first!
- `unwrapDisallowed` (`boolean`, default: `false`)\
Extract (unwrap) the children of not allowed nodes.
By default, when `strong` is not allowed, it and it’s content is dropped,
but with `unwrapDisallowed` the node itself is dropped but the content used
- `linkTarget` (`string` or `(url, text, title) => string`, optional)\
Target to use on links (such as `_blank` for `<a target="_blank"…`)
- `transformLinkUri` (`(uri) => string`, default:
[`./uri-transformer.js`][uri], optional)\
URL to use for links.
The default allows only `http`, `https`, `mailto`, and `tel`, and is
available at `ReactMarkdown.uriTransformer`.
Pass `null` to allow all URLs.
See [security](
- `transformImageUri` (`(uri) => string`, default:
[`./uri-transformer.js`][uri], optional)\
Same as `transformLinkUri` but for images
- `renderers` (`Object.<Component>`, default: `{}`)\
Object mapping node types to React components.
Merged with the default renderers (available at `ReactMarkdown.renderers`).
Which props are passed varies based on the node
- `plugins` (`Array.<Plugin>`, default: `[]`)\
List of [remark plugins]( to use.
See the next section for examples on how to pass options

See [Options Props]( for more details.

## Development

Expand Down
25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -43,24 +43,25 @@
"react-dom": ">=16.8.0"
"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "7.11.2",
"@types/prismjs": "1.16.1",
"prismjs": "1.21.0",
"react-markdown": "4.3.1"
"@babel/runtime": "7.12.5",
"@types/prismjs": "1.16.2",
"prismjs": "1.22.0",
"remark-gfm": "1.0.0",
"react-markdown": "5.0.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@kkt/loader-less": "5.9.0",
"@kkt/loader-raw": "5.9.0",
"@types/react": "16.9.46",
"@types/react-dom": "16.9.8",
"@kkt/loader-less": "5.10.3",
"@kkt/loader-raw": "5.10.3",
"@types/react": "16.14.2",
"@types/react-dom": "16.9.10",
"@uiw/react-github-corners": "1.2.0",
"@uiw/react-shields": "1.1.0",
"@uiw/reset.css": "1.0.4",
"compile-less-cli": "1.5.1",
"kkt": "5.9.0",
"react": "16.13.1",
"react-dom": "16.13.1",
"tsbb": "1.7.7"
"kkt": "5.10.3",
"react": "16.14.0",
"react-dom": "16.14.0",
"tsbb": "1.7.8"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": "react-app"
Expand Down
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions src/allowNode.tsx

This file was deleted.

119 changes: 50 additions & 69 deletions src/index.tsx
@@ -1,88 +1,69 @@
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import ReactMarkdown, { ReactMarkdownProps } from 'react-markdown';
import gfm from 'remark-gfm';
import Prism from 'prismjs';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-markup';
import ReactMarkdown, { ReactMarkdownProps } from 'react-markdown';
import allowNode from './allowNode';
import { loadLang } from './langs';
import './styles/markdown.less';
import './styles/markdowncolor.less';

export type {
} from 'react-markdown';

export interface IMarkdownPreviewProps extends Omit<ReactMarkdownProps, 'className'> {
prefixCls?: string;
export type MarkdownPreviewProps = {
className?: string;
source?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
onScroll?: (e: React.UIEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
onMouseOver?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
} & ReactMarkdownProps;

export interface IMarkdownPreviewState {
value?: string;
const MarkdownPreview: React.FC<MarkdownPreviewProps> = (props = {} as ReactMarkdownProps) => {
const { className, source, style, onScroll, onMouseOver, ...other } = props;
const mdp = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
const loadedLang = React.useRef<string[]>(['markup']);
useEffect(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [source]);

export default class MarkdownPreview extends Component<IMarkdownPreviewProps, IMarkdownPreviewState> {
public mdp = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
public loadedLang: string[] = ['markup'];
public static defaultProps: IMarkdownPreviewProps = {
renderers: {},
public constructor(props: IMarkdownPreviewProps) {
this.state = {
value: '' || props.source,
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IMarkdownPreviewProps) {
if (this.props.source !== prevProps.source) {
this.setState({ value: this.props.source }, () => {
public renderHTML(mdStr?: string) {
this.setState({ value: mdStr }, () => {
public async highlight() {
if (!this.mdp.current) return;
const codes = this.mdp.current.getElementsByTagName('code') as unknown as HTMLElement[];
for (const value of codes) {
const tag = value.parentNode as HTMLElement;
if (tag && tag.tagName === 'PRE' && /^language-/.test(value.className.trim())) {
const lang = value.className.trim().replace(/^language-/, '');
async function highlight() {
if (!mdp.current) return;
const codes = mdp.current.getElementsByTagName('code') as unknown as HTMLElement[];
for (const val of codes) {
const tag = val.parentNode as HTMLElement;
if (tag && tag.tagName === 'PRE' && /^language-/.test(val.className.trim())) {
const lang = val.className.trim().replace(/^language-/, '');
try {
if (!this.loadedLang.includes(lang as never)) {
if (!loadedLang.current.includes(lang as never)) {
await loadLang(lang);
await Prism.highlightElement(value);
await Prism.highlightElement(val);
} catch (error) { }
render() {
const { className, style, onScroll, onMouseOver, ...other } = this.props;
const cls = `wmde-markdown wmde-markdown-color ${className || ''}`;
return (
<div ref={this.mdp} onScroll={onScroll} style={style} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} className={cls} >
<ReactMarkdown escapeHtml={false} allowNode={allowNode} {...other} source={this.state.value} />

const cls = `wmde-markdown wmde-markdown-color ${className || ''}`;
const reactMarkdownProps = {
allowDangerousHtml: true,
plugins: [gfm, ...(other.plugins || [])],
allowNode: (node, index, parent) => {
const nodeany = node;
if (nodeany.type === 'html' && reactMarkdownProps.allowDangerousHtml) {
// filter style
node.value = (node.value as string).replace(/<((style|script|link|input|form)|\/(style|script|link|input|form))(\s?[^>]*>)/gi, (a: string) => {
return a.replace(/[<>]/g, (e: string) => (({ '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;' } as { [key: string]: string })[e]))
return true;
source: source || '',
} as ReactMarkdownProps;
return (
<div ref={mdp} onScroll={onScroll} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} className={cls} style={style}>
<ReactMarkdown {...reactMarkdownProps} />

export default MarkdownPreview;

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