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Releases: vapor/postgres-kit

Migrate to Swift Atomics

19 Aug 10:03
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This patch was authored by @fatto and released by @0xTim.

Fix deprecation warnings from NIOAtomic and migrate any uses to swift-atomics

Add locking clause syntax to dialect

02 Aug 21:35
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

Leverages the new functionality in vapor/sql-kit#154 to provide the correct syntax for both shared and exclusive locking clauses in PostgreSQL.


29 Jun 16:08
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What's Changed

  • Ignore ParamaterStatus messages when handling response by @baarde in #218

Full Changelog: 1.6.0...1.7.0

Allow `backendKeyData` to be set

07 Jun 20:58
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This patch was authored by @rausnitz and released by @0xTim.

This change provides access to the new functionality provided in this postgres-nio PR: vapor/postgres-nio#296. In short, apps can enable integration with Amazon RDS Proxy by setting requireBackendKeyData to false. See the postgres-nio PR for more details.

Drop support for Swift 5.2/5.3 + Yet another CI overhaul

06 Jun 12:23
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

This removes support for Swift 5.2 and Swift 5.3, making Swift 5.4 the earliest supported version as announced

Improve row decoding performance

18 Mar 21:21
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.
  • Leverage new APIs available in PostgresNIO to improve row decoding performance, making up for some speed regressions and then some, especially for queries with lots of result fields.
  • Minor improvements to connection handling, also partially courtesy of improved APIs in PostgresNIO.

Note: No new APIs, but marked semver-minor due to requiring an updated minor release of postgres-nio.

Version bump postgres-nio dependency to prevent build error against swift-nio

24 Jan 13:33
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This patch was authored by @eob and released by @gwynne.

Hi folks!

I'm not sure what this project's process for version-bumping is, but the current vapor/postgres-nio@1.4.0 dependency can't build against the more current swift-nio versions because of a duplicate addition of writeNullTerminatedString to ByteBuffer by extension:

/path/to/.build/checkouts/postgres-nio/Sources/PostgresNIO/New/Extensions/ByteBuffer+PSQL.swift:4:19: note: found this candidate
    mutating func writeNullTerminatedString(_ string: String) {
/path/to/.build/checkouts/swift-nio/Sources/NIOCore/ByteBuffer-aux.swift:100:26: note: found this candidate
    public mutating func writeNullTerminatedString(_ string: String) -> Int { 

The postgres-nio project has since removed the duplicate method definition, so rolling forward the dependency to 1.7.2 (in this PR) fixes the build error.

Declare supported UNION features

14 Dec 14:48
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

Leverages the new dialect flags from vapor/sql-kit#144 to enable full UNION queries according to PostgreSQL's support.

The increased SQLKit version requirement makes this a semver-minor change.

Declare UPSERT support for PostgreSQL

04 Nov 23:48
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

semver-minor because the new SQLKit version requirement is a semver-minor bump.

Address issues in decoding data from the database

30 Sep 10:03
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

Basically this just cleans up PostgresDataDecoder quite a bit, along with the PostgresKit unit tests, such as they are. It's difficult to say whether this will have any performance impact (probably not).