From 819ce908d1a85c91c2aaccbd9c7a717cb67dcd62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: snyk-bot Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 17:26:31 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] fix: upgrade semver from 7.3.4 to 7.5.4 Snyk has created this PR to upgrade semver from 7.3.4 to 7.5.4. See this package in npm: See this project in Snyk: --- package-lock.json | 191 ++-------------------------------------------- package.json | 2 +- 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-) diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 42c635fbfe4bc..9cf18fcfc43fd 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -73,182 +73,7 @@ "treeverse", "validate-npm-package-name", "which", - "write-file-atomic", - "@npmcli/disparity-colors", - "@npmcli/git", - "@npmcli/installed-package-contents", - "@npmcli/map-workspaces", - "@npmcli/metavuln-calculator", - "@npmcli/move-file", - "@npmcli/name-from-folder", - "@npmcli/node-gyp", - "@npmcli/promise-spawn", - "@tootallnate/once", - "agent-base", - "agentkeepalive", - "aggregate-error", - "ajv", - "ansi-regex", - "ansi-styles", - "aproba", - "are-we-there-yet", - "asap", - "asn1", - "assert-plus", - "asynckit", - "aws-sign2", - "aws4", - "balanced-match", - "bcrypt-pbkdf", - "bin-links", - "binary-extensions", - "brace-expansion", - "builtins", - "caseless", - "cidr-regex", - "clean-stack", - "clone", - "cmd-shim", - "code-point-at", - "color-convert", - "color-name", - "colors", - "combined-stream", - "common-ancestor-path", - "concat-map", - "console-control-strings", - "core-util-is", - "dashdash", - "debug", - "debuglog", - "defaults", - "delayed-stream", - "delegates", - "depd", - "dezalgo", - "diff", - "ecc-jsbn", - "emoji-regex", - "encoding", - "env-paths", - "err-code", - "extend", - "extsprintf", - "fast-deep-equal", - "fast-json-stable-stringify", - "forever-agent", - "form-data", - "fs-minipass", - "fs.realpath", - "function-bind", - "gauge", - "getpass", - "har-schema", - "har-validator", - "has", - "has-flag", - "has-unicode", - "http-cache-semantics", - "http-proxy-agent", - "http-signature", - "https-proxy-agent", - "humanize-ms", - "iconv-lite", - "ignore-walk", - "imurmurhash", - "indent-string", - "infer-owner", - "inflight", - "inherits", - "ip", - "ip-regex", - "is-core-module", - "is-fullwidth-code-point", - "is-lambda", - "is-typedarray", - "isarray", - "isexe", - "isstream", - "jsbn", - "json-schema", - "json-schema-traverse", - "json-stringify-nice", - "json-stringify-safe", - "jsonparse", - "jsprim", - "just-diff", - "just-diff-apply", - "lru-cache", - "mime-db", - "mime-types", - "minimatch", - "minipass-collect", - "minipass-fetch", - "minipass-flush", - "minipass-json-stream", - "minipass-sized", - "minizlib", - "mute-stream", - "normalize-package-data", - "npm-bundled", - "npm-install-checks", - "npm-normalize-package-bin", - "npm-packlist", - "number-is-nan", - "oauth-sign", - "object-assign", - "once", - "p-map", - "path-is-absolute", - "path-parse", - "performance-now", - "process-nextick-args", - "promise-all-reject-late", - "promise-call-limit", - "promise-inflight", - "promise-retry", - "promzard", - "psl", - "puka", - "punycode", - "qs", - "read-cmd-shim", - "readable-stream", - "request", - "resolve", - "retry", - "safe-buffer", - "safer-buffer", - "set-blocking", - "signal-exit", - "smart-buffer", - "socks", - "socks-proxy-agent", - "spdx-correct", - "spdx-exceptions", - "spdx-expression-parse", - "spdx-license-ids", - "sshpk", - "string_decoder", - "string-width", - "stringify-package", - "strip-ansi", - "supports-color", - "tunnel-agent", - "tweetnacl", - "typedarray-to-buffer", - "unique-filename", - "unique-slug", - "uri-js", - "util-deprecate", - "uuid", - "validate-npm-package-license", - "verror", - "walk-up-path", - "wcwidth", - "wide-align", - "wrappy", - "yallist" + "write-file-atomic" ], "license": "Artistic-2.0", "dependencies": { @@ -309,7 +134,7 @@ "read-package-json-fast": "^2.0.2", "readdir-scoped-modules": "^1.1.0", "rimraf": "^3.0.2", - "semver": "^7.3.4", + "semver": "^7.5.4", "ssri": "^8.0.1", "tar": "^6.1.0", "text-table": "~0.2.0", @@ -6944,9 +6769,9 @@ } }, "node_modules/semver": { - "version": "7.3.4", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": "sha512-tCfb2WLjqFAtXn4KEdxIhalnRtoKFN7nAwj0B3ZXCbQloV2tq5eDbcTmT68JJD3nRJq24/XgxtQKFIpQdtvmVw==", + "version": "7.5.4", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-1bCSESV6Pv+i21Hvpxp3Dx+pSD8lIPt8uVjRrxAUt/nbswYc+tK6Y2btiULjd4+fnq15PX+nqQDC7Oft7WkwcA==", "inBundle": true, "dependencies": { "lru-cache": "^6.0.0" @@ -15549,9 +15374,9 @@ } }, "semver": { - "version": "7.3.4", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": "sha512-tCfb2WLjqFAtXn4KEdxIhalnRtoKFN7nAwj0B3ZXCbQloV2tq5eDbcTmT68JJD3nRJq24/XgxtQKFIpQdtvmVw==", + "version": "7.5.4", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-1bCSESV6Pv+i21Hvpxp3Dx+pSD8lIPt8uVjRrxAUt/nbswYc+tK6Y2btiULjd4+fnq15PX+nqQDC7Oft7WkwcA==", "requires": { "lru-cache": "^6.0.0" } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index afd3b36cb08f7..bfdcca49886ff 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ "read-package-json-fast": "^2.0.2", "readdir-scoped-modules": "^1.1.0", "rimraf": "^3.0.2", - "semver": "^7.3.4", + "semver": "^7.5.4", "ssri": "^8.0.1", "tar": "^6.1.0", "text-table": "~0.2.0",