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File metadata and controls

102 lines (80 loc) · 7.93 KB


mockery uses spf13/viper under the hood for its configuration parsing. It is bound to three different configuration sources, in order of decreasing precedence:

  1. Command line
  2. Environment variables
  3. Configuration file

If a parameter is named with-expecter and we want a value of True, then these are the formats for each source:

source value
command line --with-expecter=true
Environment variable MOCKERY_WITH_EXPECTER=True
yaml with-expecter: True

Recommended Basic Config

Copy the recommended basic configuration to a file called .mockery.yaml at the top-level of your repo:

inpackage: True
testonly: True
with-expecter: True
keeptree: False

mockery will search upwards from your current-working-directory up to the root path, so the same configuration should be able to follow you within your project.

Parameter Descriptions

=== "non-packages config"

### non-`packages`

#### Config Variables
These are the configuration options when not using the [`packages`](/mockery/features/#packages-configuration) config

| name | description |
| `all`  |  It's common for a big package to have a lot of interfaces, so mockery provides `all`. This option will tell mockery to scan all files under the directory named by `--dir` ("." by default) and generates mocks for any interfaces it finds. This option implies `recursive: True`. |
| `case` | mockery generates files using the casing of the original interface name.  This can be modified by specifying `case: underscore` to format the generated file name using underscore casing. |
| `exclude` | This parameter is a list of strings representing path prefixes that should be excluded from mock generation. |
| `exported` | Use `exported: True` to generate public mocks for private interfaces. |
| `filename` | Use the `filename` and `structname` to override the default generated file and struct name. These options are only compatible with non-regular expressions in `name`, where only one mock is generated. |
| `inpackage-suffix` | When `inpackage-suffix` is set to `True`, mock files are suffixed with `_mock` instead of being prefixed with `mock_` for InPackage mocks |
| `inpackage` and `keeptree` | For some complex repositories, there could be multiple interfaces with the same name but in different packages. In that case, `inpackage` allows generating the mocked interfaces directly in the package that it mocks. In the case you don't want to generate the mocks into the package but want to keep a similar structure, use the option `keeptree`. |
| `name`  | The `name` option takes either the name or matching regular expression of the interface to generate mock(s) for. |
| `output` | mockery always generates files with the package `mocks` to keep things clean and simple. You can control which mocks directory is used by using `output`, which defaults to `./mocks`. |
|`outpkg`| Use `outpkg` to specify the package name of the generated mocks.|
| `print` | Use `print: True` to have the resulting code printed out instead of written to disk. |
| `recursive`  |  Use the `recursive` option to search subdirectories for the interface(s). This option is only compatible with `name`. The `all` option implies `recursive: True`. |
| `replace-type source=destination` | Replaces aliases, packages and/or types during generation.|
| `testonly` | Prepend every mock file with `_test.go`. This is useful in cases where you are generating mocks `inpackage` but don't want the mocks to be visible to code outside of tests. |
| `with-expecter` | Use `with-expecter: True` to generate `EXPECT()` methods for your mocks. This is the preferred way to setup your mocks. |

=== "packages config"

### [`packages` config](/mockery/features/#packages-configuration)

These are the config options when using the `packages` config option. Config variables may have changed meanings or have been substracted entirely, compared to the non-`packages` config.

#### Config Variables

| name | templated | default | description |
| `all`  |  :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml false` | Generate all interfaces for the specified packages. |
| `tags` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml ""` | Set the build tags of the generated mocks. |
| `config` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml ""` | Set the location of the mockery config file. |
| `dir` | :fontawesome-solid-check: | `#!yaml "mocks/{{.PackagePath}}"` | The directory where the mock file will be outputted to. |
| `disable-config-search` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml false` | Disable searching for configuration files |
| `disable-version-string` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml false` | Disable the version string in the generated mock files. |
| `dry-run` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml false` | Print the actions that would be taken, but don't perform the actions. |
| `filename` | :fontawesome-solid-check: | `#!yaml "mock_{{.InterfaceName}}.go"` | The name of the file the mock will reside in. |
| `inpackage` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml false` | When generating mocks alongside the original interfaces, you must specify `inpackage: True` to inform mockery that the mock is being placed in the same package as the original interface. |
| `mockname` | :fontawesome-solid-check: | `#!yaml "Mock{{.InterfaceName}}"` | The name of the generated mock. | 
| `outpkg` | :fontawesome-solid-check: | `#!yaml "{{.PackageName}}"` | Use `outpkg` to specify the package name of the generated mocks. |
| `log-level` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml "info"` | Set the level of the logger |
| [`packages`](/mockery/features/#packages-configuration) | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml null` | A dictionary containing configuration describing the packages and interfaces to generate mocks for. |
| `print` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml false` | Use `print: True` to have the resulting code printed out instead of written to disk. |
| `recursive` | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml false` | When set to `true` on a particular package, mockery will recursively search for all sub-packages and inject those packages into the config map. Use the `showconfig` command to see the sub-packages mockery injects. The config outputted by `showconfig` is semantically equivalent to whatever is specified in your yaml file. All sub-packages receive the same configuration as the parent package. |
| [`with-expecter`](/mockery/features/#expecter-structs) | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml true` | Use `with-expecter: True` to generate `EXPECT()` methods for your mocks. This is the preferred way to setup your mocks. |
| [`replace-type`](/mockery/features/#replace-types) | :fontawesome-solid-x: | `#!yaml null` | Replaces aliases, packages and/or types during generation.|

#### Template variables 

Variables that are marked as being templated are capable of using mockery-provided template parameters.

| name | description |
| InterfaceDir | The path of the original interface being mocked. This can be used as `#!yaml dir: "{{.InterfaceDir}}"` to place your mocks adjacent to the original interface. This should not be used for external interfaces. |
| InterfaceName | The name of the original interface being mocked |
| InterfaceNameCamel | Converts a string `interface_name` to `InterfaceName` |
| InterfaceNameLowerCamel | Converts `InterfaceName` to `interfaceName` |
| InterfaceNameSnake | Converts `InterfaceName` to `interface_name` |
| MockName | The name of the mock that will be generated. Note that this is simply the `mockname` configuration variable |
| PackageName | The name of the package from the original interface |
| PackagePath | The fully qualified package path of the original interface |