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fix: hard-navigate when preflight request fails #35145



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@nkzawa nkzawa commented Mar 8, 2022

fixes #34199

Also fixes response code to return 500 when showing error page of preflight request failure on dev mode


  • Related issues linked using fixes #number
  • Integration tests added
  • Errors have helpful link attached, see


This comment has been minimized.


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ijjk commented Mar 8, 2022

Stats from current PR

Default Build (Increase detected ⚠️)
General Overall increase ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
buildDuration 14.9s 15.7s ⚠️ +772ms
buildDurationCached 6s 6.2s ⚠️ +228ms
nodeModulesSize 372 MB 372 MB ⚠️ +887 B
Page Load Tests Overall decrease ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
/ failed reqs 0 0
/ total time (seconds) 3.011 3.072 ⚠️ +0.06
/ avg req/sec 830.3 813.93 ⚠️ -16.37
/error-in-render failed reqs 0 0
/error-in-render total time (seconds) 1.34 1.389 ⚠️ +0.05
/error-in-render avg req/sec 1865.8 1800.39 ⚠️ -65.41
Client Bundles (main, webpack) Overall increase ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
925.HASH.js gzip 179 B 179 B
framework-HASH.js gzip 42 kB 42 kB
main-HASH.js gzip 27.9 kB 27.9 kB ⚠️ +29 B
webpack-HASH.js gzip 1.44 kB 1.44 kB
Overall change 71.5 kB 71.6 kB ⚠️ +29 B
Legacy Client Bundles (polyfills)
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
polyfills-HASH.js gzip 31 kB 31 kB
Overall change 31 kB 31 kB
Client Pages
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
_app-HASH.js gzip 1.36 kB 1.36 kB
_error-HASH.js gzip 192 B 192 B
amp-HASH.js gzip 309 B 309 B
css-HASH.js gzip 327 B 327 B
dynamic-HASH.js gzip 2.57 kB 2.57 kB
head-HASH.js gzip 351 B 351 B
hooks-HASH.js gzip 920 B 920 B
image-HASH.js gzip 5.09 kB 5.09 kB
index-HASH.js gzip 263 B 263 B
link-HASH.js gzip 2.26 kB 2.26 kB
routerDirect..HASH.js gzip 320 B 320 B
script-HASH.js gzip 387 B 387 B
withRouter-HASH.js gzip 319 B 319 B
85e02e95b279..7e3.css gzip 107 B 107 B
Overall change 14.8 kB 14.8 kB
Client Build Manifests
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
_buildManifest.js gzip 460 B 460 B
Overall change 460 B 460 B
Rendered Page Sizes Overall increase ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
index.html gzip 530 B 531 B ⚠️ +1 B
link.html gzip 544 B 546 B ⚠️ +2 B
withRouter.html gzip 524 B 526 B ⚠️ +2 B
Overall change 1.6 kB 1.6 kB ⚠️ +5 B


Diff for main-HASH.js
@@ -6385,147 +6385,163 @@
-                  return _runtimeJs.default.wrap(function _callee$(_ctx) {
-                    while (1)
-                      switch ((_ctx.prev = {
-                        case 0:
-                          asPathname = pathNoQueryHash(;
-                          cleanedAs = delLocale(
-                            hasBasePath(asPathname)
-                              ? delBasePath(asPathname)
-                              : asPathname,
-                            options.locale
-                          );
-                 = 4;
-                          return _this.pageLoader.getMiddlewareList();
-                        case 4:
-                          fns = _ctx.sent;
-                          requiresPreflight = fns.some(function(param) {
-                            var _param = _slicedToArray(param, 2),
-                              middleware = _param[0],
-                              isSSR = _param[1];
-                            return (0, _routeMatcher).getRouteMatcher(
-                              (0, _getMiddlewareRegex).getMiddlewareRegex(
-                                middleware,
-                                !isSSR
-                              )
-                            )(cleanedAs);
-                          });
-                          if (requiresPreflight) {
-                   = 8;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "next"
-                          });
-                        case 8:
-                 = 10;
-                          return _this._getPreflightData({
-                            preflightHref:,
-                            shouldCache: options.cache,
-                            isPreview: options.isPreview
-                          });
-                        case 10:
-                          preflight = _ctx.sent;
-                          if (!preflight.rewrite) {
-                   = 20;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          if (preflight.rewrite.startsWith("/")) {
-                   = 14;
+                  return _runtimeJs.default.wrap(
+                    function _callee$(_ctx) {
+                      while (1)
+                        switch ((_ctx.prev = {
+                          case 0:
+                            asPathname = pathNoQueryHash(;
+                            cleanedAs = delLocale(
+                              hasBasePath(asPathname)
+                                ? delBasePath(asPathname)
+                                : asPathname,
+                              options.locale
+                            );
+                   = 4;
+                            return _this.pageLoader.getMiddlewareList();
+                          case 4:
+                            fns = _ctx.sent;
+                            requiresPreflight = fns.some(function(param) {
+                              var _param = _slicedToArray(param, 2),
+                                middleware = _param[0],
+                                isSSR = _param[1];
+                              return (0, _routeMatcher).getRouteMatcher(
+                                (0, _getMiddlewareRegex).getMiddlewareRegex(
+                                  middleware,
+                                  !isSSR
+                                )
+                              )(cleanedAs);
+                            });
+                            if (requiresPreflight) {
+                     = 8;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "next"
+                            });
+                          case 8:
+                            _ctx.prev = 9;
+                   = 12;
+                            return _this._getPreflightData({
+                              preflightHref:,
+                              shouldCache: options.cache,
+                              isPreview: options.isPreview
+                            });
+                          case 12:
+                            preflight = _ctx.sent;
+                   = 18;
-                          }
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "redirect",
-                            destination:
-                          });
-                        case 14:
-                          parsed = (0, _parseRelativeUrl).parseRelativeUrl(
-                            (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(
-                              hasBasePath(preflight.rewrite)
-                                ? delBasePath(preflight.rewrite)
-                                : preflight.rewrite,
-                              _this.locales
-                            ).pathname
-                          );
-                          fsPathname = (0,
-                          _normalizeTrailingSlash).removePathTrailingSlash(
-                            parsed.pathname
-                          );
-                          if (options.pages.includes(fsPathname)) {
-                            matchedPage = true;
-                            resolvedHref = fsPathname;
-                          } else {
-                            resolvedHref = resolveDynamicRoute(
-                              fsPathname,
-                              options.pages
+                          case 15:
+                            _ctx.prev = 15;
+                            _ctx.t0 = _ctx["catch"](9);
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "redirect",
+                              destination:
+                            });
+                          case 18:
+                            if (!preflight.rewrite) {
+                     = 27;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            if (preflight.rewrite.startsWith("/")) {
+                     = 21;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "redirect",
+                              destination:
+                            });
+                          case 21:
+                            parsed = (0, _parseRelativeUrl).parseRelativeUrl(
+                              (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(
+                                hasBasePath(preflight.rewrite)
+                                  ? delBasePath(preflight.rewrite)
+                                  : preflight.rewrite,
+                                _this.locales
+                              ).pathname
-                            if (
-                              resolvedHref !== parsed.pathname &&
-                              options.pages.includes(resolvedHref)
-                            ) {
+                            fsPathname = (0,
+                            _normalizeTrailingSlash).removePathTrailingSlash(
+                              parsed.pathname
+                            );
+                            if (options.pages.includes(fsPathname)) {
                               matchedPage = true;
+                              resolvedHref = fsPathname;
+                            } else {
+                              resolvedHref = resolveDynamicRoute(
+                                fsPathname,
+                                options.pages
+                              );
+                              if (
+                                resolvedHref !== parsed.pathname &&
+                                options.pages.includes(resolvedHref)
+                              ) {
+                                matchedPage = true;
+                              }
-                          }
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "rewrite",
-                            asPath: parsed.pathname,
-                            parsedAs: parsed,
-                            matchedPage: matchedPage,
-                            resolvedHref: resolvedHref
-                          });
-                        case 20:
-                          if (!preflight.redirect) {
-                   = 26;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          if (!preflight.redirect.startsWith("/")) {
-                   = 25;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          cleanRedirect = (0,
-                          _normalizeTrailingSlash).removePathTrailingSlash(
-                            (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(
-                              hasBasePath(preflight.redirect)
-                                ? delBasePath(preflight.redirect)
-                                : preflight.redirect,
-                              _this.locales
-                            ).pathname
-                          );
-                          (ref = prepareUrlAs(
-                            _this,
-                            cleanRedirect,
-                            cleanRedirect
-                          )),
-                            (newUrl = ref.url),
-                            (newAs =;
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "redirect",
-                            newUrl: newUrl,
-                            newAs: newAs
-                          });
-                        case 25:
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "redirect",
-                            destination: preflight.redirect
-                          });
-                        case 26:
-                          if (!(preflight.refresh && !preflight.ssr)) {
-                   = 28;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "refresh"
-                          });
-                        case 28:
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "next"
-                          });
-                        case 29:
-                        case "end":
-                          return _ctx.stop();
-                      }
-                  }, _callee);
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "rewrite",
+                              asPath: parsed.pathname,
+                              parsedAs: parsed,
+                              matchedPage: matchedPage,
+                              resolvedHref: resolvedHref
+                            });
+                          case 27:
+                            if (!preflight.redirect) {
+                     = 33;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            if (!preflight.redirect.startsWith("/")) {
+                     = 32;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            cleanRedirect = (0,
+                            _normalizeTrailingSlash).removePathTrailingSlash(
+                              (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(
+                                hasBasePath(preflight.redirect)
+                                  ? delBasePath(preflight.redirect)
+                                  : preflight.redirect,
+                                _this.locales
+                              ).pathname
+                            );
+                            (ref = prepareUrlAs(
+                              _this,
+                              cleanRedirect,
+                              cleanRedirect
+                            )),
+                              (newUrl = ref.url),
+                              (newAs =;
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "redirect",
+                              newUrl: newUrl,
+                              newAs: newAs
+                            });
+                          case 32:
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "redirect",
+                              destination: preflight.redirect
+                            });
+                          case 33:
+                            if (!(preflight.refresh && !preflight.ssr)) {
+                     = 35;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "refresh"
+                            });
+                          case 35:
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "next"
+                            });
+                          case 36:
+                          case "end":
+                            return _ctx.stop();
+                        }
+                    },
+                    _callee,
+                    null,
+                    [[9, 15]]
+                  );
Diff for index.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-5ef02dfc5c89364b.js"
+      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-f104aa7b85cd9c1b.js"
Diff for link.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-5ef02dfc5c89364b.js"
+      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-f104aa7b85cd9c1b.js"
Diff for withRouter.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-5ef02dfc5c89364b.js"
+      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-f104aa7b85cd9c1b.js"

Default Build with SWC (Increase detected ⚠️)
General Overall increase ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
buildDuration 18.1s 18s -152ms
buildDurationCached 6s 5.7s -331ms
nodeModulesSize 372 MB 372 MB ⚠️ +887 B
Page Load Tests Overall increase ✓
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
/ failed reqs 0 0
/ total time (seconds) 3.036 3.119 ⚠️ +0.08
/ avg req/sec 823.53 801.52 ⚠️ -22.01
/error-in-render failed reqs 0 0
/error-in-render total time (seconds) 1.394 1.373 -0.02
/error-in-render avg req/sec 1793.39 1821.39 +28
Client Bundles (main, webpack) Overall increase ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
925.HASH.js gzip 178 B 178 B
framework-HASH.js gzip 42.3 kB 42.3 kB
main-HASH.js gzip 28.2 kB 28.2 kB ⚠️ +39 B
webpack-HASH.js gzip 1.45 kB 1.45 kB
Overall change 72.1 kB 72.2 kB ⚠️ +39 B
Legacy Client Bundles (polyfills)
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
polyfills-HASH.js gzip 31 kB 31 kB
Overall change 31 kB 31 kB
Client Pages
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
_app-HASH.js gzip 1.35 kB 1.35 kB
_error-HASH.js gzip 179 B 179 B
amp-HASH.js gzip 313 B 313 B
css-HASH.js gzip 324 B 324 B
dynamic-HASH.js gzip 2.56 kB 2.56 kB
head-HASH.js gzip 351 B 351 B
hooks-HASH.js gzip 921 B 921 B
image-HASH.js gzip 5.23 kB 5.23 kB
index-HASH.js gzip 261 B 261 B
link-HASH.js gzip 2.33 kB 2.33 kB
routerDirect..HASH.js gzip 322 B 322 B
script-HASH.js gzip 388 B 388 B
withRouter-HASH.js gzip 317 B 317 B
85e02e95b279..7e3.css gzip 107 B 107 B
Overall change 15 kB 15 kB
Client Build Manifests
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
_buildManifest.js gzip 459 B 459 B
Overall change 459 B 459 B
Rendered Page Sizes Overall decrease ✓
vercel/next.js canary nkzawa/next.js middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation Change
index.html gzip 532 B 530 B -2 B
link.html gzip 546 B 545 B -1 B
withRouter.html gzip 527 B 526 B -1 B
Overall change 1.6 kB 1.6 kB -4 B


Diff for main-HASH.js
@@ -6385,147 +6385,163 @@
-                  return _runtimeJs.default.wrap(function _callee$(_ctx) {
-                    while (1)
-                      switch ((_ctx.prev = {
-                        case 0:
-                          asPathname = pathNoQueryHash(;
-                          cleanedAs = delLocale(
-                            hasBasePath(asPathname)
-                              ? delBasePath(asPathname)
-                              : asPathname,
-                            options.locale
-                          );
-                 = 4;
-                          return _this.pageLoader.getMiddlewareList();
-                        case 4:
-                          fns = _ctx.sent;
-                          requiresPreflight = fns.some(function(param) {
-                            var _param = _slicedToArray(param, 2),
-                              middleware = _param[0],
-                              isSSR = _param[1];
-                            return (0, _routeMatcher).getRouteMatcher(
-                              (0, _getMiddlewareRegex).getMiddlewareRegex(
-                                middleware,
-                                !isSSR
-                              )
-                            )(cleanedAs);
-                          });
-                          if (requiresPreflight) {
-                   = 8;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "next"
-                          });
-                        case 8:
-                 = 10;
-                          return _this._getPreflightData({
-                            preflightHref:,
-                            shouldCache: options.cache,
-                            isPreview: options.isPreview
-                          });
-                        case 10:
-                          preflight = _ctx.sent;
-                          if (!preflight.rewrite) {
-                   = 20;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          if (preflight.rewrite.startsWith("/")) {
-                   = 14;
+                  return _runtimeJs.default.wrap(
+                    function _callee$(_ctx) {
+                      while (1)
+                        switch ((_ctx.prev = {
+                          case 0:
+                            asPathname = pathNoQueryHash(;
+                            cleanedAs = delLocale(
+                              hasBasePath(asPathname)
+                                ? delBasePath(asPathname)
+                                : asPathname,
+                              options.locale
+                            );
+                   = 4;
+                            return _this.pageLoader.getMiddlewareList();
+                          case 4:
+                            fns = _ctx.sent;
+                            requiresPreflight = fns.some(function(param) {
+                              var _param = _slicedToArray(param, 2),
+                                middleware = _param[0],
+                                isSSR = _param[1];
+                              return (0, _routeMatcher).getRouteMatcher(
+                                (0, _getMiddlewareRegex).getMiddlewareRegex(
+                                  middleware,
+                                  !isSSR
+                                )
+                              )(cleanedAs);
+                            });
+                            if (requiresPreflight) {
+                     = 8;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "next"
+                            });
+                          case 8:
+                            _ctx.prev = 9;
+                   = 12;
+                            return _this._getPreflightData({
+                              preflightHref:,
+                              shouldCache: options.cache,
+                              isPreview: options.isPreview
+                            });
+                          case 12:
+                            preflight = _ctx.sent;
+                   = 18;
-                          }
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "redirect",
-                            destination:
-                          });
-                        case 14:
-                          parsed = (0, _parseRelativeUrl).parseRelativeUrl(
-                            (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(
-                              hasBasePath(preflight.rewrite)
-                                ? delBasePath(preflight.rewrite)
-                                : preflight.rewrite,
-                              _this.locales
-                            ).pathname
-                          );
-                          fsPathname = (0,
-                          _normalizeTrailingSlash).removePathTrailingSlash(
-                            parsed.pathname
-                          );
-                          if (options.pages.includes(fsPathname)) {
-                            matchedPage = true;
-                            resolvedHref = fsPathname;
-                          } else {
-                            resolvedHref = resolveDynamicRoute(
-                              fsPathname,
-                              options.pages
+                          case 15:
+                            _ctx.prev = 15;
+                            _ctx.t0 = _ctx["catch"](9);
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "redirect",
+                              destination:
+                            });
+                          case 18:
+                            if (!preflight.rewrite) {
+                     = 27;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            if (preflight.rewrite.startsWith("/")) {
+                     = 21;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "redirect",
+                              destination:
+                            });
+                          case 21:
+                            parsed = (0, _parseRelativeUrl).parseRelativeUrl(
+                              (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(
+                                hasBasePath(preflight.rewrite)
+                                  ? delBasePath(preflight.rewrite)
+                                  : preflight.rewrite,
+                                _this.locales
+                              ).pathname
-                            if (
-                              resolvedHref !== parsed.pathname &&
-                              options.pages.includes(resolvedHref)
-                            ) {
+                            fsPathname = (0,
+                            _normalizeTrailingSlash).removePathTrailingSlash(
+                              parsed.pathname
+                            );
+                            if (options.pages.includes(fsPathname)) {
                               matchedPage = true;
+                              resolvedHref = fsPathname;
+                            } else {
+                              resolvedHref = resolveDynamicRoute(
+                                fsPathname,
+                                options.pages
+                              );
+                              if (
+                                resolvedHref !== parsed.pathname &&
+                                options.pages.includes(resolvedHref)
+                              ) {
+                                matchedPage = true;
+                              }
-                          }
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "rewrite",
-                            asPath: parsed.pathname,
-                            parsedAs: parsed,
-                            matchedPage: matchedPage,
-                            resolvedHref: resolvedHref
-                          });
-                        case 20:
-                          if (!preflight.redirect) {
-                   = 26;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          if (!preflight.redirect.startsWith("/")) {
-                   = 25;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          cleanRedirect = (0,
-                          _normalizeTrailingSlash).removePathTrailingSlash(
-                            (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(
-                              hasBasePath(preflight.redirect)
-                                ? delBasePath(preflight.redirect)
-                                : preflight.redirect,
-                              _this.locales
-                            ).pathname
-                          );
-                          (ref = prepareUrlAs(
-                            _this,
-                            cleanRedirect,
-                            cleanRedirect
-                          )),
-                            (newUrl = ref.url),
-                            (newAs =;
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "redirect",
-                            newUrl: newUrl,
-                            newAs: newAs
-                          });
-                        case 25:
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "redirect",
-                            destination: preflight.redirect
-                          });
-                        case 26:
-                          if (!(preflight.refresh && !preflight.ssr)) {
-                   = 28;
-                            break;
-                          }
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "refresh"
-                          });
-                        case 28:
-                          return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
-                            type: "next"
-                          });
-                        case 29:
-                        case "end":
-                          return _ctx.stop();
-                      }
-                  }, _callee);
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "rewrite",
+                              asPath: parsed.pathname,
+                              parsedAs: parsed,
+                              matchedPage: matchedPage,
+                              resolvedHref: resolvedHref
+                            });
+                          case 27:
+                            if (!preflight.redirect) {
+                     = 33;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            if (!preflight.redirect.startsWith("/")) {
+                     = 32;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            cleanRedirect = (0,
+                            _normalizeTrailingSlash).removePathTrailingSlash(
+                              (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(
+                                hasBasePath(preflight.redirect)
+                                  ? delBasePath(preflight.redirect)
+                                  : preflight.redirect,
+                                _this.locales
+                              ).pathname
+                            );
+                            (ref = prepareUrlAs(
+                              _this,
+                              cleanRedirect,
+                              cleanRedirect
+                            )),
+                              (newUrl = ref.url),
+                              (newAs =;
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "redirect",
+                              newUrl: newUrl,
+                              newAs: newAs
+                            });
+                          case 32:
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "redirect",
+                              destination: preflight.redirect
+                            });
+                          case 33:
+                            if (!(preflight.refresh && !preflight.ssr)) {
+                     = 35;
+                              break;
+                            }
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "refresh"
+                            });
+                          case 35:
+                            return _ctx.abrupt("return", {
+                              type: "next"
+                            });
+                          case 36:
+                          case "end":
+                            return _ctx.stop();
+                        }
+                    },
+                    _callee,
+                    null,
+                    [[9, 15]]
+                  );
Diff for index.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-5ef02dfc5c89364b.js"
+      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-f104aa7b85cd9c1b.js"
Diff for link.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-5ef02dfc5c89364b.js"
+      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-f104aa7b85cd9c1b.js"
Diff for withRouter.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-5ef02dfc5c89364b.js"
+      src="/_next/static/chunks/main-f104aa7b85cd9c1b.js"
Commit: f26ddd5

@kodiakhq kodiakhq bot merged commit 9e4724d into vercel:canary Mar 8, 2022
@nkzawa nkzawa deleted the middleware-preflight-error-hard-navigation branch March 9, 2022 00:27
@github-actions github-actions bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Apr 8, 2022
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None yet

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

Preflight request failures should not block navigation
2 participants