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running a little postgres database without sudo

Most system packages of PostgreSQL assume that you're a Database Administrator who wants to use the computer as A Database Server running one blessed PostgreSQL "cluster" of possibly many databases that other computers can access.

That's not me. When developing, I like to run "a little postgres" that:

  • only touches files in a subdirectory of my project directory,
  • doesn't start running when the system boots,
  • doesn't talk to any other computers,
  • requires no sudo access,
  • doesn't leave logfiles around, and
  • doesn't need me to manage a special database username or password, or specify that to all the database clients.

Since I'm only using this little cluster for the one local application, I don't need to mess around with database names, user names, and passwords; I just have my app use the postgres defaults.

Here's how to do that:


For a walk-through with explanations, skip over this section to "Setup" instead.

export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/:"$PATH"

export PGDATA="$PWD/pgdata"
export PGHOST="$PGDATA/sockets"
export PGDATABASE="postgres"
export PGUSER="$USER"

pg_ctl init

mkdir -p "$PGDATA/sockets"
echo "unix_socket_directories = 'sockets'" >> "$PGDATA/postgresql.conf"
echo "listen_addresses = ''" >> "$PGDATA/postgresql.conf"

pg_ctl start
createdb postgres_test # for tildemush unit tests


install postgres, somehow

  • technically, this step will require sudo
    • unless you install it by hand within your home directory
    • or you have a cool system like GuixSD that lets normal users install packages
    • but that's a bit beyond the scope of these instructions

debian: sudo apt-get install postgresql

if you prefer, configure it not to start at boot time:


sudo systemctl disable postgresql
sudo systemctl stop postgresql

locate pg_ctl

we'll be using the postgresql program pg_ctl. figure out where it got installed.

  • it might just be on your path: which pg_ctl
  • on my debian box, it gets installed to /usr/lib/postgresql/(version)/bin/
  • in instructions below, I'll say /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_ctl but you can replace this with the path to yours.

set some environment variables

export PGDATA="$PWD/pgdata"
export PGHOST="$PGDATA/sockets"
  • This should be done from the root of your project directory, but you can adjust it as you like.
  • I like to configure these to always be set by adding those lines to the end of the venv/bin/activate script. Otherwise you'll have to run them again next time you open a terminal to run the database and server.

create the database "cluster"

one postgresql process can manage a bunch of databases for you. it calls that collection of databases the "cluster".

we'll make one in a subdirectory of our projects directory.

/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_ctl init --auth-local trust --auth-host reject

  • this will look at $PGDATA to figure out that it should create files in the directory pgdata.
  • you can leave off the --auth-local and --auth-host stuff. it will warn you, but it's safe.

set up the sockets directory

usually postgres wants to put its sockets somewhere like /var/run/postgresql/. but you need sudo for that! so let's change it.

mkdir -p "$PGDATA/sockets"
echo "unix_socket_directories = 'sockets'" >> "$PGDATA/postgresql.conf"

usually postgres listens to its sockets, but also to a port on an ip address like localhost. which means you'd have to make sure that other instances of postgres aren't trying to talk to the same port. we don't need all that, and sockets are faster anyway!

echo "listen_addresses = ''" >> "$PGDATA/postgresql.conf"

that's it

You'll need to do that stuff above once. After that, here's how to use your database:


Remember, those environment variables need to be set. If you didn't set that up to happen automatically, you'll have to do that again now. After that:


/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_ctl start

The database will run in the background and spew its logs into the current terminal window.


/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_ctl stop

connecting clients

Most client software like psql can now connect to your database as long as it has the same $PGHOST set in its environment.

Some software will pick its own connection settings that don't match PostgreSQL's defaults. For those, you may additionally need to set:

export PGDATABASE="postgres"
export PGUSER="$USER"

Some software won't even look at the libpq environment variables. Here's what you need to tell it:

  • Host: the absolute path to the sockets directory ($PGDATA/sockets)
  • Port: 5432
  • Database: postgres
  • Username: the same as your unix username ($USER)
  • Password: none

Other things

  • You could add /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/ to your $PATH so you don't have to type it out to use pg_ctl
  • You could put a symlink to /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_sql somewhere that's already on your $PATH
  • If you don't like environment variables, you can use explicit options like -D to specify the path to PostgreSQL's data directory ($PGDATA)
  • You can tell it to use a logfile if you like.