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641 lines (423 loc) · 19.9 KB

File metadata and controls

641 lines (423 loc) · 19.9 KB


Vitest provides utility functions to help you out through its vi helper. You can access it globally (when globals configuration is enabled), or import from vitest:

import { vi } from 'vitest'


  • Type: (ms: number) => Vitest

    Works just like runAllTimers, but will end after passed milliseconds. For example this will log 1, 2, 3 and will not throw:

    let i = 0
    setInterval(() => console.log(++i), 50)


  • Type: (ms: number) => Promise<Vitest>

    Works just like runAllTimersAsync, but will end after passed milliseconds. This will include asynchronously set timers. For example this will log 1, 2, 3 and will not throw:

    let i = 0
    setInterval(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(++i)), 50)
    await vi.advanceTimersByTimeAsync(150)


  • Type: () => Vitest

    Will call next available timer. Useful to make assertions between each timer call. You can chain call it to manage timers by yourself.

    let i = 0
    setInterval(() => console.log(++i), 50)
    vi.advanceTimersToNextTimer() // log 1
      .advanceTimersToNextTimer() // log 2
      .advanceTimersToNextTimer() // log 3


  • Type: () => Promise<Vitest>

    Will call next available timer even if it was set asynchronously. Useful to make assertions between each timer call. You can chain call it to manage timers by yourself.

    let i = 0
    setInterval(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log(++i)), 50)
    vi.advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync() // log 1
      .advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync() // log 2
      .advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync() // log 3


  • Type: () => number

    Get the number of waiting timers.


Will call .mockClear() on all spies. This will clear mock history, but not reset its implementation to the default one.


Removes all timers that are scheduled to run. These timers will never run in the future.


Wait for all imports to load. Useful, if you have a synchronous call that starts importing a module, that you cannot wait otherwise.


  • Type: (fn?: Function) => CallableMockInstance

    Creates a spy on a function, though can be initiated without one. Every time a function is invoked, it stores its call arguments, returns, and instances. Also, you can manipulate its behavior with methods. If no function is given, mock will return undefined, when invoked.

    const getApples = vi.fn(() => 0)
    const res = getApples()
    expect(getApples).toHaveNthReturnedWith(2, 5)


  • Type: () => Date | null

    Returns mocked current date that was set using setSystemTime. If date is not mocked, will return null.


  • Type: () => number

    When using vi.useFakeTimers, calls are mocked. If you need to get real time in milliseconds, you can call this function.


  • Type: (path: string, factory?: () => unknown) => void

    Substitutes all imported modules from provided path with another module. You can use configured Vite aliases inside a path. The call to vi.mock is hoisted, so it doesn't matter where you call it. It will always be executed before all imports.

    ::: warning vi.mock works only for modules that were imported with the import keyword. It doesn't work with require.

    Vitest statically analyzes your files to hoist vi.mock. It means that you cannot use vi that was not imported directly from vitest package (for example, from some utility file). To fix this, always use vi.mock with vi imported from vitest, or enable globals config option. :::

    If factory is defined, all imports will return its result. Vitest calls factory only once and caches result for all subsequent imports until vi.unmock or vi.doUnmock is called.

    Unlike in jest, the factory can be asynchronous, so you can use vi.importActual or a helper, received as the first argument, inside to get the original module.

    vi.mock('./path/to/module.js', async (importOriginal) => {
      const mod = await importOriginal()
      return {
        // replace some exports
        namedExport: vi.fn(),

    ::: warning vi.mock is hoisted (in other words, moved) to top of the file. It means that whenever you write it (be it inside beforeEach or test), it will actually be called before that.

    This also means that you cannot use any variables inside the factory that are defined outside the factory.

    If you need to use variables inside the factory, try vi.doMock. It works the same way but isn't hoisted. Beware that it only mocks subsequent imports. :::

    ::: warning If you are mocking a module with default export, you will need to provide a default key within the returned factory function object. This is an ES modules-specific caveat, therefore jest documentation may differ as jest uses CommonJS modules. For example,

    vi.mock('./path/to/module.js', () => {
      return {
        default: { myDefaultKey: vi.fn() },
        namedExport: vi.fn(),
        // etc...


    If there is a __mocks__ folder alongside a file that you are mocking, and the factory is not provided, Vitest will try to find a file with the same name in the __mocks__ subfolder and use it as an actual module. If you are mocking a dependency, Vitest will try to find a __mocks__ folder in the root of the project (default is process.cwd()).

    For example, you have this file structure:

    - __mocks__
      - axios.js
    - src
        - increment.js
      - increment.js
    - tests
      - increment.test.js

    If you call vi.mock in a test file without a factory provided, it will find a file in the __mocks__ folder to use as a module:

    // increment.test.js
    import { vi } from 'vitest'
    // axios is a default export from `__mocks__/axios.js`
    import axios from 'axios'
    // increment is a named export from `src/__mocks__/increment.js`
    import { increment } from '../increment.js'

    ::: warning Beware that if you don't call vi.mock, modules are not mocked automatically. :::

    If there is no __mocks__ folder or a factory provided, Vitest will import the original module and auto-mock all its exports. For the rules applied, see algorithm.


  • Type: (path: string, factory?: () => unknown) => void

    The same as vi.mock, but it's not hoisted at the top of the file, so you can reference variables in the global file scope. The next import of the module will be mocked. This will not mock modules that were imported before this was called.

// ./increment.js
export const increment = number => number + 1
import { beforeEach, test } from 'vitest'
import { increment } from './increment.js'

// the module is not mocked, because vi.doMock is not called yet
increment(1) === 2

let mockedIncrement = 100

beforeEach(() => {
  // simple doMock doesn't clear the previous cache, so we need to clear it manually here
  // you can access variables inside a factory
  vi.doMock('./increment.js', () => ({ increment: () => mockedIncrement++ }))

test('importing the next module imports mocked one', () => {
  // original import WAS NOT MOCKED, because vi.doMock is evaluated AFTER imports
  const { increment: mockedIncrement } = await import('./increment.js')
  // new import returns mocked module


  • Type: <T>(obj: T, deep?: boolean) => MaybeMockedDeep<T>

  • Type: <T>(obj: T, options?: { partial?: boolean; deep?: boolean }) => MaybePartiallyMockedDeep<T>

    Type helper for TypeScript. In reality just returns the object that was passed.

    When partial is true it will expect a Partial<T> as a return value.

    import example from './example'
    test('1+1 equals 2', async () => {
      const res = example.calc(1, '+', 1)


  • Type: <T>(path: string) => Promise<T>

    Imports module, bypassing all checks if it should be mocked. Can be useful if you want to mock module partially.

    vi.mock('./example', async () => {
      const axios = await vi.importActual('./example')
      return { ...axios, get: vi.fn() }


  • Type: <T>(path: string) => Promise<MaybeMockedDeep<T>>

    Imports a module with all of its properties (including nested properties) mocked. Follows the same rules that vi.mock follows. For the rules applied, see algorithm.


Will call .mockReset() on all spies. This will clear mock history and reset its implementation to an empty function (will return undefined).


  • Type: RuntimeConfig

    If vi.setConfig was called before, this will reset config to the original state.


  • Type: () => Vitest

    Resets modules registry by clearing cache of all modules. Might be useful to isolate modules where local state conflicts between tests.

    import { vi } from 'vitest'
    beforeAll(() => {
    test('change state', async () => {
      const mod = await import('./some/path')
      mod.changeLocalState('new value')
      expect(mod.getlocalState()).toBe('new value')
    test('module has old state', async () => {
      const mod = await import('./some/path')
      expect(mod.getlocalState()).toBe('old value')

::: warning Does not reset mocks registry. To clear mocks registry, use vi.unmock or vi.doUnmock. :::


Will call .mockRestore() on all spies. This will clear mock history and reset its implementation to the original one.


  • Type: () => void

    Restores Date back to its native implementation.


  • Type: (name: string, value: string) => Vitest

  • Version: Since Vitest 0.26.0

    Changes the value of environmental variable on process.env and import.meta.env. You can restore its value by calling vi.unstubAllEnvs.

import { vi } from 'vitest'

// `process.env.NODE_ENV` and `import.meta.env.NODE_ENV`
// are "development" before calling "vi.stubEnv"

vi.stubEnv('NODE_ENV', 'production')

process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
import.meta.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
// doesn't change other envs
import.meta.env.MODE === 'development'

:::tip You can also change the value by simply assigning it, but you won't be able to use vi.unstubAllEnvs to restore previous value:

import.meta.env.MODE = 'test'


:::warning Vitest transforms all import.meta.env calls into process.env, so they can be easily changed at runtime. Node.js only supports string values as env parameters, while Vite supports several built-in envs as boolean (namely, SSR, DEV, PROD). To mimic Vite, set "truthy" values as env: '' instead of false, and '1' instead of true.

But beware that you cannot rely on import.meta.env.DEV === false in this case. Use !import.meta.env.DEV. This also affects simple assigning, not just vi.stubEnv method. :::


  • Type: () => Vitest

  • Version: Since Vitest 0.26.0

    Restores all import.meta.env and process.env values that were changed with vi.stubEnv. When it's called for the first time, Vitest remembers the original value and will store it, until unstubAllEnvs is called again.

import { vi } from 'vitest'

// `process.env.NODE_ENV` and `import.meta.env.NODE_ENV`
// are "development" before calling stubEnv

vi.stubEnv('NODE_ENV', 'production')

process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
import.meta.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

vi.stubEnv('NODE_ENV', 'staging')

process.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging'
import.meta.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging'


// restores to the value that were stored before the first "stubEnv" call
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
import.meta.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'


  • Type: (name: string | number | symbol, value: unknown) => Vitest

    Changes the value of global variable. You can restore its original value by calling vi.unstubAllGlobals.

import { vi } from 'vitest'

// `innerWidth` is "0" before callling stubGlobal

vi.stubGlobal('innerWidth', 100)

innerWidth === 100
globalThis.innerWidth === 100
// if you are using jsdom or happy-dom
window.innerWidth === 100

:::tip You can also change the value by simply assigning it to globalThis or window (if you are using jsdom or happy-dom environment), but you won't be able to use vi.unstubAllGlobals to restore original value:

globalThis.innerWidth = 100
// if you are using jsdom or happy-dom
window.innerWidth = 100



  • Type: () => Vitest

  • Version: Since Vitest 0.26.0

    Restores all global values on globalThis/global (and window/top/self/parent, if you are using jsdom or happy-dom environment) that were changed with vi.stubGlobal. When it's called for the first time, Vitest remembers the original value and will store it, until unstubAllGlobals is called again.

import { vi } from 'vitest'

const Mock = vi.fn()

// IntersectionObserver is "undefined" before calling "stubGlobal"

vi.stubGlobal('IntersectionObserver', Mock)

IntersectionObserver === Mock
global.IntersectionObserver === Mock
globalThis.IntersectionObserver === Mock
// if you are using jsdom or happy-dom
window.IntersectionObserver === Mock


globalThis.IntersectionObserver === undefined
'IntersectionObserver' in globalThis === false
// throws ReferenceError, because it's not defined
IntersectionObserver === undefined


  • Type: () => Vitest

    Calls every microtask that was queued by proccess.nextTick. This will also run all microtasks scheduled by themselves.


  • Type: () => Vitest

    This method will invoke every initiated timer until the timers queue is empty. It means that every timer called during runAllTimers will be fired. If you have an infinite interval, it will throw after 10 000 tries. For example this will log 1, 2, 3:

    let i = 0
    setTimeout(() => console.log(++i))
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
      if (i === 3)
    }, 50)


  • Type: () => Promise<Vitest>

    This method will asynchronously invoke every initiated timer until the timers queue is empty. It means that every timer called during runAllTimersAsync will be fired even asynchronous timers. If you have an infinite interval, it will throw after 10 000 tries. For example this will log result:

    setTimeout(async () => {
      console.log(await Promise.resolve('result'))
    }, 100)
    await vi.runAllTimersAsync()


  • Type: () => Vitest

    This method will call every timer that was initiated after vi.useFakeTimers() call. It will not fire any timer that was initiated during its call. For example this will only log 1:

    let i = 0
    setInterval(() => console.log(++i), 50)


  • Type: () => Promise<Vitest>

    This method will asynchronously call every timer that was initiated after vi.useFakeTimers() call, even asynchronous ones. It will not fire any timer that was initiated during its call. For example this will log 2, 3, 3, 1:

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 100)
    setTimeout(() => {
      Promise.resolve().then(() => {
        setInterval(() => {
        }, 40)
    }, 10)
    await vi.runOnlyPendingTimersAsync()


  • Type: (date: string | number | Date) => void

    Sets current date to the one that was passed. All Date calls will return this date.

    Useful if you need to test anything that depends on the current date - for example luxon calls inside your code.

    const date = new Date(1998, 11, 19)


  • Type: RuntimeConfig

    Updates config for the current test file. You can only affect values that are used, when executing tests.


  • Type: <T, K extends keyof T>(object: T, method: K, accessType?: 'get' | 'set') => MockInstance

    Creates a spy on a method or getter/setter of an object.

    let apples = 0
    const obj = {
      getApples: () => 13,
    const spy = vi.spyOn(obj, 'getApples').mockImplementation(() => apples)
    apples = 1


  • Type: (key: keyof globalThis & Window, value: any) => Vitest

    Puts a value on global variable. If you are using jsdom or happy-dom, also puts the value on window object.

    Read more in "Mocking Globals" section.


  • Type: (path: string) => void

    Removes module from the mocked registry. All calls to import will return the original module even if it was mocked before. This call is hoisted (moved) to the top of the file, so it will only unmock modules that were defined in setupFiles, for example.


  • Type: (path: string) => void

    The same as vi.unmock, but is not hoisted to the top of the file. The next import of the module will import the original module instead of the mock. This will not unmock previously imported modules.

// ./increment.js
export const increment = number => number + 1
import { increment } from './increment.js'

// increment is already mocked, because vi.mock is hoisted
increment(1) === 100

// this is hoisted, and factory is called before the import on line 1
vi.mock('./increment.js', () => ({ increment: () => 100 }))

// all calls are mocked, and `increment` always returns 100
increment(1) === 100
increment(30) === 100

// this is not hoisted, so other import will return unmocked module

// this STILL returns 100, because `vi.doUnmock` doesn't reevaluate a module
increment(1) === 100
increment(30) === 100

// the next import is unmocked, now `increment` is the original function that returns count + 1
const { increment: unmockedIncrement } = await import('./increment.js')

unmockedIncrement(1) === 2
unmockedIncrement(30) === 31


  • Type: () => Vitest

    To enable mocking timers, you need to call this method. It will wrap all further calls to timers (such as setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval, nextTick, setImmediate, clearImmediate, and Date), until vi.useRealTimers() is called.

    The implementation is based internally on @sinonjs/fake-timers.


  • Type: () => Vitest

    When timers are run out, you may call this method to return mocked timers to its original implementations. All timers that were run before will not be restored.