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A React-like library for Godot 4.

Includes components, virtual tree, fragments, contexts, portals, refs and hooks.


Everything is exposed through global rea class.

To install the addon you need to place addons/rea folder under the same name into your project addons folder and enable it in Project > Project Settings > Plugins.

Rea tries to match React's api where it makes sense but deviates to addapt to Godot's nature.


There are two type of components - pure functional and node ones. Both represent a render function which receives an argument of type rea.Arg and outputs some rea.Descriptor.

Node components are attached to node instances and their render must return rea.NodeDescriptor which will be applied to their node. Node's render function will be called either right after _init or right before _enter_tree. A node component automatically acts as a root, there is no need to call mount or unmount like in React (though there is an option for such usage with rea.apply).

There are two ways to define a node component. By extending rea.Component or by calling rea.component.init and rea.component.notify.


Extend rea.Component and define an override for render method:

extends rea.Component

func render(arg: rea.Arg) -> rea.NodeDescriptor:
  return rea.node(self)

rea.Component provides instance method rerender. And that's it.


rea.Component extends Node, if for some reason there is a need to extend another base rea.component can be used. Simply call rea.component.init and rea.component.notify in corresponding virtual functions like that:

extends Whatever # Whatever has to be a Node subclass

func _init() -> void:
  rea.component.init(self, self.render)

func _notification(what: int) -> void:
  rea.component.notify(self, what)

func render(arg: rea.Arg) -> rea.NodeDescriptor:
  return rea.node(self)

The render function does not have to be called render. It does not have to be a method, can be a lambda.

func init(node: Node, callable: Callable) -> void

Should be called in script's _init method. callable is of signature (arg: rea.Arg) -> rea.NodeDescriptor.

func notify(node: Node, what: int) -> void

Should be called in script's _nofity method.

func rerender(node: Node) -> void

Triggers rerendering of node. Useful if a render function depends on changeable things which are outside of its scope.


class Arg:
  var ref: Callable = Callable()
  var persistent: bool = false
  var data: Variant = null
  var props: Dictionary = {}
  var signals: Dictionary = {}
  var children: rea.FragmentDescriptor = null
  var portals: rea.FragmentDescriptor = null

The single argument of that type will be passed to renderable components.
An arg gets produced from an element's description.


Descriptors are used to describe intended layout. In React those are usually generated with jsx syntax. In Rea you create descriptors with helper functions that return builders with chainable methods to set corresponding attributes.


This a base class for descriptors. Here are methods that can be called on all of them.

func tap(tap: Callable)

Calls tap with the descriptor, a return value is ignored.

func arg(arg: rea.Arg)

Sets relevant attributes from arg on the descriptor.

func key(key: Variant)

Ensures that the descriptor updates are sent to the right element. Same as in React.

func portals(portals: Array[rea.Descriptor])

Adds nested descriptors. They may describe nodes anywhere in an actual tree.


This is a base class for descriptors that represent a single node.

func node(node: Node) -> rea.NodeDescriptor

Describes a preexisting node.

func path(path: NodePath, node: Node = null) -> rea.PathDescriptor

Describes a preexisting node that is searched with get_node at mount of the descriptor. get_node is called on first node parent of a path descriptor, or node if it is provided.

func type(type: Variant, script: GDScript = null) -> rea.TypeDescriptor

Describes a new node created by calling constructor of type. type can be a native Node class (Node, Control or others) or some custom GDScript. To attach custom GDScript to a subtype of its parent class use script.

func scene(scene: PackedScene) -> rea.SceneDescriptor

Describes a new node created by instantiating scene.

func children(children: Array[rea.Descriptor])

Adds nested descriptors. Nodes of the descriptors will be made children of the described node and moved approprietly.

func hollow(is_hollow: bool = true)

By default a node element is hollow, meaning it does not have described children and does not touches its actual children. It can be very convinient to have a customly created node or new instantiated scene with a preexisting hierarchy that you can control with portals without a need to describe the full tree. The moment children() is called (or arg() with children on it) a descriptor stops being hollow. To ensure that nothing will be touched hollow() can be called.

func props(props: Dictionary)
func prop(key: StringName, value: Variant)
func propi(key: NodePath, value: Variant)

Adds props to already set ones.

Before a prop is set on an actual node, the previous value of the property will be retrieved and saved. On element's unmount (or removal of the prop from a descriptor) that previous value will be restored.

Use rea.ignore (described at the bottom) as a value to revert a prop to its before-mount value and not set it to null.

If a key is NodePath then set_indexed will be used (and get_indexed for saving value).

func binds(signals: Dictionary)
func bind(key: StringName, callable: Callable)

Adds signals to already set ones.

func ref(ref: Callable)

Calls ref with a node on mount and null on umnount.

func data(data: Variant)

Sets any data on rea.Arg. For custom logic in render functions.

func nullable(is_nullable: bool = true)

Allows silently skipping descriptors that describe optional nodes which are expected to be null in some cases.

func rendered(is_rendered: bool = true)

If a described node is a Rea node component and you want to affect its render function - to pass things with rea.Arg or through sharing of context - then call this method.

If a Rea node component is mounted without it being described as rendered() it will act as a root and will do it's own render thing, but without recieving filled rea.Arg or sharing of context.

Only one element can call a render function of a node, so you cannot use rendered() on already mounted node component. But nothing stops same node being used by multiple elements from same or different render trees without touching rendering.

func persistent(is_persistent: bool = true)

By default any node described by a descriptor will be called queue_free() on when corresponding element unmounts. Does not matter if it is in portals or children, if the node was created specifically from descriptor or if it was existing before.

To take responsibility for node's destruction and prevent default freeing behaviour persistent() has to be called.


Describes a collection of aready existing nodes. Common case is to create it with rea.use.memo to store initial children of a node component when there is a need to work with children.

func nodes() -> rea.NodesDescriptor
func persistent(is_persistent: bool = true)

Marks nodes as independent in lifecycle from the descriptor. Same as for node.

func nodes(nodes: Array[Node])

Sets nodes of the descriptor.


Describes usage of a pure functional component. It has all of rea.NodedDescriptor attribute methods except renderable().

func callable(callable: Callable) -> rea.CallableDescriptor

callable is of signature (arg: rea.Arg) -> rea.Descriptor.


Groups multiple descriptors as one. Usual usage cases are optimizations with key attribute or as a return in a function component. Has only basic attributes plus children(), hollow().

func fragment() -> rea.FragmentDescriptor


Sets a context for its children/portals that they can access through rea.use.context hook in a render function. Otherwise same as rea.FragmentDescriptor.

Context identifier is a custom class that has static function get_fallback returning a default value to be used.

func context(context: GDScript, value: Variant) -> rea.ContextDescriptor

To use a default value of context pass rea.ignore as a value.


Those correspond directly to React ones of the same name. So comments here are mostly about differences from original ones.


func state(initial_value: Variant) -> rea.use.State

class State extends RefCounted:
  value: Variant
  update: Callable # func(value: Variant) -> void

There is no destructuring or tuples in Godot so an object is returned.
It has value property and update callable, same in functionality as in React.
This is not a reference, new state object will be created for each update.
update lifecylce is separate from the object, it works even after outdated state object is garbage collected.


func effect(update: Callable, deps: Array = []) -> void

No immediate effect analog implemented yet, only this one, deferred.


func context(context: GDScript) -> Variant

context is both an identifier and a default value provider.


func reducer(reducer: Callable, initial_value: Variant, init: Callable = Callable()) -> rea.use.Reducer

class Reducer extends RefCounted:
  value: Variant
  update: Callable # func(action: Variant) -> void

Same as in state hook returns an object with value and update.


func callback(callback: Callable, deps: Array = []) -> Callable


func memo(producer: Callable, deps: Array = []) -> Variant


func ref(initial_value: Variant = null) -> rea.use.Ref

Returns object with mutable current property and update method that sets said property.
update method can be passed to ref method of a node descriptor.



const ignore: Variant

Means absence of a value to distringuish cases where you want to use null as an actual intended value.
Can be passed to descriptor's prop method or context descriptor builder.


const noop: Callable

Empty Callable(), nothing more.


func is_ignore(value: Variant) -> bool

Checks if value is a rea.ignore.


func apply(element: NodeElement, descriptor: NodeDescriptor) -> NodeElement

To mount an element - call apply(null, descriptor) and save returned element. To update a mounted element - call apply(element, descriptor) and save the result. To unmount - call apply(element, null).

Update may case unmount of the element and then mount of new one if a passed descriptor does not match that of a passed element.


Two projects that gave inspiration to try - Goduz and ReactGD.