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Hercules Tracing API


Tracing API is an HTTP-service allowing to find tracings in storage by traceId or traceId+parentSpanId.

API requests will return JSON as the response.

API methods

swagger documentation


Description: The method to ping service.

Method: GET

URL: /ping

Response codes:

200 - successfully ping.


Description: The method to get service information.

Method: GET

URL: /about

Response codes:

200 - successfully getting service information.

Response body:

Response body contains information about service:

applicationName - human readable application name
applicationId - robot readable application name
version - application version
commitId - commit id
environment - environment in which service is running (production, testing etc.)
zone - datacenter in which instance is located
hostName - server host name
instanceId - instance identifier

Get trace

Description: The method provides traces by traceId or traceId+parentSpanId from Cassandra. A client specifies traceId to get traces matching it. The client can additionally specify parentSpanId and get a trace mathing these traceId and parentSpanId.

Method: GET

URL: /trace

Query parameters:

traceId - unique identifier of the trace containing the span (GUID).

parentSpanId (optional) - unique identifier of the parent span in the tree (GUID)

limit (optional) - count limit of traces in response.

pagingState (optional) - paging state, is used for paging of result.

Request example:

GET /trace?traceId=1a2b3c4d-9bec-40b0-839b-cc51e2abcdef&parentSpanId=abcdef12-acde-4675-9322-f96cc1234567 HTTP/1.1

Response codes:

Code Description
200 A response as JSON is received.
400 Invalid request body or parameters (see response message for details).
500 Internal error while processing request.

Response headers:

ContentType: application/json

Response body example:

            "SomeKey":"Some brilliant string"


Application is configured through properties file.

Main Application settings - server host, default value:

application.port - server port, default value: 8080

Application context settings

context.environment - id of environment - id of zone - id of instance

Graphite metrics reporter settings

metrics.graphite.server.addr - hostname of graphite instance to which metrics are sent, default value: localhost

metrics.graphite.server.port - port of graphite instance, default value: 2003

metrics.graphite.prefix - prefix added to metric name

metrics.period - the period with which metrics are sent to graphite, default value: 60

Tracing format settings

tracing.format.timestamp.enable - set value false (should not use event timestamp as field)

tracing.format.file - path to the mapping file. Can use resource://tracing.mapping. See MappingLoader for details, required

Tracing Reader settings

reader.source - traces source (CASSANDRA or CLICKHOUSE), default value: CASSANDRA

Cassandra Tracing Reader settings

reader.table - table name in Cassandra

Apache Cassandra settings

See Apache Cassandra Config from Apache Cassandra documentation. Main settings are presented below.

reader.cassandra.dataCenter - local Cassandra DC, default value: datacenter1

reader.cassandra.nodes - nodes of Cassandra in form <host>[:port][,<host>[:port],...], default value:, also, default port value is 9042

reader.cassandra.maxNodesPerRemoteDc - count of nodes in each remote DC, default value: 0

reader.cassandra.keyspace - keyspace in Cassandra, default value: hercules

reader.cassandra.requestTimeoutMs - request to Cassandra timeout, default value: 12000

reader.cassandra.connectionsPerHostLocal - connections per local Cassandra node (see Cassandra docs for details), default value: 4

reader.cassandra.connectionsPerHostRemote - connections per remote Cassandra node (see Cassandra docs for details), default value: 2

reader.cassandra.maxRequestsPerConnection - max requests per connection, default value: 1024

reader.cassandra.consistencyLevel - consistency level (see Cassandra docs for details), default value: QUORUM

reader.cassandra.auth.enable - if Cassandra requires authentication then set this property value to true and specify credential in the respective properties, default value: false

reader.cassandra.auth.provider.username - username which is needed for Cassandra authentication. Required if cassandra.auth.enable is set to true, otherwise value is ignored.

reader.cassandra.auth.provider.password - password which is needed for Cassandra authentication. Required if cassandra.auth.enable is set to true, otherwise value is ignored.

reader.cassandra.auth.provider.class - name of the class which is needed for Cassandra authentication. Only classes that implements com.datastax.driver.core.AuthProvider should be specified, default value: PlainTextAuthProvider

ClickHouse Tracing Reader settings

reader.table - table name in ClickHouse

reader.retry.limit - maximum retry-attempts count when getting response from ClickHouse, default value: 1

ClickHouse settings

reader.clickhouse.nodes - ClickHouse node:port comma-separated list, default value: localhost:8123

reader.clickhouse.db - database name in ClickHouse, default value: default

reader.clickhouse.validationIntervalMs - interval in millis to validate open connections and re-create failed ones, default value: 10000 - base scope for ClickHouse connection properties, see JDBC driver docs for details

Http Server settings

http.server.ioThreads - the number of IO threads. IO threads are used to read incoming requests and perform non-blocking tasks. One IO thread per CPU core should be enough. Default value is implementation specific.

http.server.workerThreads - the number of worker threads. Worker threads are used to process long running requests and perform blocking tasks. Default value is implementation specific.

http.server.rootPath - base url, default value: /

http.server.readTimeout - Configure a read timeout for a socket, in milliseconds.

http.server.writeTimeout - Configure a write timeout for a socket, in milliseconds.

http.server.requestParseTimeout - The maximum allowed time of reading HTTP request in milliseconds. -1 or missing value disables this functionality.

http.server.idleTimeout - The idle timeout in milliseconds after which the channel will be closed. If the underlying channel already has a read or write timeout set the smaller of the two values will be used for read/write timeouts.

http.server.noRequestTimeout - The amount of time the connection can be idle with no current requests before it is closed.

Command line

java $JAVA_OPTS -jar hercules-sentry-sink.jar

Quick start


Table tracing_spans for tracing spans should be created. sample:




